scholarly journals Judiciary and legal principles for the development of a profile for the profession of detectives of the National Police of Ukraine

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-55
V. P. Ostapovich

The author has studied the problem of the development of theoretical foundations and methodical tools for conducting job research within the National Police of Ukraine. The author has stated theoretical grounds of creating a profile for the profession of a detective; has revealed the possibilities of using some methods and means of job research for the development of modern profiles of the professions of the system of the National Police of Ukraine. It has been demonstrated that a profile of the profession as a set of parameters characterizing a successful specialist, a professional in a certain field of professional activity, is an important component of the job description. The main component of the profile is the characteristic of psychological peculiarities of professional activity.On the basis of experimental research, the author has formulated the requirements of the profession to the motivational sphere of a specialist, his abilities, temperamental and characterological traits, etc. The main components of the profile of a detective’s profession have been considered. The author has described such structural components of the profile of the profession as general characteristics of the activity, working conditions, negative factors, occupational risk factors, psychological characteristics and professionally important personal qualities of a specialist. The author has provided the demands of the profession to the sensory and perceptual sphere of a detective, general and special abilities, the features of temperament and character, motivation, emotional and volitional qualities. It has been emphasized that comprehensive study of professional police activity based on the development of profiles of the profession is a prerequisite for solving problems related to the efficiency of using personnel potential, optimizing the selection of the most appropriate candidates for the police force, training and retraining of personnel, rationalization of work and reduction of injuries, etc.On the basis of a broad experimental study, the author has established the list of the main professional qualities of a detective of the National Police; has determined the qualitative and quantitative psychological and psychophysiological indicators recommended for the professional activity. The author has also established psychological and psychophysiological contraindications for overtaking the professional activity of a detective (a criminal police officer).

S.A. Seliverstov ◽  

The article discusses the issue of the formation of professionally important qualities (PIQ) in future military aviation navigators in the educational environment of a military university. The goal is to substantiate the activity approach as a practice-oriented basis for the formation of professional qualities in cadets-navigators. A review and analysis of scientific research, publications is carried out, allowing to discover the significance of the activity approach as a methodological direction of research. The methodological basis of the research is the provisions of the activity approach, which are used as the basis for the development and formation of the PIQ among cadets-navigators in the process of a practice-oriented educational process. The description of the results is associated with the characteristics of the content and organization of the professional activity of cadets-navigators in the process of implementation of industrial practice in the form of flight training. Using the activity approach, the main components of the activities of flight instructors, teachers and cadets-navigators are considered, from a unified methodological point of view, and thus the nature of their interaction is revealed. Emphasis have been determined that need to be paid attention to in the course of pedagogical activity on the formation of professional qualities among cadets-navigators. A definition is given and pedagogical technologies are proposed for the formation of professional experience and professional qualities in a future specialist in the context of a practice-oriented pedagogical process. The relationship between the experience gained by the trainee in the practice-oriented pedagogical process and the formation of professionally important personality traits of a specialist is considered. The main goals and objectives for the formation of the necessary professional qualities of cadetsnavigators during flight training have been determined. At the entrance of each stage of flight training, technologies are determined aimed at rational and purposeful impact on the student in order to develop competencies and personal qualities. Recommendations are offered to teachers and instructors to improve the efficiency of development and formation among cadets-navigators of the PIQ.

Osvitolohiya ◽  
2018 ◽  
pp. 157-163
Yaroslava Kulbashna ◽  
Valeriia Zakharova

The article deals with the structure of future dentists’ foreign language competence based on the analysis of data from scientific sources on the problem of research and own pedagogical experience.In particular, its main components are distinguished as gnosiological, activity and reflexive ones. Gnoseological component characterizes the system of knowledge in speech covering linguistic, deontological and socio-cultural constituents. The linguistic one is considered as knowledge of professional vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. Deontological part is described as the complex of knowledge, skills and moral as well as educational qualities for performing professional activity. Sociocultural constituent is defined as proper understanding of the culture of a foreign country.These constituents of gnoseological component are closely interconnected among each other. The second component of future dentists’ foreign language communicative competence is the activity one that reflects the ability to implement the acquired knowledge during practice. It consists of academic and foreign language communicative competences. The formation of foreign language communicative competence for future Dental Specialists is aimed at developing the skills of timely selection of appropriate professional terms, based not only on the content but also on the ability to grammatically correctly formulate sentences in practical speech and overcome the language barrier. In this way, the readiness of a specialist to use professional vocabulary in speech is realized. Therefore, it is expedient to introduce discursive and strategic components into the structure of the foreign language communicative competence.And the final component of foreign language structure is called reflexive element which involves the self-assessment of own achievements and the ability to increase their level.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1934578X1901400
Armando Cáceres ◽  
Sully M. Cruz ◽  
José V. Martínez-Arevalo ◽  
Amelia T. Henriques ◽  
Miriam A. Apel

