scholarly journals Optimalisasi Kebijakan Diseminasi Informasi Kinerja Lembaga Legislatif Daerah Dalam Peningkatan Kualitas Demokrasi

Jurnal Common ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Mahi M Hikmat

Salah satu perubahan paradigma yang mendasar dari lahirnya kebijakan otonomi daerah adalah penguatan aksebilitas rakyat terhadap kebijakan yang dibuat Pemerintah Daerah. Hal itu diwujudkan dengan penguatan eksistensi DPRD (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah) sebagai representasi kehendak rakyat. Sebagaimana amanah Pasal 18 ayat (3) UUD 1945, DPRD dipilih melalui Pemilu oleh rakyat daerah, sehingga suara DPRD merupakan suara rakyat daerah.Diseminasi informasi kinerja Legislatif Daerah merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam penguatan DPRD, sehingga harus dioptimalkan dalam kerangka mendorong kualitas demokrasi di daerah. Untuk mengungkap tujuan tersebut dilakukan kajian yuridis dengan menggunakan pendekatan subyektif dan metode deskriptif kualitatif.Kajian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan, 1). Banyak peraturan perundangan yang terkait dengan lembaga Legislatif Daerah mengamanahkan urgensi diseminasi informasi kinerja sebagai bagian dari pertanggungjawaban publik dan merupakan bagian penting dari penguatan kualitas demokrasi di daerah; 2). Semua kegiatan dalam implementasi amanah peraturan perundangan terkait dengan fungsi, tugas dan wewenang, hak dan kewajiban, merupakan hal penting untuk didiseminasikan kepada publik, kecuali informasi yang harus dirahasiakan menurut peraturan perundangan; 3) Model alternatif diseminasi informasi kinerja adalah Model Persuasi Hugh Rank yang lebih menguatkan pelibatan komponen pokok, mengekspose secara intensif ide-ide, peristiwa, kegiatan atau substansi diseminasi informasi lainnya yang bernilai kebaikan dan kelebihan sisi positif) serta memainkan, menyamarkan, atau menyembunyikan (downplay) aspek-aspek sisi negatif. AbstractOne of the paradigm changes which inherent from the birth of local autonomy policy is strengthening the accessibility of the people to the policies of the government made by local government. It occurred in strengthening existence of local representative (DPRD) as representatives of the will of the people. As the mandate of article 18 paragraph ( 3 ) 1945 constitution, local representative was elected through general election by local people, that the voice of local representative is the voice of the local people.Information dissemination of local legislative performance becomes really important part in strengthening parliament. To uncover the purpose of juridical, the study was conducted with the use of subjective approach and a method of descriptive qualitative study.This study finds several conclusions, 1) Many laws relating to the legislative institutions gives urgency disseminate information performance as part of accountability public and an essential part of strengthening the quality of democracy in the local area; 2) All activities implementation of legislation relating to the function, responsibility and authority, rights and obligations, are crucial to be disseminated to the public, except for information which should be confidential according to legislation; 3) Model of alternative disseminate information performance is a persuasion model of Hugh Rank, which more strengthens the principal engagement, exposes intensively ideas, events, activity or other substance of information dissemination which is good and excess (the positive side) and which plays, disguises, or downplays the negative sides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 160-168
Bambang Azis Silalahi ◽  
Marlon Sihombing ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

The government has launched the Public Service Agency / Regional Public Service Agency (BLU / BLUD) program with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 23 of 2005. PP 23 of 2005 concerning Financial Management of Public service agency which basically explains, Public service agency are not only a new form in management of state finances but also as a new paradigm for public sector service management. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze how the implementation of PPK-BLUD policies in RSUD Dr. RM Djoelham Binjai in terms of improving the quality and quality of public services, especially health services to the people of Binjai City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative using the Merille S. Grindle theory where there are several variables that determine the effectiveness of policy implementation. From the research results it can be seen that after the implementation of PPK-BLUD in Dr. RM. Djoelham Binjai, there was a change where previously the budget management, finance and reporting processes, which had been purely based on financial regulations with the APBD mechanism. However, with the implementation of PPK-BLUD, all the income that the RSUD Dr. RM. Djoelham receives can be directly managed and used for the needs and needs of the RSUD. So it is hoped that it can simplify the bureaucracy, especially finance, so that in the end it can improve the quality of hospital services. In its implementation, there are several obstacles faced, especially the understanding of other sections and fields of PPK-BLUD in RSUD Dr. RM. Djoelham Binjai so that good coordination between divisions and fields is needed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sylvia Kurnia Firdaus ◽  
Teguh Santoso

