scholarly journals The Essence of Poetry Application as Indonesian Pop Songs Lyrics in the Perspective of Utilitarianism Ethical Axiology

2021 ◽  
Ching Sioe ◽  
Wahyuningtyas Krisnawati Wibowo ◽  
Assyifa Intan Ramadhanti ◽  
Nurul Mumtaz ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Background: The existence of literature among the younger generation is increasingly difficult to detect. Meanwhile, literature plays an important role in character education as well as the existence of bahasa Indonesia as the national language. One form of literature whose popularity is declining is poetry. Using poems as song lyrics is a new way to deliver poetry. Aim: This study aims to determine the essence of poetries application as Indonesian pop song lyrics on the spread of literature. Methods: The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with an open questionnaire data collection method and interview. The population is Faculty of Humanities (FIB) of Universitas Airlangga students from the cohort of 2019-2021. The sample was taken using a random sampling technique with the number 40 respondents for the questionnaire and 14 participants for the interview. For the questionnaire, the respondents were asked to interpret three lyric snippets of popular pop songs in Indonesia. The purpose of the questionnaire was to measure the respondent's level of understanding of the song lyrics so that conclusions could be drawn. The data analysis method was done using the classification technique, which was grouping the answers from the questionnaire into four categories, namely: 1). completely understand, 2). somewhat understand, 3). do not quite understand, and 4). do not understand at all. Results: The results show that the use of poetry as song lyrics has an effect on increasing respondents' literary understanding. Recommendation: Younger generation should utilize songs as media for dissemination as well as learning literature, especially poetry. Limitation: However, further in-depth research is needed due to the limitations of this study. The respondents and participants involved are still restricted to FIB students from Universitas Airlangga, hence the resulting data does not represent the young generation from all over Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vicki Enggal Saputra

AbstractThe changing times demand the increasing competitiveness and mindset of society, as well as the younger generation. Therefore to face fierce global competition, the younger generation (students) must be equipped with language skills through learning in schools. Language in the global era becomes a very important communication tool as well as in the field of science. Indonesian functions as the national language. In addition, Indonesian also functions as a language of science so that it is used as the language of instruction in all educational institutions in Indonesia. In Indonesian language language skills are needed. Language skills are divided into four, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. So in Indonesian language we must be able to master language skills. In increasing critical reading efforts, readers are expected to keep practicing to hone their concentration in the reading process. The reader must be able to classify the type of reading according to its form. It is hoped that after reading this article, readers can better understand scientific work and can become a reference in scientific writing. By reading critically scientific works, we can get benefits, one of which can add insight knowledge. Therefore let's read, read and continue reading. Keywords: Language, young generation, language skills, Critical Reading, scientific workAbstrakBerubahnya zaman menuntut semakin meningkatnya daya saing dan pola pikir masyarakat, begitu pula generasi muda. Karenanya untuk menghadapi persaingan global yang ketat, generasi muda (peserta didik) harus dibekali dengan keterampilan berbahasa melalui pembelajaran di sekolah. Bahasa di era global menjadi alat komunikasi yang sangat penting begitu juga dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan. Bahasa Indonesia berfungsi sebagai bahasa nasional. Selain itu, bahasa Indonesia juga berfungsi sebagai bahasa ilmu sehingga digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar disemua lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia. Dalam berbahasa indonesia di butuhkan keterampilan berbahasa. Keterampilan berbahasa dibagi menjadi empat, yaitu memyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis. Jadi dalam berbahasa indonesia kita harus bisa menguasai keterampilan berbahasa. Dalam meningkatkan upaya membaca kritis, diharapkan pembaca tetap berlatih untuk mengasah konsentrasi dalam proses membaca. Pembaca harus dapat mengklasifikasi jenis membaca menurut bentuknya. Diharapkan setelah membaca artikel ini, pembaca dapat lebih memahami karya ilmiah dan dapat menjadi referensi dalam menulis ilmiah. Dengan membaca kritis karya ilmiah, kita dapat memperoleh manfaat yang salah satunya dapat menambah wawasan pengetahuan. Oleh karena itu mari membaca, membaca dan terus membaca. Kata kunci: Bahasa, generasi muda, keterampilan berbahasa, Membaca Kritis, karya ilmiah

