2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 611
Reski Fitriah ◽  
Muhammad Nur ◽  
Muhammad Nur Ihsan ◽  
Apriansyah Apriansyah ◽  
Nur Indah Sari Arbit ◽  

ABSTRAKIkan terbang merupakan salah satu sumberdaya perikanan yang melimpah dan memiliki nilai sosial ekonomi cukup penting karena salah satunya dijadikan sebagai usaha pengasapan ikan di Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pengasapan Ikan Terbang Di Kelurahan Mosso, Kabupaten Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang cara produksi ikan asap yang baik. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2020 di Kelurahan Mosso, Kecamatan Sendana, Kabupaten Majene, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat. Mitra kelompok yang menjadi sasaran utama pengabdian ini yaitu kelompok usaha pengasapan ikan terbang “Siamasei Lestari”. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini Penyuluhan dan praktek cara produksi ikan asap yang baik serta introduksi teknologi alat pengasapan ikan. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan ini antara lain meningkatnya kemampuan dan keterampilan masyarakat tentang cara produksi ikan asap yang baik dan adanya alat pengasapan ikan yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan usaha mitra program kemitraan masyarakat. Beberapa keuntungan dari penggunaan alat pengasapan ikan antara lain efisiensi penggunaan asap sehingga produk cepat matang, kualitas yang seragam dan warna yang lebih menarik, kuantitas produk lebih banyak, produk akhir yang lebih higienis, menghemat biaya produksi karena efisiensi bahan bakar yang digunakan optimal dan produk akhir yang lebih higienis karena proses produksi tidak terkontaminasi.   Kata kunci: Ikan terbang; pengasapan; program kemitraan masyarakat; sulawesi barat; teknologi ABSTRACTFlying fish is one of the abundant fisheries resources and has quite important socio-economic value because one of them is used as a fish smoking business in West Sulawesi Province. The community development program through the Application of Flying Fish Smoking Technology in Mosso Village, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province, the aims to improve the capacity and skills of the community on good smoked fish production methods. This activity was carried out in June 2020 in Mosso Village, Sendana District, Majene Regency, West Sulawesi Province. The group partner who is the main target of this service is the flying fish smoking business group "Siamasei Lestari". The method used in this service activity provides counseling and practice of good smoked fish production methods as well as the introduction of smoking equipment technology. The results that were achieved from this activity included the improvement of the community's abilities and skills on how to produce smoked fish properly and the existence of a fish smoker that can be used for business development of community partnership program partners. Some of the advantages of using fish smoking equipment include the efficient use of smoke so that the product ripens quickly, uniform quality and more attractive color, more product quantity, more hygienic final products, saving production costs due to optimal fuel efficiency and final product. which is more hygienic because the production process is not contaminated. Keywords: flying fish; smoked;  community development program; west sulawesi;  technology

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Ririn Irnawati ◽  
Dini Surilayani ◽  
Adi Susanto ◽  
Ani Rahmawati ◽  
Aris Munandar ◽  

