2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-254
Nasya Rizki Nabilah ◽  
Meita Lukitawati Sujatna

This study is entitled "Analysis of Translation Methods and Techniques in the Novel Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. Study: Translation ". The data source used is a novel titled the Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. The objectives of this research are to (1) identify the translation method used in the translation of the novel The Curse of the Wendigo by Rick Yancey. (2) identify the types of translation techniques used in the translation of Rick Yancey's novel The Curse of the Wendigo. (3) identify the relationship between the translation methods and techniques used in the translation of Rick Yancey's novel The Curse of the Wendigo. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The theoretical basis of this research is the theory of the Newmark translation method (1988) and the Molina & Albir (2002) translation techniques. The results of this study indicate that there are: (1) seven translation methods used, namely literal (3.2%), faithful (3.2%), semantic (45.2%), adaptation (3.2%) ), idiomatic (3.2%), free (9.7%), and communicative (32.3%). (2) 17 translation techniques used are adaptation (1.2%), amplification (2.4%), borrowing (3.5%), calculating (2.4%), compensation (1.2%), description (2.4%), prevalent equivalent (3.5%), generalization (2.4%), linguistic amplification (9.4%), linguistic compression (17.6%), literal (20%), modulation ( 7.1%), particularization (2.4%), reduction (1.2%), substitution (1.2%), variation (3.5%), and transposition (18.8%). (3) six of the seven translation methods related to the translation technique used.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-534
Agustina Aloojaha

This research is a translation study on politeness strategies in ordering speech act of novel Christ the Lord out of Egypt and its translation in Indonesian, Kristus Tuhan Meninggalkan Mesir. The purpose of this research is to describe how politeness strategies exist in ordering speech and how politeness strategies impacted the translation qualites. This research used qualitative descriptive method. The data source of the research is the document in the form of the novels namely original novel and translation novel. The data are focused on the sentences that accommodate politeness strategy in ordering speech act. Politeness strategies are known through translation techniques that are used in the novel translation. By analyzing data, it showed that the politeness strategies used in ordering speech act are bald on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off record. Based on the data, translation qualities of ordering speech sentences in the novel translation have shifted because of the use of politeness strategies. Furthermore bald on record is more shifted than other because it is shifting into positive politeness. So it can be concluded that the politeness strategies have changed the meaning of ordering speech on source language in English as asking speech on target language in Indonesian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 179-185
Hani Wani Purnama Aji ◽  
Hero Gunawan ◽  
Ervina CM Simatupang

This study focus on analysis of translation used in translating usage  instruction of beauty products. The purpose of this research are (1) to identify translation method which are used in translating usage  instruction of beauty products. (2) to identify translation technique which are used in translating usage  instruction of beauty products. (3) and to identify the shift in meaning that occurs in translating usage instructions of beauty products. Data sources used are several beauty products that use English and Indonesian translations. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. The theoretical basis of this research is Newmarks (1988) translation method theory, Molina & Albirs (2002) translation technique theory, and Nida (1975) shift in the translation process theory. The results of this study show that there are: (1) 3 translation methods used are 40% of data using the free translation method, 40% of the semantic method, 20% of the adaptation method. (2)  4 translation techniques used are 40% using adaptation techniques, 20% transposition, 20% linguistic amplification, and 20% amplification. (3) there was a shift in translation in the translating usage instruction of beauty products, namely 40% Changing information (skewing of information), 40% Information gain, and 20% Loss of information.

Shinta May Adella Putri

This research aims at describing moral values which are related with the relationship of human with other human which consists of caring, help each other, deliberation, living in harmony, forgiving, keeping a promise, and respecting others. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach which describes particular event with words or the situational context of the subject in one particular situation. The results of this study show that moral values that include the existence of caring, help each other, deliberation, living in harmony, forgiving, keeping a promise, respecting others, found in the novel Komet Minor by Tere Liye. The quotations relating to the seven forms of moral value are more than 57 quotations. The form of dominant moral value is 18 quotations which found in the value of caring for others while the form of the least moral value is promise with 1 quotation. It is hoped that the value found can be a material of knowledge and learning for literary reader.   The characters in the novel Komet Minor are Batozar, Seli, Ali, the crown, Bibi Nay, Putri, Raib, Uncle Kay. In the novel of Komet Minor the most dominant character is Batozar.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Fadhila Suskha

