scholarly journals Peran Kegiatan Kreasso sebagai Upaya dalam Mempertahankan Kesenian Tradisional di Era Globalisasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-122
Desy Ade Liya ◽  
Yuhastina Yuhastina ◽  
Yosafat Hermawan Trinugraha

The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Kreasso's activities as an effort to maintain traditional arts in the era of globalization. This research is a qualitative research, with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data analysis used Miles and Huberman analysis which consisted of 3 stages: (1) Data Reduction, (2) Data Display, and (3) Conclusion Drawing/ verification. This study uses the Structural-Functional theory proposed by Alfred Reginald Radcliffe Brown. The results of this study indicate that the existence of Kreasso's activities is able to grow students' dignity and concern for the social environment, especially traditional arts. This is evidenced by the participation of students who play an active role in the structural units of Kreasso's activities. Apart from that, it cannot be separated from the existence of activity actors, such as the Surakarta City Education Office as the person in charge of Kreasso activities; the Kreasso committee which generally consists of several divisions with different functions or roles, the teacher acts as a companion to the students; students act as participants with different assignments depending on the policies and authorities of each school. Each of them finds out how it works according to the function or role according to the position and position that cooperates with one another.

Usep Sahrudin

ABSTRAKPeran Pustakawan dalam pengelolaan dan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah berdasarkan pengalaman dari pengelola jurnal Sosiohumaniora, Bionatura, Dharmakarya dan  Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Universitas Padjadjaran, tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini, yaitu: (1) berbagi pengetahuan tentang pengelolaan jurnal serta manfaatnya bagi pustakawan; (2) menjelaskan peran pustakawan dalam pengelolaan dan penerbitan jurnal ilmiah; dan (3) menunjukkan kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang dapat diklaim sebagai angka kredit pustakawan ketika menjadi pengelola jurnal online. Metode yang digunakan metode kualitatif- deskriptif.  Metode kualitatif adalah ”disebut pula metode  penelitian  naturalistik karena penelitiannya dilakukan  pada kondisi yang alamiah. Pendekatan deskriptif adalah ” suatu penelitian yang  didasarkan pada data yang ada atau penyelidikan  yang  bertujuan pada pemecahan masalah.  Peran pustakawan sebagai pengelola jurnal ilmiah perlu pula masuk dalam kompetensi pustakawan karena berkaitan dengan keahlian pustakawan dalam memberikan layanan informasi. Dengan demikian, adanya peran aktif pustakawan di berbagai lembaga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengelolaan jurnal ilmiah di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : pengelolaan, penerbitan, jurnal online, administrator jurnal ROLE OF LIBRARY IN MANAGEMENTAND PUBLISHING SCIENTIFIC JOURNALSABSTRACTThe role of librarians in the management and publication of scientific journals is based on the experience of the managers of the journal Sosiohumaniora, Bionatura, Dharmakarya and the Community Service Journal at Padjadjaran University, the objectives of writing this article: (2) explain the role of librarians in the management and publication of scientific journals; and (3) showing activities or work that can be claimed as librarian credit numbers when managing the journal. The method used is qualitative-descriptive method. Qualitative methods are "also called naturalistic research methods because their research is carried out in natural conditions". Descriptive approach is "a study based on existing data or an investigation aimed at solving problems. The role of librarians as managers of scientific journals also needs to be included in librarian competencies because they are related to librarian expertise in providing information services. Thus, the active role of librarians in various institutions is expected to improve the quality of managing scientific journals in Indonesia. Keywords: management, publishing, online journals, journal administrator 

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Jihatul Akbar ◽  
Handam Handam ◽  
Ahmad Harakan