Provinsi Banten memiliki lokasi yang strategis dan potensi sumber daya ikan yang besar. Salah satu jenis sumber daya ikan yang produksinya cukup tinggi dan memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi adalah ikan teri. Produksi ikan teri di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2015 berkisar 6.474,5 ton atau sebesar 28% dari produksi ikan pelagis kecil dan 14% dari produksi total ikan laut. Jumlah produksi ikan teri yang cukup tinggi ini dapat bermanfaat untuk mendukung pengembangan dan pembangunan daerah maupun nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan lokasi basis perikanan teri dan memetakan jalur pemasarannya di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Pandeglang, Kabupaten Lebak, Kabupaten Tangerang, Kabupaten Serang, Kota Serang dan Kota Cilegon, dari Februari hingga November 2017. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei dan skoring terhadap kriteria yang ditetapkan. Data jalur pemasaran ikan teri dianalisis secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil skoring, lokasi potensial basis perikanan teri di Provinsi Banten adalah Pandeglang, Kab. Serang, Kota Serang dan Kota Cilegon. Berdasarkan nilai LQ, Kabupaten Pandeglang bukan merupakan wilayah basis produksi teri. Namun, berdasarkan hasil survei diperoleh data dan informasi bahwa pusat pendaratan dan pengolahan teri dengan volume produksi tinggi dan kontinu sepanjang tahun berada di sepanjang pesisir Selat Sunda yaitu mulai dari Kecamatan Panimbang, Citeureup hingga Sumur. Jalur distribusi pemasaran ikan teri yang terdapat di Banten adalah jenis saluran tingkat dua dan saluran tingkat tiga. Saluran tingkat dua yaitu produsen-pengepul-pengecer-konsumen, mempunyai dua perantara penjualan. Pada pasar konsumen, mereka merupakan grosir atau pedagang besar dan sekaligus pengecer. Saluran tingkat tiga terdiri dari produsen-pengepul-pengecer-distributor-konsumen yang mempunyai tiga perantara penjualan.Title: Analysis of Determining the Base Location of Anchovy Fisheries and its Marketing Distribution in The Banten ProvinceBanten has strategic location and abundant fisheries resources. The anchovy is one of the largest fish resources in terms of production and economic value. Its production came out to about 3,972.1 tons or 22.2% of small pelagic fish production and 14% of total marine fish production. The production of anchovy is highly beneficial to support both regional and national development. This research aimed at mapping potential location of anchovy and its marketing line in Banten Province. The research was conducted at Pandeglang Regency, Lebak Regency, Tangerang Regency, Serang Regency, Serang and Cilegon from February to November 2017 with survey and scoring method. Data regarding the marketing channel of anchovy were analyzed descriptively. The scoring results showed that the potential location of anchovy fisheries in Banten Province were based in Pandeglang, Serang Regency, Serang and Cilegon. Based on LQ value, Pandeglang Regency was not an anchovy production base area. However, the survey resulted in a data and information that the anchovy landing and processing center with high and continuous production volumes throughout the year were located along the Sunda Strait strating from Panimbang, Citerureup to Sumur subdistrict. Marketing distribution channel for anchovy in Banten were second level and third level channels. The second tier channel were producer-wholesaler-retailer-consumer which has two seller. In the consumer market, they were wholesalers and retailers. The third tier channel consisted of producer-wholesaler-retailer-distributor-consumer who had three sales intermediaries.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Rizki Aprilian Wijaya ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Gatot Yulianto

Program Pengembangan Masyarakat Perikanan Marjinal (MFCDP) merupakan program yang difasilitasi oleh Bappenas pada tahun 2004 melalui dana hibah Bank Dunia, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pesisir dan nelayan kecil dalam mengelola sumberdaya perikanan yang lebih baik melalui upaya pengelolaan kawasan pesisir secara terpadu dan berkelanjutan. Program ini bersifat dana bantuan yang digunakan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur dan teknologi penangkapan serta budidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan implementasi program, pengaruh program terhadap kondisi usaha perikanan dan tingkat keberlanjutan program. Metode studi kasus digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dan kualitatif Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tahap awal pelaksanaan program berjalan dengan baik seperti sosialisasi program dan pemberian dana bantuan. Namun demikian, dalam pelaksanaannya terdapat beberapa masalah, diantaranya adalah beberapa bantuan tidak dapat digulirkan kembali, konflik alat tangkap antara nelayan marjinal dengan pukat trawl, lemahnya koordinasi antara unit pengelola kegiatan. Pengaruh program terhadap kondisi hasil tangkapan nelayan dalam 5 tahun terakhir mengalami penurunan yang disebabkan karena kondisi perairan yang telah tercemar. Tingkat keberlanjutan program terhadap usaha perikanan tangkap tergolong tinggi sedangkan untuk usaha budidaya tergolong sedang. Tittle: Sustainability Study of Marginal Fishing Community Development Program in District Centre Tapanuli, North Sumatera ProvinceMarginal Fishing Community Development Program (MFCDP) is a program facilitated by Bappenas in 2004 through the World Bank grants aiming to improve the welfare of coastal community and small fisher in order to manage better fisheries resources through integrated and sustainable management fisheries area. The program grants are used for infrastructure and technology development of fishing and aquaculture. This study aims to find out the process and implementation program, its implication to the conditions of fisheries business and the level of sustainability. Case study method was used in this research. Primary and secondary data were used in this research. Analysis was carried out by using qualitative and descriptive methods.Results showed that there are several obstacles in the first stage of program implementation, including socialization of the program and find aid program. However, in the laterimplementation of the program, several problems occured, such as in returned revolving fund aid program, conflict between trawler is fishing and marginal fisher, and weak coordination the management unit. Unfortunately, during the last five years, the impact of the program to caught by fishers was negative due to resource degradation. In tune of program sustainability on fishing and aquaculture development, the farmer showed a relatively high while the later showed a mediocre.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 6965
In-Gyum Kim ◽  
Hye-Min Kim ◽  
Dae-Geun Lee ◽  
Byunghwan Lim ◽  
Hee-Choon Lee

