2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Elvi Juliansyah Jamari ◽  
Agustini - Elisabet

Stunting is a nutritional problem seen from the inappropriate length or height according to age. Nutritional status was monitored through the TB / U index. From the data from the Puskesmas Pandanus, the prevalence of stunting is 31.71% in 2018 of the total 719 children under five. This research aims to determine the risk factors for stunting in the work area of the Pandan Community Health Center, Sintang District. This type of research is quantitative using a cross sectional approach with a population of mothers who have children under five as many as 719 and this sample is 257 mothers under five. The primary data collection tool used a questionnaire using a survey method for mothers of toddlers who were used as samples in this study to obtain primary data. The results of this study are based on statistical tests known that associated with the incidence of stunting in children under five is parenting (p = 0.011), tradition (p = 0.001), and access to information (p = 0.003). All parties related to the incidence of stunting in toddlers teach good parenting by reducing traditions that have an impact on the health of toddlers, and constantly convey the importance of toddler health for the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Winarni Hamzah ◽  
Haniarti Haniarti ◽  
Rini Anggraeny

Stunting is one of the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers in the world today. In 2017, 22.2% of children under five in the world were stunted. Indonesia is included in the third country with the highest prevalence in the Southeast Asia region, the prevalence of children under five with stunting in Indonesia in 2005-2017 was 36.4%. Aims to determine the risk factors for stunting in children under five in the working area of ​​the Baraka Community Health Center, Enrekang Regency. This study used the analytical survey method with the Cross Sectional Study approach using the simple random sampling technique, which means that the sample taken is where each element or member of the population has the same opportunity to be selected as the sample. The sample size in this study was taken using the Slovin formula. The location was carried out in the working area of ​​the Baraka Community Health Center, Enrekang Regency. The research time was 1 month. The sample in this study amounted to 94 people with the process of data collection and data collection was carried out by interview techniques. The results showed that exclusive breastfeeding (p = 0.002), complementary breastfeeding (p = 0.002) had a relationship with the incidence of stunting, while there was no relationship between LBW (p = 0.106), gestational age (p = 0.303), and maternal nutritional status ( KEK) (p = 0.229) with the incidence of stunting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 902-910
Yuliza Anggraini ◽  
Haninda Nusantri Rusdy

Latar Belakang : Data Riskesdas menunjukkan prevalensi stunting di Indonesia meningkat dari 35,6% pada tahun 2010 menjadi 37,2% pada 2013. Provinsi Sumatera Barat menempati urutan ke 17 dari 34 provinsi stunting di Indonesia dengan prevalensi anak balita (usia 24-59 bulan) stunting 36,2% lebih tinggi daripada prevalensi nasional 35,3%. Pasaman Barat adalah kabupaten kedua di Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan prevalensi stunting adalah 51,54% dan jumlah anak stunting adalah 23.435. Nagari Air Bangis Kabupaten Pasaman Barat adalah salah satu Nagari di 100 Kabupaten / Kota di Sumatra Barat yang mendapat prioritas tahap pertama dalam menangani stunting di Indonesia pada tahun 2018.Tujuan : dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuai factor penyebab terjadinya stunting pada balita di silayah kerja Puskesmas Air Bangis Kabupaten Pasaman Barat.Metode : Jenis penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel 200 dipilih secara purposive sampling. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata balita yang stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Air Bangis memiliki jenis kelamin laki-laki (57,5%), sebagian besar ibu balita yang stunting memiliki pendidikan sekolah menengah pertama (48,5%) dan bekerja sebagai IRT (95,5%), dan jumlah anak 3-5 orang (67%). Uji chi-square didapatkan pola asuh ibu berhubungan dengan stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja puskesmas Air Bangis dengan nilai p 0,05, sedangkan sanitasi lingkungan dan  pemanfaatan layanan kesehatan tidak ada hubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Air Bangis dengan nilai p 0,05. Kata kunci : Sanitasi; Pola asuh; pemanfaatan posyandu; Stunting; Balita  Background: Riskesdas data shows the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia increased from 35.6% in 2010 to 37.2% in 2013. West Sumatra Province ranks 17th out of 34 provinces of stunting in Indonesia with the prevalence of children under five (ages 24-59 months ) stunting 36.2% higher than the national prevalence of 35.3%. Pasaman Barat is the second regency in West Sumatra Province with the prevalence of stunting is 51.54% and the number of stunting children is 23,435. Nagari Air Bangis, West Pasaman Regency is one of the Nagari in 100 Regencies / Cities in West Sumatra which received the first stage priority in dealing with stunting in Indonesia in 2018.Objective: from this research is to find out the factors that cause stunting in children under five in the work area of Air Bangis Health Center, West Pasaman Regency.Method: This type of research is cross-sectional with a quantitative approach. Sample 200 was selected by purposive sampling.Results: The results showed that the average stunting toddler in the working area of the Air Bangis Community Health Center was male (57.5%), most of the stunting mothers who had a junior high school education (48.5%) and worked as IRT (95.5%), and the number of children 3-5 people (67%). Chi-square test found that maternal parenting was associated with stunting in infants in the work area of Air Bangis puskesmas with a value of p 0.05, while environmental sanitation and utilization of posyandu had no relationship with the incidence of stunting in infants in the work area of Air Bangis Puskesmas with a value of p 0.05. Keywords: Sanitation; Parenting; Utilization of posyandu; Stunting; Toddler

