scholarly journals Research on the Relationship between the Individual Characteristics of Electric Bike Riders and Illegal Speeding Behavior: A Questionnaire-Based Study

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 799 ◽  
Changxi Ma ◽  
Jibiao Zhou ◽  
Dong Yang ◽  
Yuanyuan Fan

To examine the relationship between electric bike riders’ individual characteristics and their riding speed, this paper obtained 350 valid survey responses from e-bike riders using an on-site sampling survey method. Using the non-aggregate theory, we take the individual attributes of the rider’s age, driving age, personality, and corrective vision as potential influencing factors. The metric model of the influencing factors of the rider’s personal characteristics on riding speed is established, and we analyze the sensitivity of many influencing factors by using the theory of elasticity. The results show that the absolute value of the elasticity value corresponding to the rider’s gender, age, corrected visual acuity, and other factors is less than 1, which indicates that the above factors have no flexibility regarding the rider’s riding speed selection behavior. However, in four selection intervals, the elasticity values of the rider’s education level are 1.577, 2.484, 1.810, and 1.667; those of their driving age are −1.537, −2.061, −1.547, and −1.606, and those of their riding proficiency are 3.302, 12.038, 10.370, and 11.177, which indicate that the three factors of rider’s education level, driving age, and riding proficiency have a significant impact on the riding speed choice behavior. The finding of the study is helpful for the relevant government departments to formulate more accurate classified intervention measures, and effectively prevent the occurrence of illegal speeding behavior.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Gabriela E. Gui

In today’s America, not every child starts on a level playing field, and very few children move ahead based solely on hard work or talent. Generational poverty and a lack of cultural capital hold many students back, robbing them of the opportunity to move up professionally and socially. Children of immigrants are especially at-risk because, in addition to facing poverty, race, geographical location or economic disadvantages, they are also confronted with failure due to their limited or non-existent English proficiency. This study focuses on the degree to which teachers in a mid-sized urban school district take into consideration the individual needs of immigrant children in the process of their education. The study also examines the preparation teachers have had to equip them with knowledge of best practices in teaching immigrant children, and the relationship between teachers’ practices, beliefs, and their demographic and personal characteristics (age, gender, years of experience, level of education, etc.). Quantitative data was collected via a survey. Interviews with teachers and one central office administrator provided data for the qualitative section of the study. The findings revealed that teachers, in general, appeared to lack knowledge of specific policies for mainstreaming immigrant students into general education classrooms; their use of effective teaching practices for working with immigrant children were limited; and most of the teachers had not participated actively in professional development that focused on teaching immigrant children.

2013 ◽  
Vol 321-324 ◽  
pp. 2106-2109
Fei Yan Ren

One of the most important factors of management in obtaining organization targets is effectiveness of financial management structures, and user of the financial management structures have more important role in the effectiveness of the structures. The purpose of this research is to study the influence of human factors including personal and individual characteristics of user of financial management structures based on effectiveness PC. For this target, a sample includes 2354 offices, organizations, private companies and organizations than apply financial management structure based-PC. Has been selected randomly and the investigative data has been counting using questionnaires. In order to find personal characteristics of users, the particular questionnaires which are designed according to four factor model of personality, has been done. In order to research the relation between effectiveness of the structure and personality, four hypotheses based on four features of personality. Moreover, in order to find the relationship between expertise (educational level, educational field and amount of training curriculum of PC knowledge), job satisfaction and experience of users, and effectiveness of the accountancy management structure based-PC, some hypotheses have been studied and written. The study results indicates that personal characteristics including Agreeableness, openness, Conscientiousness and experience working , is efficient on the financial management structures based-PC.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Carolin Siepmann ◽  
Lisa Carola Holthoff ◽  
Pascal Kowalczuk

