scholarly journals Moving to Advanced Intelligent Manufacturing Technologies: Automation and Electronization in Livestock

E.B. Petrov ◽  

The assessment of the world market of intelligent agriculture is provided. The areas of development of digital solutions in animal husbandry, in particular, the industry of beef cattle breeding, the transition to advanced digital, intelligent production technologies, and the creation of systems for processing large amounts of data are discussed.


Изучен породный состав и численность племенного скота мясного направления продуктивности в Российской Федерации. На долю мясных пород в мире приходится 40%  от всего поголовья крупного рогатого скота. В России специализированное мясное скотоводство как самостоятельную отрасль животноводства начали создавать в начале 30-х годов прошлого века. На современном этапе в нашей стране разводят 12 пород крупного рогатого скота мясного направления продуктивности. К наиболее многочисленным относят абердин ангусскую, калмыцкую, герефордскую и казахскую белоголовую. Относительная численность животных этих пород составляет около 97% от всего поголовья скота мясного направления продуктивности. Лимузинская, галловейская, обрак, шаролезская, салерс имеют небольшой удельный вес, и совсем незначительный — у таких пород, как симментальская мясная, русская комолая и бланк-блю бельж. Территориальные и климатические особенности России позволяют в настоящее время заниматься мясным скотоводством в 59 регионах во всех федеральных округах. В 2000 году разводили 9 пород в 7 округах с численностью племенных животных около 82 тыс. голов. В 2019 году поголовье племенного мясного скота составило более 359 тыс., принадлежащих 12 породам, что в 4,4 раза больше по сравнению с 2000 годом. The article discusses the breed composition and number of breeding cattle for meat production in the Russian Federation. There are thousands of different breeds in the world, but only a few dozen are classified as meat. The share of beef cattle in the world accounts for 40% of the livestock, respectively 60% are dairy cattle. In Russia, specialized beef cattle breeding as an independent branch of animal husbandry began to be created in the early 30s of the last century. At the present stage, 12 breeds are bred in the beef cattle breeding of our country. Numerous breeds include Aberdeen Angus, Kalmyk, Hereford and Kazakh white-headed. The relative number of these breeds is about 97% of animals in the meat production direction. The rest of the breeds (Limousine, Galloway, Obrak, Charolais and Salers) have a lower specific weight. It is necessary to distinguish breeds with an insignificant specific gravity - these are Simmental meat, Russian hornless and blank-blue belge. The territorial and climatic features of Russia currently allow for beef cattle breeding in 59 regions in all federal districts. In 2000, 9 breeds were bred in 7 districts with about 82 thousand breeding animals. In 2019, the number of pedigree beef cattle amounted to more than 359 thousand heads belonging to 12 breeds, which is 4.4 times more than in 2000.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (9) ◽  
pp. 1233-1239
V.Y. Sidorova ◽  

The article examines the influence of domestic feed dispensers’ technical characteristics on the quality of preparing various types of feed for beef cattle breeding. Among the studied options for preparation and distribution of feed for beef cattle are mixer-feeders, which in the form of mobile trailers, trailers, semitrailers and stationary installations are universal transport and technological means for crushing, mixing, unloading various types of feed and feed mixtures: long-fiber green mass, silage, haylage, loose and pressed hay, straw, briquetted, wet and frozen fodder. Domestic feed dispensers are suitable for mixing various feed components into homogeneous (95-98%) grain mixtures, technical specialized feed mixtures, etc., with automated electronic weighing systems, control of the quantity and quality of feed, with the production of feed fraction up to 10 mm and taking into account the requirements for humidity. The models have options for the injection of liquid components: water, oils, vitamins, etc. The main structures of the feed dispensers are horizontal and vertical, for processing ingredients with a density of 300-500 kg/m3 into a loose mass without loss of nutritional value. The volume of the bunkers varies from 3 to 20 m3; dimensions of various modifications of the model range are approximately the same: width 1.5-2.3 m, length 3.5-7.7 m, height 1.7-3.2 m. The average weight of horizontal models is 12.5% more than vertical. Horizontal feed mixers are designed for the preparation of protein mineral and vitamin supplements and compound feeds, vertical feed mixers for the main ration. Components - loose, dry, wet, liquid and heavy ones - are prepared in a mixture as a percentage in accordance with the recipe. Premixes, bran, cake, grain meal are also used as fillers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 175-182

