2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 138-142

In the modern world, medicine is actively developing, which allows using the achievements of science and technology in order to ensure human health and life. Medical services meet the basic needs of protecting human health and much attention is paid to the development of innovative branches of medicine, such as bioethics and others. However, in medical practice there are often situations when problems with human health cannot be solved by traditional medical procedures and the need arises to transplant organs or tissues. Transplantation of human organs and tissues in the modern world is becoming a common method of medical activity, which allows many patients to save lives. However, this process is accompanied by a number of criminal acts. Criminal communities commit unlawful actions in order to profit from the sale of donor agencies. These actions cause significant damage to the medical sphere and pose serious threats to human life and health. The purpose of this work is to analyze the existing mechanisms for countering crimes in the field of transplantation of human organs and tissues. Attention is focused on the fragmentation of criminal legislation in the field of transplantation of human organs and tissues, which significantly affects the ineffectiveness of counteraction to these illegal acts.

A.M. Karpenko ◽  

. In the article, the author emphasizes that among the global problems of our time, the problem of protecting and promoting human health occupies an important place, since, on the one hand, it is one of the oldest problems that man has faced since the very beginning of his existence, and on the other hand, this problem is of paramount importance in comparison with the rest, since it is directly related to the life of the entire human race. In other words, we are talking about the main human value – human life. The author claims in the article that modern global problems are mostly a threat to the health of the population of our planet. As a result, the world community in the twenty-first century faces the urgent task of creating and strengthening a global security system, taking into account new dimensions of security and a key priority for human health and safety. Therefore, in order to analyze the concept of «global health», it is important to study the term itself in the context of modern world policy concepts. The author analyzes the political concept of «global health», studying the evolution of its formation and assesses the dynamics of various factors of its past and present state.

1996 ◽  
pp. 51-54 ◽  
N. V. M. Unni

The recognition of versatile importance of vegetation for the human life resulted in the emergence of vegetation science and many its applications in the modern world. Hence a vegetation map should be versatile enough to provide the basis for these applications. Thus, a vegetation map should contain not only information on vegetation types and their derivatives but also the geospheric and climatic background. While the geospheric information could be obtained, mapped and generalized directly using satellite remote sensing, a computerized Geographic Information System can integrate it with meaningful vegetation information classes for large areas. Such aft approach was developed with respect to mapping forest vegetation in India at. 1 : 100 000 (1983) and is in progress now (forest cover mapping at 1 : 250 000). Several review works reporting the experimental and operational use of satellite remote sensing data in India were published in the last years (Unni, 1991, 1992, 1994).

E.A. Kovrigin ◽  
V.A. Vasilyev ◽  

Given the trends in the modern world, as well as the rapid growth of digitalization, it is safe to say that it will inevitably affect almost all areas of human life and activities. Dmitriev’s English dictionary defines the word readiness: «It is a state where everything is done to start doing something.» Accordingly, an assessment of the company’s readiness to integrate modern digital technologies will identify opportunities, risks and threats, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as to formulate a list of initial measures that need to be implemented. Thus, there is an urgent need to find an answer to the following questions: «How (by, what criteria and indicators) to measure readiness?», «What are the approaches to readiness assessment?» The purpose of this article is to develop a model and algorithm to assess the company’s readiness to integrate modern digital technologies. Modelling techniques were used to achieve this goal, as well as to analyze and generalize information. As a result of the research, a model for assessing the company’s readiness to integrate modern digital technologies has been developed and tested, based on the quality management model presented in the ISO 9000 series standards. A particular example shows how to use it and what it ultimately allows you to see and evaluate.

S.L. Mertsalova

The article considers the role of English language in the modern world. The spheres of human life in which English plays an important role are presented. A number of professions for which English is an integral part have been considered.

