scholarly journals Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer di Desa Tambakbaya Kota Garut Sebagai Langkah Pencegahan Covid 19

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 200-206
Asman Sadino ◽  
Riza Apriani ◽  
Agustine Chandra Suryana ◽  
Arief Rakhmatuloh ◽  
Aning Suryani ◽  

ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi saat ini beberapa waktu yang lalu menyebabkan kelangkaan hand sanitizer dipasaran, hal ini membuat resah sebagian masyarakat. Pembuatan hand sanitizer yang dibuat dengan komposisi yang kurang tepat maka efektivitas hand sanitizer dalam membunuh bakteri dan virus tentunya akan berkurang. Pemanfaatan bahan alam sebagai bahan alternatif dalam pembuatan hand sanitizer. Diketahui  beberapa tanaman yang memiliki kemampuan daya hambat terhadap bakteri yang bisa digunakan sebagai zat aktif maupun zat tambahan di dalam produksi hand sanitizer salah satunya adalah lidah buaya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah menghasilkan suatu produk kesehatan yang dapat dimanfaatkan baik untuk diri sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat sekitar dalam rangka untuk mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dengan memberi penjelasan kegunaan dan keunggulan sediaan hand sanitizer yang terbuat dari bahan alami yaitu lidah buaya (Aloe vera) melalui video dan pamflet. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dinilai dapat memberikan dampak positif kepada masyarakat Desa tambakbaya, Kecamatan Cisurupan, Kabupaten Garut dilihat dari antusiasme masyarakat Desa dalam menerima pamflet dan video sebagai sumber informasi yang sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka dalam membuat hand sanitizer berbahan dasar alami (Aloe vera) sehingga bisa dirasakan manfaatnya. Kerjasama antara kepala Desa dan aparatur Desa harus terus ditingkatkan agar dampak positif dapat menjadi dampak berkelanjutan. Kata Kunci: Hand sanitizer, antiseptik alami, aloe vera, pencegahan virus corona  ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic that occurred some time ago caused the scarcity of hand sanitizers in the market, this made some people nervous. Making hand sanitizers that are made with inappropriate compositions will reduce the effectiveness of hand sanitizers in killing bacteria and viruses. Utilization of natural materials as alternative materials in making hand sanitizers. It is known that several plants can inhibit bacteria which can be used as active substances or additives in the production of hand sanitizers, one of which is aloe vera. The purpose of this service activity is to produce a health product that can be used for both yourself, your family, and the surrounding community to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. The method used is to explain the uses and advantages of hand sanitizer preparations made from natural ingredients, namely aloe vera (Aloe vera) through videos and pamphlets. The results of this community service activity are considered to have a positive impact on the people of Tambakbaya Village, Cisurupan District, Garut Regency, seen from the enthusiasm of the Village community in receiving pamphlets and videos as a source of information that is very useful for them in making hand sanitizers made from natural ingredients (Aloe vera) so that the benefits can be felt. Cooperation between the village head and village officials must be continuously improved so that positive impacts can become sustainable impacts. Keywords: Hand sanitizer, natural antiseptic, aloe vera, coronavirus prevention