Quality of Puskesmas Service Influence the Community Satisfaction in Puskesmas Kalirungkut Kota Surabaya. Public service as a form of good service both in the public goods, public service and even administrative service that in principle as responsibility and performed by government institution in order to meeting the basic needs of public at large. The government had tried to fulfilled the society needs on health service by established hospitals and Public Health Centres (PUSKESMAS) in whole of Indonesia region. In this case of Puskesmas Kalirungkut Surabaya city conducted various efforts to improve its service quality. This research has purposes to examines the service quality of Puskesmas influencing people satisfaction in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya. Focus of the study grounded on five dimension of service quality (SERVQUAL) subject to Parasuraman that are Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy.  The research method that used   is qualitative descriptive. The result of the research showed that are 1) service quality in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya seen from dimensions of Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy are good. 2) Service conditions in Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya conducted to the public based on Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy get rating of fairy good. 3) People satisfaction on service in  Puskesmas Kalirungkut of Surabaya about the people wants on puskesmas services included Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy are fairly good in the service managing process then people is satisfied enough. However the people satisfaction does not maximally improved enough due to still found lack in time punctuality and fastness then is necessary to be increased.  Keywords:  Service quality, Public service, People Satisfaction

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-233
Toifur Toifur

Abstract: Along with the passing of decentralization of education, it is the impact of government decentralization as a form of Law Number 22 of 1999. Decentralization of education is not just deconcentralization of the central government power delivered to the autonomous regions, but the decentralization of education regarding the very basic problem, namely education belongs to the people and for the people, the process of developing social capital and intellectual capacity of a nation. In this case, the development of education sector in each autonomous region to be conducted. This means that, given the will to organize, empower, reforming the learning process and develop a local curriculum in accordance with the needs and characteristics of the local area. Success or failure of autonomy or the decentralization of education in the era of regional autonomy is determined by three factors which strongly support, namely, the central government, local governments, and schools. Each of these factors has different roles. Yet the differences are owned does not mean nothing related to each other, even the differences are a job distribution, which are mutually support and sustain a successful application in the concept of autonomy and decentralization of education. It may therefore be understood that decentralization provides an opportunity and vast opportunities for each educational unit to improve the quality of education. Keywords: Decentralization, Education Quality, the Education Unit.

Eko Setiyo Utomo

<p><em>The government is an agent which provides public services should improve the quality of the services. It should be recognized that delivering public service is not yet on the good level. The people need the services at the high level. Public service improvement must go to improving public service itself. That is hoped that the meaning and involving of the public service would come to development Indonesian people totally. Finance Public Management Reform is one of the efforts of the government to answer public requirement.</em></p>

Amien Haedari

This paper attempts to portrait the journey of madrasah (religious school) during the last five years, i.e. since the enactment of Law of RI number 20 of 2003 regarding the National educational system which poditions a madrasah as general school. This reposition is actually positive for the sustainability as well as improving the quality of madrasah. However, it should be noted that more than 90% of madrasah are managed by public. this means that madrasah still has to be developed according to the public requierements, not that government. Thus, to create a policy on madrasah, it obviously is necessary to accommodate various public interests. Exactly, it is needed a harmonious and dynamics convergency between the government and the people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-58
Murniati Ruslan

BNI Syariah is one of Indonesia's national sharia banks. In its operations, BNI Syariah implements several contracts, namely the Mudharabah Contract, the Wadiah Contract, and the Ijarah Contract. This study is focused on the discussion of the Ijarah Contract by taking BNI Syariah Branch Palu, Central Sulawesi as the research object. Islamic banking has good prospects. This is supported by two factors, they are the population which is predominantly Muslim and the strong support of the Government. But at the same time, there are number of challenges faced by this type of banking. The aspects of funding and the quality of Human Resources (HR) are two elements that are often referred to the serious problems faced by Islamic banking, especially when compared to conventional banking. Another factor is that Islamic banking has not had a clear business model scheme yet. Moreover, Islamic banking products are still not fully understood by a larger public. In other words, citizens who truly understand the principles and products of Islamic banking are still very limited. In relation to the operations of the BNI Syariah Bank Branch Palu, there are two segments that are practiced in the bank intermediation. Those two segments are the consumptive segment and the productive segment. Both of these segments face the same problem in their implementation, it is socialization. This study found that there was a correlation between the lack of socialization and the low interest of the people in Palu regarding the Ijarah product. In other words, lack of socialization has caused BNI Syariah Branch Palu products to be widely unknown to the public.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Arif Cahyadi

