2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Daviq Chairilsyah, Dr.

ABSTRACTLiving in a healthy and cleaned life is something that is neglected by parents and teachers to be taught in a program and a sustainable manner. Teachers assume that parents have taught hygiene and healthy living habits at home, even though it is not certain that every parent understands the proper way of living a clean and healthy lifestyle in early childhood. Parents feel that teachers at school must have taught this clean and healthy lifestyle while studying. Indeed, teachers are more preoccupied with children's learning achievement that is more of academic knowledge. Using study literature method, this article purpose to used literature revieuw in research methodology to help teachers about the importance and the implementation of a clean and healthy lifestyle in early childhood. The role of kindergarten teachers is to stimulate character education for a healthy and clean living that should be a priority in all aspects of learning. A clean and healthy lifestyle clean and healthy life behavior in schools are instilling values for a clean and healthy lifestyle in schools through health education, carrying out extracurricular activities with clean and healthy life behavior values for students, make activity can be carried out work together with the goverenment health office. Keywords: clean and healthy behavior, environment, early childhood  ABSTRAKHidup sehat dan bersih menjadi hal yang terkadang diabaikan oleh orang tua dan guru untuk diajarkan secara terprogram dan berkelanjutan. Guru menganggap bahwa orang tua telah mengajarkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di rumah, padahal belum tentu setiap orang tua memahami pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada anak usia dini. Orang tua meyakini bahwa guru di sekolah pasti telah mengajarkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat ini di sekolah, pada kenyataannya guru lebih disibukkan pada pencapaian pembelajaran anak yang lebih bersifat pengetahuan akademik. Menggunakan metode studi literatur, tulisan ini bertujuan membantu guru mengenai penerapan pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada anak usia dini. Peran guru taman kanak-kanak adalah menstimulasi pendidikan karakter hidup sehat dan bersih harus menjadi prioritas dalam segenap aspek pembelajaran di sekolah. Cara-cara penerapan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah adalah menanamkan nilai-nilai untuk berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah, melakukan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai hidup bersih dan sehat, melakukan konseling dan bekerja sama dengan pihak kesehatan dari pemerintah. Kata kunci: perilaku bersih dan sehat, lingkungan, anak usia dini

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Daviq Chairilsyah, Dr.

ABSTRACTLiving in a healthy and cleaned life is something that is neglected by parents and teachers to be taught in a program and a sustainable manner. Teachers assume that parents have taught hygiene and healthy living habits at home, even though it is not certain that every parent understands the proper way of living a clean and healthy lifestyle in early childhood. Parents feel that teachers at school must have taught this clean and healthy lifestyle while studying. Indeed, teachers are more preoccupied with children's learning achievement that is more of academic knowledge. Using study literature method, this article purpose to used literature revieuw in research methodology to help teachers about the importance and the implementation of a clean and healthy lifestyle in early childhood. The role of kindergarten teachers is to stimulate character education for a healthy and clean living that should be a priority in all aspects of learning. A clean and healthy lifestyle clean and healthy life behavior in schools are instilling values for a clean and healthy lifestyle in schools through health education, carrying out extracurricular activities with clean and healthy life behavior values for students, make activity can be carried out work together with the goverenment health office. Keywords: clean and healthy behavior, environment, early childhood  ABSTRAKHidup sehat dan bersih menjadi hal yang terkadang diabaikan oleh orang tua dan guru untuk diajarkan secara terprogram dan berkelanjutan. Guru menganggap bahwa orang tua telah mengajarkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di rumah, padahal belum tentu setiap orang tua memahami pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada anak usia dini. Orang tua meyakini bahwa guru di sekolah pasti telah mengajarkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat ini di sekolah, pada kenyataannya guru lebih disibukkan pada pencapaian pembelajaran anak yang lebih bersifat pengetahuan akademik. Menggunakan metode studi literatur, tulisan ini bertujuan membantu guru mengenai penerapan pola perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada anak usia dini. Peran guru taman kanak-kanak adalah menstimulasi pendidikan karakter hidup sehat dan bersih harus menjadi prioritas dalam segenap aspek pembelajaran di sekolah. Cara-cara penerapan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah adalah menanamkan nilai-nilai untuk berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah, melakukan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai hidup bersih dan sehat, melakukan konseling dan bekerja sama dengan pihak kesehatan dari pemerintah. Kata kunci: perilaku bersih dan sehat, lingkungan, anak usia dini

