scholarly journals Interculturalidad crítica en América Latina: abriendo caminos

Resumen Durante los años 80 y 90 en Latinoamérica empiezan a tornarse centro de reflexión y acción, desde el ámbito político, educativo y académico, propuestas y proyectos que giran en torno al concepto de interculturalidad. Fenómeno que ha posibilitado que la interculturalidad misma sea abordada de modo frecuente, teniendo como referente y fundamento una perspectiva funcional y relacional que perpetúa el orden social establecido. No obstante, comunidades diversas y organizadas de Latinoamérica se han propuesto, tejer puentes entre la educación y la interculturalidad, comprendida desde un enfoque crítico, para conservar y cuidar de unas tradiciones y cosmologías propias, para recordar unas raíces y configurar así, una educación desde adentro y desde abajo que fracture el sistema colonial, patriarcal y capitalista impuesto. En este orden de ideas, el presente artículo se propone reconocer y poner de manifiesto las rutas trazadas por un proyecto educativo intercultural crítico que se fortalece y abre caminos en y para Latinoamérica. Palabras clave: Grupos Interculturalidad crítica, educación intercultural, interseccionalidad Abstract Through the 80s and 90s the concept of interculturality became focus of attention in Latin America, but this concept was approached frequently, only from a functional perspective, not allowing it to make any significant change to the status quo of the politic, educational or social system. However, diverse organized communities in Latin America have decided to approach interculturality as a way that allow then to build a bridge between, education and interculturality, from a critical point of view, that leads to regaining the cultural heritage lost in the process of colonization that they lived; frighting off patriarchal and capitalistic systems that were imposed on their cultures. In this papper we want to visualize the routes drawn by those communities in their project to build a crtitical and intercultural education system that as of today is growing and gaining stregth through all the continent. Keyworks: Critical interculturality, intercultural education, intersectionality

2010 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Emilio Pradilla Cobos

Resumen: En el neoliberalismo y su globalización parece inobjetable que las teorías que explican la problemática urbana y las políticas públicas que pretenden resolverla tienen validez universal, objetivos homogéneos, eficacia general y pueden adquirirse en el “libre mercado mundial” intelectual o gubernamental. Una visión alienada de estos procesos, generalizada a casi todos los actores sociales e ideologías políticas parece justificarlo. Pero el largo proceso histórico de mundialización del capitalismo, sus impactos diferenciales en los territorios del mundo, y la evolución de los sistemas urbanos muestran heterogeneidades y desigualdades históricas que hacen que las teorías y políticas armadas en los países hegemónicos y los organismos multinacionales sean inaplicables, ineficaces y contraproducentes en América Latina y otras regiones. Su aplicación solo reproduce el atraso, la inequidad y la desigualdad que analizan o combaten. Abogamos por la descolonización de las teorías y las políticas urbanas y su construcción regional crítica y consecuente con nuestras realidades concretas y las necesidades de la mayoría de nuestra población. Palabras clave: América Latina; globalización; teoría; políticas; colonialismo. Abstract: At the neoliberal globalization it is assumed that the theories, private practices and policies set to solve the urban issues are universally valid and efficient, independently from the geography, demography, history, development level, culture and physical configuration of each city. This could be justified by an alienated vision of this process, a vision that is widespread among the social stakeholders. However, in the long term and thanks to the uneven global village concept of capitalism and its different impact on the territories, social structure, cultures, systems and urban morphologies, they have lead to heterogeneities and inequities that make theories, practices and policies implemented in several countries and multinational organisms unenforceable, inefficient and adverse for undeveloped regions around the world. Its implementation reproduces the development delay, contradictions, inequity and inequality that they analyze or avoid. We advocate the decolonizing of urban theories, practices and policies for Latin America and for building them from a critical point of view that takes into account the reality and needs of our population. Keywords: Latin America; globalization; theory; politics; colonialism.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-168
Luis Diego Chacón-Víquez