Purpose As luxury goods are losing their importance for demonstrating status, wealth or power to others, individuals are searching for alternative status symbols. Recently, individuals have increasingly used conspicuous consumption and displays of experiences on social media to obtain affirmation. This study aims to analyze the effects of luxury and nonluxury experiences, as well as traditional luxury goods on status- and nonstatus-related dimensions. Design/methodology/approach After presenting the theoretical foundation, the authors conduct a study with 599 participants to compare status perceptions elicited by the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods, luxury experiences and nonluxury experiences. The authors investigate whether experiences that are visibly consumed on Instagram are replacing traditional luxury goods as the most important status symbols. Furthermore, the authors examine the effects of the content shown on nonstatus-related dimensions and analyze whether status perceptions differ between female and male social media communicators. Finally, the authors analyze how personal characteristics (self-esteem, self-actualization and materialism) influence the status perceptions of others on social media. Findings The results show that luxury goods are still the most important means of displaying status. However, especially for women, luxury experiences are also associated with a high level of social status. Thus, the results imply important gender differences in the perceptions of status- and nonstatus-related dimensions. Furthermore, the findings indicate that, in particular, the individual characteristics of self-actualization and materialism affect status perceptions depending on the posted content. Originality/value While the research has already considered some alternative forms of conspicuous consumption, little attention has been given to experiences as status symbols. However, with their growing importance as substitutes for luxury goods and the rise of social media, the desire to conspicuously consume experiences is increasing. The authors address this gap in the literature by focusing on the conspicuous display of luxury and nonluxury experiences on social media.

Shkamarda O.A.

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to analyze the speech behaviour of the participants of interaction in the Internet blog and to single out different lexical and stylistic resources of the personal positioning module realization in the global network.Methods. The material of the study is based on the written online messages taken from the personal blog “In Pursuit of Happiness” of the popular American writer and TED conference (a conference devoted to spreading ideas connected with technology, entertainment, and design) speaker Britt Reints. The presented article is grounded in the methodological principles of the communicative and user-based approaches to language and speech, which have been actively developing in linguistics in recent years. The applied methods of discourse analysis, conversational analysis, linguistic, and stylistic analysis revealed personal aspects of subjective positioning in the discourse of a personal Internet blog.Results. The article summarizes the data of modern scientific research on the interpretation of the stancetaking phenomenon and defines the stance concept. It has been established that stances are based on the personal characteristics of a discourse participant, his / her individual traits, beliefs, preferences, judgments and assessments of the events of the actual reality. Thus, the study proves that stance is a social phenomenon, which embraces two main interdependent and interrelated modules: personal and interactional. The first one (personal) manifests individual characteristics of the subjects of discursive activity, such as physical features, personal mindsets, cognition, specific needs and interests, spiritual and moral-volitional qualities; the second one (interactional) provides the coherent cooperation between the sender of the message and its recipient, synchronizing their linguistic world view with the aim of the correct perception and interpretation of each other's stances.Conclusions. The article traces stable correlations between the individual and personal characteristics of the speaker / author of the written message and his / her positions in the discourse of the English Internet blog. Different lexical and stylistic resources activating the personal module of stancetaking in the global network have been singled out on the basis of the analysis of the speech behavior of the participants of communication in the blogosphere.Key words: position of the subject of discursive activity, stance, personality, subject of discursive activity, personal module of stancetaking. Мета. Мета наукової розвідки – проаналізувати мовленнєву поведінку учасників інтеракції в інтернет-блозі та виявити засоби актуалізації індивідуально-особистісного модуля позиціювання у глобальній мережі.Методи. Матеріалом для нашого дослідження послугували фрагменти інтернет-повідомлень, вилучені з популярного англомовного авторського блогу “In Pursuit of Happiness” («У пошуку щастя»), авторкою якого є американська письменниця та спікерка конфереції TED (від англ. Technology, Entertainment, Design – Технології, Розваги, Дизайн, конференція, присвяче-на «ідеям вартим поширення») Бріт Рейнтс. Представлена праця ґрунтується на методологічних засадах комунікативно-діяль-нісного підходу до мови й мовлення, який активно розвивається у лінгвістиці останніх років. Застосовані методи дискурс-аналізу, конверсаційного та лінгвостилістичного аналізу дали змогу виявити та описати індивідуально-особистісні аспекти суб’єктного позиціювання в дискурсі персонального інтернет-блогу.Результати. У статті узагальнено дані сучасних наукових розвідок щодо трактування феномену позиціювання та визна-чено поняття «станс». Установлено, що позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності базується на ознаках учасника дискурсу як особистості, його / її індивідуальних характеристиках, особистих переконаннях, уподобаннях, судженнях та оцінках подій навколишньої дійсності. Таким чином, дослідження засвідчує, що станс – це явище публічне, яке має два основних взаємоза-лежні і взаємопов’язані модулі: 1) індивідуально-особистісний, в якому проявляються особистісні характеристики суб’єктів дискурсивної діяльності, а саме фізичні дані, особливості світосприйняття та мислення, специфічні потреби та інтереси, духо-вні та морально-вольові якості та 2) інтеракційний, який забезпечує органічну взаємодію адресанта й адресата, синхронізуючи їхні мовні картини світу для сприйняття та інтерпретації позицій один одного.Висновки. У статті простежено стійкі кореляції між індивідуально-особистісними характеристиками мовця / автора пись-мового повідомлення та його / її позиціями у дискурсі англомовного інтернет-блогу. На основі аналізу мовленнєвої поведінки учасників комунікативної взаємодії у блогосфері виокремлено лексико-стилістичні ресурси активізації особистісного модуля позиціювання в мережі інтернет.Ключові слова: позиція суб’єкта дискурсивної діяльності, станс, особистість, суб’єкт дискурсивної діяльності, особис-тісний модуль позиціювання.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 ◽  
pp. 01168
Elizaveta I. Shuleva

