scholarly journals PCA-Based Identification of Built Environment Factors Reducing PM2.5 Pollution in Neighborhoods of Five Chinese Megacities

Atmosphere ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 115
Ming Chen ◽  
Fei Dai

Air pollution, especially PM2.5 pollution, still seriously endangers the health of urban residents in China. The built environment is an important factor affecting PM2.5; however, the key factors remain unclear. Based on 37 neighborhoods located in five Chinese megacities, three relative indicators (the range, duration, and rate of change in PM2.5 concentration) at four pollution levels were calculated as dependent variables to exclude the background levels of PM2.5 in different cities. Nineteen built environment factors extracted from green space and gray space and three meteorological factors were used as independent variables. Principal component analysis was adopted to reveal the relationship between built environment factors, meteorological factors, and PM2.5. Accordingly, 24 models were built using 32 training neighborhood samples. The results showed that the adj_R2 of most models was between 0.6 and 0.8, and the highest adj_R2 was 0.813. Four principal factors were the most important factors that significantly affected the growth and reduction of PM2.5, reflecting the differences in green and gray spaces, building height and its differences, relative humidity, openness, and other characteristics of the neighborhood. Furthermore, the relative error was used to test the error of the predicted values of five verification neighborhood samples, finding that these models had a high fitting degree and can better predict the growth and reduction of PM2.5 based on these built environment factors.

Facilities ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (3/4) ◽  
pp. 170-187 ◽  
Harshini Mallawaarachchi ◽  
Lalith De Silva ◽  
Raufdeen Rameezdeen

Purpose The purpose of the study presented in this paper is to determine the relationship and effect of built environment on occupants’ productivity in green-certified office buildings in Sri Lanka. Design/methodology/approach Two research hypotheses were tested by approaching the survey method under the quantitative phenomenon. The questionnaire survey was conducted among randomly selected occupants in three selected green-rated office buildings in Sri Lanka. The survey data were analysed by using the Spearman correlation and ordinal logistic regression analysis techniques to model the relationship existing between the variables. The SPSS v20 software was used in data analysis. Findings The findings confirm the relationship between built environment and occupants’ productivity. As it further proves that, there is a significant effect of built environment on occupants’ productivity in green-certified office buildings. Thus, critical built environment factors influencing occupants’ productivity and their effect were determined. Practical implications The findings could be practically implied as bases to strengthen the evaluation criteria of indoor environmental quality in GREENSL® national green-rating system. Originality/value The evaluation of occupants’ productivity and the built environment factors has been at the focal point of research; however, most studies have focused on single aspects of the built environment. Further, no evidences were found on “which factors” can critically influence the occupants’ productivity in green buildings. The paper, therefore, seeks to fill this gap by proving the relationship between green built environment and occupants’ productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Adam Piasecki ◽  
Agnieszka Pilarska ◽  
Radosław Golba

Abstract The purpose of the work was to identify the hidden relationship between water consumption and meteorological factors, using principal component analysis. In addition, clusters of similar days were identified based on relationships identified by k-means. The study was based on data from the city of Toruń (Poland). The analysis was based on daily data from 2014–2017 divided into three groups. Group I included data from the entire period, Group II- from warm half-years (April–September), and Group III-from cold half-years (January–March and October–December). For Groups I and II the extent of water consumption was explained by two principal components. PC1 includes variables that increase water consumption, and PC2 includes variables that lessen water demand. In Group III, water consumption was not linked to any component. The k-means method was used to identify clusters of similar days. In terms of PC1, the most numerous days were Saturdays, and in terms of PC2 Sundays and holidays. It was determined that further research aimed at explaining the specificity of water consumption on particular days of the week is appropriate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-119
Petrus Natalivan Indradjati ◽  
Amalia Rahayu

