Kholfan Zubair Taqo Sidqi

AbstrakSekolah bukan hanya tempat sekedar menuntut ilmu pada dimensi formal saja. Sekolah sebagai tempat untuk belajar, beraktualisasi, serta bersosialisasi sebagai bagian dari kebutuhan peserta didik. Jika sekolah hanya tempat untuk menuntut ilmu dan mendapat ijazah, maka persepsi tersebut kurang tepat. Banyak sekali kontribusi sekolah bagi generasi muda Indonesia. Segala aspek formal keilmuan mereka dapatkan di sekolah. Lebih dari itu,  sekolah sebagai kawah candradimuka, atau  lembaga pendidikan formal memiliki tugas penting dalam rangka menyiapkan generasi muda yang siap pakai. Sekolah juga sebagai wahana untuk mendidik para anak bangsa menjadi bertaqwa,terampil, berbudi pekerti luhur, cinta tanah air, serta sehat jasmani dan rohani. Penyelenggaraan bela negara di sekolah disadari atau tidak direalisasikan  melalui pendidikan agama, pendidikan kewarganegaraan, upacara bendera, penyelenggaraan ibadah di sekolah, kegiatan ekstrakulikuler seperti Pramuka, PMR, Karawitan, seni tari,  sebagai  kegiatan yang sarat bermuatan pembentukan karakter, kepedulian kepada sesama, serta kecintaan kepada budaya asli nusantara. Tentunya sekolah telah menyelenggarakan kegiatan bermuatan bela negara sesuai dengan usia, fisik, psikhis, peserta didik. Kata kunci: Aktualisasi, Bela Negara, dan Sekolah  AbstractSchool is not just a place to study science in the formal dimension only. School as a place to learn, actualize, and socialize as part of the needs of learners.If the school is just a place to study.and get a diploma, then the perception is less precise. Lots of school contribution for the young generation of Indonesia. All formal aspects of scholarship they get in school.Moreover, the school as a crater candradimuka, or formal educational institution has an important task in order to prepareyoung generation ready to use. The school is also a vehicle to educate the children of the nation to become devoted, skilled, virtuous noble character, love the homeland, andas well as physically and mentally healthy. The organization of state defense in schools is realized or not realized through religious education, civic education, ceremony of flag, organizing worship in schools, extracurricular activities such as Scouting, Youth Redcross, Karawitan, dance, as a loaded activitywhich is full of character formation, caring for others, and love for indigenous cultureindigenous culture of archipelago. Obviously the school has organized activities defending the state according to age, physical, psychological, learners.Keywords: Actualization, State Defense, and School

Siti Fatimah Siregar ◽  
Mardianto Mardianto ◽  
Akmal Walad Ahkas

Education in Indonesia in the last decade has reaped many problems including the weak character of the young generation where the success of a nation can be seen from the character of the younger generation. Seeing these problems, there needs to be some breakthroughs, one of which can be done through character inculcation that is applied in schools through classroom learning and other activities such as extracurricular activities. This research method is qualitative with the type of descriptive research, namely the type of research that examines data that can describe complex and concrete social realities. This study uses data collection techniques such as observation, interviews, library methods and the use of documentation. The analysis in this study uses interactive data analysis from Lexy Moleong with the pre-field stage, the implementation stage, the data analysis stage, the conclusion stage and the reporting stage. The results showed that: (1) the implementation of extracurricular Islamic Religious Education in MTs EX PGA UNIVA Medan there were 13 extracurricular Islamic Religious Education. (2) extracurricular activities in MTs EX PGA UNIVA Medan are essentially many activities. However, in this discussion, only PAI extracurricular activities were taken which presumably had a stake in the formation of student character, for example the types of PAI extracurricular activities namely introduction of the holy book, worship, social activities, habituation of noble character and the inculcation of religious historical values. Through this activity students can learn to develop communication skills, collaborate with others, discipline and other characters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Ngimadudin Ngimadudin

Caring for the nationality is managing this unitary Republic of Indonesia to become "gemah ripah loh jinawi toto tentrem kertoraharjo". In Indonesian terminology is a sentence which is an expression to describe the condition of the Indonesian motherland. Gemah ripah means jinawi (abundant natural wealth) while toto tentrem karto raharjo (peaceful state). Or in the Arabic sense to be baldattun toyyibatun wa robbun ghoffur. This expression is not and mertajadi when the management of the State deviates from the importance of nation and state prosperity. Local (local wisdom) wisdom becomes the essence that must be able to be maintained in the midst of the storm of global ideology which ignores human values. When the young generation begins to forget the historical and cultural roots from which it originated, then he will get lost in the search for his true identity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-286
А.П. Землянская