Meteorological information at an arrival airport is one of the primary variables used to determine refueling of discretionary fuel. This study evaluated the economic value of terminal aerodrome forecasts (TAF), which has not been previously quantitatively analyzed in Korea. The analysis data included 374,716 international flights that arrived at Incheon airport during 2017–2019. A cost–loss model was used for the analysis, which is a methodology to evaluate forecast value by considering the cost and loss that users can expect, considering the decision-making result based on forecast utilization. The value was divided in terms of improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions. The results of the analysis indicate that the annual average TAF value for Incheon Airport was approximately 2.2 M–20.1 M USD under two hypothetical rules of refueling of discretionary fuel. This value is up to 26.2% higher than the total budget of 16.3 M USD set for the production of aviation meteorological forecasts by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). Further, it is up to 10 times greater than the 2 M USD spent on aviation meteorological information fees collected by the KMA in 2018.

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-43
Katerina Belichovska ◽  
Daniela Belichovska ◽  
Zlatko Pejkovski

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-86
A.A. Ayeloja ◽  
F.O.A. George ◽  
W.A. Jimoh ◽  
G.L. Adebisi

Abstract. In the present study a multistage sampling technique using semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socio- economic characteristics of the respondents and on economic loss of smoked fish resulting from insect pest infestation. Smoked fishes were bought from 10 markets in Oyo state, South West of Nigeria and checked in the laboratory for the insect pests. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square. Results indicated that insects at their larvae stage cause more economic loss to smoked fish than adult insects while Necrobia rufipes and Dermestes spp. are the insects found to infest the smoked fishes in this study. The insect infestation of the smoked fish leads to huge economic loss. Of all respondent groups the women dominate smoked fish business.

Muhammad Rizal ◽  
Budy Wiryawan ◽  
Sugeng Hari Wisudo ◽  
Iin Solihin ◽  
John Haluan

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p><em>Nowadays, the development of f</em><em>isheries strategic issues </em><em>is related to </em><em>poverty and welfare of fishermen. In 2010 - 2014, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries implemented Business Development Program of Rural Area by creating a Joint Business Group (</em><em>J</em><em>B</em><em>G</em><em>) to help traditional and small scale fishermen who categorized as poor. This study aimed to determine the performance of JBG of gillnet fishermen and to identify the attributes of performance (aspects of institutional, socio-cultural, economic, environmental and policy) in Barsela Aceh. Data was collected by purposive sampling method from 13 JBG of gillnet fishermen. IPA analysis and gap analysis were performed to measure each attribute and attribute's performance. The results showed that the value of the gap in the aspect of the institution of 1.87, and socio-cultural aspect of 1.91, which are categorized as good enough. Furthermore, the value of the economic aspect (2,12), environmental aspect (2,43) and policy aspect (2.21) are categorized as less good</em><em>. </em><em>The attributes which categorized as </em><em>a top priority</em><em> (in quadrant A) are the aspect of institution, namely; human resources quality of JBG, the level of utilization of information technology and marketing, participation in training event, frequency of training held by related agencies and traditional institutions and the effectiveness of PPTK. Socio-cultural aspects are the desire to be independent culture, work ethic culture, group cohesiveness, and JBG assets are jointly managed. In economic aspect are active savings and loan activities, the level of turnover development of JBG and the level of market opportunities for JBG fishermen's business. Environmental aspects are the effectiveness of target fish species catch, high economic value of fish and environment-friendly technologies. Policy aspects are sanctioned policies for fictitious JBG, policies about who can become a member of JBG, policy management in preparing a joint business plan and sanctions for members who violate the rules.</em><em></em></p><p class="TubuhTulisanAll"><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>Barsela Aceh, </em><em>JBG</em><em>, gillnet</em><em> fishermen</em><em></em></p><p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p class="Abstrakisi">Perkembangan isu strategis perikanan saat ini adalah kemiskinan dan kesejahteraan nelayan. Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Tahun 2010-2014 melaksanakan Program Pengembangan Usaha Mina Perdesaan (PUMP) dengan membuat Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) untuk membantu nelayan tradisional dan kecil yang masih tergolong miskin. Penelitian ini bertujuan yaitu mengetahui kinerja KUB nelayan <em>gillnet</em> dan mengidentifikasi atribut kinerjanya (aspek lembaga, sosial budaya, ekonomi, lingkungan dan kebijakan) di Barsela Aceh. Metode pengambilan data <em>purposive sampling, </em>dimana<em> </em>data diambil secara sengaja pada 13 KUB nelayan <em>gillnet</em>. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis IPA untuk menilai setiap atribut dan analisis kesenjangan (gap) untuk menilai kinerja setiap atribut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kesenjangan pada aspek lembaga (1,87) dan aspek sosial budaya (1,91) yaitu katagori cukup baik. Selanjutnya nilai pada aspek ekonomi (2,12), aspek lingkungan (2,43) dan aspek kebijakan (2,21) yaitu katagori kurang baik. Serta atribut yang prioritas yaitu posisi atribut kuadran A (diprioritaskan) pada aspek lembaga adalah kualitas SDM KUB, tingkat pemanfaatan akses informasi teknologi dan pemasaran, keikutsertaan kegiatan pelatihan, intensitas pembinaan dari instansi terkait dan lembaga adat dan keefektifan PPTK. Aspek sosial budaya adalah budaya ingin mandiri, budaya etos kerja, kekompakan kelompok, dan aset KUB dikelola secara bersama. Aspek ekonomi adalah aktifnya kegiatan simpan pinjam, tingkat perkembangan omset KUB dan tingkat peluang pasar untuk usaha KUB nelayan. Aspek lingkungan adalah efektivitas jenis ikan target yang tertangkap, ikan ekonomis tinggi dan teknologi ramah lingkungan. Aspek kebijakan adalah aturan sanksi bagi KUB fiktif, kebijakan tentang yang bisa menjadi anggota KUB, kebijakan manajemen dalam menyusun rencana usaha bersama dan aturan sanksi bagi anggota yang melanggar.</p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong>  Barsela Aceh, KUB, nelayan <em>gillnet</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Siraj Bashir ◽  
Nasreen Aslam Shah