Rohit Rastogi ◽  
Mamta Saxena ◽  
Mayank Gupta ◽  
Akshit Rajan Rastogi ◽  
Pradeep Kumar ◽  

From ancient times, humans are striving for being healthy and to live with mental peace with family and society. In the previous centuries also, some manmade and mostly natural disasters have disturbed the pace of human life. There have been times when the whole human race has been in terror, danger, and utmost worry. The electrical gadgets also have made the human life comfortable, but also machines have dominated its consciousness. The stress, aggression, depression, and many more issues are also showing presence in all our lives. The chapter is a trial to establish the effect of yagna and mantra science over human calmness and its effect on human health irrespective to gender and age. The article also elaborates the effect of Sanskrit sound and mantra chanting on emission of radiations from electronic gadgets. It also presents the effect of spiritual practices on the human body and soul after the terror, stress, grief created due to COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (06) ◽  
pp. 108-112
Ləman Fəxrəddin qızı Qasımzadə ◽  

In the article: The globalization of the modern world makes it urgent to study the legislative practice of foreign countries (including criminal law). The lack of specialized literature on this topic makes it difficult to solve this problem. In the article: The globalization of the modern world makes it urgent to study the legislative practice of foreign countries (including criminal law). The lack of specialized literature on this topic makes it difficult to solve this problem.The study of foreign law is necessary not only to guide the processes of global economic, political and cultural integration and unification, but above all to facilitate domestic criminal law. The study of foreign law is necessary not only to guide the processes of global economic, political and cultural integration and unification, but above all to facilitate domestic criminal law.As the criminal legislation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan relates to different legal systems, it is difficult to compare them, but it is mutually beneficial.Thus, it allows to identify gaps in the legislation of both countries and take measures to eliminate them. Key words: crime, responsibility, talion principle, revenge, additional punishment, so to speak

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Zemko Alla ◽  
Pyndor Yulia ◽  

The article analyzes the current approach to the identification of new branches in the legal system of Ukraine.The modern world does not stand still and is constantly evolving and gives impetus to the development of all spheres of human life, respectively, there are relationships that require legal regulation.Some scholars believe that in the presence of an independent subject of legal regulation, its ownmethodology of legal regulation and a set of specialized legislation, it is possible todistinguish an autonomousbranch of law. It is determined that the emergence of new branches of law is hindered by the dominant concept of the existence of only the main ones. Proponents of this concept categorically reject the possibility of the existence of relevant secondary, complex branches of law. This scientific approach inhibits the study of modern social relations. Negative attitudes towards the separation of new branches of law inevitably lead to gaps in the field of special legal research and, as a consequence, to a lack of qualified personnel with specialized knowledge. It is suggested to take into account the positive experience of foreign colleagues of lawyers who boldly present the achievements of current practices and are not afraid to consider them branches of law, we mean educational, sports, military, gender, «cryptocurrency», admiralty law and others. It is concluded that the division of law into new branches allows more effective regulation of legal relations in relevant areas, given that global trends are increasingly in demand for universal lawyers, but with specialization, with in-depth knowledge in one or more areas of law. Keywords: branch of law, subject of legal regulation, method of legal regulation, complex branch of law

Павел Владимирович Никонов

Международные нормативные правовые акты имеют особое значение для организации противодействия коррупционным преступлениям, связанным с дачей и получением взятки и иных видов незаконного вознаграждения. В статье анализируются международно-правовые документы, призванные обеспечить единый подход к противодействию указанным видам противоправных деяний в различных государствах. Международное сообщество озабочено решением проблем, связанных с противодействием коррупции. В этом отношении Россия не является исключением, поэтому ратифицирует основные международно-правовые акты, регламентирующие вопросы борьбы с коррупционными преступлениями. Интеграционные процессы, происходящие в настоящее время, обуславливают необходимость обращения к международному опыту в области противодействия указанным видам преступлений. При подготовке материала научной статьи применялся сравнительно-правовой метод исследования, что позволило получить обоснованные выводы относительно сравнения международных и российских нормативных правовых актов. В статье анализируются положения таких источников, ратифицированных Россией, как Конвенция Организации Объединенных Наций против коррупции, Конвенция против транснациональной организованной преступности, Конвенция об уголовной ответственности за коррупцию, Конвенция по борьбе с подкупом иностранных должностных лиц при осуществлении международных коммерческих сделок. В качестве полученных результатов проведенного исследования можно признать заключения относительно соответствия уголовного законодательства Российской Федерации, созданных органов и реализуемых мер, направленных на организацию борьбы с коррупционными преступлениями, связанными с дачей и получением взятки и иными видами незаконного вознаграждения, рассмотренным международным стандартам. International legal regulation is of prime importance in countering corruption crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration. The article analyzes international legal documents designed to ensure the same approach to countering these types of illegal acts in different states. The international community is concerned about solving problems related to combating corruption. Russia is no exception, therefore it ratifies the main international legal acts regulating the fight against corruption crimes. The integration processes taking place at the present time necessitate taking into account the international experience of countering these types of crimes. The comparative legal research method was used, this made it possible to obtain well-grounded conclusions regarding the comparison of international and Russian normative legal acts. The article analyzes the provisions of international documents ratified by Russia: the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, and the Convention against Bribery of Foreign Officials in International Business Transactions. The findings on the compliance of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation, existing bodies and measures taken in the field of combating corruption crimes related to giving and receiving bribes and other types of illegal remuneration to international standards as the results of the study are indicated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 107
Rafael Lazcano

