scholarly journals Managemen dan Pelayanan Medis pada Kambing Milik Masyarakat di Desa Seureumo Kecamatan Indrapuri Aceh Besar

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Daniel Daniel ◽  
Dedhi Yustendi ◽  
Mulyadi Mulyadi ◽  
Zahrul Fuadi ◽  
Sari Wardani ◽  

Ternak kambing yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat desa masih sangat tradisional dan semi intensif padahal ternak kambing memiliki potensi yang cukup besar untuk diternakkan dan dikembangkan. Kondisi pemeliharaan ini harus menjadi perhatian untuk mensugesti dan menambah pengetahuan masyarakat sehingga dapat mengubah pola pikir dan mendesain kembali konsep bisnis peternakan untuk menghasilkan produk unggulan di masa yang akan datang. kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah melakukan sosialisasi langsung oleh Dosen Peternakan Universitas Abulyatama Aceh tentang cara beternak yang baik, pemberian pakan yang ideal, managemen pembibitan dan evaluasi bisnis peternakan. Managemen kesehatan baik berupa pencegahan mapun penanganan penyakit ternak diaplikasi langsung pada ternak oleh dosen dan mahasiswa. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan sosialisasi pemberian pakan dan penanganan penyakit parasit menjadi hal yang utama yang harus dilakukan dalam upaya meningkatkan produktifitas ternak.Kata Kunci: Kambing, Seureumo, Peternakan, kesehatanABSTRACTGoats carried out by the village community are still very traditional and semi-intensive, even though goats have a large potential to be raised and developed. This maintenance condition must be a concern to suggest and increase public knowledge so that it can change the mindset and redesign the livestock business concept to produce superior products in the future. The activities carried out were direct socialization by Lecturers of Livestock at the University of Abulyatama Aceh about good farming practices, ideal feeding, nursery management and evaluation of the livestock business. Health management in the form of prevention and handling of livestock diseases is applied directly to livestock by lecturers and students. The results of the activity show that socialization of feeding and handling of parasitic diseases is the main thing that must be done in an effort to increase livestock productivity.Keyword : Goat, Seureumo, Ranch, health. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93 ◽  
Zakarias Dilago

This community service was carried out for 2 days for the people in Tagalaya Village, Tobelo District, aimed at increasing public knowledge about rabies, as well as efforts to reduce the spread of rabies in Tobelo District, especially in Tagalaya Village. This activity was carried out by Polytechnic Perdamaian Halmahera Lecturers and students. The method used is counseling, demonstration and vaccination. The implementation stage on the first day was through counseling in the form of exposure to material on rabies which included rabies transmission, rabies prevention methods and treatment for rabies victims, then followed by vaccination demonstrations on several dogs belonging to the community. The activity continued on the second day by going around the village to vaccinate dogs that are kept by the community. The results of the extension activity showed that the community in Tagalaya Village had a better understanding of rabies, while the vaccination carried out on the second day succeeded in vaccinating 67 dogs, both adult dogs and puppies belonging to the Tagalaya Village community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-126
Hendra Alfani ◽  
Bambang Sulistyo ◽  
Akhmad Rosihan ◽  
Alip Susilowati Utama

The village has a lot of potential that can be developed. In many records, there are three main potentials that villages have in general. First, natural resources, second agricultural products and third potential for local wisdom and culture, where these three potentials can support the development of a tourist village. Since the enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 Regarding Villages, there has been a massive movement carried out by various groups to awaken the village's potential. The authority of the village government to develop its territory is wide open, but this spirit requires the participation of all components of the village community and synergy with various groups in a sustainable manner. Based on these matters, the Community Service Team of the University of Baturaja, through the Mitra Village Assistance Program, the Director of Research and Community Service of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education carried out development assistance activities in Sipatuhu Village, Banding Agung District, Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, South Sumatra Province becoming a souvenir center village and souvenirs in the Lake Ranau tourist area, through excavating village potentials and enhancing the capacity of governance of the Village Owned Enterprises. Keywords: Village potential, Village-Owned Enterprises, souvenir centers, tourism.   Abstrak   Desa memiliki banyak potensi yang dapat terus dikembangkan. Dalam banyak catatan, ada tiga potensi utama yang dimiliki desa pada umumnya. Pertama, sumber daya alam, kedua hasil-hasil pertanian dan ketiga potensi kearifan lokal dan budaya, di mana ketiga potensi ini dapat menunjang pengembangan menjadi desa wisata. Sejak diberlakukannya Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa, terjadi pergerakan yang begitu massif yang dilakukan berbagai kalangan untuk membangkitkan potensi-potensi yang dimiliki desa. Kewenangan pemerintah desa untuk mengembangkan wilayahnya semakin terbuka lebar, tetapi semangat ini memerlukan partisipasi seluruh komponen masyarakat desa dan sinergi dengan berbagai kalangan secara berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hal-hal tersebut, Tim Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) Universitas Baturaja, melalui Program Pendampingan Desa Mitra, Direktur Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (PPDM-DRPM Kemristekdikti) menjalankan kegiatan pedampingan pengembangan Desa Sipatuhu, Kecamatan Banding Agung, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Selatan menjadi desa sentra souvenir dan oleh-oleh di kawasan wisata Danau Ranau, melalui penggalian potensi desa dan peningkatan kapasitas tata kelola Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-31
Adrian Agoes ◽  
Hadi Mulyana ◽  
Apay Safari

