scholarly journals Examination of Population Information System as the E-Government Development in Regency

The government established policies regarding population administration based on Law No. 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. To implement registration in the field of civil registration, the government launched a population administration information system (Bahasa: Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK)) to obtain and manage easily the population data. Thus, it needed a study to identify potential problems that arised from the provisions in the registration of SIAK-based civil registration that aims to facilitate the community in making SIAK and early identification of problems in the process of population registration in the field of civil registration such in Tanggamus Regency, there were still many problems in the field of civil registration. From this problem, the writer conducted research regarding how the rules to make SIAK so that e-government is served in the field of civil registration, and how the process of population registration in the field of civil registration and what were the obstacles encountered in the implementation and how to overcome it, while the data analysis was done qualitatively. Based on research data conducted in the Tanggamus Regency Government, the results obtained were that SIAK Regulations in Tanggamus Regency regulated in local regulation No.12 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of Population Administration which is adjusted in Constitution No.23 of 2006 concerning Administration, although in implementation regulations issued were still experiencing problems. However, these obstacles were overcome by efforts such as social approaches and improving services to the people of Tanggamus Regency.

2018 ◽  
Syamsiah Badruddin ◽  
Wisudawan Husain

This study discusses the quality of public service of government apparatus and general satisfaction with the civil service, in this case, is the manufacture of electronic identity card. The type of research used in this study is the kind of explanative research with quantitative approach. Techniques of collecting research data through questionnaires with the population are the people who make the electronic identity card in the government office civil registration. The number of samples in this study was 183 people. The results obtained from this research are for the quality of public service, and public satisfaction with the service of the apparatus is in the quite satisfied category. From these conditions show that the government apparatus in serving the community is still not motivated as a people servant. As a public service, the government apparatus in the salary of the general tax should feel like serving rather than being served.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-104
Heri Isnaini ◽  
Intan Rosmawati

This article discusses the poem "Sajak Pertemuan Mahasiswa" by W.S. Rendra. The discussion of this poem is motivated by efforts and efforts to apply the concept of poetry structure put forward by Lévi-Strauss. The description of the structure of this poem aims to display the structure of the poem consisting of the outer structure (surface structure) and the inner structure (deep structure). The outer structures that will be discussed are forms of text, diction, and sound, while the inner structures that will be discussed are imagery, compounds, and themes. The method used in this study is descriptive of analytics with a type of qualitative research, namely placing the text of poetry as the object and research data. Data collection techniques are done by identifying, classifying, and recording. Data anlysis is done by meaning direct and directed content. Analysis is done by discussing the structure of poetry consisting of text, diction, and sound, imagery, compounds, and themes. The results showed that the structure of Lévi-Strauss poetry can determine the overall meaning and message of poetry. The use of blank verse, simple diction, dominance of vocal sounds /a/, thought imagery, and metaphorical-rhetorical majas refers to the theme of "openness". This theme can be interpreted very broadly, namely openness to justice, education, employment, income, and livelihood. This openness is tried by students as agents of change and a bridge between the government and the people. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Mutia Silvia Rose

Partisipasi masyarakat adalah perwujudan dari masyarakat di dalam negara demokrasi, dimana pemerintahan yang di dasarkan kepada rakyat merupakan tujuan utama kehidupan berpolitik, baik dalam kebijakan maupun dalam tujuan pemerintahan. Perda Label Batik Pekalongan merupakan peraturan daerah yang mengatur tentang suatu tanda yang menunjukkan identitas dan ciri batik buatan Pekalongan yang terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu batik tulis, batik cap atau batik kombinasi tulis dan cap. Tujuan dibentuknya Perda tersebut adalah agar masyarakat dan konsumen Batik Pekalongan tidak dirugikan akibat dari salah dalam membedakan jenis batik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembentukan Perda tentang penggunaan label batik Pekalongan masih bersifat elitis, karena yang mendominasi mengikuti public hearing hanya pengusaha kelas atas yaitu seseorang atau kelompok orang yang memproduksi seni batik dalam bentuk tulis, cap dan kombinasi dalam jumlah besar, sudah mempunyai nama merek yang terkenal, dan pemasarannya sudah sangat luas baik di dalam negeri maupun di luar negeri. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembentukan perda tentang label batik pekalongan yang masih bersifat elitis dapat berpengaruh karakteristik produk hukum yang di hasilkan yaitu lebih menguntungkan pengusaha batik kelas atas, karena dalam pembuatan label batik Pekalongan merugikan dalam segi ekonomis bagi  pengusaha kelas menengah dan bawah.<br /><br />Community participation is the embodiment of the people in a democracy, where the government is based on the people as the ultimate goal of political life, both in policy and administration purposes. Label the Perda Batik Pekalongan local regulation of Batik Pekalongan Label is a sign which indicates the identity and characteristics of batik from Pekalongan which consists of three types of batik, batik or batik and stamp combination. Purpose of the establishment of the regulation is that the public and consumers are not harmed Batik Pekalongan result of incorrect in distinguishing the types of batik. The result of this research indicates that participation in the formation of legislation on the use of Pekalongan batik label still elitist, because that dominate following the public hearing only top-class entrepreneurs is a person or group of people who produce batik art in written form, stamp and combinations in bulk, already has a well-known brand names, and marketing has been very widely both domestically and abroad. Public participation in the formation of regulations about labeling Pekalongan batik is still elitist may influence the characteristics of a legal product that produced batik entrepreneurs are more favorable upper classes, as in the manufacture of Pekalongan batik label in terms of economic harm to employers middle and lower classes.<br /><br />