The article presents the results of an empirical study of the structure of the image of the older adolescent’s world. When analyzing the data, the computer program of statistical analysis of texts “ADVEGO”, content analysis, morphological and semantic analysis was used. Morphological analysis of empirical data has shown that the most used words belong to the category of nouns. Content analysis made it possible to identify eight semantic categories of word groups that characterize the levels of the image of the teenager’s world: nature, social, subject, friendship, school, hobbies and leisure, family, mental (needs, cognitive processes, emotions, feelings, personal qualities). The most significant level in terms of the volume of semantic units and the nature of ongoing processes is the mental level. The results of the conducted research allowed drawing the following conclusions. The individual structure of an older adolescent’s world image is a complex mental phenomenon that has universal, age and individual characteristics. Its universal characteristics are multi-levelness and hierarchy; age-related – dynamics, polarity, existentialism, and accentuation on the present time. The individual characteristics of an older adolescent’s world image are due to individual personal characteristics of the flow of his or her mental activity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 124 ◽  
Selina Teuscher ◽  
Elena Makarova

Research on school dropout suggests that the decision to drop out of school is not a sudden or immediate one, but rather the result of a long-term process of withdrawal from school. While school engagement and truancy are among the most prominent constructs to be associated as precursors of school dropout, the relationship between these two constructs needs further analysis. Our study establishes more comprehensive understanding of school engagement and truancy by focusing on students’ individual characteristics and their relationships in school, particularly the student-teacher relationship and relationships with peers. It demonstrates that among the individual characteristics the migration background is crucial for school engagement, while the student age is important for truancy. Furthermore, peer-relationships are positively related to students’ school engagement, but not to their truancy. Furthermore, a good student-teacher relationship not only has positive impacts on students’ school engagement, but is also negatively associated with truancy, while school engagement mediates this path.