Elferida Sormin ◽  
Marina Silalahi ◽  
Bambang Widodo ◽  
Susilo Suwarno

Abstrak   Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui bentuk kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan tentang pengolahan sampah di Desa Tempursari, Kecamatan Tempursari, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur pada tanggal 12-17 Juli 2017.  Permasalahan sampah menjadi permasalahan yang belakangan sangat banyak dikeluhkan oleh masyarakat secara khusus di desa Tempursari. Kerjasama yang solid antara semua stakeholder diharapkan dalam penanganan dan pemecahan permasalahan sampah ini, seperti yang sudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Tempursari dengan kehadiran Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) yang menjadi fasilitator dalam penanganan sampah di desa Tempursari. Dalam rangka mengembangkan program yang sudah disusun dan akan dijalankan, GKJW bekersama dengan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta dalam beberapa hal terkait pengolahan sampah tersebut, di antaranya mensosialisasikan pemahaman tentang sampah (jenis dan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan), bagaimana mengolah sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya dan membantu mengoperasikan mesin pencacah sampah plastik dan sampah organik lainnya. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dinilai memberikan dampak positif, di mana mesin pencacah yang tadinya sudah lama tidak berfungsi menjadi beroperasi dengan operator yang yang sudah mahir atau fasih, masyarakat mampu memilah sampah dimulai dari tia-tiap rumah tangga sebelum selanjutnya diserahkan ke tim pengolah yang sudah ditunjuk oleh gereja. Akhirnya setelah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bersama dengan GKJW Tempursari, maka program pelayanan masyarakat melalui pengolahan sampah oleh GKJW Tempursari mulai berjalan lancar.   Kata Kunci: sampah organik, mesin pencacah   Abstract The community service activities were carried out through the form of socialization and training activities on waste management in Tempursari Village, Tempursari District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The problem of garbage has become a very recent problem that is very much complained by the community specifically in the village of Tempursari. Solid cooperation between all stakeholders is expected in handling and solving these waste problems, as has been done by the people of Desa Tempursari with the presence of the Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) who became a facilitator in handling waste in the village of Tempursari. In order to develop a program that has been compiled and will be implemented, GKJW cooperates with the Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta in several matters related to waste management, including socializing understanding of waste (types and impacts), how to process waste according to its type and helping operate plastic waste chopping machines and other organic waste. The results of community service activities are considered to have a positive impact, where the enumerating machines that have not been functioning for a long time become operational with operators who are already proficient or fluent, the community is able to sort waste starting from each household before being submitted to the processing team who has been appointed by the church. Finally after the community service activities together with GKJW Tempursari, the community service program through processing waste by GKJW Tempursari began to run smoothly.   Keywords: organic waste, chopping machine

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1243-1251
Amalia Eka

ABSTRAK Saat ini masyarakat sedang menghadapi wabah Virus Corona (Covid-19) yang sangat spesifik namun mempunyai efek kompleksitas yang tinggi, bahkan luar biasa, karena ekspektasinya tidak hanya di dunia kesehatan saja namun merambah semua sendi kehidupan manusia. Desa Kunir termasuk desa yang juga mengalami wabah Covid-19, Hal yang dapat masyarakat lakukan untuk memutus rantai penyebaran virus Covid-19 adalah dengan rajin mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air bersih, serta menggunakan hand sanitizer secara berkala. Lidah buaya memiliki kandungan saponin yang mempunyai kemampuan untuk membersihkan dan bersifat antiseptik. Tujuan setelah pemberdayaan masyarakat desa kunir, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam memanfaatkan lidah buaya yang ada disekitar tempat tinggal untuk digunakan sebagai sabun cuci tangan. Adapun kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa sosialisasi dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa kunir dalam pembuatan dan pengaplikasian sabun cuci tangan dari lidah buaya. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan kemampuan tentang lidah buaya sebagai sabun cuci tangan yaitu 70 % diperoleh dari kuisioner sebelum dan sesudah dilaksanakan pembelajaran Kata Kunci : sabun cuci tangan, lidah buaya, desa kunir ABSTRACTCurrently, the community is facing a very specific Corona Virus (Covid-19) outbreak but has a high, even extraordinary complexity effect because the expectations are not only in the world of health but also penetrate all aspects of human life. Kunir Village is one of the villages that have also experienced the Covid-19 outbreak. What people can do to break the chain of spreading the Covid-19 virus is to diligently wash their hands with soap and clean water, and use hand sanitizers regularly. Aloe vera contains saponins which have the ability to clean and are antiseptic. The goal after empowering the people of turmeric village is expected to increase their knowledge and ability to use aloe vera around the residence to be used as hand washing soap. The activities carried out are in the form of socialization and empowerment of the village community in turmeric in the manufacture and application of handwashing soap from aloe vera. There is an increase in knowledge and abilities about aloe vera as hand washing soap, which is 70% obtained from questionnaires before and after the learning is carried out. Keywords: hand washing soap, aloe vera, kunir village