Desde una perspectiva descriptiva se analizan las diversas propuestas de reformas educativas llevadas a cabo en el transcurso de dos décadas a nivel nacional hasta llegar a la nueva Ley Fundamental de Educación. Se pretende generar un proceso de comparación con otras reformas educativas realizadas en la región; para lograr este objetivo se procura utilizar la revisión bibliográfica de los diferentes contextos y latitudes, especialmente las fuentes que hacen referencia a Latinoamérica y al entorno local. En el documento se revisan los antecedentes de las reformas, iniciando con una mirada general de la educación en América Latina, analizando las reformas educativas desde la opinión de diversos autores, así como el análisis de las reformas educativas en América Latina. Se parte del contexto nacional realizando una revisión de lo que ha sido el balance de dos décadas de reformas educativas en Honduras.Palabras clave: Reforma Educativa, Honduras, hegemonía, Estado, poder, Ley Fundamental de Educación, América Latina.AbstractFrom a descriptive perspective it analyzes the various proposals for educational reforms carried out nationwide and in the course of two decades down to the new Fundamental Law of Education. Aiming to create a comparison process with other educational reforms in the region, to achieve this goal, it attempts to review the literature of the different contexts and latitudes, especially those referring to Latin America and the premises. This paper is a review of the background of the reforms, starting with an overview of education in Latin America, and analyzing educational reforms from the point of view of various authors, and the analysis of educational reforms in Latin America. Taking in account the national context, it reviews how has been the balance of two decades of education reforms in Honduras.Keywords: Educational Reform, Honduras, Hegemony, Estate, Power, Fundamental Law of Education, Latin America

Laura Lorena Leguizamón

El programa de Expansión y Mejoramiento de la Educación Técnica Agropecuaria (E.M.E.T.A.) destinado a la escuela media rural empezó a pensarse para ser aplicado, en la región de América Latina, hacia fines de la década de 1970. En el transcurso de la década de 1980, se presentaron en Argentina, la mayor parte de los diagnósticos provinciales que describían la realidad de este tipo de enseñanza para las diferentes regiones del país. Con financiamiento del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (B.I.D.) así como del Ministerio de Educación Argentino se pone en marcha el programa para el total del país. La aplicación del programa difería de acuerdo a la necesidad de cada caso. Se presenta aquí la experiencia de una Escuela Agropecuaria situada en el Noroeste de Argentina, específicamente en la localidad de Chamical, provincia de La Rioja. El propósito, de este escrito, es analizar las formas de aplicación del programa EMETA y el impacto que tuvo el mismo en lo local. Como así también, es nuestra intención, poner a disposición estas experiencias, compartidas por distintas regiones de América Latina, para iniciar el diálogo posible entre las mismas. El método empleado para esta investigación fue mixto, entre revisión documental y entrevistas en profundidad. Como resultado pudimos recuperar la experiencia de aplicación del programa en esta zona de Argentina, también sienta un precedente esencial debido a que no se disponía de material édito específico. Palabras clave: Programa EMETA, Educación Rural en Argentina, Escuela Media, Enseñanza Técnica. Abstract The program called Expansion and Improvement of Agricultural Technical Education (EMETA by its acronym in Spanish), for rural middle schools was meant to be applied in Latin America in the late 1970s. During the 1980s in Argentina, most of the provincial diagnoses describing the reality of this kind of education for each region of the country were presented. .The program started nation-wide with funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (BID) and the Argentinean Ministry of Education. Application differed according to the needs of each case. The experience presented here is that of an Agricultural School located northwest of Argentina, in Chamical, province of La Rioja. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the various forms of application of the EMETA program and is local impact. Such experiences are made available, shared by different regions of Latin America, to start a possible dialogue among them. The method used for this research combined document review and interviews. As a result we were able to recover the application experience of the program in this area of Argentina, setting an important precedent because there was no specific printed material available. Keywords: EMETA Program, Argentinian Rural Education, High School, Technical Education. Recibido: septiembre de 2014Aprobado: noviembre de 2014

Cristiane Da Silveira

Resumo:O presente artigo investiga as narrativas de Bomfim e sua concepção sobre o Brasil na América Latina a partir da análise da obra América Latina: Males de origem e permite refletir sobre alguns aspectos dos discursos na virada do século XIX para o XX, visto que a perspectiva de análise de Bomfim intentou romper com estigmas relativos ao Brasil e à América Latina no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento econômico e social. Palavras chave: Manoel Bomfim; História; interpretação historiográfica; pensamento social brasileiro; progresso socioeconômico; Brasil; América Latina; Investigação.Resumen:Este artículo investiga las narrativas de Manoel Bomfim y su concepción sobre el Brasil y la América Latina a partir del análisis de la obra América Latina: Males de origen, y permite reflexionar sobre algunos aspectos de los discursos en la transición del siglo XIX para el XX, considerando que la perspectiva de análisis de Bomfim intentó romper con estigmas sobre el Brasil y América Latina en lo que concierne al desarrollo económico y social.  Palabras clave: Manoel Bomfim; Historia; interpretación historiográfica; pensamiento social brasileño; progreso socio-económico; Brasil; América Latina; Investigación.Abstract:This article researches Manoel Bomfim’s narratives and his conception of Brasil and Latin America  based on the study of América Latina: Males de Origem, and allows us to reflect on some aspects of  discourses regarding the transition from the XIXth centuty to the XXth, taking into consideration that Bomfim tried to finish with the stigma of Brasil and Latin America’s economic and social development.  Keywords: Manoel Bomfim; history; historical interpretation; Brazilian social thought; social-economic development; Brazil; Latin America; research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-155
Eduardo Biacchi Gomes ◽  
Ane Elise Brandalise Gonçalves