The village community of Cireundeu has carried out its ancestral customary traditions, among others the main thing is not to eat staple food other than cassava. This unique custom has become a strong cultural attraction for different groups of people both nationally and internationally. This makes Cireundeu Village one of the cultural tourism destinations often visited by different groups of tourists. Traditional elders argued that although there was no growth of tourism there, they should continue to carry out their cultural traditions handed down from generation to generation. In the meantime, several generations in Kampung Cireundeu do not necessarily wish to continue the tradition of their ancestors. However, with the increasing growth of tourism, the Cireundeu people started to feel some benefits from tourism development. They therefore started to strive to engage in the preservation of their ancestral culture’s traditions and customs. The purpose of this study is to see onto which extent tourism can motivate the next generation of Cireundeu Village community to preserve the cultural traditions. This study uses quantitative methods to confirm a premise from previous studies. This research found that tourism has a positive and significant influence on the motivation of the people of Kampung Cireundeu in preserving their ancestral culture. This research took 100 respondences chosen specifically on adult indigenous villagers. The questionnaire uses ordinal scale asking the respondence on how strong they agree on the given statements. The statements are representing the dimensions on each variable tested in this research. This study only covers the Cireundeu village community. The aspect under study is limited to economic, social and cultural benefits of tourism. This study uses a multiple linear regression analytical method that measures how much is the influence of tourism simultaneously on the motivation of the people of Kampung Cireundeu in preserving their ancestral culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 357
Amiruddin Hatibe ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
Muhammad Syarif ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin

Bencana longsor merupakan salah satu peristiwa alam yang paling umum terjadi di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya penambahan wawasan masyarakat tentang mitigasi bencana alam melalui kegiatan sosialisasi. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk menambah wawasan pengetahuan fisika, teknik peringatan dini, dan mengenalkan faktor-faktor pendorong dan penghambat terjadinya bencana alam pada masyarakat Kecamatan Palolo. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 50 orang.  Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi bencana alam tanah longsor. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah bertambahnya wawasan pemahaman masyarakat terhadap konsep fisika terpadu terhadap kondisi topografi Kecamatan Palolo, teknik peringatan dini dalam mitigasi terhadap ancaman bencana alam tanah longsor, dan menemukan faktor pendorong berupa sifat gotong royong dalam menangani bencana alam tanah secara tradisional yang sudah tumbuh dalam masyarakat sebagai suatu kearifan lokal dan menjadi perhatian dalam sosialisasi. Berdasarkan kegiatan pengabdian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pentingnya konsep fisika yang sederhana pada masyarakat dalam menangani bencana tanah longsor, diperlukannya peringatan dini yang bersifat mitigasi dari tanda-tanda alam, dan tetap melestarikan kearifan lokal gotong royong untuk menyelesaikan masalah masyarakat desa, serta pentingnya perangkat desa memotivasi masyarakat pada setiap kali kegiatan sosialisasi atau pertemuan desa secara melembaga.  Landslides are one of the most common natural events in Indonesia. Therefore it is necessary to increase public knowledge about natural disaster mitigation through socialization activity. This community service aimed to broaden the knowledge of physics, early warning techniques and recognize the driving and inhibiting factors of natural disasters in the people of Palolo Subdistrict. Fifty people attended this community service. The method used was the socialization of landslide natural disasters. The results of this community service were increasing community understanding of integrated physics concept of the topographic conditions of Palolo District, early warning techniques in mitigating the threat of landslides, and finding driving factors in the form of cooperation in dealing with traditional land disasters that have grown in society as local wisdom and concern in socialization. Based on the community service that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the importance of simple physics concepts for the community in dealing with landslide disasters, the need for early warning that is mitigating natural signs, and still preserving the local wisdom of cooperation which has been in solving problems of the village community, as well as the importance of village officials motivating the community at every socialization activity or institutionalized village meeting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 461
Pilius Wenda ◽  
A. Lomboan ◽  
N.M. Santa ◽  
M. J. Nangoy