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Orfyanny S.Themba ◽  
Asbi Amin ◽  
Indrawan Azis

Tujuan dan target dari BUMDes dapat dicapai jika dikelola dengan benar dan profesional karena dalam esensi BUMDes adalah hadir sebagai solusi bagi masyarakat dalam mengembangkan usaha kreatif dan UKM di desa. Atas dasar permasalahan yang terjadi pada mitra maka program PKM ini perlu dilakukan dengan memberikan sosialisasi tentang berbagai peluang usaha yang dapat dilakukan UKM di Era New Normal.dan tata Kelola keuangan BUMDes yang baik melalui aplikasi akuntansi sederhana sesuai dengan akuntansi yang berlaku umum. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskusi dan ceramah. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan Tim PKM ini dengan metode ceramah dan diskusi telah mampu memberikan motivasi bagi masyarakat di Desa Manjalling untuk melakukan variasi produk pada UKMnya terlebih lagi atas dukungan dari Kepala Desa Manjalling, para pelaku UKM, tokoh masayarakat dan pengurus BUMdes yang dijadikan sebagai sasaran kegiatan pengabdian pada Masyarakat. Kegiatan Pengabdian pada masyarakat ini juga dapat membantu bagi pengurus BUMdes mengetahui dan memahami tata kelola keuangan BUMDes yang baik melalui aplikasi akuntansi sederhana sesuai dengan akuntansi yang berlaku umum.   The goals and targets of BUMDes can be achieved if managed properly and professionally because in essence BUMDes is present as a solution for the community in developing creative businesses and SMEs in the village. Based on the problems that occur with partners, this PKM program needs to be carried out by providing socialization about various business opportunities that can be carried out by SMEs in the New Normal Era. And good BUMDes financial governance through simple accounting applications in accordance with generally accepted accounting. The method used is discussion and lecture. The service activities carried out by the PKM Team with the lecture and discussion methods have been able to provide motivation for the people in Manjalling Village to make product variations for their SMEs, especially with the support from the Manjalling Village Head, SME actors, community leaders and BUMdes management who are used as the target of the activity. community service. This community service activity can also help BUMdes management know and understand good BUMDes financial governance through simple accounting applications in accordance with generally accepted accounting

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-24
Arya T Candra ◽  
Moh. Agung Setiabudi ◽  
Mislan ◽  
Deni Kurniawan Efendi

Physical condition is the most important indicator in the life of every community to maximize daily physical activity. Physical condition is very closely related to physical fitness. One of the most effective ways to maintain one's physical fitness is to do physical activity or exercise regularly and continue. Physical activity that is carried out routinely is of course also able to increase body immunity or a person's resistance to a virus or disease, one of which is covid 19. The target of this community service activity is the community in Sumberberas Village, RW 04. The socialization activity to increase physical fitness began on the 18th July 19 2020, 09.00-12.00 WIB and located in the Al Munir mosque in the village of Sumberberas. Material related to physical activities delivered and recommended are jogging, cycling and aerobics by taking into account health protocols and physical distancing. On the first day in the implementation of this socialization activity there were 30 participants who participated and on the second day there were additional members of 20 people. So that the total participants of this socialization activity were 50 people. Based on the evaluation results it can be concluded that the participation of the people who took part in this socialization activity was classified as good and the community was also very enthusiastic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Eka Srirahayu Ariestiningsih ◽  
Dwi Faqihatus Syarifah Has ◽  
Diana Oktavia Ningrum