Latar belakang: Semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk lanjut usia, maka persoalan kesehatan pada kelompok ini menjadi isu penting di masa mendatang. Salah satu yang berkontribusi pada kesehatan lanjut usia adalah aktivitas fisiknya yang dipengaruhi tidak hanya faktor personal tetapi juga oleh faktor lingkungan terbangun. Penelitian hubungan antara lingkungan terbangun dengan aktivitas fisik dan kesehatan lanjut usia banyak dilakukan, khususnya di negara maju, namun pada kondisi sosial ekonomi dan karakteristik perkotaan di Indonesia masih sangat terbatas.Metode: Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pengaruh lingkungan terbangun terhadap aktivitas fisik/kesehatan lanjut usia pada lima kelurahan di pusat Kota Surakarta. Faktor lingkungan terbangun mencakup aksesibilitas, kenyamanan, kejelasan orientasi, keamanan dan keselamatan.  Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan penyebaran kuesioner pada 100 responden lanjut usia secara accidental (non-probabilistic sampling) dari jumlah populasi lanjut usia sebanyak 2417 jiwa. Analisis asosiasi dengan uji chi square dan uji somers’d untuk melihat hubungan antara aktivitas fisik dengan karakteristik personal lanjut usia dan faktor lingkungan terbangun.Hasil: Kesehatan menjadi alasan utama usia lanjut melakukan aktivitas fisik (58% responden). Namun tingkat aktivitas fisiknya tidak berhubungan dengan karakteristik personal seperti jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan penyakit tidak menular yang diderita (nilai signifikansi > 0.05). Faktor lingkungan terbangun yang berpengaruh pada aktivitas fisik lanjut usia adalah kemudahan menyeberang (nilai signifikansi 0,000) dan keamanan jalur penyeberangan (nilai signifikansi 0,000).Simpulan: Tidak seluruh faktor lingkungan terbangun akan mendorong lanjut usia melakukan aktivitas fisik untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Intervensi terhadap faktor keamanan dan desain penyeberangan untuk mengatasi konflik dengan kendaraan bermotor sangat penting di pusat kota. ABSTRACT Title: The Influence of the Built Environment on Physical Activity for the Health of ElderlyBackground: As the number of elderly people increases, health problems in this group will become an important issue in the future. One of the factors that contribute to the health of the elderly is their physical activity which is influenced not only by personal factors but also by the built environment. Research on the relationship between the built environment and physical activity and the health of the elderly have been widely carried out, especially in developed countries; but the socio-economic conditions and urban characteristics in developing countries like Indonesia are still very limited.Method: This research explores the influence of the built environment on the physical activity/health of the elderly in five urban villages in the center of Surakarta. Built environment factors include accessibility, level of comfort, clarity of orientation, security and safety. Data collection is carried out by observing and distributing questionnaires to 100 elderly respondents by non-probabilistic sampling from a total elderly population of 2417 people. Association analysis with the Chi-square test and Somers’s test to see the relationship between physical activity and personal characteristics of the elderly and built environment factors.Result: Staying healthy is the main reason for elderly to do physical activity (58% of respondents). However, the level of physical activity is not related to personal characteristics such as gender, education, and non-communicable diseases (significance value > 0.05). Built environment factors that affect the physical activity of the elderly are the convenience of crossing (significance value 0.000) and the safety of the crossing (significance value 0.000).Conclusion: Not all built environmental factors will encourage the elderly to do physical activity to maintain their health. Intervention on safety factors and crossing designs to resolve conflicts with motorized vehicles is very important in the city center. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Siqin WANG

With the outbreak of a novel respiratory coronavirus disease (COVID-19) over the world, restriction of human mobility plays an important role to reduce the potential for the spread of virus. People are restricted for limited activities in local communities where the built environment in communities serve as a mediated pathway for the virus transmission. Our study aims to examine to what extent built environment factors explain COVID-19 transmission at the community level. Drawing on primary data collected from 648 communities in Wuhan, China, we employed a geographically weighted regression and a 3D mapping approach to examine the relationship between COVID-19 confirmed cases and three built environment factors including green coverage, property price, and underground parking. We find that green coverage and property price explain COVID-19 transmission better in communities with a larger amount of confirmed cases

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-100 ◽  
Maria José Sotelo ◽  
Luis Gimeno

The authors explore an alternative way of analyzing the relationship between human development and individualism. The method is based on the first principal component of Hofstede's individualism index in the Human Development Index rating domain. Results suggest that the general idea that greater wealth brings more individualism is only true for countries with high levels of development, while for middle or low levels of development the inverse is true.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-121
Sudiyar . ◽  
Okto Supratman ◽  
Indra Ambalika Syari

The destructive fishing feared will give a negative impact on the survival of this organism. This study aims to analyze the density of bivalves, distribution patterns, and to analyze the relationship of bivalves with environmental parameters in Tanjung Pura village. This research was conducted in March 2019. The systematic random system method was used for collecting data of bivalves. The collecting Data retrieval divided into five research stasions. The results obtained 6 types of bivalves from 3 families and the total is 115 individuals. The highest bivalve density is 4.56 ind / m², and the lowest bivalves are located at station 2,1.56 ind / m²,  The pattern of bivalve distribution in the Coastal of Tanjung Pura Village is grouping. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that Anadara granosa species was positively correlated with TSS r = 0.890, Dosinia contusa, Anomalocardia squamosa, Mererix meretrix, Placamen isabellina, and Tellinella spengleri were positively correlated with currents r = 0.933.