Community development program is defined as the set of programs and policies designed to improve the socio-economic condition and also use the existing resources in better way. It is an organized process where member’s efforts of a community can be joined with the collaboration of government departments and non-governmental organizations to improve and evolve community socially, economically and culturally. In Pakistan, the first community development program was introduced in 1951 with the establishment of pilot project in Karachi, by the federal government. Since 1951 till today various community development programs have been implemented by government and non-government organizations (NGOs) to improve the living standard of people. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact and contribution of community development programs for socio-economic development in Pakistan. The research study endeavored to analyze the social and economical impacts of these programs on the communities where the programs were implemented. The study included interviews with government officials, NGOs staff and beneficiaries in the field. The findings of study shows that programs in general have positive impacts and appreciated but a lot of work are needed to be done for the welfare of whole society. The recommendations were made as to the best practices of community development programs for policy makers and NGOs to improve the living standard of people in the country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-38
Farikhatusholikhah . ◽  
Tanti Novianti

BAZNAS is the organization that manages zakat on a national level, working toward alleviating poverty in Indonesia through its Zakat Community Development (ZCD) program. The ZCD program focuses on community-based development through the empowerment of the mustahik community living in rural areas. This study aims to measure the level of welfare and determine the eligibility of Bedono Village, Demak District to receive assistance in the form of zakat funds through the ZCD program. This research employed a survey method using interviews and focus group discussion, combined with a questionnaire. The analytical tool used in this analysis is the Multi-Stage Weighted Index. This research reveals the condition of Bedono Village to be “fairly good,” with an index score of 0.49. This means that Bedono Village can be considered for eligibility to receive help in the form of zakat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-232
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Fitriati Fitriati ◽  
Ferdi Ferdi

In the law enforcement of corruption, there are at least 2 (two) articles that are often used to ensnare the defendant, namely Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 of Law Number 20 Year 2001 regarding the Amendment of Law Number 31 Year 1999 regarding Eradication of Corruption. In practice, the provision has been applied by the Judge in the decision of corruption case in the implementation of partnership program and environment development with the actors from the private sector, as the Manager of Lubuk Alung Regional IV branch PT. Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) is found guilty because it has been proven legally and convincingly committed a criminal act of corruption by misusing and using the. Community Development Program fund from PT. Angkasa Pura and PKBL funds from PT. Pertamina and PT. Bukit Asam

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