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Aris Tundung ◽  
Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo ◽  
Armaidy Armawi

ABSTRACTBureaucratic reforms aim to deliver excellence public services including civil registration service. The Law on Population Administration states that the use of the Population Administration Information System (SIAK) is one of the government's efforts to protect the secrecy, integrity and availability of population data related to its function as the basis for public services, development planning, budget allocation, democratic development, and law enforcement and criminal prevention. The study measures information technology resilience level by describing Yogyakarta City Civil Registry Service Office (Dindukcapil) information security management, the level of maturity and completeness of SIAK management, and SIAK success level. The study uses mixed method guided by ISO/IEC 27001document, Information Security (INFOSEC) Index form, and questionnaire prepared under the DeLone and McLane Models. Yogyakarta City Dindukcapil has not set up rules and documentation on information security management. The actions taken are reactive, not referring to overall risk without clear flow of authority and control. The study concludes the SIAK is "Highly Needed" by the Civil Registry Service Office of Yogyakarta City. The value of the information security management areas completeness level reaches 312 points out of maximum value 645 points. Those findings category SIAK security management into “Need Improvement" category. The maturity level of information security management range from "Maturity Level I/ Initial Condition" to "Maturity Level II+/ Basic Implementation". 77,3% users clarify “positive” perception and 1,2% users reveal “negative” judgement that made SIAK belongs to “Success” information system category.ABSTRAKReformasi birokrasi mengamanatkan peningkatan mutu dan kecepatan layanan publik pemerintah termasuk layanan administrasi kependudukan. Undang-undang tentang Administrasi Kependudukan menyebutkan penggunaan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK) merupakan salah satu usaha pemerintah untuk mengelola dan melindungi kerahasiaan, keutuhan dan ketersediaan data kependudukan terkait fungsinya sebagai dasar pelayanan publik, perencanaan pembangunan, alokasi anggaran, pembangunan demokrasi, dan penegakan hukum dan pencegahan kriminal. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui ketahanan sistem informasi SIAK melalui gambaran pengelolaan keamanan informasi Dindukcapil Kota Yogyakarta, tingkat kematangan dan kelengkapan pengelolaan SIAK, dan tingkat kesuksesan SIAK. Penelitian menggunakan metode campuran dengan menggunakan kisi-kisi ISO/IEC 27001, instrumen perhitungan dalam borang Indeks KAMI, dan kuesioner yang disusun berdasarkan Model DeLone dan McLane yang sudah diperbaharui yang mendiskusikan tentang Kualitas Informasi, Kualitas Sistem, Kualitas Pelayanan, Penggunaan, Kepuasan Pengguna, Manfaat Bersih (DeLone dan McLane, 2004: 32). Dindukcapil Kota Yogyakarta belum menyusun aturan dan dokumentasi pengelolaan keamanan informasi. Tindakan yang dilakukan bersifat reaktif, tidak mengacu pada keseluruhan risiko tanpa alur kewenangan dan pengawasan yang jelas. Peran SIAK termasuk dalam kategori “Tinggi” namun nilai kelengkapan penerapan standar pengelolaan keamanannya hanya mencapai 312 dari nilai total 645 sehingga pengelolaan keamanan SIAK masuk dalam kategori “Perlu Perbaikan”. Tingkat kematangan penerapan standar keamanan berkisar pada “Tingkat Kematangan I/ Kondisi Awal” sampai dengan “Tingkat Kematangan II+/ Penerapan Kerangka Kerja Dasar”. Tingkat kesuksesan SIAK termasuk dalam kategori “Sukses”, 77,3% pengguna memberikan pernyataan “positif” dan hanya 1,2% pengguna memberikan pernyataan “negatif”.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-59
Ayu Kurnia Utami