Verra Widhi Astuti ◽  
Tasman Tasman ◽  
Lola Felnanda Amri

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Hipertensi disebut sebagai "silent killer" artinya dapat menyebabkan kematian secara diam-diam. Hanya melalui pengukuranlah deteksi dapat dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prevalensi hipertensi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi hipertensi di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Nanggalo, Padang. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada masyarakat usia > 18 tahun di wilayah Kerja Puskemas Nanggalo dengan sampel sebanyak 438 responden. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi hipertensi di masyarakat Wilayah Kerja Nanggalo tahun 2019 sebesar 13,7 yang terdiri dari 10,7% hipertensi stage 1 dan 3% hipertensi stage 2. Sedangkan 19,2% responden sudah memasuki tahap pra hipertensi. Responden paling banyak pada usia produktif yaitu pada rentang usia 18-50 tahun; responden antara laki-laki dan perempuan jumlahnya hampir sama; sebagian besar memiliki status gizi (IMT) normal (64,2%), sebagian besar responden beraktivitas fisik secara rutin (77,9%); sebagian besar responden tidak merokok (61%); dan konsumsi makanan tinggi lemak jenuh dan rendah lemak jenuh hampir sama. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara usia, berat badan (IMT) dan aktivitas fisik dengan kejadian hipertensi. Serta tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara jenis kelamin, kebiasaan merokok, dan makan makanan berlemak jenuh dengan kejadian hipertensi. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran responden terhadap faktor-faktor risiko hipertensi.   Kata kunci: Faktor risiko, hipertensi,  prevalensi.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Hypertension is called the "silent killer" which means it can cause death silently. Therefore, detection can only be done through measurement. This study aims to determine the prevalence of hypertension and the risk factors that influence hypertension in the working area of ​​the Nanggalo Community Health Center, Padang. Methods: This study used an analytic survey method with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted on people aged> 18 years in the working area of ​​Puskemas Nanggalo with 438 respondents as a sample. Result: The results showed that the proportion of hypertension in Nanggalo Work Area was 13.7 consisting of 10.7% stage 1 hypertension and 3% stage 2 hypertension. While 19.2% of respondents had entered the pre hypertension stage. Most respondents are in productive age, namely in the age range 18-50 years; the number of respondents between men and women is almost the same; most of them had normal nutritional status (BMI) (64.2%), most of the respondents had regular physical activity (77.9%); most of the respondents do not smoke (61%); and consumption of foods high in saturated fat and low in saturated fat is about the same. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between age, body weight (BMI) and physical activity with the incidence of hypertension. And there is no significant relationship between gender, smoking habits, and eating saturated fatty foods with the incidence of hypertension. The results of this study are expected to be able to increase respondents' awareness of risk factors for hypertension.   Keywords: Hypertension, prevalence, risk factor