В статье представлены материалы о взаимосвязи продолжительности продуктивного использования коров с характеристикой устойчивости к деградации, с возрастом отела и удоем. В исследованной, разнородной по происхождению, группе животных для прогноза продуктивного периода коров, обусловленного устойчивостью к деградации и возрастом первого отела, пригодно уравнение регрессии, аргументами в котором являются индекс устойчивости, возраст первого отела в первой и второй степенях. Коэффициент корреляции межу предсказанными значениями продуктивного периода и его фактическими величинами в I группе составляет 0,502, во II - 0,604. При этом крайние варианты прогнозируются со статистическими ошибками 5 мес при оценке индекса устойчивости по 2 лактациям и 4,1 мес по 3, а средние варианты, соответственно, 1,6 и 1,51 мес. Индекс устойчивости к процессу старения является важной характеристикой биологических особенностей коров, определяющий их продуктивное долголетие. Его оценка по первым 2 и 3 лактациям имеет прямолинейную связь с продуктивным периодом (r=0,4109 и r=0,5270), соответственно. Зависимость продуктивного периода от возраста первого отела криволинейная — с увеличением возраста первого отела сокращается срок продуктивного использования, при возрасте первого отела более 1400 дней срок продуктивного использования колеблется от 1,33 до 1,41 лактации. Коэффициент корреляции между этими характеристиками коров составляет - 0,2164 в I и - 0,2620 во II группах. The article presents materials about the relationship of the duration of productive use of cows with the characteristic of resistance to degradation, with the age of calving and milk yield. In the studied group of animals, which is heterogeneous in origin, the regression equation is suitable for predicting the productive period of cows due to resistance to degradation and the age of the first calving, the arguments of which are the stability index, the age of the first calving in the first and second degrees. The correlation coefficient between the predicted values of the productive period and its actual values in group I is 0.502, in group II - 0.604. At the same time, the extreme variants are predicted with statistical errors of 5 months when evaluating the stability index for 2 lactations and 4.1 months for 3, and the average variants, respectively, are 1.6 and 1.51 months. The index of resistance to the aging process is an important characteristic of the biological characteristics of cows, which determines their productive longevity. Its estimate for the first 2 and 3 lactations has a direct relationship with the productive period (r=0.4109 and r=0.5270), respectively. The dependence of the productive period age at first calving curvilinear with increasing age at first calving reduces the time to productive use, while age at first calving of more than 1400 days, the period of productive use ranges from 1.33 to 1.41 lactation. The correlation coefficient between these characteristics of cows is-0.2164 in I and-0.2620 in II groups.

2018 ◽  
Edmund W. J. Lee ◽  
Han Zheng ◽  
Htet Htet Aung ◽  
Megha Rani Aroor ◽  
Chen Li ◽  

BACKGROUND Promoting safety and health awareness and mitigating risks are of paramount importance to companies in high-risk industries. Yet, there are very few studies that have synthesized findings from existing online workplace safety and health literature to identify what are the key factors that are related to (a) safety awareness, (b) safety risks, (c) health awareness, and (d) health risks. OBJECTIVE As one of the first systematic reviews in the area of workplace health and safety, this study aims to identify the factors related to safety and health awareness as well as risks, and systematically map these factors within three levels: organizational, cultural, and individual level. Also, this review aims to assess the impact of these workplace safety and health publications in both academic (e.g., academic databases, Mendeley, and PlumX) and non-academic settings (e.g., social media platform). METHODS The systematic review was conducted in line with procedures recommended by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). First, Proquest, ScienceDirect and Scopus were identified as suitable databases for the systematic review. Second, after inputting search queries related to safety and health awareness and risks, the articles were evaluated based on a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Third, the factors identified in the included articles were coded systematically. Fourth, the research team assessed the impact of the articles through a combination of traditional and new metric analysis methods: citation count, Altmetric Attention Score, Mendeley readers count, usage count, and capture count. RESULTS Out of a total of 4,831 articles retrieved from the three databases, 51 articles were included in the final sample and were systematically coded. The results revealed six categories of organizational (management commitment, management support, organizational safety communication, safety management systems, physical work environment, and organizational environment), two cultural (interpersonal support and organizational culture), and four individual (perception, motivation, attitude and behavior) level factors that relate to safety and health awareness and risk. In terms of impact, the relationship between citation count and the various metrics measuring academic activity (e.g., Mendeley readers, usage count, and capture count) were mostly significant while the relationship between citation count and Altmetric Attention Score was non-significant. CONCLUSIONS This study provides a macro view of the current state of workplace safety and health research and gives scholars an indication on some of the key factors of safety and health awareness and risks. Researchers should also be cognizant that while their work may receive attention from the scholarly community, it is important to tailor their communication messages for the respective industries they are studying to maximize the receptivity and impact of their findings. CLINICALTRIAL N.A.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 359
Katharina Hogrefe ◽  
Georg Goldenberg ◽  
Ralf Glindemann ◽  
Madleen Klonowski ◽  
Wolfram Ziegler

Assessment of semantic processing capacities often relies on verbal tasks which are, however, sensitive to impairments at several language processing levels. Especially for persons with aphasia there is a strong need for a tool that measures semantic processing skills independent of verbal abilities. Furthermore, in order to assess a patient’s potential for using alternative means of communication in cases of severe aphasia, semantic processing should be assessed in different nonverbal conditions. The Nonverbal Semantics Test (NVST) is a tool that captures semantic processing capacities through three tasks—Semantic Sorting, Drawing, and Pantomime. The main aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between the NVST and measures of standard neurolinguistic assessment. Fifty-one persons with aphasia caused by left hemisphere brain damage were administered the NVST as well as the Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT). A principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted across all AAT and NVST subtests. The analysis resulted in a two-factor model that captured 69% of the variance of the original data, with all linguistic tasks loading high on one factor and the NVST subtests loading high on the other. These findings suggest that nonverbal tasks assessing semantic processing capacities should be administered alongside standard neurolinguistic aphasia tests.

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