scholarly journals Oke-Ibadan Festival and the Ethnography of Aboke people of Ibadan

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1.2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Oludele Mayowa Solaja ◽  
Adesina Abass Olayiwola

This study examines Oke-Ibadan festival and the ethnography of Aboke people of Ibadan. The objectives of the study are to document the cultural identity, fashion, family life-style, crafts, and hobbies of Aboke people; and, also, ascertain the significance of Oke-Ibadan festival to Aboke’s at home and abroad. Two sociological perspectives which include structural-functionalism and symbolic interactionism were used to provide a theoretical context for the study. The study adopts exploratory survey design which includes purposive and convenience sampling techniques. Thirty-five (35) participants were selected for the study. The instruments used in eliciting information from the participants were in-depth interview (IDI) guide and focus group discussion (FGD) guide, while the responses were gathered with the aid of electronic gadget such as the audio recorder. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, content analysis, and ethnography summary. The finding revealed that Aboke people have a unique cultural identity among other ethnic groups in Yorubaland. Their cultural identity as attested to by the participants include; hosting of Oke-Ibadan festival, retaining tribal mark, production of traditional/black soap for the cure of measles, narrating folk stories to the young generation in order to encourage high fertility rate, unique dress code, and acceptable physical appearance.

Deliana Deliana ◽  
Masdiana Lubis

This paper is concerned with an oral tradition called Badoncek program which is usually performed at night after the invited guests of a wedding party have gone home. In this study, 20 informants of Pariaman community were interviewed in two different locations, that is at Pasar Sukaramai, Medan and Naras Hilir village in Pariaman district. These interviews generated a total of 6 forms of local wisdom in badoncek ceremony and 5 forms of its weaknesses which were then recorded, transcribed, and documented. This research used in-depth interview and focussed on group discussion. The focus of discussion was on finding the forms of local wisdom and the weakness of the oral tradition of badoncek. These forms of weakness were analyzed based on interpretation and comparison methods. It was found that the concept Barek samo dipikua jikok ringan samo dijinjiang ‘A heavy problem is to be lifted together, and a light problem is also to be carried together’ was implemented through badoncek tradition. The six forms of local wisdom of badoncek were mutual cooperation, harmony, deliberation and consensus, mutual help, openness, and entertainment. The five forms of weaknesses of badoncek were an old tradition, lack of socialization, lack of parents’ role in motivating young generation, lack of knowledge about oral tradition, and lack of empathy to contribute. A number of attempts have been made to preserve badoncek tradition by approaching the local government, custom leaders in Pariaman District, and Pariaman community associations. Badoncek tradition could also be applied to raise funds in order to support various programs of the local government.

Jennifer Ngozi B.Igwela Igwela ◽  
Ominini Brother Asako Walson

The study examined ownership, gender and experience as correlates of policy implementation in the management of Universities Libraries in South-South, Nigeria. The correlational survey design was adopted for the study. Three (3)research questions and three (3)hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 1,465 which comprised 12university librarians from the 12 State and Federal Universities in South-South, 263 other professional librarians and 1,200 year 3 students who are regular libraryusers in the universities. The sample for the study was 385 respondents which consisted of 12 university librarians from the twelve universities, 263 other professional librarians and 120 years 3 students. The convenience sampling technique was used to select 10 year 3 students each from the 12 universities. Three instruments were used for datathe collection namely:questionnaire,interview, and focus group discussion. The overall internal consistency reliability index of the questionnaire obtained through Cronbach’s alpha estimate was 0.95. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviations for the research questions. The null hypotheses were tested using multiple regressionsand associated t-test. The findings showedthat in the management of university libraries in South-South Nigeria, library policies on main duties and responsibilities, user-oriented library concepts, schedule of duties, were highly implemented. On account of these findings, it was recommended among others that: The National Universities Commission (NUC) should monitor the implementation of the policy statements. This is to ensure that libraries irrespective of ownership, gender and experience of the librarians, are encouraged and supported to implement the policy statements to a very high extent.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 199
Rashidi Akanji Okunola ◽  
Matthias Olufemi Dada Ojo