Piper jacquemontianum Kunth (Piperaceae) is a native species from Central America and the Caribbean lowlands. It is traditionally used as a medicine and condiment in several ethnic groups from the region. Essential oils of dry leaves were obtained from eight ecologically different sites of Guatemala, which were cultivated under similar conditions in the Pacific basin. The essential oil yields obtained by hydrodistillation varied with the site of collection (0.3-1.7%). The essential oil composition was determined by gas chromatography; E-nerolidol was the only compound common to all provenances, although in a wide range (5.7-73.8%), being the main component of four of them. In the oils from other provenances, the main components were linalool, terpinen-4-ol, spathulenol, and α-bisabolol. This is the first report on the variation of the essential oil composition of this species of different provenance cultivated under similar conditions, suggesting high variability in its composition, and demonstrating at least five groups of P. jacquemontianum according to the composition of its essential oil. In further agrotechnological research, selection of the most promising samples could generate unique cultivars which might produce the expected compound.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Зоряна Ковальчук

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано та емпірично доведено вплив особистісних властивостей на формування професійної деформації працівників ризиконебезпечних професій, зокрема слідчих та опе­рупов­новажених підрозділів національної поліції України. Зазначено, що професійно важливі якості у фахівця розвиваються під час тривалої професійної діяльності, а разом з тим працівник набуває й інших якостей, які деформують особистість. Отже, у процесі професійного становлення відбувається і розвиток різно­манітних професійних деструкцій. З метою виявлення деформаційних процесів працівників правоохоронних ор­ганів різних підрозділів та визначення шляхів їх профілактики авторка провела емпіричне дослідження, ви­­користавши низку психодіагностичних методик, зокрема, «Визначення психічного вигорання» О. О. Ру­ка­виш­­нікова, «Визначення інтегральних форм комунікативної агресивності» В. В. Бойка, «Вивчення ін­те­граль­них акцентуацій особистості» К. Леонгарда, модифікація С. Шмішека, «Особистісний опитувальник» Г. Айзен­ка, опитувальник «Професійне вигорання» (К. Маслач, С. Джексон, адаптовано Н. Є. Водоп’яно­вою). Кореляційний аналіз показав, що у слідчих виявлено професійне «вигорання», пов’язане з психо­емо­ційним виснаженням, особистісним віддаленням, професійною мотивацією, спонтанністю агресії, екст­ра­версією-інтроверсією, редукцією персональних досягнень. В оперуповноважених професійне «вигорання» пов’язане з деперсоналізацією, екстраверсією-інтроверсією, невмінням переключати агресію на діяльність або неживі об’єкти, особистісним віддаленням, ритуалізацією агресії, аутоагресією та емоційним висна­жен­ням. Перспектива досліджень полягає у розробці рекомендацій щодо кадрового відбору на вищевказані професії з урахуванням особистісних властивостей претендентів на посади та профілактиці й вико­рис­танні корекційних методів з метою зниження рівня професійного «вигорання» серед працівників полі­цейських підрозділів та інших ризиконебезпечних професій In the article the author substantiates theoretically and proves empirically the influence of personal qualities on the formation of professional deformation of employees of risky professions, particularly investigators and detectives of the National Police of Ukraine. It is ndicated that professionally important qualities of a specialist are developed during a long professional activity, and  at the same time the employee acquires some other qualities that deform the person. Thus, the development of various professional destructions takes place during professional formation. In order to detect the deformation processes of law enforcement officers of different units and determine the ways of their prevention the author conducted an empirical study using a number of psychodiagnostic techniques, such as: "Definition of mental burnout" (O. Rukavishnikov), "Definition of integral forms of communicative aggressiveness" (V. Boyko), "Study of the integral accentuations of a personality" (K. Leonhard, modification of S. Shmyshek), "Personality questionnaire" (G. Eysenk), Questionnaire "Professional burnout" (K. Maslach, S. Jackson, adapted by N. Vodopyanovа). Correlation analysis showed that there was a professional "burnout" in the investigators associated with psychoemotional exhaustion, personal distance, professional motivation, spontaneity of aggression, extraversion-introversion, reduction of personal achievements. Detectives’ professional burnout is associated with depersonalization, extraversion-introversion, inability to switch aggression over activity or inanimate objects, personal distance, ritualization of aggression, auto-aggression and emotional exhaustion. The author expects the prospect of research in developing recommendations on personnel selection for the above-mentioned professions, taking into consideration the personal qualities of applicants for positions and the prevention and use of corrective methods aiming to reduce the level of professional burnout among police officers and other risky professions.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-93
Kalashnik M.M.