Lalu Irwandi ◽  
Hari Basuki Notobroto ◽  

Background: Currently in tropical and sub-tropical countries, malaria is still a world health problem of an infectious disease. In 2019, the malaria report of Sarmi Regency shows the number of malaria cases is 14,409 with 2,246 cases (15.5%) in the children under five group. This study aimed to analyze various risk factors related to the incidence of malaria among children under five in the working area of the Bonggo Community Health Center, Sarmi Regency, Papua Province. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study conducted in Bonggo Community Health Center, Sarmi Regency, Papua Province. A total of 99 parents with children under five divided into two groups of 33 malaria cases and 66 controls (non-malaria), were enrolled in this study. The dependent variable was malaria incidence. The independent variables were parents habit, bed net, density of the residential wall, and parents’ occupation. The sampling technique used was stratified random sampling with reference to data from the E-Sismal report at Bonggo Community Health Center from April to May 2020 and the cohort for infants and children under five at the Bonggo Health Center in 2020. Data collection was carried out by observing home visits and questionnaire. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Results: The habit of parents carrying their children outside the home at night increased the risk of malaria among children under five (OR= 7.05; 95% CI= 1.79 to 27.7; p= 0.005). Sleeping with insecticide-treated bed nets had a malaria protective effect on children under five (OR= 0.24; 95% CI= 0.07 to 0.78; p= 0.019). Meanwhile, the density of the residential walls (OR= 1.62; 95% CI= 0.45 to 5.86; p= 0.461) and the parents’ occupation (OR= 1.92; 95% CI= 0.56 to 6.62; p= 0.299) was not significant in influencing the incidence of malaria among children under five. Conclusion: The habit of carrying toddlers outside the home at night increases the risk of developing malaria in children under five, while sleeping habits using insecticide-treated bed nets have a protective effect in reducing the risk of developing malaria among children under five. Keywords: malaria, children under five, risk factors Correspondence: Lalu Irwandi. Epidemiology Masters Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, East Java. Email: [email protected] Mobile: 081354122984 DOI:

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 321
Made Cahya Widyanti

Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is a paradigm and model of a new approach to sanitation development in Indonesia that prioritizes community empowerment and behavioral change. Work area of Seririt II Public Health Center was the working area with the lowest access to the lowest latrine in Buleleng regency, which was 65.58% and there were no ODF status. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the process of actualization of CLTS first pillar program in the work area of Seririt II Community Health Center. This research was an observastional research used cross sectional study design. Data collection techniques with primary data were obtained using questionnaires. The sample of this research was sanitation officer. Data analysis used descriptive analysise. The results of the evaluation process of actualization of the Community Led Total Sanitation Program (CLTS) first pillar in the work area of Seririt II Community Health Center were not in accordance with the Minister of Health Decree Number 3 Year 2014 about CLTS, there were several steps which were not performed by sanitation officers i.e prepared village level facilitators, discussed with communities, formed sanitation activities, developed CLTS program plans related to open defecation habits, worked with cross-sector and cross-program in healthy latrine development plan and evaluated of CLTS  program plan by involving community. Suggestions for this research are sanitation officers should improve the quality of trigger activities, monitoring, evaluation and assistance for other residents who still behave inappropriately to use and have adequate sanitation facilities, advocate for the sub-district head and village head to support the success of the CLTS program.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Maria M U Girsang ◽  
Siti Marlina

Motivation is defined as strength, encouragement, needs, enthusiasm, pressure, or psychological mechanisms that encourage someone or a group of people to achieve certain achievements in accordance with what people want. Integrated service post is one form of health services organized by the community for the community with technical support from local health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the motivation of integrated service postcadres and efforts to increase children under five year visits in the area in the Pamatang Silimahuta Community Health Center work area. The sample was 73 respondents using random sampling techniques. The design of this study used analytic survey research, using the Cross Sectional approach and data collected from respondents using questionnaire sheets. The results showed a relationship between integrated service post cadre motivation and efforts to increase children under five year visits in the Pamatang Silimahuta Community Health Center work area with p value = 0.007 smaller than 0.05. It was suggested to the relevant parties to give awards to cadres so that it could motivate integrated service postcadres to be more active so that it can increase children under five year visit to the integrated service post.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-18
Maylan Emilyani Dias Simon ◽  
Sarni Anggoro