This paper is an ethnological and anthropological study of Zangbeto among the Ogu (Egun) people of Badagry, in Nigeria. The study utilized survey design approach with emphasis on qualitative method: interview, focus group discussion and key informant investigation. Purposive and convenience sampling procedures under non –probability sampling were used in selecting the study area and respondents who participated in the study (n=40). The data gathered from the field of study were analyzed, using content analysis method. The findings in the study revealed that Zangbeto still remains an effective social machinery of policing and securing the lives and properties in the Badagry community. It also played a prominent role in making peace among the feuding parties in the community and still remains an avenue of social entertainment and cultural display. The study called for the legal backing of Zangbeto as a traditional way of policing and security the lives and properties in this community and the continuous researches of African societies to uncover ways through which African societies can help themselves where westernization has failed them.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-160
Gunawan Antiprawiro

AbstractThe purpose of this research is to understand thepeoples’ response toward rampaging of narcoticmisuse in Yogyakarta and the existence ofpeoples’ participation of Yogyakarta. Based ondescriptive analysis of data collection throughsome techniques of (a) documentation study, (b)in-depth interview, (c) observation and (d)focused group discussion (FGD) it is exploredthat peoples’ participation has functioned associal energy and has developed as a socialmovement. Values which is rooted from variousresources like religions, ethics and regulation arethe important determinant and binding thepeople’s behavior to achieve success in theimplementation of P4GN (Prevention andElimination of Illegal Circulation and Misuse ofNarcotics). This social movement also showsconsistency and responsibility of the Republic ofIndonesia as a state toward the ASEANagreement and nations in the world to fightagainst misuse and illegal circulation ofnarcotics. The agreement of ASEAN has providedgreat opportunity for the youth and student inthe ASEAN’s countries to exchange information,to do comparative study and workshop amongthe young generation for the implementation ofP4GN.Keywords: People’s role, Elimination, MisuseNarcotics AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuirespon masyarakat terhadap maraknyapenyalahgunaan narkotika di Yogyakarta, daneksistensi partisipasi masyarakat Yogyakarta.Dari analisis deskriptif terhadap data yangdihimpun dengan teknik : (a) studi dokumentasi,(b) wawancara mendalam, (c) observasi, dan (d)diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) terungkap bahwapartisipasi masyarakat telah berfungsi sebagaienergi sosial dan berkembang sebagai suatugerakan sosial. Nilai dari berbagai agama, etika,serta Peraturan Perundangan merupakandeterminan penting dan mengikat perilakumasyarakat untuk mencapai keberhasilanpenyelengaraan P4GN. Gerakan sosial inimenunjukkan konsistensi danpertanggungjawaban Negara RepublikIndonesia atas kesepakatan ASEAN dan bangsabangsa dunia dalam memerangipenyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelapnarkotika. Kesepakatan Komunitas ASEANmemberikan peluang besar bagi pemuda danmahasiswa di negara negara ASEAN untuksaling tukar informasi, studi banding, danworkshop antar pemuda dan mahasiswa dalampenyelenggaraan P4GN.Kata Kunci: Peran Masyarakat,Penanggulangan, Penyalahgunaan Narkotika

2015 ◽  
Moch. Noerhadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dosen dan mahasiswa tentang tingkat penggunaan, cara meningkatkan penggunaan (optimalisasi) dan arah pengembangan laboratorium anatomi, fisiologi dan histologi FIK UNY.Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester ganjil yang mengambil mata kuliah Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Histologi. Jumlah sampel didasarkan pada saturasi tema pada focus group discussion maupun in-depth interview. Pemilihan sampel pada mahasiswa dilakukan berdasarkan teknik convenience sampling, sedangkan pada in-depth interview dengan pengelola laboratorium dengan mempergunakan teknik criterion sampling. Pengelola laboratorium yang diwawancarai adalah kepala laboratorium dan tekniksi laboratorium yang dianggap berperan dalam menentukan arah perkembangan laboratorium.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa matakuliah dan praktikum Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Histologi sangat bermanfaat bagimahasiswa. Walaupun sebagian mahasiswa masih mengalami kesulitan untuk memahami materi kuliah dan praktikum dikarenakan bekal yang didapat  dirasakan belum mencukupi. Hal yang dikeluhkan mahasiswa adalah  manajemen alat-alat Anatomi, Fisiologi dan Histologi belum terorganisir dengan baik. Pengelola laboratorium juga merasakan adanya kendala pada fasilitas-fasilitas yang ada, terutama disebabkan oleh jumlah mahasiswa yang terus bertambah, sedangkan fasilitas yang dimiliki tidak mengalami peningkatan yang berarti.Kata kunci: optimalisasi dan pengembangan laboratorium