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Elvira Junita ◽  
Yuli Handayani ◽  
Lufita Nur Alfiah

AbstrakPermasalahan kesehatan yang timbul saat ini merupakan akibat dari perilaku hidup yang tidak sehat. Gaya hidup yang kurang baik mengakibatkan tingginya angka kejadian Penyakit Tidak Menular, Di Desa Rambah Hilir kunjungan penderita hipertensi dan diabetes di Puskesmas Rambah Hilir I di tahun 2018 ini sampai bulan Juni 66 kasus Hipertensi 27 Kasus Diabetes. Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) merupakan progam Pemerintah untuk mengajak masyarakat hidup sehat dengan focus pada 3 kegiatan utama yaitu melakukan aktifitas fisik, makan buah sayur dan cek kesehatan secara rutin minimal enam bulan sekali.Dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini upaya yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan gaya hidup sehat yakni meningkatnya aktifitas fisik yang dilakukan dengan melaksanakan kegiatan rutin senam bersama setiap hari minggu dan meningkatkan konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan memanfaatkan lahan perkarangan rumah warga dengan menanam buah dan sayur dihalaman rumah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi buah dan sayur. Upaya Peningkatan peran masyarakat dalam memeriksakan kesehatannya dengan mendirikan posko kesehatan untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam memeriksa kesehatannya. Luaran yang telah dicapai adalah Adanya kegiatan senam rutin, meningkatnya konsumsi buah dan sayur dengan Adanya tanaman buah dan sayur disetiap rumah warga, makan buah dan sayur bersama setiap hari minggu, Adanya pemeriksaan kesehatan secara berkala.Abstract.Health problems that currently emergeare resulted from unhealthy living behaviours. A bad lifestyle causes an increase innon-communicable diseases cases. According to patient visit data until June 2018 at the community health centre (Puskesmas) Rambah Hilir I, Rambah Hilir Village, Rokan Hulu, Riau, it shows that there were 66 cases of hypertension and 27 cases of diabetes.The Healthy Life Society Movement (GERMAS) is a government program to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle focusing on 3 main activities namely physical activities, eating vegetables, together with regular health check-upsat least once every 6 months. This community partnership program attempts to enhance the healthy lifestyle by intensifying physical activitiesthrough a routine collective exercise on every Sunday and increasing fruits and vegetables consumption. The community members’ yards are used as land to grow fruits and vegetables for meeting the community’s needs. Regarding the effort to improve the role of the community members to check their health, it was carried out by establishing a health post to facilitate them in checking-up their health. Outputs that have been achieved are the routine exercise; an increase in fruits and vegetables consumptionasthere are fruit and vegetable plants in every resident's houses; eating fruits and vegetables collectively on every Sunday; as well as regular health check-ups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 215-236
Heri Maria Zulfiati ◽  
Biya Ebi Praheto ◽  
Anselmus Sudirman

To foster character education in Indonesia, research on the role of social capital has become an urgent issue because character crisis is one of the growing concerns and recent stunning news stakes. National identity crises have shown anti-cultural behavior, anti-character, and less use of domestic social capital blatantly. This research aims to describe the role of social capital that determines the implementation of character education through Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s perspectives. This qualitative research was designed as a case study using purposive sampling with individual resources such as headmaster, teacher, student representatives, school committee, parents, foundation management, and school supervisor. This research was conducted at Tamansiswa Primary School, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from November 2017 to January 2018. The research result shows that the social capital role determines the implementation of character education, and in Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s perspective, character education has been applied in all learning processes. Both intra-curricular and extracurricular activities support the school culture, and the family system is an integral part of habituation and exemplary character inculcation at school, family, and societal levels through mutual love, respect, assistance, and help. The obliged elements of social capital in embodying character education are trust, norm, and network.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-108
Kustin Hariyono