Background: Malnutrition is one of the causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age. Toddlers need nutrients in large quantities because of the rapid growth process. In 2017 there are 14% of children under five experiencing underweight. The national prevalence of nutritional problems among children under five in 2017 in the stunting category was 29.6% and underweight was 17.8% (Riskesdas, 2018). The malnourished sufferers of Piyungan Community Health Center work area are 3.8% and in Srimartani village there are 11.39% malnourished children under five. In addition, in the Sanansari Hamlet Posyandu in September there were 5.4% of children under five with underweight and stunting conditions. Research Objective: To find out the relationship between Knowledge and Behavior of Mother About Nutrition Conscious Family with Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Teratai Posyandu in Sanansari Village, Srimartani Village, Piyungan District, Bantul, D. I. Yogyakarta in 2018. Research Method: This research is a descriptive analytic research with cross sectional approach. The samples in this study were all toddlers in the Teratai Posyandu, which numbered 74 toddlers. The sampling technique is done by the Total Sampling technique. The statistical test used is to use Chi Square (x2). Results: Knowledge about Nutrition Conscious Family was partially in the good category (63.5%), the mother's behavior about Nutrition Conscious Family was partly in good category (90.5%), then there was a relationship between mother's knowledge and behavior about Nutrition Conscious Family at the Teratai Posyandu, Sanansari Hamlet, Srimartani, Piyungan, Bantul is characterized by a significant value of 0.050 and 0.00, respectively (P <0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between mother's knowledge and behavior about Nutrition Conscious Family and the nutritional status of children under five in Teratai Posyandu, Sanansari Hamlet, Srimartani, Piyungan, Bantul, Year 2018.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63
Indah Prawesti

Latar Belakang : Demam merupakan manifestasi klinis dari sebagian besar 10 besar penyakit yang terjadi di Indonesia dan merupakan alasan paling umum bagi orang tua membawa anaknya ke rumah sakit atau pelayanan kesehatan profesional lainnya. Intervensi pendidikan kesehatan kadang berhasil untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua tentang perawatan demam pada anak, namun ketakutan orang tua terhadap demam pada anaknya masih tetap ada. Salah satu penghalang meluasnya keberhasilan intervensi pendidikan ini adalah ketidakadekuatan literasi kesehatan pada orang tua Tujuan Penelitian : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan literasi kesehatan ibu dengan perawatan demam pada balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Saptosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta Tahun 2018. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini menggunakan merupakan penelitian survey analitik korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan 45 responden. Hasil Penelitian : Hasil uji statistic diperoleh hasil nilai p value = 0,275 (yang berarti  tidak ada hubungan antara literasi kesehatan ibu dengan perawatan demam pada anak balita). Kesimpulan dan Saran : tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara literasi kesehatan ibu dengan perawatan demam pada anak balita di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Saptosari, Gunungkidul Yogyakarta. Sebaiknya dilakukan penelitian selanjutnya mengenai faktor yang terkait perawatan demam pada anak balita.                     Kata Kunci : literasi kesehatan, perawatan demam   ABSTRACT   Background: Fever is a clinical manifestation of most of the 10 diseases that occur in Indonesia and is the most common reason for parents taking their children to the hospital or other professional health services. Health education interventions have sometimes succeeded in increasing parents 'knowledge about treating fever in children, but parents' fever phobia still persists. One barrier to the widespread success of this educational intervention is the inadequacy of health literacy in the parent Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship of maternal health literacy with treatment of fever in under five children in the Work Area of ​​Saptosari Public Health Center Gunungkidul Yogyakarta in 2018 Methods:. This study uses a correlational analytic survey research with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with 45 respondents. Result: The results of the statistical test results obtained p value = 0.275 (which means there is no relationship between maternal health literacy with treatment of fever in children under five). Conclusion and Reccomendation: there is no significant relationship between maternal health literacy and treatment of fever for children under five in the Saptosari Community Health Center, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Further research should be conducted regarding the factors associated with treatment of fever in children under five.   Keywords: health literacy, fever treatment