The article is devoted to the development of innovative processes in the livestock industry of meat sector. The main forms and methods of classification of innovations are studied. The features of innovative activity of enterprises of agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan are analyzed. Indicators of innovative activity of agricultural entities of the republic in comparison with European countries are presented. The author pays main attention to the formation and development of innovative processes at enterprises for production of meat and products of its processing, which is of considerable interest, since innovative activity in this industry has its own specific features. In agricultural sector, economic and financial state of production directly depends on introduction of innovations, the use of modern innovative technologies that save resources, increase the profitability and efficiency of production system. The assessment of potential resources for the development of beef cattle breeding has been carried out, the tendencies of the growth of livestock, meat production, its import and export in recent years have been studied. The main problems of animal husbandry industry, in particular raising of beef cattle, are highlighted, conclusions about the possibility of increasing the potential of meat products are drawn. On the basis of performed analysis of the level of innovation activity, the identified problems in agricultural production, recommendations were developed for the future development of innovations in the country's beef cattle breeding, since in the new economic conditions, an important role is played by innovative developments and their application in this industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 159-165
I. Seidova

Currently, one of the main tasks facing animal husbandry is to ensure the conservation of land to provide the population with high-quality livestock products, as well as to increase the productivity and productivity of each livestock. The correct implementation of this task primarily depends on the creation of a solid feed base. This, in turn, is possible due to the improvement and introduction of feed production technologies that do not depend on natural conditions. The technology of mixed feed production is a set of operations (grinding, dosing, mixing, etc.) performed in a certain sequence. As a result of these operations, feed is obtained from the raw materials (grain components, mineral additives, vitamins, salts, etc.) with the parameters specified in accordance with its recipe. The creation of a multicomponent dispenser-mixer capable of preparing grain mixtures in a continuous flow with high uniformity of dosing and mixing requires research and development work and is caused by the need of agricultural enterprises for such dispensers-mixers. In the technological line under study, the feed components are alternately crushed and loaded into the mixing unit. The processing line is equipped with an electronic weighing system that allows you to accurately dose the components of compound feeds and accumulate data on grain consumption. The raw materials for the preparation of compound feeds are cereals, as well as protein and vitamin supplements. The system of feeding protein and vitamin supplements is carried out by an auger, which ensures their supply to the mixing zone even with their minimum amount. The fineness of the grinding is regulated by replacing the sieve in the crusher.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-87
Farit Sitdikov ◽  
Bulat Ziganshin ◽  
Radik Shaydullin ◽  
Anastasiya Moskvicheva

The use of modern computer technology in animal husbandry without taking into account an experience can lead to unexpected results. From an economic point of view, the introduction and use of innovations in agriculture is not always justified, because of it is necessary to deal with the natural environment, and it is difficult to make predictions for obtaining particular results under such conditions. The article summarizes the experience of using modern computer technologies in dairy farming, considers approaches to improving the technology of milk production in cattle breeding, its innovative potential. Industrial-type enterprises must be modernized with the maximum use of existing facilities and technical equipment, with equipping them with advanced machines, automatic machines and equipment. The use of mechanization and automation should ensure reliable implementation and control of the processes of preparation, transportation and dosing of feed, removal and processing of manure and wastewater, and the creation of an optimal microclimate regardless of the season and climatic zone. The necessity of spreading a loose-line method of keeping cows, milking parlors and automated systems is substantiated. Cow milking should be considered a significant element in the mechanization of technological processes on a livestock farm, and therefore the most promising development of milking systems in automated and computerized installations such as Europarallel, Herringbone, and Carousel. The use of innovative digital developments such as the creation of large databases in dairy farming allows us to more accurately determine the possible results of investments and more efficiently integrate agriculture into society. The development of modern technologies contributes to a more complete realization of the genetic potential of animals and thereby increases the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding

Ahmad Alshammari ◽  
Venkata Narayana Kalevaru ◽  
Abdulaziz Bagabas ◽  
Andreas Martin

Ethylene is the largest of the olefin markets and is also one of the most important petrochemically derived monomers that are used as a feedstock for the production of various commercially useful chemical products (e.g. polyethylene, polymers, fibers etc.). The primary objective of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview about olefins particularly ethylene production technologies and its commercial significance in the world market. The content of this chapter is presented as follows: a general overview about olefins production is given. This is followed by introducing the reader to ethylene including its properties importance/applications. The next section describes the production technologies of ethylene and some of its selected derivatives, followed by an overview of the technology, market, costs, capacity, global demand and supply of ethylene technology. Finally, main points and outlook of this highly industrially important commodity chemical are summarized.

