scholarly journals Stilistika Novel "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" dan Implikasinya Sebagai Bahan Ajar Bahasa Indonesia

Dinamika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Ridwan Arzak Mubarok

Artikel  ini membahas gaya bahasa yang terdapat dalam novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” karya Habiburraman El Shirazy dan implementasinya dalam pengajaran sastra di MTs. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode studi kasus dan kajian pustaka . Metode ini untuk menganalisis penggunaan sistem tanda yang mengandung ide, gagasan dan nilai estetis tertentu, sekaligus untuk memahami makna yang dikandungnya. Data penelitian ini berupa penggalan gaya bahasa dalam novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” yang diduga berisi kalimat-kalimat bergaya bahasa tertentu. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan jenis-jenis gaya bahasa dalam novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” meliputi gaya bahasa klimaks, antiklimaks, paralelisme, antitesis, repetisi, hiperbola, silepsis, aliterasi, litotes, asonansi, eufemisme, pleonasme, paradoks, retoris, personifikasi, ironi, sarkasme, metafora, perumpamaan/ simile, dan metonimia. Gaya bahasa yang dominan dalam novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta”, yaitu gaya bahasa hiperbola. Implikasi gaya bahasa dalam novel “Ayat-Ayat Cinta” terhadap pengajaran sastra di MTs menitikberatkan pada sumber bahan ajar. Kata kunci: stilistika, novel, gaya bahasa, bahan ajarThis article discusses the style of language contained in the novel "Ayat-Ayat Cinta" by Habiburraman El Shirazy and its implementation in the teaching of literature at MTs. The study was conducted using the case study method and literature review. This method is to analyze the use of sign systems that contain ideas, ideas and certain aesthetic values, as well as to understand the meaning they contain. The research data is in the form of fragments of language style in the novel "Ayat Ayat Ayat Cinta" which allegedly contains sentences in a specific language style. From the results of this study found the types of language styles in the novel "Ayat Ayat Ayat Cinta" include climax, anticlimax, parallelism, antithesis, repetition, hyperbole, silepsis, alliteration, litotes, asonance, euphemism, pleonasm, paradox, rhetoric, rhetoric, personification, repetition, hyperbole, silepsis, alliteration, litotes, asonance, euphemism, pleonasm, paradox, rhetoric, rhetoric, personification, repetition, hyperbole, silepsis, alliteration, litotes, asonance, euphemism, pleonasm, paradox, rhetoric, rhetoric, personification. , irony, sarcasm, metaphor, simile, and metonymy. The dominant language style in the novel "Ayat-Ayat Cinta", namely the hyperbole language style. The implication of language style in the “-Ayat Cinta” novel towards the teaching of literature in MTs emphasizes the source of teaching material.Keywords: stylistics, novels, language style, teaching materials

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 134-149
Muhtadin Muhtadin ◽  
Rika Berlista ◽  
Dian Oktavia

This study aims to describe the style of language used by the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research data collection technique is the documentation technique. Data analysis techniques are used through data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study are: (1) Novel Comet contains a comparative language style of 109 citations, contrasting 39 quotations, linking 31 quotations, and repeating 10 quotations. (2) The novel Tanah Langit Merah contains comparative language styles, 97 parable parables, 117 metaphor quotations, 25 personification quotations, and 1 quote antithesis. (3) antagonism, hyperbole 74 citations, oxymoron 6 quotations, sarcasm 24 quotations, satire 15 quotations, paradox 10 quotations. (4) linkages, 8 excerpt metonemicals, 3 excerpts euphemisms, and 15 citation elepsis. (5) iteration, alliteration of 11 citations, anaphora 4 quotations, and efficiency of 2 quotations. In conclusion, the language style in the novel Tanah Langit Merah and the Comet novel, namely comparative language, conflicting, interrelated, and repetitive Keywords: Language Style, Novel