AbstractTo uncover the causes that give rise to a lack of student interest in participating in language activities. To uncover strategies to increase student interest in participating in language activities in Arabic Language Study Program Faculty of Education and Teaching in IAIN Bengkul5.In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection methods for this study by observation, interviews and documents. Language activities include teaching and learning activities every Wednesday, Weekly Arabic activities, vocabulary sharing activities, lectures, dramas. Lack of a clear curriculum led to the failure to achieve the objectives of this activity, the lack of relationship between teachers and students, the relationship between students and the students because many students does not make affect other students, the lack of discipline in the MLA, no media to learn.Key Word: Enthusiasm of students; Language activity; Teaching Arabic

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-260
Moh. Zawawi ◽  
Devi Laila Maghfiroh

Sarcasm is a harsher style of satire in hurtful jokes with a specific purpose. Sarcasm is the dominant language style used in Mark Manson's The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck. This study aims to identify sentence forms of sarcasm and analyze the translation quality of sarcastic expressions. This translation study employs a qualitative descriptive design. The research data takes the form of sentences containing sarcasm and its translation. The data is collected through document analysis, interviews, and focus group discussions. The results showed four types of sarcasm in the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck, including ridicule, satire, proximity, and humor. Besides, the translation quality of the book The Subtle Art of Not Giving A Fuck has a high level of accuracy, acceptability, and readability, evidenced by the proper use of eleven translation techniques applied by the translator to 145 data. The frequent techniques contributing to the quality of translation are compensation, adaptation, transposition, and modulation techniques.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Primasari Wahyuni

Abstrak: Penelitian ini berujudul Hegemoni Kekuasaan Dalam Novel Hujan Karya Tere Liye dan Relevansinya Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mndeskripsikan formasi ideologi, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan, dan relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Data penelitian berupa kata, frasa, atau kalimat yang memuat formasi ideologi dan bentuk hegemoni dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, serta relevansinya dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data menggunakan content analysis. Validitas dan reliabilitas menggunakan validitas semantik dan intrarater. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain: 1) Pertama, Formasi ideologi dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye. Formasi ideologi yang ditemukan dalam novel Hujan karya Tere Liye yaitu otoritarisme, feodalisme, kapitalisme, liberalisme, sosialisme, serta vandalisme. Otoritarisme merupakan formasi ideologi yang paling banyak muncul dalam novel. 2) Kedua, bentuk hegemoni kekuasaan terjadi dalam masyarakat sipil dan masyarakat politik. 3) Ketiga, Relevansi penelitian dengan pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SMA. Penelitian ini relevan dengan KD. 3.8 Mengidentifikasi nilai-nilai kehidupan yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen yang dibaca. Melalui novel Hujan karya Tere Liye, siswa dapat mengapresiasi karya sastra sehingga menambah pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan wawasan yang dapat digunakan sebagai media untuk membentuk kepribadian diri. Kata kunci: formasi ideologi, hegemoni, relevansi pembelajaran, novel Abstract: This research entitle “The Hegemony of Power in Novel Hujan by Tere Liye and Its Relevance in Indonesia learning at High School” has aims to describe the ideology formation, term of hegemony power, and the research relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. This research is a qualitative descriptive with data source is Npvel Hujan by Tere Liye. Research data are words, phrases pr sentences which has ideology formation and hegemony term and also the relevance with Indonesia learning at high school. Read and write were used to collect the data. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. Semantics and intrarater were used to test the validity and reliability. The reserach findings were : 1) the ideology formations were authoritarian, feudalism, capitalism, liberalism, socialism, and vandalism. Authoritarian was dominant in the novel, 2) the term of hegemony happened both in civil society and political society, 3) the relevance of this research with Indonesia learning at high school. This research was relevant with basic competence 3.8 (identify the life values in a short story. Novel hujan brught student to appreciate the literatures to enrich their experience, knowledge and insight to create the personality.  Keywords : Ideology formation, hegemony, learning relevance, novel.

Guntur Dwi Purwanto ◽  
Mohammad Ulyan ◽  
Abdul Basit

Educational management is an important reference in the management of industrial-based Islamic boarding schools. When the management of a leader must go through several things, including planning, organizing, and planning industry-based learning. This research includes a qualitative descriptive approach to da'wah management. The data source used in this research is a literature review. Collecting data in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation. Islamic boarding school Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap is an industry-based Islamic boarding school. This was done to follow developments in the industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, researchers feel it is important for the management of Islamic education at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Islamic boarding school in Cilacap. The results of the application of Islamic education management include, a) soroggan, with the bin-nazhr method, the tahfidz method, the talaqqi method, and the tikrar method, b) taddabur, c) habituation of the Hasbanah and Isyraq prayers, d) rewards for students, e ) the application of industrial learning, and f) the benefits of evaluating industry-based learning at the Darussalam Al-Fatah Cilacap Islamic boarding school.