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-81
Hj. Sumarmi Sumarmi ◽  
Albahra Bin Ladjamuddin

This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge of undernourished mothers in the nutritional pattern intake of children under five at Ciledug Health Center in 2019. This study uses primary data with quantitative research methods and cross sectional design and uses random sampling techniques. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between work, income, infectious diseases, utilization of health services and the level of maternal knowledge on the nutritional pattern intake of children under five.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 170
Nur Zilawati ◽  
Wahyuningsih .

ABSTRAKGizi pada masa balita perlu mendapatkan perhatian yang serius dari orang tua, karena kesehatan seorang balita sangat berhubungan erat dengan gizi yang diserap oleh tubuh. Gizi adalah suatu proses organisme menggunakan makanan yang dikonsumsi secara normal melalui proses digesti absorbsi, transportasi, penyimpanan, metabolisme, dan pengeluaran zat-zat yang tidak digunakan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan, pertumbuhan dan fungsi normal dari organ-organ dan menghasilkan energi. Pada tahun 2018 di Puskesmas Wonogiri I terdapat 2.185 balita. 25 (1,14%) balita gizi lebih, 2.054 (94,02%) balita gizi baik, 83 (3,79%) balita gizi kurang, 23 (1,05%) balita gizi buruk (Buku Register Gizi Puskesmas Wonogiri I, 2018). Informasi tentang gizi diberikan oleh tenaga kesehatan melalui kegiatan posyandu balita yang dilakukan setiap 1 bulan sekali di desa-desa sewilayah kerja puskesmas Wonogiri I. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai pengetahuan ibu balita usia 1-5 tahun tentang Gizi di Puskesmas Wonogiri I. Medote penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross secsional. Tehnik sampling menggunakan accidental sampling dengan jumlah sampel 96 diambil dengan rumus solvin dari 2.185 populasi serta menggunakan kuesioner pernyataan tertutup. Tehnik analisa data dengan data univariat yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekwensi. Hasil penelitian: pengetahuan ibu balita 1-5 tahun tentang gizi dalam kriteria sangat baik 88,54% dan baik 11,46%.. Kesimpulan pengetahuan ibu balita 1-5 tahun dalam kriteria sangat baik yang dipengaruhi oleh usia, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengalaman, jumlah anak dalam keluarga, cara mendapatkan informasi.Keyword : Pengetahuan, Ibu Balita, Balita, GiziDESCRIPTION OF TODDLER'S KNOWLEDGE MOTHER ABOUT NUTRITION IN AGE 1-5 YEARS IN WONOGIRI I PUSKESMASABSTRACTNutrition in infancy needs serious attention from parents, because the health of a toddler is very closely related to nutrition absorbed by the body. Nutrition is a process of organism using food that is consumed normally through the process of digestion absorption, transportation, storage, metabolism, and release of substances that are not used to maintain life, growth and normal function of organs and produce energy. In 2018 at Community Health Center of Wonogiri I there were 2,185 children under five. 25 (1.14%) toddlers of over nutritional status, 2,054 (94.02%) toddlers of good nutrition, 83 (3.79%) toddlers of poor nutrition, 23 (1.05%) toddlers with poor nutrition. Information of nutrition is provided by health workers through posyandu toddlers activities that are conducted every 1 month in villages in the Community Health Center of Wonogiri I. Quantitative descriptive research methodology with a cross-sectional approach. Sampling technique using accidental sampling with a sample of 96 taken with the solvin formula from 2,185 populations and using a closed statement questionnaire. Data analysis techniques with univariate data are presented in the form of frequency distribution tables. The results of the study of mothers of toddlers 1-5 years of age about nutrition in very good criteria 88.54% and good 11.46%. The conclusion of this study is the knowledge of mothers of children under five 1-5 years old in very good criteria which is influenced by age, education, work, experience, number of children in the family, how to obtain information.Keyword: Knowledge, Toddler Mother, Toddler, Nutrition

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