This study aims to determine the role of culture and tourism agency in managing cultural heritage Wadu pa'a sites in Soromandi District, Bima Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive approach. Techniques using qualitative data that all materials, information, and facts that can not be measured and calculated systematically because his form is a description of verbal with this technique the researchers only collected data, information, facts. The data collected from agency of Culture and Tourism Bima. Qualitative research is descriptive research and tend to use analisys with inductive approach. Data collection techniques in this research is observation, interview, and documentation. These results indicate that the role of culture and tourism agency in managing the way Wadu Pa'a cultural sites on the protection form of making drainage b. Namely to increase the development of infrastructure facilities, the utilization of the opportunities open to give life to the community, still less than the maximum it can be seen from the inhibiting factors so that the management of cultural heritage sites Wadu Pa'a still not good. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dinas kebudayaandan pariwisata dalam mengelola cagar budaya situs wadu pa’a di Kecamatan Soromandi Kabupaten Bima. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif yakni semua bahan, keterangan, dan fakta-fakta yang tidak dapat diukur dan dihitung secara sistematis karena wujudnya adalah keterangan verbal dengan teknik ini peneliti hanya mengumpulkan data-data, informasi-informasi, fakta-fakta dan data dari istansi yang terkait di Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Kabupaten Bima. Penelitian kualitatif merupakan riset yang bersifat deskriptif dan cenderung menggunakan anlisis dengan pendekatan induktif. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peran Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dalam mengelola cara budaya situs wadu Pa’a terkait perlindungan berupa pembuatan drainase b. Pengembangan yaitu peningkatan fasilitas sarana dan prasarana, pemanfaatan adanya peluang terbuka yang di berikan ke masyarakat, masih kurang maksimal hal ini dapat di lihat dari faktor-faktor penghambat sehingga pengelolaan cagar budaya situs Wadu Pa’a masih kurang baik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-140
Abdul Rouf

Abstrak Tulisan ini mencoba mengungkapkan realitas keberagaman sosial di Indonesia dengan segala problematika dan upaya perawatannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, yaitu mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian dan diikuti oleh analisis data untuk mendapat data yang relevan dan akurat. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif-analitis, tulisan ini mengkaji suatu perspektif al-Qur’an melalui ayat-ayat-nya tentang konsep satu pola mewujudkan moderasi hidup beragama melalui penguatan pada segi teologis hubungan muslim non-muslim dan pemahaman agama yang pluralis dan inklusif untuk mendukung upaya mewujudkan sikap keterbukaan dan toleran. Dengan demikian, aspek toleransi mempunyai peran penting dari kerja sama pemerintah dan para tokoh agama untuk mendukung akselerasi dari makna dan substansi toleransi yang ditransformasikan ke dalam kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan, sehingga konflik secara horizontal dapat dihindarkan dengan pola hidup yang moderat. Kata Kunci: Moderasi, Ekstremisme, Liberalisme, Toleransi, Inklusif   Abstract This study aims to reveal the social diversity reality in Indonesia with all its problems and solutions. The method in this research is used the qualitative method with a descriptive approach to describe the study results in accordance with the study objectives then followed by data analysis to obtain an appropriate and accurate research findings. With a qualitative-descriptive-analytical approach, this study examines the Qur’an perspective through its verses on the concept of a pattern for embodying the religious life moderation in order to promote unity of the nation and state through the strengthening theological aspects of Muslim and non-Muslim relations as well as pluralistic and inclusive understandings in accepting openness and tolerance. Tolerance has an important role of cooperation between the government and religious leaders to accelerate the tolerance implementation that is transformed into social life avoiding horizontal conflict in a moderate manner. Keywords: Moderation, Extremism, Liberalism, Tolerance, Inclusive

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 195 ◽  
Ni Komang Ayu Astiti