Tamaddun ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Andi Puspitasari

Speaking is very closely related to the culture of a generation. The generation of this country is increasingly immersed in the fading of a deeper Indonesian language, maybe the Indonesian language will be increasingly staggered in shouldering its burden as a national language and national identity. In such conditions, it is necessary to provide guidance and fertilization early on to the young generation so that they do not follow the use of foreign languages. The influence of the current of globalization in national identity is reflected in the behavior of people who are starting to leave Indonesian and are accustomed to using slang. Today it is clear that in many society the use of slang and compounded by the younger generation of Indonesians who are also inseparable from the use of slang. In fact, this young generation uses the most and creates slang in the community. Another phenomenon is the language of Alay which is often used in social media and daily conversation. The shift in word structure that occurs at the present time and is carried out by many circles forms the emergence of new vocabulary that marginalizes formality in language.

Warisman Sinaga

Masyarakat Batak Toba telah terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, apalagi yang hidup di perkotaan. Pada umumnya mereka mampu berbahasa Indonesia karena  bilingual, yakni mampu menggunakan dua bahasa. Bahkan intensitas pemakaian bahasa Indonesia lebih tinggi dibanding bahasa Batak. Hal ini akan menimbulkan masalah dalam pemertahanan bahasa. Sikap generasi muda sangat menentukan akan keberlangsungan bahasa daerah ini. Bahasa daerah akan punah apabila penutur bahasa daerah itu habis. Agar tidak terjadi kepunahan bahasa daerah, maka diharapkan bahasa tersebut senantiasa digunakan mulai dari lingkungan keluarga, tempat tinggal, dan lingkungan bekerja. Teori yang digunakan untuk menguraikan masalah ini adalah teori sosiolinguistik, dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan pembahasan diketahui bahwa generasi muda Batak merasa bangga mampu menggunakan bahasa Batak (97,5%). Generasi muda Batak juga menyadari bahwa penguasaan bahasa Batak sangatlah penting (95%). Kurangnya kemampuan generasi muda berbahasa Batak disebabkan orang tuanya mengajari mereka di rumah cenderung dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (50%).   The Toba Batak people are accustomed to using Indonesian, especially those living in urban areas. In general, they are able to speak Indonesian because they are bilingual, which is able to use two languages. Even the intensity of the use of Indonesian is higher than the Batak language. This will cause problems in language maintenance. The attitude of the young generation is crucial for the sustainability of this regional language. Regional languages ​​will become extinct if the speakers of the regional languages ​​are exhausted. In order to avoid the extinction of regional languages, it is expected that the language will always be used starting from the family environment, residence, and work environment. The theory used to describe this problem is the sociolinguistic theory, using quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Based on the discussion it is known that the younger generation of Bataks feel proud to be able to use Batak language (97.5%). The younger generation of Bataks also realize that mastery of the Batak language is very important (95%). The lack of ability of the younger generation in the Batak language is due to their parents teaching them at home and tends to use Indonesian (50%).