Svitlana Sendetska ◽  

The purpose of the article is to analyze current trends in the world market of chicken eggs, assess the place of our country in this market and determine possible prospects for the development of the Ukrainian egg market. The article considers the reasons for the active growth in world market of chicken eggs, calculates its growth rate, identifies the regions of the major producer location and countries with the largest production volumes. The growth rates of production at the largest producers are analyzed, the leading countries of the industry with high, moderate and negative dynamics of egg production growth are determined. The study identified the main egg sellers, their regional location, the growth rate of their export deliveries and Ukraine's place among the largest exporters. The vector of main part in the chicken eggs import and their main importers is determined. It has been studied that the Asian market is the largest, both in terms of production and consumption, where eggs are an important part of many oriental diets. As a result, China, Japan, Hong Kong and Kuwait are among the five largest consumers of eggs per capita. It is determined that the global growth of egg production is accompanied by the active introduction of technological innovations that optimize production parameters, improve the conditions of keeping and feeding poultry. It is investigated that domestic poultry farming is dependent on foreign selection, which makes the Ukrainian egg business vulnerable. It is determined that egg consumers and trade intermediaries, especially European ones, are concerned about the conditions of poultry keeping and are gradually abandoning products obtained from caged hens. Ukrainian egg producers are only at the beginning of the road to cage-free keeping poultry keeping. It has been studied that in order to maintain the leading positions on the world egg market, Ukrainian producers need to develop their own breeding base, introduce modern production technologies, make a gradual transition to cage-free poultry keeping, use ecological packaging suitable for recycling. Adherence to the last two recommendations is especially important for the development of export opportunities of the Ukrainian egg business in the European market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 107-118
A. Ye. Pochukalin ◽  
S. V. Pryima

The issue of registration of breeding animals of different breeds is dealt with by organizations that keep state books of breeding animals. In Ukraine, the functions of keeping state books of breeding animals in cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding and horse breeding belong to the powers of the minister, which ensures the formation of state policy in the field of animal husbandry. The issue of animal breeding books is relevant because it is an ongoing process that requires a set of measures aimed at registration, maintenance and promotion of domestic breeding livestock. The purpose of research. To monitor the state books of breeding animals (SBBA) in dairy and meat cattle breeding, sheep breeding and pig breeding for the period 2002–2010. Also, establish the number of potential females that could be entered in the stud books. Materials and methods of research. The material for the study was data on the presence of breeding cows of dairy and meat production, sows and ewes of breeds registered in the State Register of Breeding Subjects in Animal Husbandry (until 2009, the State Breeding Register, SBR) during 2002–2019. The results of research. According to the SBR, 15 dairy breeds of cattle have been registered in Ukraine. During the study period, 15 volumes of SBBA of four breeds of dairy cattle were published in Ukraine, which included information on 12331 breeding animals, including 11477 cows. The largest number of recorded breeding animals of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cattle, of which 144 breeding bulls and 4989 cows, are concentrated in six volumes. In second place is the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy cattle, namely 4554 animals. Then there is the Simmental with 871 animals, of which 809 cows, and the red steppe 1773 heads, including 1609 cows. It is established that 48.7% of breeding animals were born in the period from 1990 to 1999. A small proportion, namely 0.3%, are animals born before 1979, and only 24% after 2000. Younger animals are recorded in the breeding books of Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy cattle and Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy cattle, and older – in the books of the red steppe. Of the 14 meat breeds used in Ukraine, only 5 have breeding animals that are registered with the SBBA. The total number of meat-producing animals recorded in the SBBA is 5586, including 4649 cows. Of the twelve breeds of pigs bred in Ukraine, only seven breeds, namely the Ukrainian white steppe (1451 heads) and Ukrainian spotted steppe (974), Myrhorod breed (123), Great Black (181), Landrace (727), Poltava meat breed (290) and Ukrainian meat breed (300) during the study period were published state pedigree books. Half (50.7%) of all recorded breeding pigs have a year of birth before 2000. Young (born in 2000) animals are recorded in the breeding books of the Landrace breed and the Ukrainian white steppe, Ukrainian meat breed and Poltava meat breed, where their share varies from 64 to 98%. During the study period, 9 volumes of state books of breeding sheep were published. In addition to Tsigai (884 goals), Askanian Karakul (700), fine-wool (1168), meat-wool with crossbred wool (1917) and Sokol (443), in 2003, 2004 and 2009 3 volumes of SBBA sheep of the Prekos breed were published. The calculation of potential females that could be recorded in the state breeding books revealed the presence of 1251102 breeding animals, including 100796 ewes, 70678 sows, 71341 beef cows and 1008287 dairy cows. The largest number of potential females of different breeds in cattle breeding, sheep breeding and pig breeding in the regions of Ukraine showed a certain pattern, namely the centers for dairy cattle breeding – Vinnytsia (83395 heads), Kyiv (111650), Khmelnytsky (64667), Cherkasy (68035) regions, beef cattle breeding – Volyn (13.466 head), Chernihiv (10.907 head), sheep breeding – Kherson (13.837), Odessa (19078) and pig breeding – Dnipropetrovsk (6452), Poltava (4621). The main goal for calculating potential females was to try to determine the size of the breed in dairy and beef cattle, sheep breeding and pigs breeding. Because the more animals included in the breeding model, the better the results of genetic improvement. In addition, it is possible to address the dynamics of the development of breeding traits, identify successful methods of selection and selection, assessment of population and genetic parameters over time and the creation of breeding programs with breeds of farm animals. Conclusion. State books of breeding animals are an important element of selection. Animal information databases help to estimate the populations of domestic and transboundary breeds in general by a set of characteristics, to determine the population-genetic parameters over time and to develop programs for the improvement of farm animals. Studies have identified a significant number (1251102 heads) of breeding cows, ewes and sows, which at one time could be recorded in the breeding books of the respective breeds.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Nyak Ilham ◽  
Kurnia Suci Indraningsih ◽  
Roosganda Elizabeth