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-158
Aulia Normalita

Hati Suhita which is set in Java contains some philosophical and figurative languages. This research  aims to describe some figurative languages of Khilma Anis’s Hati Suhita and its relevance as a teaching material in high school. This is a descriptive qualitative research. The research data are in the form of words or sentences. The source of the data is the novel Hati Suhita and high school syllabus. The data collection techniques are read and note-taking techniques. The data analysis is then applied to the lists of figurative style passage dialogue using content analysis. The results showed that in the novel there were 32 styles of figurative languages. There are 6 data in the form of simile, 1 metaphorical, 12 personifications, 6 allusions, 6 eponymous data, and 1 data in the form of irony. Style that dominates the invention was the personification. Overall, the distinctive figurative language styles used in various forms of parables and comparisons in the novel are Javanese puppet characters and proverbs. This is unique in the discovery of language styles in this study. The results of the analysis of the language style in this novel have relevances as teaching materials with three KD, among them found in KD,, of XI and XII degrees.AbstrakDalam novel Hati Suhita ditemukan gaya bahasa kiasan yang sarat akan budaya dan filosofi Jawa yang terkandung di dalamnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa kiasan yang terdapat dalam novel Hati Suhita karya Khilma Anis dan relevansinya sebagai bahan ajar di SMA. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif. Data berupa kata atau kalimat yang menunjukkan gaya bahasa kiasan. Sumber data berupa novel Hati Suhita dan silabus bahasa Indonesia pada jenjang SMA. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak dan catat, pencatatan dilakukan untuk menuliskan petikan dialog yang mengandung gaya bahasa kiasan. Teknik analisis menggunakan analisis isi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel tersebut terdapat 32 gaya bahasa kiasaan, yaitu 6 data gaya bahasa simile atau persamaan, 1 data metafora, 12 data personifikasi, 6 data alusi, 6 data eponimi, dan 1 data ironi. Gaya bahasa kiasan yang mendominasi adalah personifikasi. Kekhasan gaya bahasa kiasan yang digunakan dalam berbagai bentuk perumpamaan dan perbandingan pada novel tersebut adalah tokoh-tokoh pewayangan dan peribahasa Jawa. Hal tersebut merupakan keunikan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis gaya bahasa dalam novel ini memiliki relevansi sebagai bahan ajar dengan tiga KD, di antaranya terdapat pada KD,, yang terdapat pada kelas XI dan XII.

I Wayan Purwa Astawa ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih

One of the problems that appear in village financial management is the issue of its implementation in the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget. The implementation is not in accordance with the provisions of Permendagri 113 of 2014 concerning village financial management due to the lack of common understanding, views, and commitments from village financial organizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the reality of the implementation of financial management of the village of Dauh Peken in Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency based on Permendagri 113 of 2014 on village financial management. The research is descriptive with a qualitative approach, research data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation studies. This study was analyzed using the Case Study method. The results of the study indicate that the Dauh Peken Village has not fully complied with the provisions of the regulation in financial management during the implementation of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget. This requires synergy between the district and sub-district governments in terms of assistance and supervision of village finance providers.   Keywords: Village finance, regulations, village finance providers.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Jero Budi Darmayasa ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Tatang Mulyana

This research is qualitative research with case study method. The focus of this research is to explore the value of ethnomathematics in the culture of the Bali Mula society in the Kintamani sub-district, Bali Province. The research starts from the exploration phase of ethnomathematics, mapping ethnomathematics with school mathematics, explores aspects of pedagogy in the preservation of ethnomathematics and concludes on how ethnomathematics is applied to mathematics learning in schools. Data collection was carried out through observation of Mejejahitan activities carried out by Bali Mula women. Data from observations are then linked to the results of documentation analysis and strengthened by the results of interviews. The triangulation method is carried out to check the validity of the research data. Based on the results of data analysis there is a relationship between the activities of Mejejahitan with school mathematics. The mathematical concepts contained in the Majejahitan activity that is reflecting (reflecting) and predicting or predicting patterns. Because there is a relationship between Majejahitan activities with school mathematics, it can be said that there are ethnomathematics values in the culture of the Bali Mula society in Kintamani District, Bali Province.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 420
Sheren Millennia Wijaya ◽  
Suzy Azeharie