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 244 ◽  
Suharyo Suharyo

Abstract This study aims to reveal the fate of the Java language on the one hand and the Indonesian language on the other hand through the selection and defense of language (Indonesia and Java) by the younger generation. How young people choose language as a means of expression in the realm of house and the realm of friendship. (A) determining the location and population and sample, (b) questionnaire distribution to a number of respondents who were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively, (c) nonparticipant observation in the daily life of the younger generation, (d) structured interviews and depth using snowball method which then analyzed qualitatively. The population of this research is the entire younger generation of Javanese who live in Central Java. The target population of this study is the younger generation of the various regions who live in Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, and Tegal, while the sample was selected randomly. The result shows that (1) the younger generation of Java uses more BI (Bahasa Indonesia) than Javanese (BJ) both in the home and friendship, (2) the young generation of Java will use 100% BI when someday have a spouse, (3) the younger generation of Java has a negative attitude towards BJ, being ignorant of BI, and not proud of BI, (4) the younger generation is more familiar with the vocabulary such as downloads, stakeholders, gadgets, than in BI, and (5) estimated BJ (especially manners) in the next 2 or 3 generations will be abandoned by the younger generation of Java. Intisari Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap nasib bahasa bahasa Jawa di satu sisi dan bahasa Indonesia di sisi lain melalui  pemilihan dan pemertahanan bahasa (Indonesia dan Jawa) oleh generasi muda. Bagiamana kaum muda memilih bahasa sebagai alat ekspresinya pada ranah rumah dan ranah persahabatan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut dilakukan (a) menentukan lokasi dan  populasi  serta sampel, (b) penyebaran angket ke sejumlah responden yang kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif dan  kuantitatif, (c) observasi nonpartisipan pada kehidupan sehari-hari generasi muda, (d) wawancara terstruktur dan mendalam dengan menggunakan metode snowball yang kemudian dianalaisis secara kualitatif. Populasi penelitin ini adalah seluruh generasi muda Jawa yang tingal di Jawa Tengah. Adapun populasi sasaran penelitian ini adalah generasi muda dari berbagai daerah yang tinggal di Solo, Boyolali, Pekalongan, dan Tegal, sedangkan sampel dipilih secara acak.  Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa (1) generasi muda Jawa lebih banyak mengunakan BI (Bahasa Indonesia) daripada bahasa Jawa (BJ) baik pada ranah rumah maupun persahabatan, (2) generasi muda Jawa akan menggunakan 100 % BI ketika kelak memiliki pasangan hidup, (3) generasi muda Jawa memiliki sikap negatif terhadap BJ, bersikap abai terhadap BI, dan tidak bangga terhadap BI, (4) generasi muda lebih familiar terhadap kosakata-kokata seperti download, stakeholder, gadget, daripada padan katanya dalam BI, dan (5) diperkirakan BJ (terutama ragam krama) pada 2 atau 3 generasi mendatang akan ditinggalkan oleh  generasi muda Jawa.

Ami Dwi Lestari ◽  
M. Yusuf Setiawardana ◽  
Ari Widyaningrum

Character education is very influential with the creation of the character of an individual or student. The early age is a very critical age to build individual character. Instill to the young generation of what it means to be good citizens that is they show their pride and love  of the country. The inculcation of the character of love for the country through national songs is considered as one of the appropriate media to foster a sense of love for the country. Simple song lyrics are easily understood by children so that the meaning of national song lyrics can be conveyed to students, can bring out a high sense of love for the country, national spirit, and build  the nationalism character. The focus of this research is how to educate the character of love for the country through the national song at SDN 02 Rejosari. The purpose of this research is to find out how the character education of the love of the country through the national song at SDN 02 Rejosari Semarang. This type of research is qualitative research, using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The subjects of this study were students of VI class who were randomly selected. The results showed that character education for the love of the country through the national song has been implemented at SDN 02 Rejosari. The inculcation of the value of character education for the love of the country through habituation to singing the national song. The habit of singing and understanding the meaning of national song lyrics can influence students by carrying out behaviors / actions that reflect to the love of the country in daily life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Purweni Widhianningrum

<p>This study aimed to examine the effect of intellectual, emotional and spiritual quotient to the level of understanding behavioral accounting. This population are Accounting Education students who are taking a behavioral accounting class, amounted to 87 students. Purposive sampling was done to sampling technique, so the total sample used are 81 respondents. Data analysis method used is multiple regression. The results showed that among the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual quotient which is owned accounting student, there only intellect quotient that is positive and significant impact on the level of understanding of behavioral accounting. This indicates that the level of understanding of behavioral accounting at the undergraduate program is still on the cognitive aspects. Thus, accounting behavioral simply understood as a method should be implemented and applied when they were faced with a condition that requires make a logical reasoning of all the problems in the field of accounting.<strong></strong></p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong> intellectual quotient, emotional quotient and spiritual quotient, and behavioral accounting</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Ni Nyoman Kertiasih