Вопросы формирования гражданских качеств, активной гражданской позиции современной учащейся молодежи приобретают особую значимость в отношении воспитанников, обучающихся в учреждениях интернатного типа. Специфика указанного воспитательного процесса связана с особенностями воспитанников школ-интернатов и среды учебного заведения. Противоречие между объективной потребностью современного общества в молодых людях с высоким уровнем чувства патриотизма, преданности Родине и одновременно чувством принадлежности к мировому сообществу обусловили необходимость определения и обоснования педагогических условий формирования гражданских качеств воспитанников интернатных учреждений. На современном этапе развития демократического правового общества особую актуальность приобретает формирование у молодого поколения ответственной гражданской позиции. Основываясь на теоретических принципах гражданского воспитания в процессе нашей научно-исследовательской работы раскрыты особенности формирования ответственной гражданской позиции школьников. Основная работа будет связана с подростками и будет заключаться в подготовке молодой личности к жизни в демократическом обществе, признании и принятии ценностей, которые являются определяющими для общества, реализации личностных ценностей, собственных прав, свобод и обязанностей, способности к социальному взаимодействию в соответствии с моделью организации Социально-педагогического сопровождения детей, которая будет разработана. The issues of the formation of civic qualities, active citizenship of modern students are of particular importance in relation to pupils studying in residential institutions. The specifics of this educational process are related to the characteristics of the pupils of boarding schools and the environment of the educational institution. The contradiction between the objective need of modern society for young people with a high level of patriotism, loyalty to the Motherland and at the same time a sense of belonging to the world community has led to the need to determine and justify the pedagogical conditions for the formation of civic qualities of boarding school students. At the present stage of the development of a democratic legal society, the formation of a responsible civil position among the young generation is of particular relevance. Based on the theoretical principles of civic education in the course of our research work, the features of the formation of a responsible civic position of schoolchildren are revealed. The main work will be related to adolescents and will consist in preparing a young person for life in a democratic society, recognizing and accepting the values that are decisive for society, realizing personal values, their own rights, freedoms and duties, and the ability to social interaction in accordance with the model of organizing Social and pedagogical support for children, which will be developed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-247
Auli Ihza Ahyati ◽  
Dinie Anggraeni Dewi

State defense and national resilience is an attitude that every citizen must have. Because every citizen, especially the younger generation, is the next generation of continuity in the life of the nation and state, therefore it is necessary to be well prepared and structured to become a developed country. State defense has a very important relationship in realizing the goals of a country itself. In the 1945 Constitution, article 27 and article 30 paragraph (1), namely regarding the rights and obligations of every citizen in efforts to defend the state and efforts to defend national security. It is necessary to instill and implement an attitude of state defense, especially among the younger generation through the existence of civic education subjects. Seeing the increasingly advanced technology era, it has had several negative impacts on national resilience as well as the waning attitude of defending the state among millennials today. Therefore, seeing the problems and challenges that will be faced in the future will be more varied and complex, therefore it is necessary to have an attitude of defending the country and its implementation in direct life. This article will present the results of research on the implementation of state defense in Citizenship Education learning. This article describes state defense activities that must be implemented in any circle, whether elementary, junior high, high school, university. Furthermore, the material in this work can be used as a reference in making curricula, as well as rules and policies regarding state defense

2021 ◽  
Lukman Yudho Prakoso

Indonesia has a diversity of ethnic groups, as well as the various religions practiced by its people. The impact of the development of the global and regional strategic environment. Indonesia also cannot remove the influence of the development of ideologies from outside which threatens the unity of the state. The research currently being carried out is to determine the extent to which state policy programs regarding state defense can be implemented in universities in Indonesia. This is interesting given the vulnerability of students to be influenced by radical understandings currently developing. Researchers analyzed the implementation of this state defense policy using the theory of Gerorge Edward III, which analyzes the focus under study using factors, Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structure. The results of the research show that the state defense policy that has been implemented so far still needs to be further improved, so far the state defense program with the civic education model is only carried out at the beginning when students enter university. Furthermore, no more citizenship programs were found. the related entities also have not found the best model so that the state defense program can be integrated and interactive. The recommendation from the current research is that state defense in universities needs to be optimized again, considering that several cases were found to involve students from high schools. Students are the nation's human resource which is very valuable to determine this nation in the future. Policies on national defense, especially the state defense program in higher education, must receive serious attention from the government, so that the younger generation, especially students, can avoid radicalism and terrorism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 186
Rahmat Wijayanto J. ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki

The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of state defense education carried out in Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoeti Jambi Senior High School through civic education and special curriculum. State defense education that is implemented in the school is carried out to shape the spirit and spirit of patriotime of students or young people in the face of the times and globaliza- tion. This study uses a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through interviews, and observa- tions of teachers and students from Titian Teras H. Abdurrahaman Sayoeti Jambi Senior High School. The results showed that the state defense education implemented in Titian Teras H. Abdurrahman Sayoeti Jambi Senior High School had a function in growing and strengthening the values of patrotism in students. Education defends the country teaches about love for the homeland, the spirit of struggle, nationalism, patriotism and excellent physical endurance. The material provided in- cludes insight into nationalism, line marching, time discipline, long march and leadership. Thus education in defense of the state has a positive contribution in shaping students who have a spirit of patriotism from an early age. 