Adolescenceis a vulnerableperiod becausethis period is a time forthem to findtheir identity. Thisis thetime we needto pay attention to. One manifestation of the government's concern for youth tobecome a quality generationthrough the Ministry of Health is to promote the Youth Care Health Service Activity program. These programs include counseling, clinical services and counseling by program implementers, as well as training peer counselors. Peer counselors in question are adolescent health cadres who have been given additional training in interpersonal relationships and counseling. This program can be applied to students to create clean living behavior for students in Islamic boarding schools. The purpose of the study was the Effectiveness of Formation of Adolescent Health Cadres in Improving Clean and Healthy Life Behavior in Santri at the Shofa Warwa Islamic Boarding School. This research is quantitative with a quasi-experimental research design with a one group pre-test-post-test design approach. The population is students with a sample of 50. Clean and Healthy Life Behavior of students before the Adolescent Care Health Service is in good criteria by 10% and after the Adolescent Care Health Service is formed there is an increase in good criteria to 60%. There was a significant change in the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle of the santri before and after the Adolescent Care Health Service was established. P=0.000<α 0.05. It is hoped that the Islamic boarding school can continue to monitor this activity so that the Clean and Healthy Life Behavior of students can continue to be improved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-85
Mareike D. Patras ◽  
Yeanneke L. Tinungki

Perilaku Hidup  Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) merupakan cerminan pola hidup keluarga yang senantiasa memperhatikan dan menjaga kesehatan seluruh anggota keluarga. Semua perilaku kesehatan yang dilakukan atas kesadaran sehingga keluarga atau anggota keluarga dapat menolong dirinya sendiri dibidang kesehatan  dan dapat berperan aktif  dalam kegiatan-kegiatan dibidang kesehatan di masyarakat. Hal ini terjadi karena kurangnya perilaku hidup bersih sehat keluarga. Guna mencegah  penyakit menular dan tidak menular, setiap anggota rumah tangga perlu diberdayakan,dalam melaksanakan 10 (sepuluh) indikator PHBS Pelaksanaan PHBS Kabupaten Sangihe tahun 2017 50,40%. Di Kecamatan Tabukan Selatan Tengah 280 KK Keluarga yang di pantau ,yang ber PHBS 114 (40,2%). Tujuan penelitian ingin mengetahui  Hubungan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Keluarga dengan Perilaku Hidup Bersih Sehat. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan rancangan Cross sectional study. Hasil penelitian tidak ada hubungan pengetahuan dengan penerapan Perilaku hidup Bersih Sehat diperoleh nilai P yaitu = 0,171 >ᾳ  0,05 dan ada hubungan antara sikap dengan penerapan Perilaku hidup Bersih Sehat nilai p value 0,03 < ᾳ (0.05). Disarankan agar setiap anggota keluarga termotivasi melaksanakan 10 indikator PHBS   Clean and Healty living behavior showed of fammily pattern live style in order to prevent infectious and non-communicable diseases, every member of the household needs to be empowered in implementing 10 (ten) indicators of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior. In 2017 the implementation in Sangihe District was 50.40%. The family monitored in Tabukan Selatan Tengah Subdistrict were 280 families, apply clean and healthy living behavior about 114 (40.2%). Method of those reaseach apply cross sectional study, design  and the result of the research show that was not a relationship between knowledge and clean healthy life behavior with p value 0.016 <ᾳ (0.05) and those was a relationship between attitude and clean healthy lifestyle, p value 0.03 <ᾳ (0.05). The member of fammily incentive to motivate ten (10) standards of Clean Healty living behavior.

Susy Sriwahyuni ◽  
Zakiyuddin Zakiyuddin ◽  
Muhammad Reza Firdaus

School age children are groups that is prone to experiencing health problems due to low knowledge of clean and healthy life behavior. To increase their knowledge, an attractive promotional media namely snake and ladder is needed so that the delivery of material is easily accepted by them. The purpose of this method is as a stimulus medium so that elementary school students can easily understand on how to improve clean and healthy life behavior. The research method was quasi-experimental with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population were 85 elementary school students of Ujong Tanjung in IV, V and VI grade who had been given an understanding of CHLB. The sample consisted of 30 people who would be given a pre-test and post-test who were previously given snake and ladder media intervention. The results showed there was a significant improvement on student’s knowledge after they got intervention with snake and ladder media where during the pre-test the respondents who had good knowledge were 11 people (36.7%) but after being given the intervention, it was increase into 22 people (73.3%). On the other hand, respondents with poor knowledge category on pre-test were 19 people (63.3%), after being given the intervention, it was decrease into 8 people (26.7%). Based on the results of Wilcoxon test, it was found Pvalue = 0,000 < α =0.05, it is indicated there is a significant difference on respondents’ knowledge about clean and healthy life behavior (CHLB) before and after given the intervention through Snake and Ladder (SAL) media. The conclusion is there is the difference in the level of respondents’ knowledge on CHLB (Clean and Healthy Living Behavior) before and after the intervention through Snake and Ladder (SAL) media.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Muhammad Yunan Suhardiyansyah ◽  
Budiono Budiono ◽  
Rohmad Widodo