[Title: Indonesian language and the national struggle] This research aims to explain the formation of Indonesian as a national language, to explain that Indonesian is one of the tools of the nation’s struggle, and to explain the impact of Indonesian in the life of an anti-colonial nation. The data of this study were written material written during the struggle and after the struggle to drive out colonialism. The method used were a qualitative, analytical descriptive method, combined with a critical discourse analysis method. This research reveals that Indonesian language since its inception in 1928 has been understood as the language of the tool of the nation’s struggle. As a result, Indonesian language has influenced the attitude of the people, the nation in the face of colonialism. The community began to promote the use of Indonesian in the community, at school, and use Indonesian in various formal and informal meetings. People oppose using Dutch language that was previously required.

2021 ◽  
Nabila Paramestri Vidi ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

As the younger generation, or as people say “millennials”, we have to face the changes that are happening because of globalization. The effects of globalization are severe, as there are a lot of social issues that don't stand with Indonesia’s identity and are opposites with it. Issues surrounding violence, human rights, immoral acts, corruption, dishonesty, and the collapse of the young generation’s noble character continue to adorn the life of the Indonesian nation. This just yet again reminds us how important it is for us to learn about moral character and implement them in our everyday lives to help our generation be the best version of themselves, and for our nation, Indonesia’s future. This book review is written to fulfill the end of semester writing assignment for the Indonesian Civics subject. Hopefully, this book review encourages the young generation to improve their qualities and be the best version of themselves for their and the nation’s future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Sipra Mariana Gutandjala

The progress of this nation is determined by the character of each generation who is the main pillar of a nation. Character that is certainly built on the basis of the recognition of the values and norms of Pancasila as a solid foundation for each generation in playing their roles and responsibilities in the midst of society. However, with the development of technology, a new challenge for the formation of the character of the young generation of this nation. Add to this the presence of a new sparring culture (popular culture) brought by technology increasingly influencing even at times it could erode the local cultural order of the Indonesian nation. This certainly causes a major crisis in the lives of the younger generation because thus the local culture as one of the pillars of defense and a mirror for the young generation now has to deal with the presence of a new counter-culture which will certainly also have a great influence on the lives of the young generation of the nation this. The identity crisis as well as various other social crises will certainly be experienced by the younger generation. Therefore we need serious attention both from educational institutions, religious institutions, social institutions or family institutions in order to provide assistance and think about character education strategies that are right on target for the young generation in Indonesia considering the presence of technology does not only bring positive impacts but technology also brings impacts negative in life so that various efforts to anticipate the future of Indonesia's young generation become urgent and very important thing to do Keyword: Popular Culture, Identity crisis and Social crisis, the role of educational institutions, religion and family.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-196
Ifran Nurtriputra ◽  
Heppy Atma Pratiwi

The younger generation of Indonesia unconsciously affected and following everydevelopment of communication technology that many use a foreign language. The changes oflanguage attitude of the students is inseparable from the literary situation in Indonesia. Indonesiasociety generally are bilingual and multilingual. In the literary situation like that there will be alanguage change in behavior that may not support the existence of one of the languages. From theperspective of sociolinguistics, the phenomenon of language attitude can determine the survival ofthe language. The object in this research is SMA 1 (1 High School) Ruteng, Nusa Tenggara Timur(NTT). The benefits of this research are able to be guidelines for the community's evocative,especially the young generation in addressing our national language with more pride, because thelanguage is one of the nation's identity. The results of this research show that 57, 58% feel proud touse the language of Indonesia, 42.42% regarded English is more attractive than in Bahasa. Studentswho support Bahasa became the international language of 29 respondents (87, 88%). Therespondents have thought optimistic Bahasa can exist in an era of globalization only 23 ofrespondents (69, 70%) while 10 respondents (30, 30%) were still skeptical that Bahasa became theinternational language.

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