Resumen: La obra de Martín Lutero asienta sus raíces en factores culturales, sociales y económicos, madurados en la Alta Edad Media, y que hicieron fecundo el terreno para la proclamación, expansión geográfica y desarrollo doctrinal de la Reforma protestante. Atrapado por la palabra de Dios, el doctor de Wittenberg, un hombre de fe sencilla y sincera, descubre un nuevo modo de relacionarse con Dios por la «sola fe», la «sola gracia», y la «sola Scriptura», de cara a la justificación/salvación del ser humano. Este singular hallazgo desbanca la doctrina de la iglesia católica medieval, el papa y jerarquías eclesiásticas, indulgencias, reliquias y santos, celibato y vida monástica. Lutero, asimismo, con la fuerza de su palabra abre un horizonte de libertad sobre la vida humana y la sociedad, un nuevo modo de acceder al mundo y a la sociedad, que orientará la trayectoria de la época moderna y del hombre de nuestros días.Palabras clave: Lutero, fe, palabra de Dios, justificación/salvación, Reforma protestante, libertad, mundo moderno.Abstract: Martin Luther’s work was rooted in cultural, social and economic factors, reached maturity in the High Middle Ages, and provided fertile ground for the proclamation, geographical expansion and doctrinal development of the Protestant Reformation. Trapped by the word of God, Luther, a man of simple and sincere faith, discovered a new way of relating to God by sola fide, sola gratia, and sola Scriptura, faced with the justification/salvation of the human being. This unique discovery defeated the doctrine of the medieval Catholic church, the pope and ecclesiastical hierarchies, indulgences, relics and saints, celibacy and monastic life. Like wise, Luther through the strength of his Word opened up a horizon of freedom for human life and society, a new way of accessing the world and society, which would guide the trajectory taken by humans and modernity to this day.Key words: Luther, faith, the word of God, justification/salvation, Protestant Reformation, freedom, modern world.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 225
Fatima Falih Ahmed Al-Badrani ◽  
Abdullah Fawaz Al-Badarneh

The twentieth century was one of change and unrest. What characterises the age is that society, up to a high degree, was hostile to spiritual life. The spiritual values seemed to be neglected or totally abandoned for the material, more matter-of-fact values. This left society in a state of increasing confusion that was substantially realised in the outbreak of World War I. The impact of the war revealed the degeneration of the modern world with the breakdown of religion and moral and spiritual traditions. T. S. Eliot was fully aware of the ills of modern civilisation that surrounded people with a number of faiths established haphazardly to fight against the troubles of modern life. These faiths refer to political and social ideologies, parties, and allegiances. Eliot finds that all modern ideologies are poor and futile substitutions for religious faith. He finds that society should be built not upon power and its corruption, but upon a higher system of values which are mainly spiritual and moral. This research paper demonstrates how Eliot's Four Quartets affirms the possibility of spiritual regeneration and gives a positive projection of hope. The central theme of the poem is that if the heart of the individual is ever to be at rest, if his/her tormented apprehension about the transience of human life is ever to be calmed, it will be so when he/she accepts the conviction that humans’ peace is in God's will.

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