Indonesia is a plural country because it has a variety of ethnicities, languages, religions. One of the ethnic groups in Indonesia is Benteng Chinese who have lived for a long time in Tangerang. Each ethnic group has its own identity or uniqueness that differentiates it from other ethnicities. Benteng Chinese society consists of various groups, one of which is a teenager. One of the most important periods in this phase of human life occurs in adolescence. During this period, a teenager's mental development and growth process occurs to form an identity that will describe his self-concept. Every teenager has a different self-concept. Parents are the biggest factor in the formation of adolescent self-concept. Imitation also affects self-concept. The purpose of this study was to describe the self-concept of Benteng Chinese Youth and what factors influence the self-concept of Benteng Chinese youths. In examining this research the writer uses concepts and theories, namely self-concept, imitation, adolescence, and Cina Benteng. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research data was obtained through interviews with two key informants and two supporting informants, as well as a literature study. The results showed that the self-concept possessed by Chinese Benteng youths varied physically, socially, and psychologically. And the factor that most influences the formation of adolescent self-concept is parents. adolescence, and Cina Benteng. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research data was obtained through interviews with two key informants and two supporting informants, as well as a literature study. The results showed that the self-concept possessed by Chinese Benteng youths varied physically, socially, and psychologically. And the factor that most influences the formation of adolescent self-concept is parents. adolescence, and Cina Benteng. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The research data was obtained through interviews with two key informants and two supporting informants, as well as a literature study. The results showed that the self-concept possessed by Chinese Benteng youths varied physically, socially, and psychologically. And the factor that most influences the formation of adolescent self-concept is parents.Indonesia merupakan negara majemuk karena memiliki beragam suku, etnis, bahasa, agama. Salah satu etnis yang ada di Indonesia adalah Cina Benteng yang sudah menetap lama di Tangerang. Setiap etnis memiliki identitas atau keunikan masing-masing yang membedakan dengan etnis lainnya. Masyarakat Cina Benteng terdiri dari berbagai kalangan, salah satunya remaja. Salah satu periode terpenting dalam fase kehidupan manusia terjadi pada masa remaja. Pada masa ini terjadi proses perkembangan dan pertumbuhan mental seorang remaja sehingga membentuk jati diri yang akan menggambarkan konsep dirinya. Setiap remaja memiliki konsep diri yang berbeda-beda. Orang tua merupakan faktor terbesar terbentuknya konsep diri remaja. Imitasi juga berpengaruh terhadap konsep diri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran konsep diri Remaja Cina Benteng dan faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya konsep diri remaja Cina Benteng. Dalam mengkaji penelitian ini penulis menggunakan konsep dan teori yaitu konsep diri, imitasi, remaja, dan Cina Benteng. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap dua key informan dan dua informan pendukung, serta studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep diri yang dimiliki remaja Cina Benteng berbeda-beda secara fisik, sosial, maupun psikologis. Dan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan konsep diri remaja adalah orang tua.

Diksi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
Marliza Arsiyana ◽  
Pratomo Widodo