The article, based on the analyzed experience of leading specialists, identifies approaches to modeling the process of formation of acmeological competence of future drivers in the process of their professional training. Approaches to modeling different pedagogical systems of professional education of future drivers are analyzed. The main components of acmeological competence and the process of formation of competencies of cadets of VMNZ are determined, their content and interrelation are revealed. It is shown that the formation of acmeological competence of future drivers is a dynamic process, which is determined by external and internal factors. After all, acmeological competencies of future drivers are understood as a written description of the named process, presented by means of the schematic representation of distribution of semantic-structural components of the named process with reflection of hierarchical (horizontal-vertical ordering) communications between elements. Based on this, the formation of acmeological competence of future drivers in the process of their professional training is defined as the formation of the actual "acme" – that is, such individual-somatic, psychophysiological and socio-professional state of personality, which allows cadets to achieve the highest performance in subject-cognitive activities. Accordingly, the “acmeological competence of future drivers” will be formed, where the main tasks for its formation will be: in the cognitive sphere – the acquisition of acme-knowledge and acme-skills; in the personal sphere – the development of acme-qualities and acme-abilities, the formation of acme-abilities acme-values; in the professionally oriented sphere – the development of self-regulation of emotions and behavior, self-reflection, the formation of motivation for continuous self-improvement. And the introduction of the acmeological approach to the educational process will allow to orient the professional training of future drivers to the development of the necessary personal qualities; to implement contextual learning, the essence of which is to reproduce with the help of the whole system of didactic forms, methods and means of teaching the subject context of future professional activity.Key words: acmeological competence, future ship drivers, preparation for professional activity, activity approach, self-knowledge, training of specialists, personal qualities, acme-personality. У статті розкрито розуміння українським і зарубіжними науковцями сутності і структури понять «компетентність фахівця» та «акмеологічна компетенція» стосовно професії судноводія. Проаналізо-вано різні авторські погляди на зміст і структуру поняття «компетентність фахівця». Розглянуто осо-бливості застосування компетентнісного підходу у системі вищої морської освіти, розкрито його функ-ціональне призначення в результативному вимірі. Звернуто увагу на специфіку реалізації принципу гуманізації у вищій морській освіті, спрямованого на формування «акме»-особистості. Здійснено порівняння підготовки морських і військових офіцерів в особистісно-діяльнісному ракурсі. Виходячи з цих позицій, дослідники визначають компетентність фахівця морського флоту як готовність вирішувати інтегровані завдання у межах своєї професійної діяльності на підставі знань, умінь та навичок сукупно із сформованою системою особистісних характеристик. Аналізуючи їхні праці, робимо висновок, що «сукупність якостей особистості» за своїми характеристиками та ознаками має відповідати специфіці об’єктів професійної діяльності фахівця, більше того, вона має бути зумовлена цією специфікою. З’ясовано актуальність формування акмеологічної компетенції в майбутніх фахівців, зокрема судноводіїв. Виявлено тенденції до теоретичного обґрунтування емпірично виявлених чинників, що зумовлюють особливості формування професійної компетентності фахівців різних спеціальностей. Так, у процесі формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутнього фахівця регулювальна функція належить самопізнанню, орієнтації на внутрішній світ, що стимулює формування і подальший розвиток «акме-особистості». Проаналізована специфіка акмеологічної компетентності судноводіїв у контексті галузевих професійних вимог і сучасних суспільно-економічних викликів. Висновується низка процесуальних ракурсів дослідження процесу формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутніх судноводіїв, розвитку їхніх особистих якостей, значимих для «акме»-особистості. Обґрунтована потреба використання діяльнісного підходу до формування акмеологічної компетенції майбутніх судноводіїв у процесі їх профе-сійної підготовки.Ключові слова: акмеологічна компетенція, майбутні судноводії, підготовка до професійної діяльності, діяльнісний підхід, самопізнання, підготовка фахівців, особисті якості, акме-особистість.