Research conducted at SMAN 9 Malang about, (1) Implementation of CharacterEducation by Study of Citizenship, (2) Describe the constraints faced, (3) Describe solution made in the implementation of Character Education by Study Of Citizenship. This research uses the nearing of qualitative research. Where researchers directly to collecting information related to the title of the study. The collection of data obtained from observation, interview, and documentation. As for the target of information are principal, waka kurikulum, waka student, teacher Citizenship Education, and the student of SMAN 9 Malang. Indicate thatthe results of research in Citizenship Education in SMAN 9 Malang loading about Character Education and devolep values’s character that exist in the state ideology that is Pancasila, strategic Citizenship Education teachers of SMAN 9 Malang are with model. Habituation or reinforcement. Evaluation is conducted by the Citizenship Education teacher at SMAN 9 are cognitive, affective and psychomotor student. Values in Citizenship Education also developed in school extracurriculier activities such as extracurricular activities paskibra in SMAN 9 Malang which also inserts character education such as discipline, responbility,independence, and nationalist. It’s just that in practice there are still constraints such as there are still a few of student who make mischief in school, many teacher and students who come school late. From the times or the impact that the school conducted globalisasi. The solution of the schools that model, an awareness of the self, the role of parents.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Bahjatun Nadrati ◽  
Wisnu Probo Wijayanto ◽  
Musniati Musniati

CLEAN AND HEALTHY LIVING PROGRAM BEHAVIOR (CHLB) OF STUDENTS AT THE AD DIINUL QAYYIM ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN WEST LOMBOK.Background: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (CHLB) the school environment is an effort to empower students, teachers, and the school community to know, want and be able treat CHLB. Health problems faced by student are not different from the problems faced by public school children, even for boarding students who will increase again with environmental health problems in the cottage they occupy.Purpose: This study was to determine the description of clean and healthy behavior (CHLB) of students at the Ad Diinul Qayyim Islamic Boarding School in West Lombok.Methods: A descriptive analytical study where the study was conducted with a one-time measurement which aims to find out the description of students' CHLB at the Ad Diinul Qayyim Islamic Boarding School.Results: The results obtained from the total respondents were 271 students that the majority of respondents were 182 (67.9%) had a picture of clean and healthy behaviors, namely enough, 87 (32.1%) respondents had a picture of clean and healthy life behavior that is good and 2 (0.7%) respondents have a picture of clean and healthy behavior, namely less.Conclusion; Islamic Boarding School is a form of religious education institution that grows and develops from and for the people who play an important role in the development of human resources, it is expected that the student and leaders and managers of Islamic boarding schools are not only proficient in moral and spiritual development with intellectual nuances religious, but can also be a driver of motivators and innovators in health development, as well as being a role model in clean and healthy lifestyle for the surrounding community.Keywords: Clean and Healthy Life Behavior (CHLB), students, Islamic Boarding SchoolPendahuluan: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) tatanan lingkungan sekolah adalah upaya untuk memberdayakan siswa, guru, dan masyarakat lingkungan sekolah agar tahu, mau, dan mampu memperilakukan PHBS. Permasalahan kesehatan yang dihadapi santri-santri tidak berbeda dengan permasalahan yang dihadapi anak sekolah umum bahkan bagi santri yang mondok akan bertambah lagi dengan masalah kesehatan lingkungan yang ada di pondok yang mereka tempati.Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Gambaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) Santri di Pondok Pesantren Ad Diinul Qayyim Lombok Barat.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif Analitik dimana penelitian dilakukan dengan pengukuran sekali waktu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran PHBS santri di Pondok Pesantren Ad Diinul Qayyim.Hasil: Hasil yang didapatkan dari total responden sebanyak 271 siswa bahwa sebagian besar responden yaitu 182 (67,9%) memiliki gambaran perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yaitu cukup, 87 (32,1%) responden memiliki gambaran perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yaitu baik dan 2(0,7%)responden memiliki gambaran perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yaitu kurang.Simpulan; Pondok Pesantren merupakan salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan keagamaan yang tumbuh dan berkembang dari oleh dan untuk masyarakat yang berperan penting dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia, diharapkan para santri dan para pemimpin serta pengelola pondok pesantren tidak saja mahir dalam aspek pembangunan moral dan spiritual dengan intelektual yang bernuansa agamis, namun dapat pula menjadi penggerak motivator dan inovator dalam pembangunan kesehatan, serta menjadi teladan dalam berperilaku hidup bersih dan sehat bagi masyarakat sekitar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-26
Amin Mahmudah ◽  
Umi Rohmah