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan persamaan dan perbedaan urutan dan bentuk konstituen klausa dengan memokuskan pada klausa transitif BP dan BI berikut frase nominalnya sebagai argumen dalam klausa. Sumber data penelitian ini berupa teks tulis, yakni novel Le Dernier Jour d’Un Condamné karangan Victor Hugo dan terjemahannya oleh Lady Lesmana dengan judul “Hari Terakhir Seorang Terpidana Mati”. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode agih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan urutan dasar klausa BP dan BI bertipe sama, yaitu verba mendahului objek. Perbedaannya pada sifat argumen objek. Pada BP objek berpreposisi termasuk dalam konstituen inti sedangkan dalam BI termasuk konstituen periferal. Pada BP, konstituen  Nod dan Np yang berupa pronominal berada di depan  verba, sedangkan dalam BI konstituen Nod dan Noi selalu di belakang verba. Pada tataran frase nominal, perbedaan terletak pada urutan modifikator demonstratif, dan pronomina persona. Pada BP sebelum nomina inti, sedangkan pada BI setelah nomina inti. Modifikator ekasilaba dan dwisilaba dalam BP terletak di depan nomina inti, sedangkan adjektiva yang lebih dari dua silaba, dan adjektiva yang berkaitan dengan warna, agama, dan verba partisif terletak di belakang nomina inti. Sementara itu, adjektiva dalam BI terletak setelah nomina inti.Kata Kunci: urutan dan bentuk konstituen, klausa, frase nomina, sintaks WORDS ORDERS IN FRENCH AND BAHASA INDONESIA CLAUSESABSTRACTThis research aims at analyzing the similarities and differences of the words orders and their forms in the transitive clauses and its argument, noun phrases, between French and Bahasa Indonesia. The research data resources are taken from written texts i.e.: The novel Le dernier jour d’un comdamné à mort by Victor Hugo and its translation Hari Terakhir Seorang Terpidana Mati by Lady Lesmana. This research uses “segmenting immediate constituent technique” to analyse the data. The result shows that French and Bahasa Indonesia have the same basic words orders in transitive clauses, i.e. verbs precede the object. The differences are found in the characteristic of the object. A prepositional object in French is categorized as the main argument, while in Bahasa Indonesia it is a peripheral argument. The position of Nod and Np constituent, which are pronominal, in French precedes the verb, whereas, in Bahasa Indonesia, they are always placed after the verb. Regarding the noun phrase, the differences are found at the position of demonstrative and possessive modifiers. Their position in French is placed before the main noun, while in Bahasa Indonesia after the main noun. The adjectives with one or two syllables are placed before the main noun and the adjectives with more than two syllables or the adjective related to color, religion, and participles are placed after the main noun. On the other hand, adjective in Bahasa Indonesia is always placed after the main noun.Keywords: words orders and form, clause, noun phrase, syntax

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 80
Gytha Larasati Jerry ◽  
Maihasni Maihasni ◽  
Alfan Miko

This article is about intergenerational social mobility, that is about children achievement compare to that of their parent. One of aspects of intergenerational social mobility is occupation. Nowaday different oportunity of profession is open for children. However it is found that the is the reality whereby children pursuing the same profession as the profession of their parents. This article discusses about causes of children choosing the same profession with the profession of their parents. The children studied are those whose parents profession midle rank police officers.  Using qualitative research data with the case study method of 7 police children and by using phenomenological theory. The finding of  this research shows that the police children are motivated to choose police officer for their profession,because of having proud of police profession. This is because of unique experiences that children get when they observe their parents’ routine working activities. That parents’ working activity inspire them to pursue the same profession with their parents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 98 ◽  
Mukhneri Mukhtar ◽  
Sudarmi Sudarmi ◽  
Mochamad Wahyudi ◽  
Burmansah Burmansah