E.A. Bratukhina ◽  
A.G. Bratukhin ◽  
V.G. Demchenko

A prerequisite for the occurrence of physicians’ burnout syndrome may be their professional activity, which acts as a professional affiliation in the context of their whole life activity. The personal factor of physician manifests itself in that how consciously professional activity are carried out including a whole life taking into account individual characteristics, personal goals and objectives outlined in a time perspective. Personal characteristics associated with the manifestations of emotional burnout syndrome: anxiety, introversion, spontaneity, rigidity have been identified in physicians of clinical bases of the Urals and Siberia. We revealed the prevalence of symptoms indicating emotional burnout: the experience of psycho-traumatic circumstances, the expansion of the sphere of saving emotions, psychosomatic and psycho-vegetative disorders. Diagnostic method of emotional burnout level allowed us to diagnose the leading symptoms of emotional burnout and determine which phase of the syndrome development they are related to «tension», «resistance» or «exhaustion». Keywords: emotional burnout syndrome, physician, the individual typological

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
Testa Pradia Nirwana ◽  
Amiruddin Saleh ◽  
Krishnarini Matindas

Tourism is one of sectors that is much enthused by the world community, this demand has increased annually. Garut is one of the districts in West Java which is interested by tourists. Furthermore, the promotion for the tourism product roles the prominent for the development of communities and regions. The promotion can use media of video through social media. This media is used to provide an illustration and the knowledge of tourism, and convince young travelers to visit the tourist attraction which is offered. The purpose of this study involves 1) to test the effect of visual presentation and style of language through video in increasing students’ knowledge, 2) to analyze the most effective message combination on the media of video about tourism in Garut regency, 3) to analyze the relationship between individual characteristics with improvement knowledge of students. This study employed true experimental methods with 2 x 2 factorial design by using pretest posttest control group design. Dealing with this, factors are used in the visual presentation consists of photos and infographics, and the language style consists of formal and conversational forms. The subjects participating in this study are 75 students of Bogor Agricultural University. The result of this study confirms that the visual presentation and the language style through video have significant influence on the increase of knowledge. The whole combination of treatment is not significantly different from the improvement of knowledge, and the individual characteristics are not significantly related to the improvement knowledge.Keywords: improvement knowledge, language style, video tourism, visual presentation

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-90 ◽  
V.N. Shlyapnikov

The paper analyses the ethnocultural factors of volitional regulation from the cultural-historical perspective. A hypothesis is put forward about the relationship between the specifics of volitional regulation and national self-consciousness of the individual. The aim of the work is to study the relationship between ethnic identity and features of volitional regulation among representatives of various ethnic groups (Russians, Komis, Tuvans, Kabardians, Mari, Koreans). A total of 600 people aged 18 to 30 years took part in the study (the samples were gender balanced). To evaluate the individual characteristics of volitional regulation in the respondents, the following techniques were used: the Action Control Scale by J. Kuhl; the "Questionnaire for revealing the expression of self-control in the emotional sphere, activity and behavior"; the technique for self-assessment of volitional qualities; the Purpose in Life Test. The features of ethnic identity were evaluated using the “Types of Ethnic Identity” technique (by S.V. Ryzhova, G.U. Soldatova). The study revealed significant positive correlations between the intensity of volitional self-control and the overall score of volitional self-esteem and positive ethnicity in groups where nationality occupies an important place in the structure of the subject's self-consciousness (Tuvans, Koreans, Kabardians).

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Tasril Bartin ◽  
Wisroni Wisroni

The purpose of this study is to describe the personal characteristics of students (learning citizens) and the business potential that is relevant to life skills education programs at the Community Learning Center in Tanah Datar District. This study uses a descriptive quantitative survey method. This study uses 60 samples from 120 population people. Furthermore, the data were analyzed quantitatively descriptive, then clarified with the focus of group discussion (FGD), interviews, observation and verification of documentation. The results showed that participants in the life skills education program in several Community Learning Centers in Tanah Datar District were generally of productive age with adequate formal education (high school level), from pre-prosperous families, and did not have a permanent business. Based on the search for interests, existing skills, and other environmental resource potentials, the appropriate business developed in the future is a business that produces goods from the agricultural sector and goods from business dress, sewing or embroidery skills.Keywords: Life Skills Education, Personal Characteristics, Business Potential

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