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 247-260
Ololade G. Adewole ◽  
Kehinde O. Omotoso ◽  
Sola S. Asa

Objectives Fertility level remains relatively high in Nigeria. Currently, it peaks at about six children per woman. Many studies have suggested targeting men in family planning programs to reduce fertility levels, particularly in patriarchal societies. Nigeria, being a patriarchal and multiethnic society, males’ influence on fertility behavior remains indisputable. Thus, this study explores contextual factors, such as sociocultural norms, beliefs, preferences, and perceptions, that influence male fertility behavior across different ethnic groups in Nigeria. Design The study uses qualitative data that involved focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview (IDI) from three geopolitical zones in Nigeria, with each zone representing the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. Six IDIs and four FGDs were conducted in each of the three selected regions among men making a total of 18 IDIs and 12 FGDs, respectively. The data were transcribed and exported to Atlas.ti software for analyses. Results Some of the beliefs and perceptions mentioned include influence of religion, polygamy, socioeconomic status, government policy, peer pressure, culture, and sex preference. These factors were found to vary considerably across tribes/ethnic groups. Conclusions Findings from this article show that there are other factors beyond individual factors that affect fertility behavior among men. Thus, there is a need to take into consideration the unique community structures in subsequent population-oriented social policy reviews and implementation to tackle high fertility behavior in Nigeria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 124-132
Riky Dwihandaka ◽  
Sumarjo Sumarjo

This study aims to reveal the effectiveness of utilization and to find out the direction of laboratory development of achievement and physical conditions in the Faculty of Sports Science, which consists of the level of use and completeness of laboratory infrastructure, laboratory management skills, managerial abilities, individual abilities, and student attitudes towards the direction of laboratory development. This research is a qualitative research. The qualitative data collection method used is the data triangulation method which consists of: 1) Focus group discussion (FGD) for students (6 people/group), and 2) Non-participant observation in laboratory settings. The population of this study were all odd semester students who used the achievement laboratory and the physical condition of FIK UNY. The number of samples is based on the saturation of themes in focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. The sample selection of students was carried out based on convenience sampling technique, while in-depth interviews with laboratory managers used criterion sampling techniques. Data analysis used three stages consisting of: 1) data reduction, 2) reconstructive data and 3) thematic analysis. Based on the research that has been done, the results show that FIK UNY students feel that the existence of an achievement laboratory and physical condition is very useful both in its use in lectures, training and research. In increasing the use of laboratory facilities, performance and physical conditions are emphasized on their use, management, maintenance and maintenance. Laboratory achievements need to be promoted and for laboratories in physical condition, staff or laboratory personnel need to be added. The development of performance laboratories and physical conditions is directed towards maintenance and maintenance as well as the construction of a wider and more integrated building.   Key words: utilization, development, laboratory Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan keefektifan pemanfaatan dan mengetahui arah pengembangan laboratorium prestasi dan kondisi fisik di Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, yang terdiri dari tingkat penggunaan dan kelengkapan sarana prasarana laboratorium, kemampuan pengelolaan laboratorium, kemampuan manajerial, kemampuan individual, dan sikap mahasiswa terhadap arah pengembangan laboratorium. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif.  Metode pengumpulan data kualitatif yang dipergunakan adalah metode triangulasi data yang terdiri dari :1) Focus group discusion (FGD) pada mahasiswa (6 orang/kelompok), dan 2) Observasi non-participant pada setting laboratorium. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa semester gasal yang menggunakan laboratorium prestasi dan kondisi fisik FIK UNY. Jumlah sampel didasarkan pada saturasi tema pada focus group discussion maupun in-depth interview. Pemilihan sampel pada mahasiswa dilakukan berdasarkan teknik convenience sampling sedangkan pada in-depth interview dengan pengelola laboratorium dengan mempergunakan teknik criterion sampling. Analisis data menggunakan tiga tahap terdiri dari: 1) data reduction, 2) data reconstrucsi dan 3) analisis thematic. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh hasil bahwa mahasiswa FIK UNY merasa keberadaan laboratorium prestasi dan kondisi fisik sangat bermanfaat baik dalam penggunaannya dalam kuliah, latihan maupun penelitian. Dalam meningkatkan penggunaan sarana laboratorium prestasi dan kondisi fisik ditekankan pada pemakaian, pengelolaan, perawatan dan pemeliharaannya. Laboratorium prestasi perlu ditingkatkan promosinya dan untuk laboratorium kondisi fisik perlu ditambahkan staf atau petugas tenaga laboratorium. Pengembangan laboratorium prestasi dan kondisi fisik diarahkan dalam pemeliharaan dan perawatan serta pembuatan gedung yang lebih luas dan terpadu.   Kata kunci: pemanfaatan, pengembangan, laboratorium