In era globalization the state is expected to change for the better, one of them in the service of maintenance of manufacture Electronic Identity Card. In realizing the changes the government is expected to apply the principles of good governance in giving services must oriented to meeting the needs and satisfaction of the people. This research aims to determine the quality of service maintenance of manufacture Electronic Identity Card based on good governance. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires, interviews, and observations in the District Sukolilo Surabaya, questionnaires were distributed to the public as much as 25 informants. Methods for the data analysis is a data reduction, data presentation, and draw conclusions. The results of the study to get a whole that the implementation aspects of good governance to the dimensions of quality of public services have not felt very good satisfaction just people feel good.Keywords: good governance, the quality of service.

Albertus Prawata

The government has a strong role to make plans and shape the city. The planning establishment by the government is based on capital-intensive strategic actions, so they can shape the urban spaces according to acertain set of values. These values are made clearly in the patterns of resource consumption. However, they often create a hierarchical gap between the people and the communities. In the city, the economy becomes the basis of how the urban spaces are shaped and created. New economic activities often have the impact in degrading the quality of the spaces. As a result, the city will lose its attractions, and people feel alienated and they become aesthetically unpleasant. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the interaction and appreciation of creative users and the citizens of the city towards the urban spaces, and how they will encourage endless collaboration amongst local citizens to create thoughtful and meaningful designs for the public. The discussion and arguments will be based on some creative activities such as pop up café/store. It has the importance to be a creative generator and become the urban fabric that support the city and be a part of the sustainable cityconcept. The engagement and ideas from the creative activities can be a strong foundation of a good urban space, that have the power to re-shape the city spaces to be more livable. Therefore, it can also bring a new identity and vibrant atmosphere to a certain area as well as to the city.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Zulkarnain Ridlwan ◽  
Zainal Arifin Mochtar

The evaluation of the DPR's oversight function always considered not to represent the will of critical supervision of the people in almost every DPR's performance satisfaction survey. The DPR Committees institutionally the main actor of supervision, but has not been effective. 11 DPR committees compared to 113 work partners suspected to be one of the causes. Committees formed by DPR and can be adjusted according to needs. Based on a comparative approach on regulations in the US Congress and the British Parliament, it is recommended to narrow the oversight work by increasing the number of DPR committees to balance a large number of partners. The division of supervision work into more committees makes the scope of work narrow so that supervision is more focused. Changes in the arrangement of the number of committees in Law 17/2014 and the DPR 2014 Rules of Conduct need to be done by stating the maximum number of five working partners for each committee. The creativity of the committee to form sub-committees in accordance with needs must also be confirmed in the 2014 DPR Rules of Conduct. Such regulation is expected to make the performance of checks and balances between the DPR and the Government be better assessed by the public as a unitary presidential government system, namely a presidential system that better represents the will of the people's supervision. 

Liquidity ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-118
Iwan Subandi ◽  
Fathurrahman Djamil

Health is the basic right for everybody, therefore every citizen is entitled to get the health care. In enforcing the regulation for Jaringan Kesehatan Nasional (National Health Supports), it is heavily influenced by the foreign interests. Economically, this program does not reduce the people’s burdens, on the contrary, it will increase them. This means the health supports in which should place the government as the guarantor of the public health, but the people themselves that should pay for the health care. In the realization of the health support the are elements against the Syariah principles. Indonesian Muslim Religious Leaders (MUI) only say that the BPJS Kesehatan (Sosial Support Institution for Health) does not conform with the syariah. The society is asked to register and continue the participation in the program of Social Supports Institution for Health. The best solution is to enforce the mechanism which is in accordance with the syariah principles. The establishment of BPJS based on syariah has to be carried out in cooperation from the elements of Social Supports Institution (BPJS), Indonesian Muslim Religious (MUI), Financial Institution Authorities, National Social Supports Council, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, the Social Supports Institution for Helath (BPJS Kesehatan) based on syariah principles could be obtained and could became the solution of the polemics in the society.

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