O presente artigo tem por fim analisar, sob a ótica do descolonialismo, os avanços da legislação brasileira em relação aos critérios para concessão do asilo. Para tanto, parte-se do próprio conceito de descolonialismo e a sua aplicabilidade dentro do contexto atual para construção dos Direitos Humanos na América Latina, de forma a cotejar com a nova legislação brasileira em relação aos critérios para fins de concessão de asilo e de refúgio. Por fim, de forma a demonstrar a importância do tema frente ao Sistema Interamericano de Proteção aos Direitos Humanos, questionar-se-á quanto a possibilidade de referidos temas serem analisados por parte da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos (Corte IDH). Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze, from the point of view of decolonialism, the advances of Brazilian legislation in relation to the criteria for granting asylum. In order to do so, it is based on the very concept of decolonialism and its applicability within the current context for the construction of Human Rights in Latin America, in order to compare with the new Brazilian legislation in relation to the criteria for granting asylum and refuge. Finally, in order to demonstrate the importance of the issue in the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights, it will be questioned whether the above-mentioned issues can be analyzed by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Jorge Costadoat Carrasco

RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta investigación es suministrar argumentos para identificar la Teología latinoamericana con la Teología de la liberación, y viceversa. Entre estos argumentos se debe considerar la conciencia de alcanzar la “mayoría de edad” de la Iglesia en América Latina en el postconcilio; la convicción de los teólogos de la liberación de estar elaborando una “nueva manera” de hacer teo­logía; una toma de distancia del carácter ilustrado de la teología; y la posibilidad de reconocer en los acontecimientos regionales, particularmente en los pobres, un habla original de Dios. Este artículo pretende hacer una contribución al status quaestionis del método teológico.ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper is to provide arguments to identify Latin American Theology with Liberation Theology, and vice versa. Among these arguments, one should consider the awareness of the Church in Latin America reaching its “age of maturity” in the post-conciliar period. Other arguments are the conviction of liberation theologians to be elaborating a “new way” of doing theology; a distance from the illustrated characteristic of theology; and, the possibility of recognizing in regional events, particularly in the poor, God’s original speech. This article aims to contribute to the status quaestionis of the theological method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-20
Erica Nelson

Within multi-disciplinary global health interventions, anthropologists find themselves navigating complex relationships of power. In this article, I offer a critical reflection on this negotiated terrain, drawing on my experience as an embedded ethnographer in a four-year adolescent sexual and reproductive health research intervention in Latin America. I critique the notion that the transformative potential of ethnographic work in global health remains unfulfilled. I then go on to argue that an anthropological practice grounded in iterative, inter-subjective and self-reflexive work has the potential to create ‘disturbances’ in the status quo of day-to-day global health practice, which can in turn destabilise some of the problematic hubristic assumptions of health reforms.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 411-416 ◽  
Marcus Mund ◽  
Christine Finn ◽  
Birk Hagemeyer ◽  
Franz J. Neyer

When examining the associations between personality traits and partner relationships, the majority of studies have focused on the one-way effects of personality traits on the quality and stability of relationships. Recent work, however, has shown that relationships likewise retroact on personality traits and their development. Apart from these mutual influences, recent studies have also emphasized the necessity of considering both members of a couple in order to understand how their personalities and perceptions of the relationship interact. We review the status quo of research on personality-relationship transactions and outline suggestions for future research that move the focus from predicting the interplay between the two domains to explaining how personality traits and partner relationships dynamically interact. Specifically, we propose the need for (a) a functional perspective on personality traits, (b) a differentiated view of behavior, and (c) acknowledgment of the dynamic nature of traits and relationships in appropriate analysis models.

2007 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-202 ◽  

Abstract:Public entrepreneurship is commonly understood as the outcome of the activities of a Schumpeterian political innovator. However, empirical research suggests that changes to a more efficient economic policy, even if it is known and technically easy to implement, are usually delayed. This is difficult to reconcile with Schumpeterian notions of public entrepreneurship. In this paper, it is argued that the attempt to transfer a Schumpeterian approach to the public sector is fundamentally flawed. Institutional checks and balances that characterize most modern liberal democracies make the strategy of bold leadership an unlikely choice for an incumbent. If change occurs, it occurs normally as a response to the fact that the status quo has become untenable. From a normative point of view, it is argued that if public entrepreneurship nevertheless occurs, it will often be associated with unwanted consequences. A dismantling of formal institutional checks and balances is therefore not reasonable.

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