<em>Sekolah Perempuan (SEKOPER) is a program initiated by the Gresik Regency Government in collaboration with UN Women Australia. This program is a forum for village women to exchange knowledge and experiences, identify women's needs and interests to improve their quality of life. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic does not only attack clinically but also worsens the economic side of the community, including Kramatinggil Village, which is in the Kebomas District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province.</em> <em>The purpose of this community service activity is to improve the quality of life of women in Kramatinggil village which is still low by producing aloe vera, temulawak and moringa which are local food potentials in the village so that they can increase economic and health values and form creativepreneur healthy food. The first stage is counseling about creativepreneur to SEKOPER members. The second stage is counseling about the benefits of aloe vera, temulawak and Moringa leaves. The third stage is counseling and the practice of making healthy food/snack products from aloe vera, temulawak and Moringa leaves</em> <em>The establishment of creativepreneur healthy food from SEKOPER members and the launch of the product "Dayya Ummat" in collaboration with the University of Muhammadiyah Gresik and the village of Kramainggilt. The outputs of this community service are: 1) Health Healthy food products such as: Aloe Vera Sticks, Temulawak Cookies and Moringa Tea, 2) Forming SEKOPER members as Pioneers of creativepreunur Healthy food in Kramatinggil Village, and 3) Launching the "Dayya Ummat" product in collaboration with the University Muhammadiyah Gresik and Kramatinggil Village.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Zeni Murtafiani ◽  
Yayuk Wahyuni ◽  
Herry Suprajitno

Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, kreativitas dan keterampilan masyarakat Dusun Gembes, Desa Slahung Kec. Slahung, Kabupaten Ponorogo untuk mengolah kunyit menjadi menjadi minuman siap seduh. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dua kali bertempat di rumah Bapak Kasun dan di rumah Bapak Kepala Desa dengan melibatkan 20 orang pada tahap pertama, dan 40 orang pada tahap kedua. Pada kegiatan ini digunakan metode penyuluhan interaktif dan demonstrasi dengan melalui tiga tahap, yakni tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan sasaran tentang kunyit serta pengolahannya menjadi minuman siap seduh. Sasaran juga tertarik untuk mengonsumsi dan memproduksi sendiri minuman rempah yang didemonstrasikan, dan akan mempraktekkan penjualan bubuk kunyit siap seduh untuk meningkatkan taraf ekonomi masyarakat. Masyarakat juga antusias untuk menyampaikan pengetahuan yang diperoleh kepada orang lain di Dusun Gembes.This community service activity aims to increase the knowledge, creativity and skills of the people of Gembes Hamlet, Slahung Village, Kec. Slahung, Ponorogo Regency to process turmeric into a ready-brewed drink. The activity was carried out twice at the house of Mr. Kasun and at the house of the Village Head, involving 20 people in the first stage, and 40 people in the second stage. In this activity, interactive counseling and demonstration methods are used through three stages, namely the preparation, implementation and evaluation stages. The results of the implementation of the activity showed an increase in target knowledge about turmeric and its processing into a brewed drink. are also interested in consuming and producing their own spice drinks which are demonstrated, and will practice selling turmeric powder ready to brew to improve the economic level of the community. The Gembes Village community is also enthusiastic about passing on their knowledge to others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Muh Husein Baysha ◽  
Endah Resnandari Puji Astuti ◽  
Noor Akhmad