The contribution of tourism to the global economic development continues to increase, affecting the government's policy to make tourism one of the priority sectors of national development after food and maritime. This becomes an opportunity to explore creatively the potential to fill this opportunity. The main question in this research is focus on how the complex area of megalithic building can play an important role in as a resource in national development, especially in the economic sector through tourism. The objective of the study is to restore megalithic complexes from the archaeological context to the social context of today's society as a resource in the development of contemporary times while maintaining its preservation. The method used a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through direct observation and interview. The results show that this cultural heritage can be a tourism commodity produces products that provide experience in: 1) important historical value; 2) the value of information; 3) aesthetic value; and 4) symbolic value. Strategies used in the management of integrating cultural heritage and the natural environment (landscape), enhancing the role of communities and other stakeholders, maintaining the originality and authenticity of megalithic and landscape buildings, and fostering the desire to invest and community effort. This management is expected to use a conservation approach to cultural and environmental resources as well as community empowerment.Kontribusi pariwisata dalam pembangunan ekonomi secara global terus meningkat, berdampak pada kebijakan pemerintah untuk menjadikan pariwisata sebagai salah satu sektor prioritas pembangunan nasional setelah pangan dan maritim. Hal ini menjadi peluang mengekplorasi secara kreatif potensi yang ada. Permasalahan penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimana kawasan kompleks bangunan megalitik dapat berperan penting sebagai sumber daya pembangunan nasional khususnya dalam sektor ekonomi melalui kepariwisataan. Tujuan penelitian tulisan ini untuk mengembalikan kompleks bangunan megalitik dari konteks arkeologi ke konteks sosial masyarakat sekarang sebagai sumber daya dalam pembangunan masa kekinian dengan tetap menjaga pelestariannya. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriftif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi langsung dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa warisan budaya ini dapat menjadi komoditas pariwisata yang menghasilkan produk yang memberikan pengalaman (experiences) dalam: 1) nilai penting sejarah; 2) nilai informasi; 3) nilai estetika; dan 4) nilai simbolik. Strategi yang digunakan dalam pengelolaan yaitu memadukan warisan budaya dan lingkungan alam, meningkatkan peran masyarakat dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya, mempertahankan originalitas dan otentisitas bangunan megalitik dan lansekap, serta menumbuhkan keinginan untuk berinvestasi dan usaha masyarakat. Pengelolaan ini diharapkan menggunakan pendekatan pelestarian sumber daya budaya dan lingkungan serta pemberdayaan masyarakat.

Nur Azizah ◽  
Sitti Bulkis ◽  
Imam Mujahidin Fahmid ◽  
Muhammad Arsyad

The institutional improvement as an important issue in the 2014-2019 Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Plan (Renstra). The development of the agricultural sector that relies on natural resource management needs institutional regulation to synergize efforts that support each other in achieving goals. Institutional improvements in clove agribusiness include; upstream to downstream agribusiness institutions involving farmers, government institutions and business actors. All institutions involved have a role in clove agribusiness activities, institutional farmers included in the group are farmers whose members are clove farmers in the management of cloves and gapoktan as a combination of farmer groups. This study describes the role of farmer group institutions in the agribusiness system including upstream subsystems, farming subsystems and downstream subsystems in clove management. This research uses a case study method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection on the role of the Mayou City Farmer Group and the Aru Jaya farmer group association (Gapoktan) was obtained from the results of the interviews with the help of questionnaires or questionnaires. The role of farmer groups in clove management is presented in a descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that the existence of Mayou City farmer group institutions had not played an active role in any clove farming activities, this was due to the inactivity and lack of role and participation of members who preferred to focus on their respective farming systems. Thus the care and activeness of a member in the Mayou City Farmers Group are caused by the needs and interests to be achieved. Then the role of Aru Jaya Gapoktan did not work as it should because since its formation, only carried out the management of horticultural cultivation, especially vegetables and have never touched on how clove cultivation as a hereditary plant has been carried out by local communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-103
Nurul Fatmawati ◽  
Afrizal Nur ◽  
Saidul Amin

The qur’an contains the laws, commandments and prohibitions of Allah, giving glad tidings and al-qur’an has explained the problems of human life from all fields, including all forms of women’s problems. It is based on Qur’an surah al-ahzab: 33. But the verse is less precise is used as an excuse to limit women’s gait in social activities outside the home. The article al-qur’an does not forbit women to work out of the house, even al-qur’an imposes responsibility on men and women to guide and improve society. This is expressed in the word of Allah surah at-tawba: 71. As al-Qur’an has explained how women play a social role, there is also one movement of women who also focus on women’s problems, namely ‘Aisyiyah. ‘Aisyiyah is one of the muslimah mevement under the leadership of of indonesia. Then the problem studied in this thesis is how social role the of women contained in al-qur’an and how also according to aisyiyah which is limited by discussing five surah in al-Qur’an that is surah al-Imran: 159, an-Nisa’: 124, an-Nahl: 97, ghafir: 40, at-taubah: 71.The type of research that the writer use is literature research with the title method (by collecting verses related to the social role of women) then peeled in deeply and thoroughly from various aspects related and analyzed with descriptive approach to explain the sosial role of women according to al-qur’an and according to aisyiyah. After being reviewed and studied, the author gets the answer that al-qur’an has explained that women can play an active role social life. Similarly aisyiyah also explained that women can still play an active role in social life as long as he does not forget his nature as a woman. There is no controversy in in these two perspectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 297-311
- Rosidah ◽  
Ida Farida ◽  
Refly Setiawan