<p>Law No. 41/2014 deals with animal husbandry and health, supply and development of beef cattle breeding conducted by prioritizing domestic production by farmers, breeding companies and both central and local governments. One of beef cattle breeding issues in Indonesia is the concept of breeding still partially developed and not closely related with its type and dispersion in Indonesia. This paper aims to describe and characterize various business patterns of beef cattle breeding. Based on existing patterns and characteristics, breeding business has been developed in order to increase national production of beef cattle breeding. Data and information were collected from four provinces, i.e. Aceh, Central Java, Bali, and NTB. Primary data were collected through interview involving 185 respondents from various stakeholders. Data and information were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative description approach with tabulation and schemes techniques. Three types of beef cattle breeding are intensive and semi-intensive farmers’ groups, company, and government patterns. Based on each pattern, there was linkage of manufactured product utilization among the existing patterns to optimize of national beef cattle breeding system. To support this linkage, it needs synergy in various patterns of cattle beef breeding in a region where local BPTU-HPT/UPTD play a role as producers of cattle beef breed and advisers for farmers’ groups and companies in its working region. Government is expected to purchase qualified beef cattle breeding products manufactured by its advised farmers groups.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Undang-undang No 41/2014 mengatur tentang penyelenggaraan peternakan dan kesehatan hewan, penyediaan dan pengembangan bibit sapi dilakukan dengan mengutamakan produksi dalam negeri, baik oleh peternak, perusahaan peternakan, pemerintah, pemerintah daerah provinsi, dan/atau pemerintah daerah kabupaten/kota. Masalah perbibitan sapi potong di Indonesia antara lain  adalah konsep pembangunan pembibitan masih parsial, belum terkait erat baik jenis maupun sebarannya di Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan dan mengkarakteristikan berbagai pola usaha pembibitan sapi potong. Berdasarkan pola dan karakteristik yang ada dibuat rancang bangun pengembangan usaha pembibitan guna meningkatkan produksi bibit sapi potong nasional. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan dari empat provinsi yaitu Aceh, Jawa Tengah, Bali dan NTB. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mencakup 185 responden dari berbagai pihak terkait. Analisis data dan informasi dilakukan secara deskripsi kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik tabulasi dan skema. Ada tiga pola pembibitan sapi potong yaitu Pola KTT intensif dan semi intensif, pola perusahaan, dan pola pemerintah. Berdasarkan karakteristik masing-masing pola dapat dibuat keterkaitan pemanfaatan produk yang dihasilkan untuk merancang optimasi sistem pembibitan sapi nasional. Untuk mendukung hal itu, perlu membangun sinergitas kerja berbagai pola pembibitan sapi dalam satu kawasan regional dimana UPT/UPTD pembibitan sapi selain berperan sebagai produsen bibit sapi juga sebagai pembina pada KTT dan perusahaan dalam wilayah kerjanya. Pemerintah diharapkan berperan menjaring produk bibit sapi berkulitas yang dihasilkan oleh KTT binaannya.</p>

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