The purpose of this community service activity is to develop a mini rafting vehicle for satay cliff tourism as a tourist attraction which has an impact on improving the economy of the people of the village of Soccerek Pringgarata, Central Lombok. Mini rafting satay gorge as a means of promotion, sports, recreation to attract tourists so that it fosters the economy of the soccer village community. The method of implementing activities is the community development method, which is an approach in community development activities where the community is directed to achieve better social, economic and cultural conditions and the Participatory method of implementation steps, namely Problem posing, problem analysis, problem determination objectives (objectives) and objectives (objectives), actions plans (action planning), the stage (implementation) of the implementation of activities and evaluation (evaluation). The material provided in this training and assistance includes 1) introduction of rafting equipment; 2) basic rafting techniques; 3) rescue rafting; 4) practice of using rafting equipment; 5) the practice of rescue rafting. 25 participants took part in the training and mentoring activities. The results of the training and assistance of mini rafting and rescue rafting showed that as many as 84% of participants understood "mini rafting" and 80% of participants understood "rescue rafting". Activities of structuring the Jurang Sate Tourism Area, PPIP IKIP Mataram Team in partnership with the Youth Organization "Duta Taruna", Pokdasrwis "Kanak Jarin", and Bumdes "Sahara Jaya" in the Village of Soccer, Pringgarata District, Central Lombok. Implementation of the arrangement of this tourist area also involves the people of the Village of Soccer to work together to organize the tourist area and prepare for the opening of a mini rafting vehicle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-19
Ani Wijayanti

Food Processing Training with Community Agricultural Products. The Sosok Peak tourist destination in the village of Bawuran has abundant natural resources in the form of Moringa plants. Until now, the community has not been able to use the Moringa plant to be used as a variety of processed products and has a resale value. This community service program aims to increase the knowledge and skills regarding the use of Moringa leaves. To train and grow an entrepreneurial spirit in the community so that it can improve the economy of the Bawuran village community. The targets of community service activity are the people of Bawuran village, Sosok Peak’s tourism manager and the merchants. The method used in this community service is carried out in several stages including identification, socialization, training and assistance. Community service has provided several benefits to the community, namely an increase in community knowledge about the benefits of Moringa and its use as well as introducing an entrepreneurial spirit. For traders, they can increase their knowledge about processing various food products that can be sold at Sosok Peak. For the tourism manager, this training can create a product image (typical food) for the Sosok Peak tourist destination

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 77-83
Andrew Shandy Utama

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit Riau Province had an impact on the economy of the community, including the people of Palas Village. Apart from expecting financial assistance from the government, one of the opportunities that the Palas Village community can take advantage of to develop the village economy is to take advantage of the CSR programs of companies operating in Pelalawan Regency. This community service aims to explain the use of the company's CSR program to empower the community's economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method of implementation used in community service activities uses the lecture method accompanied by direct dialogue with the community. Based on Article 74 of Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, it is stated that companies that carry out their business activities in the field of natural resources and / or fields related to natural resources are required to carry out CSR. The CSR program of PT RAPP that can be used by the people of Palas Village to build their economy is the Integrated Farming System program and the UMKM program. Before being given legal counseling, only 17.5% of the 20 participants knew the law regarding CSR. After being given legal education, there was an increase to 75% of the 20 participants who answered correctly. This means that this community service activity has succeeded in increasing the understanding of the Palas Village community.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 159-168
Yasir Yasir ◽  
Muhammad Firdaus ◽  
Rusmadi Awza ◽  
Ismandianto Ismandianto

Petalongan Village is one of the villages in Pasir Penyu District, Indragiri Hulu Regency, which is still left behind. This village has rivers, lakes, and cultural traditions for economic or tourism development. People still do not realize the importance of managing this ecosystem. Therefore, the purpose of this service activity is to change people's behavior in managing and utilizing nature, traditions and culture to improve the community's economy. The targets of this activity are the managers of Village-Owned Enterprises and Women Empowerment of Family Welfare. The service methods carried out started from the socio-economic mapping, counseling, FGD, and mentoring. This community service activity has mapped the economic potential of the village on a lake-based basis. Counseling and FGDs regarding problems in Petalongan Village have contributed to increasing public awareness. Extension activities focused on using the lake for the cultivation of catfish and tilapia. Besides that, training on tourism awareness and UMKM needs to be carried out immediately in order to increase understanding, attitudes and the ability of the community in utilizing the wealth of natural resources in this village. This counseling has a positive impact so that people want to immediately cultivate fish and use the lake for tourism to increase the community’s economic income.

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