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-52
Iryna Kushnir

The article describes the main characteristics of the discourse approach in the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and the main components of the Ukrainian-language medical scientific-academic discourse as a basis for selecting the content of language education of foreign medical students of Ukrainian universities. By participating in the Ukrainian-language medical discourse, foreign medical students gain professional knowledge and the opportunity to become subjects of communicative practices of professional communication with equal professionals and various members of Ukrainian society (patients), to whom the future doctor's professional activity is directed. The author cites the following content components of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: communicative roles of the subjects of medical discourse that regulate the communicative needs of foreign students; appropriate communicative intentions and strategies, tactics of realization of these intentions; genre forms of medical discourse; situational and thematic organization; basic communicative units of realization of medical discourse. Linguodidactic interpretation of this kind of medical discourse allowed to formulate partial principles of selection of language and speech materials for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The characteristics of the essence and components of medical scientific-academic discourse are given in the article, the principles of selection of educational materials for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language are singled out are the communicative-linguistic basis of language education of foreign medical students. The linguo-methodical interpretation of the studied phenomenon will help in the selection of language material and the creation of methodological developments and manuals on the Ukrainian language for foreign students; in the choice of teaching methods and techniques necessary for the formation of cognitive-linguistic skills of decoding / coding of a communicative event by instrumentality of a foreign (Ukrainian) language.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 620-629
Olena Fedorenko ◽  

The paper presents a study of the characteristics of the professional motivation of security and defense workers and reveals the relationship between motivation and individual psychological qualities and people's attitudes to various aspects of reality in police officers and servicemen. The logical relationship of correlations between work motivators and personality qualities and the attitude of servicemen and police officers to various aspects of reality is found, which will help the leader (psychologist) to increase efficiency. The article says that adequate and timely stimulation of activities based on personal qualities and attitudes to various aspects of the life of security and defense workers will prevent negative factors (development of emotional burnout, deviant behavior, negative mental states, etc.) and successfully correct them. The article aims to study the statistical motivation of security and defense workers and determine the relationship between motivation and individual psychological qualities and people's attitudes to various aspects of reality in police officers and servicemen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218

The article examines the legal and moral and ethical aspects of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system. The considered reason for dismissal has the main feature associated with the integration of legal and moral norms, which often raises a lot of questions about the attribution of a particular offense to this basis. Using the analysis of normative legal acts, the authors attempt to identify the signs that contribute to the separation of the studied grounds for dismissal from all their diversity. The classification of offenses that discredit the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system is presented, which allows to systematize and organize the knowledge obtained about the considered grounds for dismissal. The analysis of a misdemeanor that defames the honor of an employee of the penal system from a moral and ethical position gives an understanding, first of all, that it does not have a clear regulation from the point of view of the law, but the consequences of committing such a misdemeanor are clearly legal. The concepts of “honor” and “dignity” are considered as ethical categories and are analyzed as personal qualities that are manifested in an employee of the penal correction system during the period of service. These categories in the behavior of a person or employee are manifested both externally (assessment from the outside) and internally (self-assessment). The article describes the value orientation of an employee of the criminal Executive system to ethical standards in professional activity, which is an integral part of the moral and ethical side of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee.

Liubov Iarova ◽  

For continuous performance, enterprises should not only take into account potential risks and existing negative factors, but also develop methods and principles that allow timely and flexible response to crisis occurrences, as well as determine the recovery stages in an already deteriorated financial condition. Given tasks are solved by anti-crisis financial management, designed to increase the efficiency of enterprise management and facilitate the equalization or improvement of an economic entity’s financial stability, therefore, the directions of its development are a rather relevant topic in a market economy. The article examines the theoretical foundations of anti-crisis financial management, the main factors affecting the emergence of a crisis state at an enterprise, discusses the need for its development, and provides factors that determine the effectiveness of the implemented anti-crisis policy. Identifying the need to improve anti-crisis financial management and decision-making on its implementation are accompanied by an analysis that takes into consideration possible risks and costs, which determines the expected effect. The author generalizes and indicates the main principles and stages of anti- crisis management.

Gennadiy Marchenko ◽  
Irina Soshnikova

The article reveals the content of modern training technologies for internal affairs bodies; approaches are presented to training and education of cadets and students of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and educational methods the foundation of which is formed value content of professional activities: patriotism and citizenship, service to the Fatherland and interests of the people, loyalty to the law and official duty. The authors propose specific methods (case methods, group discussions, role-playing and business games) for use during seminars and practical classes in the discipline «Professional ethics and official etiquette». These methods are active and interactive, and their content is based on the appeal to literary and cinematic works on the activities of law enforcement officers on various stages of national history. The article is of methodological interest for scientific and academicians of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, teaching humanities. The authors come to the conclusion that the use of educational methods of teaching in the classroom gives cadets and listeners a clear idea of the main components of professional activity and official duty, morality and law, strengthens the understanding of the continuity of the glorious traditions of previous generations of employees of the internal affairs bodies, allows creating the Ministry of Internal Affairs in educational organizations Russia a favorable upbringing environment and qualitatively raise the level of practical readiness of graduates for professional activities.

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