The Covid-19 epidemic is the center of worldwide attention today not only in Indonesia but also in all parts of the worlds continents. In Lampung Province prevention of the spread of Covid-19 continues to be done by involving the community to be able to participate and play an active or passive role. The purpose of this study is to find out how public participation in preventing Covid-19 outbreaks in Lampung Province. This research uses a qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach in which the researcher wants to describe and express phenomena and facts that occur clearly. The results showed that public participation in the prevention of Covid-19 outbreaks in Lampung Province was considered quite high, it was judged by the active role of the people of Lampung Province in preventing Covid-19 by carrying out healthy lifestyles, complying with regulations and appeals from the central and regional governments, and the awareness of the public to conduct social distancing in accordance with regulations from the central and regional governments. Even though it is not yet fully in good value and there are still people who violate it by ignoring the governments appeal but the majority of people in Lampung Province are aware of the dangers of Covid-19. The Lampung Provincial Government together with the community until now also continues to monitor and work together to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Lampung Province.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-35
Agus Prasetya

This article is motivated by the fact that the existence of the Street Vendor (PKL) profession is a manifestation of the difficulty of work and the lack of jobs. The scarcity of employment due to the consideration of the number of jobs with unbalanced workforce, economically this has an impact on the number of street vendors (PKL) exploding ... The purpose of being a street vendor is, as a livelihood, making a living, looking for a bite of rice for family, because of the lack of employment, this caused the number of traders to increase. The scarcity of jobs, causes informal sector migration job seekers to create an independent spirit, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, with capital, managed by traders who are true populist economic actors. The problems in street vendors are: (1) how to organize, regulate, empower street vendors in the cities (2) how to foster, educate street vendors, and (3) how to help, find capital for street vendors (4) ) how to describe grief as a Five-Foot Trader. This paper aims to find a solution to the problem of street vendors, so that cases of conflict, cases of disputes, clashes of street vendors with Satpol PP can be avoided. For this reason, the following solutions must be sought: (1) understanding the causes of the explosions of street vendors (2) understanding the problems of street vendors. (3) what is the solution to solving street vendors in big cities. (4) describe Street Vendors as actors of the people's economy. This article is qualitative research, the social paradigm is the definition of social, the method of retrieving observational data, in-depth interviews, documentation. Data analysis uses Interactive Miles and Huberman theory, with stages, Collection Data, Display Data, Data Reduction and Vervying or conclusions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Laura Hall ◽  
Urpi Pine ◽  
Tanya Shute

Abstract This paper will reflect on key findings from a Summer 2017 initiative entitled The Role of Culture and Land-Based Healing in Addressing and Ending Violence against Indigenous Women and Two-Spirited People. The Indigenist and decolonizing methodological approach of this work ensured that all research was grounded in experiential and reciprocal ways of learning. Two major findings guide the next phase of this research, complicating the premise that traditional economic activities are healing for Indigenous women and Two-Spirit people. First, the complexities of the mainstream labour force were raised numerous times. Traditional economies are pressured in ongoing ways through exploitative labour practices. Secondly, participants emphasized the importance of attending to the responsibility of nurturing, enriching, and sustaining the wellbeing of soil, water, and original seeds in the process of creating renewal gardens as a healing endeavour. In other words, we have an active role to play in healing the environment and not merely using the environment to heal ourselves. Gardening as research and embodied knowledge was stressed by extreme weather changes including hail in June, 2018, which meant that participants spent as much time talking about the healing of the earth and her systems as the healing of Indigenous women in a context of ongoing colonialism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Nida Alfi Nur Ilmi

ABSTRACT This paper tries to explain and describe the position of UMKM in the Kepuh, Boyolangu Village, Banyuwangi, as an effort to reduce the unemployment rate, especially in the lower middle class and to see how the strategy of the UMKM founders in maintaining their position in all conditions. So it is hoped that readers can find out and analyze UMKM within the scope of the region as an effort to minimize unemployment and increase living standards. This paper use qualitative research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. Establishing UMKM is certainly not an easy thing, because the large number of workers does not guarantee UMKM, who is determined by the appropriate expertise and strategy. In addition, the Government has not been maximally perfect in overcoming problems and financial assistance for community UMKM which in reality is able to absorb many new workers, and has an impact on reducing the unemployment rate.

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