CALL ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lisa Nurhanifah ◽  
Dewi Kustanti ◽  
Nurholis Nurholis

This research tells about translation method of preposition. Preposition is the word that simple to translated, but it is complicate to find the good word, because there are so many meaning in dictionary. Even the translator does not always get the meaning from dictionary. This purpose of research is analyzing the translation of simple and complex preposition used in “J.D. Salinger’s Novel The Catcher in The Rye. And to find out the kinds of translation methods in translating of simple and complex preposition on it. The method of research uses descriptive qualitative method. Technique of collecting data, the researcher uses documentation. Technique of analyzing data, the researcher uses constant comparative method by Glaser and Strauss with four steps are data reduction, data categorization, data synthetization and hypothesis. The result of research is translator use four translation method of preposition. There are literal translation, semantic translation, free translation and communicative translation. mostly translator uses literal translation. Preposition has many meaning in dictionary, that’s why there are no word-for-word because researcher things that translator is process the translation of preposition. There are many kinds of preposition. The researcher dividing become two parts, are simple and complex (Randolph Quirk,1985). Simple preposition mostly available than complex in the novel. Because simple preposition is easy to find in the novel.Keywords: preposition, literal translation, semantic translation, free translation, communicative translation

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Ratna Sari Puspa ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

The Tamil Hindu ethnic community is spread across Indonesia, the majority live in Medan North Sumatra. Obiyem ritual is a religious activity believed by the Tamil Hindu ethnic community. The ritual has existed since the time of Bharatayudha and it is believed to eliminate bad karma for anyone who participates and performs the ritual. This ritual also obliges the devotees to make offerings to the Gods and Goddesses as a form of gratitude for giving abundance, maintain and protecting the universe. With the existence of ritual communication, the Tamil Hindu ethnic community in Medan can communicate and relate to the creator through the Obiyem ritual. This tradition is still carried out by the Tamil Hindu ethnic community to this day. The purpose of this study is to find out how the ritual communication is at the ceremony to the Tamil Hindu ethnic in Medan and what preparations are needed when the ritual is performed. Theories used in this research are communication theory, ritual communication and transcendental communication.The research method used was a phenomenological method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data were obtained from in-depth interviews with three sources who understood about the ritual of Obiyem. The conclusion of this study is the ritual of Obiyem is a media used to communicate between humans and the Creator so that all bad karma is eliminated. It is also strengthen the relationship of Tamil Hindu ethnic society.Masyarakat etnis Tamil Hindu di Indonesia mayoritas berada di kota Medan, Sumatera Utara. Ritual Obiyemmerupakan kegiatan keagamaan bagi etnis Tamil Hindu. Ritual Obiyemsudah ada sejak zaman Bharatayudha. Ritual ini dipercaya bisa menghapuskan karma buruk bagi siapapun yang ikut serta dan melakukan ritual ini. Ritual ini juga mewajibkan para jemaah untuk memberikan persembahan kepada para dewa dan dewi sebagai bentuk terima kasih karena sudah memberi kelimpahan, memelihara dan menjaga alam semesta. Dengan adanya komunikasi ritual masyarakat etnis Tamil Hindu di Medan dapat berkomunikasi dan berhubungan dengan sang pencipta melalui ritual Obiyem. Ritual ini masih dilaksanakan oleh masyarakat etnis Tamil Hindu sampai saat ini. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui bagaimana  komunikasi ritual Obiyempada etnis Tamil Hindu di kota Medan dan apa saja persiapan yang dibutuhkan pada saat ritual Obiyem dilakukan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori komunikasi, komunikasi ritual dan komunikasi transendental. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode fenomenologi dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang mengetahui ritual Obiyem. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah ritual Obiyemmerupakan media yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi antara manusia dan sang pencipta untuk menghapuskan karma buruk. Komunikasi ritual ini juga dilakukan untuk mempererat hubungan masyarakat etnis Tamil Hindu.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-38
Syaribulan Syaribulan

The existence of traditional art music parrawana in the era of modernization. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach supported by femonology approach through purposive sampling technique. Data collection is used by observation, interview, and documentation. The categories of informants used were key informants, key informants, and additional informants. Technique validity technique triangulation data, triangulation time and triangulation of data source. The results can be concluded that the existence of art Parrawana in the era of modernization according to the tradition of the ancestors and not affected by the flow of modernization is always demanding development. Although Polewali Mandar people have known modernization in their changing lives and mindset have been following the times, but they still maintain the preservation of traditional art as inherited by the ancestors in the era of modernization. Efforts made by the community, community and government is to invite young people to preserve the arts Parrawana.Keywords: Music, Parrawana, Modernization

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