HORSE LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT PROFILE IN THE VILLAGE OF PINABETENGAN KECAMATAN TOMPASO MINAHASA REGENCY. This study aims to determine the horse health management of Pinabetengan Village, Tompaso District of Minahasa Regency. The survey method was used in research in August to September 2018. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires for 56 horse breeders. Variables consist of horse breeders profiles, horse farm management profiles,and livestock health management profiles. Data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results showed that Management profile livestock health consists of 71.43% of farmers having vaccinated, 54.55% of parasite prevention. Diseases that attack livestock are 45.45% of worm parasitic diseases, 31.82% of runny nose, 14.55% of scabies, and 8.15% of digestive tract (colic and diarrhea). 63.36% of farmers self-medicated sick animals, 35.09% used medical services, and 1.75% did not handle. Farmers have not implemented biosecurity, but 98.21% have done routine sanitation. 94.75% of farmers do not know about infectious diseases of horses to human. 35.71% of farmers have suffered from diarrhea, 14.29% inflammation of the skin/ scabies/selakarang. It can be concluded that the implementation health management for horse in Pinabetengan village of Minahasa Regency is limited due to lack of farmers knowledge and education. Keywords: Management, health, horse cattle.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Siwi Ellis Saidah ◽  
Fafa Nur Cahya ◽  
Sofia Esti Wijayanti

In the village election system there is always a political problem. In the election of the village head the seizure of power is very natural. In order to gain a power the candidates of the village head justified various ways to win the election result of the village head. It is intended that each candidate of the village head can fulfill his wish to occupy the highest position at the village level.This research has purpose to know how the implementation of village head election system in Pucung Village, Kismantoro Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency whether the village head election system refers to Law number 6 year 2014 about Village. From the results of the research we get that the village head election system, in Pucung Village, Kismantoro Subdistrict, Wonogiri Regency there are some violations that are not realized especially by the village community such as money politics and campaign that precedes the start line because it has become the culture of the village community.Violations contained in the village head election system, in Pucung Village, Kismantoro Sub-district, Wonogiri District due to lack of public knowledge about Law number 6 of 2014 on the Village is due to the low education of the village community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Risma Niswaty ◽  
Andi Cudai Nur ◽  
Diaz Rency Sesa

This study aims to determine and describe the Competence of Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency. The method used is an interactive model, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and verification of conclusions. The results show that 1) The availability of adequate information about village funds is considered to have been implemented effectively. 2). Public knowledge and insights about village funds are considered to have been implemented effectively. 3). Increasing public trust in the management of the Village Fund is considered to have run effectively. 4). The increased community participation in village fund activities is considered to have been implemented effectively. Overall, it can be understood that the Competency of Village Fund Allocation Management in Kapala Pitu District, North Toraja Regency has been running effectively. project finished. So that the responsiveness of the village community in Kapala Pitu to the implementation of village governance runs well, the allocation in the implementation of the village fund program has been able to increase public trust in the village government, the result is that village development is getting more advanced. The creation of a good relationship between the community and the government through community empowerment with the labor-intensive model of the local village community is given the opportunity to implement the village fund program both in physical and non-physical development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Betha Rahmasari

This article aims to find out the developmentidea or paradigm through village financial management based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. In this study, the researcher used a normative research methodby examining the village regulations in depth. Primary legal materials are authoritatuve legal materials in the form of laws and regulations. Village dependence is the most obvious violence against village income or financial sources. Various financial assistance from the government has made the village dependent on financial sources from the government. The use of regional development funds is intended to support activities in the management of Regional Development organizations. Therefore, development funds should be managed properly and smoothly, as well as can be used effectively to increase the people economy in the regions. This research shows that the law was made to regulate and support the development of local economic potential as well as the sustainable use of natural resources and the environment, and that the village community has the right to obtain information and monitor the planning and implementation of village development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
H. Anwar ◽  
Pendais Hak