Conciencia ◽  
1970 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-51
Ubabuddin Ubabuddin ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Suhari Suhari

This research was conducted at MTs Yasti Bengkayang. As an educational institution located in the transmigration area and bordered by the State of Malaysia, it has definitely the uniqueness and diversity that has been bought by everyone from their original area, then fused into a multicultural society with the ego and interests of each individual. As an Islamic educational institution in a multicultural society, MTs Yasti Bengkayang always strives to make Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil alamin through the internalization of multicultural values in schools. The purpose of this study was to find out, identify, and uncover multicultural values contained in Islamic religious education learning and instilling methods that have been carried out at MTs Yasti Bengkayang. This method was used qualitative with a case study approach. The results showed that: 1) multicultural values contained in the learning of Islamic religious education at MTs Yasti Bengkayang such as; inclusive values, peace, justice, solidarity, affection, mutual help, and forgiveness; 2) the method of investing in multicultural values were teaching, example, guidance, and habituation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 26
Tri Adianto ◽  
Sulistiyanto Sulistiyanto ◽  
Siswo Pudjiatmoko ◽  
Yusuf Ali

<p>Globalization always lead to various kinds of influences, both negative nor positive, on the national character. In Indonesia, globalization has caused a significant degradation of national character which ended by the poor national character of the Indonesia’s young generation. In order to minimalize this impact, the Indonesian government has launched a program, named State Defense Awareness Programme (<em>Program Pembinaan Kesadaran Bela Negara</em>), in order to perform the mental revolution program and building the national character of Indonesia’s young generation, which has influenced by the negative effect of globalization. But until now, the Indonesian citizens are still not convinced that State Defense Awareness Programme can be an appropriate means in building the national character of Indonesian citizens. This condition was supported by the emergence of negative stigma related to State Defense Awareness Programme, which ultimately reduces the level of people participation in the program. This article was written by using a systematic approach and contribution analysis method. The results of this study are expected to be a consideration for the Indonesian government and citizens in implementing and joining this program. Based on the analysis result, it can be concluded that State Defense Awareness Programme has a significant contribution towards national character building of Indonesia’s young generation. A comprehensive and integrated implementation of this program will produce citizens or state defense cadres who has highly character of nationalism, patriotism, solidarity, skill, collaboration, discipline, leadership and so on, especially for Indonesians who are born and grow up on border areas or foreign country and have experienced a significant shift of state defense awareness. This program will also produce resilient, militant, and nationally awareness citizens based on the State Defense, Pancasila values and the 1945 Constitution norms.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Mukhamad Murdiono ◽  
Wuri Wuryandani

This study aims to describe nationalism education for young Indonesian generation in the globalization era. This is descriptive qualitative research conducted in several Senior High Schools. The data were collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The research subjects were Civic Education teachers in Yogyakarta Province and students who attended the Civic Education classes. The collected data were then analyzed with the inductive analysis technique. The results revealed two nationalism education models for the young generation in the globalization era: promoting nationalism through Civic Education and extracurricular activities. Teachers promote nationalism by developing learning methods, learning materials, learning media, and student worksheets incorporating nationalismvalues. Meanwhile, extracurricular activities in schools were carried out through activities that promote nationalism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-78
Nanang Qosim

Educational institutions are faced with the rapid development of millennial times, so that the impact of the progress of the era has positive and negative impacts, the negative impact issues that concern the public include actions and deviant behavior from the community, such as immorality, gambling, robbery, consuming drugs, drinks hard and so on.The deviant behavior is expected not to poison the young generation as the successor of the nation's life. The youth is the relay holder of the nation's future leadership, therefore the Irsyadul Mubtadiin High School educational institution strives as much as possible to educate and nurture the mental health of the young generation. Youth is a generation that is capable of achieving the nation's ideals to be proud of by all levels of society. Religious education taught by professional religious teachers is sought to be able to fortify the souls of the younger generation so that they are not affected by the current and negative effects of the changes and progress of the times. Keyword: Religion Teacher, Mental Health, Young Generation

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