The purpose of this study is to express the experiences, ideas, needs, and the use of information technology for the development of management information systems in a higher education institution. This study is qualitative approach research using the case study method. The research data collection uses the techniques of observation, interview, and documentation study. The research procedure used in this research consists of several research steps utilizing the case study method of Robert K. Yin: research planning, research design, research preparation, research data collection, research data analysis, and doing the research report. The research analysis is done by pattern matching. The data validity testing through data source triangulation and technique triangulation. The result of the study presents: (1) the analysis of management information system based on tacit and explicit knowledge through the process of exchanging experience, idea, and initiative, (2) the management information system design based on the needs analysis, and (3) the development of management information system using information technology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anshoffy Murtafi ◽  
Nababan Nababan ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><strong></strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Anshoffy Murtafi. S131208003. 2016.</strong><strong> The </strong><strong>Translation</strong><strong> Analysis </strong><strong>o</strong><strong>f Repetition </strong><strong>Language</strong><strong> Style</strong><strong> In Novel <em>A Thousand Splendid Suns</em>. </strong><strong>The </strong><strong>Techni</strong><strong>cque</strong><strong> And</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Quality</strong><strong> </strong><strong>(Translation Stu</strong><strong>dy </strong><strong>U</strong><strong>sing </strong><strong>Stylistics</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Approach).</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Supervisors: (1) Prof. Drs. M.R.Nababan, M.Ed, M.A., Ph.D. (2) Prof. Dr. Djatmika, M.A. Thesis. Postgraduated Program In Linguistics Majoring In Translation Studies. Sebelas</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Maret University. Surakarta.</strong></p><p> </p><p>               A best-seller novel entitled <em>"A Thousand Splendid Suns"</em> by Khaled Hosseini translated by M. Nugrahani Berliani comes up with an interesting language use. It can be seen from the content that consists of a great number of language styles, and one of them is repetition that becomes the characteristic of this novel writer. This research aimed to (1) describe and identify the types of repetition language style in the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, (2) describe the translation techniques used in the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns, and (3) describe the value and impact of the technique used in this study in term of accuracy and acceptability.</p><p>               This research used descriptive qualitative method and focused to a single case. The data which were in the form of repetition language style in this study were obtained from the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns and its translations. Further, the data in the form of informant were gathered from the raters who assessed the accuracy and acceptability of the translation. The selected sampling technique was purposive sampling (theoretical based-sampling).  The data then were collected using document analysis and focus group discussion.</p><p>               The conclusion of this study is the implementation of 10 translation techniques had a positive impact to the accuraracy and acceptability of its translation. The techniques giving positive impact in its translation in term of the accuracy and acceptability are established equivalence, generalization, transposition, amplification, pure borrowing, variation and particularization. Meanwhile, the techniques giving negative impact towards its translation in term of accuracy and acceptability are reduction, modulation, and discursive creation.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords: Translation of Language Style, Repetition, <em>A Thousand Splendid Suns</em>, Stylistics</strong></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Shulkhah Shulkhah

This research discusses the community mindset towards local products in Gelok Mulya village in the development of industrial areas. The background of this study is some people who feel a mindset towards local products. Many supporting factors that must be fulfilled are the core problems for the people's mindset. Therefore, only a small proportion of people have a good mindset on local products in their own regions in industrial areas. This study aims to determine the community towards local products in the village of Gelok Mulya in the development of the industrial area and the factors that affect the mindset of the community towards local products in the village of Gelok Mulya in the development of the industrial area. This type of research is a type of qualitative research using the case study method. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation conducted on four sources and facilities owned by the community Gelok Mulya. The collected research data is then processed through three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions from the processed data. From the research conducted, it is known that the community mindset towards local products in Gelok Mulya village is in the development of industrial areas. Still leads to industry. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of public trust to be able to develop local blacksmith products. In the current industrial area, the parties are still improving their human resources and facilities in order to continue to increase a good mindset in industrial estates. Abstrak Penelitian ini membahas tentang Mindset Masyarakat terhadap Produk  Lokal di desa  Gelok  Mulya dalam  Perkembangan  Kawasan  Industri. Kajiannya dilatarbelakangi oleh sebagian masyarakat  yang merasa mindset terhadap produk lokal. Banyak faktor pendukung yang harus dipenuhi menjadi masalah inti untuk mindset masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, hanya sebagian kecil masyarakat  yang mampunyai mindset  baik pada produk likal di daerah sendiri dalam kawasan industry. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Masyarakat terhadap Produk  Lokal di desa  Gelok  Mulya dalam  Perkembangan  Kawasan  Idustri.dan faktor yang mempengaruhi mindset Masyarakat terhadap Produk  Lokal di desa  Gelok  Mulya dalam  Perkembangan  Kawasan  Idustri. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dukumentasi yang dilakukan terhadap empat orang narasumber dan fasilitas yang dimiliki masyarakat Gelok Mulya. Data penelitian yang terkumpul kemudian diolah melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan menarik kesimpulan dari data yang telah diolah.  Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa Mindset Masyarakat terhadap Produk  Lokal di desa  Gelok  Mulya dalam  Perkembangan  Kawasan  Idustri. Masih mengarah ke industri. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme kepercayaan masyarakat untuk dapat mengembangkan produk lokal pandai besi. Dalam kawasan industry saat ini, pihak masih  terus meningkatkan sumber daya manusia dan fasilitas yang dimiliki guna terus meningkatkan mindset yang baik dalam kawasan industri.

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