ABSTRAK: Tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini mengetahui  latar belakang pelaksanaan kegiatan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna, mendeskripsikan ritual-ritual apa saja yang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna, mendeskripsikan proses kegiatan ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna dan mendeskripsikan perubahan yang terjadi saat ini dalam proses Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo Kecamatan Bone Kabupaten Muna. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah menurut Helius Sjamsuddin yang terdiri atas: (1) Heuristik (pengmpulan sumber), (2) Kritik sumber (verifikasi), (3) Historiografi (penulisan sejarah).Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Latar belakang pelaksanaan ritual dalam tradisi pertanian pada masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo adalah dalam bercocok tanam (degalu) masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo memiliki keyakinan bahwa hutan di Muna banyak dihuni oleh makhluk ghaib yang berpotensi mengganggu kehidupan masyarakat. Maka secara intensif masyarakat melakukan hubungan komunikasi dengan melalui upacara yang tradisional yang dimana harus dilakukan sebelum bercocok tanam. Dengan maksud mendapatkan keselamatan dalam kegiatan perladangan terhindar dari marabahaya serta hasil panen yang melimpah. Ritual dilakukan karena adanya pantangan dan larangan yang apabila jika tidak dipatuhi akan menimbulkan dampak negatif. (2) Ritual-Ritual yang dilakukan dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo ritual pembukaan lahan kawasan hutan baru yaitu desolo. Ritual kaago-ago yang dilakukan saat lahan sudah bersih dan siap untuk ditanamkan, ritual dilakukan untuk memindahkan makhluk ghaib, permohonan dan sebagai rasa syukur. Ritual kasambuno wite (deghoti wite) dan ritual kafematai, (3) Proses pelaksanaan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada Masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo yaitu semua proses ritual dilakukan pada hari baik yang dipimpin oleh dukun (parika), menyiapkan alat dan bahan (sesajian) yang dibutuhkan tiap-tiap upacara ritual yang akan dilaksanakan. (4) Perubahan yang terjadi saat ini dalam proses pelaksanaan Ritual dalam Tradisi Pertanian (Galu) pada masyarakat Desa Bone Tondo, dapat dilihat pada ritual kaago-ago, dimana saat ini sabagian ritual tersebut tidak lagi dijalankan. Perubahan-perubahan lain adalah terkait dengan konsistensi ritual yang sebagian masih ada yang melakukan secara utuh namun ada juga yang hanya menjalankan 2 atau 3 ritual saja. Kata Kunci: latarbelakang, jenis, proses dan perubahan, galu ABSTRACT: The main objective in this study is to find out the background of the implementation of Ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District of Muna District, describing the rituals performed in the implementation of ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Village Community Bone Tondo, Bone District, Muna Regency, describes the process of ritual activities in the Agricultural Tradition of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District Muna District and describes the changes that occur currently in the Ritual process in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, Bone District, Muna Regency. The method used in this study is the historical method according to Helius Sjamsuddin which consists of: (1) Heuristics (collection of sources), (2) Criticism of sources (verification), (3) Historiography (history writing). The results of the study show that: (1 ) The background of ritual implementation in the agricultural tradition of the Bone Tondo Village community is in farming (degalu). Bone Tondo Village community has the belief that the forests in Muna are inhabited by unseen creatures that have the potential to disrupt people's lives. So the community intensively communicates through traditional ceremonies which must be carried out before planting. With the intention of obtaining safety in farming activities to avoid danger and abundant harvests. The ritual is carried out because of restrictions and prohibitions which if not obeyed will cause a negative impact. (2) Rituals carried out in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community in the ritual of opening a new forest area, namely desolo. Kaago-ago rituals are carried out when the land is clean and ready to be planted, rituals are performed to remove supernatural beings, requests and as gratitude. Kasambuno wite rituals (deghoti wite) and kafematai rituals, (3) The process of implementing Rituals in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village Community, namely all ritual processes carried out on a good day led by a shaman (parika), preparing tools and materials (offerings) ) required each ritual ceremony that will be carried out. (4) Changes that occur at this time in the process of carrying out the Ritual in the Agricultural Tradition (Galu) of the Bone Tondo Village community, can be seen in the kaago-ago ritual, where at present the ritual portion is no longer carried out. Other changes are related to the consistency of the ritual, some of which still do the whole, but there are also those who only carry out 2 or 3 rituals. Keywords: Background, type, process and change, galu

Inner Asia ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-110 ◽  
Sergei Panarin

AbstractThis paper considers whether Tory in Buryatia can survive as a community. It is argued that Tory came to be a unified community under the Soviet regime from the 1930s onwards. As Soviet institutions strengthened, the earlier Buryat society lost its integrity and came to consists of familial groups isolated from and opposed to public life, yet economically dependent on the collective farm. With the 1990s outside support was withdrawn from the collective farm. There is a real possibility that if it collapses altogether, the household economies will collapse with it. It is argued that a large proportion of people in the village have become psychologically accustomed to dependency on the state and may be incapable of self-reliance. Meanwhile, the young generation is oriented to urban and outside culture and may drop out of any process of village adaptation to the new economic conditions.

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