Abstract: Musical intelligence of a child's ability to store notes, remember rhythm and be emotionally affected by music. The development of musical intelligence is one of them by the drumband extracurricular activities. This study aims to: (1). know the role of the teacher as a facilitator in developing early childhood musical intelligence through Drumband Extracurricular activities at Muslimat Nu 001 Ponorogo Kindergarten. (2). know the role of the teacher as a guide in developing musical intelligence of Early Childhood through Drumband Extracurricular activities at Muslimat Nu 001 Ponorogo Kindergarten. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study research. The technique used in collecting data is to use observation, interview, and documentation techniques. While the data analysis technique used is to use the Milles Hiberman technique. The results of this study are (1) the teacher's role as a facilitator is as a provider of the tools needed during the exercise and checking the condition of the tools. (2) the teacher's role as a guide in is to provide guidance and train children in the technique of punching in accordance with the tempo, training and accustoming children to discipline in drum exercises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Tita Kartika Dewi ◽  
Fanny Nurramdhani Syaefuddin

Abstrak Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat bertujuan untuk meningkatkan perilaku kesehatan yang dilakukan atas kesadaran sehingga keluarga dapat menolong dirinya sendiri di bidang kesehatan. Pengetahuan adalah salah satu yang dapat mempengaruhi kebersihan seseorang.. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat dengan pengetahuan dan perilaku menggosok gigi pada siswa kelas IV SDN Sukamanah 2 Kota Tasikmalaya. Metode Penelitian menggunakan metode non eksperimental dengan rancangan cross sectional menggunakan sampel sebesar 42 siswa. Cara pengukuran menggunakan kuesioner tingkat pengetahuan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat yang sudah diterapkan di sekolah, pengetahuan menggosok gigi, observasi lembar cheklist untuk mengetahui perilaku menggosok gigi. Hasil Penelitian menggunakan analisis data uji spearman di dapatkan nilai pada pengetahuan menggosok gigi p value 0,000 < 0,05 yang menunjukkan hubungan antara Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat dengan pengetahuan menggosok gigi. Sedangkan pada perilaku menggosok gigi di dapatkan nilai p value 0,002 < 0,05 hubungan antara Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat dengan Perilaku menggosok gigi. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah sekolah yang telah menerapkan Perilaku Hidup bersih dan Sehat berpengaruh terhadap pengetahuan dan perilaku menggosok gigi..  Kata kunci  : perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat, pengetahuan, perilaku menggosok gigi   Abstract Clean and Healthy Behavior aims to improve health behavior that leads the family can help themselves in the health sector. Knowledge is one that can affect one’s cleanliness. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Clean and Healthy Behavior with the knowledge and behavior of brushing teeth in IV students of SDN Sukamanah 2 Tasikmalaya City. The method of this study used a non-experimental method with cross sectional design by using 42 students as samples. The instrument used questionnaire which consists of some questions about knowledge level about Clean and Healthy Life Behavior that has been applied at school as well as knowledge about brushing teeth and also observing checklist form to know the behavior of brushing teeth.The results of the study which used spearman test data analysis got p value 0,000 <0.05 on the knowledge of brushing teeth and p value 0.002 <0.05 or tooth brushing behavior. It showed a correlation between Healthy Life Behavior and Healthy with knowledge of brushing teeth and brushing teeth behavior. The conclusion of this study was that the school which had implemented clean and healthy behavior influenced the students’ knowledge and behavior of brushing teeth. Keywords: clean and healthy life behavior, knowledge, tooth brushing behavior

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