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 479-487
Sawpheeyah Nima ◽  
Yupa Somboon

There are several medical drug addict treatment methods used by physicians and other health professionals worldwide. The community-based treatment and care for drug use and dependence have increased in popularity. However, little is known about whether or how Islamic spirituality model could be incorporated into formal treatment in the Muslim community. This study aimed to explore the Islamic integrated model for drug addict treatment and rehabilitation on Kratom use among Muslim adolescents in Krabi Province, Thailand. The focus group discussion and in-depth interview were carried out in chief officer, the staff of treatment service volunteers, program leaders, and families and friends of addicts during October 2017-December 2018. The results revealed that the implementation of integrated Islamic religious learning in the drug therapy session to grow the spiritual religiosity and lower relapse among Muslim youth who were previous kratom addicts. The Islamic faith-based treatment model could be declared the evidence of kratom recovery in community level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Ahmad Ubaidillah ◽  
Misbahul Khoir

The objectives of research include; first, to describe what local Islamic working ethos are as the basis for the resilience of songkok, whip and slap handicraft businesses in Serah Panceng Gresik Village. Second, to describe the resilience of the songkok, whip and slap handicraft business in the village of Serah Panceng Gresik. This study is a qualitative-descriptive study with the aim of understanding the phenomena experienced by the subject of research including behavior, perception, motivation, and action holistically by utilizing various scientific methods. Data collection methods include; Observation, In-depth Interview or Focus Group Discussion, Documentation. Data analysis techniques include: processing and preparing data for analysis, reading the entire data, analyzing in more detail by coding data, considering detailed instructions that can help the coding process, giving descriptions that will be presented in the report, interpreting and interpreting data. The results showed that in Serah Village local Islamic working ethos were preserved by the community, such as alms giving, reading dziba', reading tahlil, attending haul akbar, and reading sholawat together every Friday. Although in the tradition it does not involve songkok, whip, and slap directly, there is a good impact to support the resilience of songkok, but not whip, and slap production. Religious rituals by praying together asking Allah to facilitate and carry out business in production songkok, whip, and slap are an expression of gratitude for what God gave to the people of Serah Village. All economic activity done by Serah community is meant to get God’s willing. Keywords: Islamic Working Ethos, Handicraft Businesses

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Khairunnisa Khairunnisa ◽  
Nila Krisnawati

Five-star hotels are known by their immense competitiveness, first-class portrayal and are superior in level of extravagance, eccentricity, representation, sophistication and amenities. Slow growth of five-star hotels aggravates strong competition, thus forcing hotel businesses to be competitive. This study attempts to analyze service quality and brand awareness toward strategic competitiveness and its impact on the performance of XYZ Hotel. The study applies both quantitative and qualitative research, which were obtained from questionnaire distribution to 100 respondents who have stayed at the hotel, in-depth interview with the PR and Front Office managers, and Focus Group Discussion with managers and hotel experts from Jakarta and Tangerang. The finding suggests that service quality has no correlation with strategic competitiveness and no significant impact on performance. Thus, brand awareness was found to be the most influential factor on strategic competitiveness. However, it is necessitated that five-star hotel continuously improve the quality of its service and the factors associated with service quality. 

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