This study discusses Perdasus 23 Year 2008 about individual and communal rights of customary law society over the land through a case study in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The special local regulation (Perdasus) is a part of the efforts to secure the customary society or the indigenous people of Papua. The aim of this study is to identify how far Perdasus 23 Year 2008 has been implemented in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The study applies qualitative approach which data is collected through observations, interviews, and content analysis of related documents. The result of this study shows that Perdasus 23 Year 2008 is not implemented thoroughly. Although the regulation is not normatively implemented, it has been practically implemented through the initiatives of Jayapura and Biak Numfor government to carry out conflict resolution program in each region. In doing so, the government of Jayapura has done the communal right mapping of Port Numbay people, while the government of Biak Numfor issues a local regulation (Perbup) about the strategy of land conflict resolution by encouraging of the involvement of customary role and legitimation in the region. Eventhough these activities are not conducted in accordance with Perdasus 23 Year 2008, Jayapura has performed four substances of the “Perdasus”: research, mapping, management and identification, and land conflict resolution. Meanwhile, Biak Numfor regency has performed two substances: communal land management and land conflict resolution though they only fulfill some aspects of these substances when performing research and mapping. There are three aspects affecting the implementation of Perdasus in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. First, ineffective communication both from the policy maker to the policy implementer and from policy implementer to the people that causes confusion to the society regarding the policy. Second, the existing paradigm of local people who still believe that customary law is more powerful than civil law. Last but not the least is Government’s initiative to do an activity to protect the communal right of indigenous people of Papua.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Paulus Lucky Tirma Irawan ◽  
Yudhi Kurniawan ◽  
Windra Swastika

<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><strong>.</strong> <em>Tegalweru is located in Dau, Malang. Tegalweru has 3 hamlets, including Krajan, Kraguman and Jengglong hamlet. In data management, Tegalweru is assisted by a number of village officials consisting of Kaur (Head of General Affairs), Finance Chief, Kebayan, Kuwono, Modin, Pramu, Kepetengan and Kamituwo. One routine administration that is directly related to community service is correspondence activities, such as making certificates starting from the domicile certificate, business domicile certificate, residence certificate, and others. Based on the initial analysis of the findings in the field, there are several potential problems found. The absence of a system makes the administrative routine management process less effective because population data that is the main supporting data must be accessed manually. This problem needs to get special attention so that Tegalweru can minimize the mistakes that occur due to the administrative process carried out manually services to the community so the service quality can be improved. An Information System has been made to help stake holders in doing their administrative services to the society.</em></p><p><strong>Abstrak<em>.</em></strong> Desa Tegalweru terletak di Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang. Desa Tegalweru memiliki 3 dusun, meliputi dusun Krajan, dusun Kraguman dan dusun Jengglong. Dalam pengelolaan data masyarakatnya, Desa Tegalweru dibantu oleh beberapa perangkat desa terdiri dari Kaur (Kepala Urusan) Umum, Kaur Keuangan, Kebayan, Kuwono, Modin, Pramu, Kepetengan dan Kamituwo. Salah satu rutin administratif yang berkaitan langsung dengan layanan masyarakat adalah kegiatan surat menyurat, seperti pembuatan surat-surat keterangan mulai dari surat keterangan domisili, surat keterangan domisili usaha, surat keterangan kependudukan, dan lainnya. Berdasarkan analisa tahap awal terhadap data temuan dilapangan, terdapat beberapa potensi masalah yang ditemukan. Ketiadaan sistem membuat proses pengelolaan rutin administratif menjadi kurang efektif karena data kependudukan yang menjadi data pendukung utama harus diakses secara manual. Permasalahan ini perlu untuk mendapatkan perhatian khusus sehingga Desa Tegalweru dapat meminimalisir kesalahan-kesalahan yang terjadi diakibatkan oleh proses administrasi yang dilakukan secara manual sehingga layanan kepada masyarakat dapat ditingkatkan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah menghasilkan sebuah aplikasi sistem informasi administrasi berbasis web yang sudah dapat digunakan untuk membantu kantor desa Tegalweru dalam menjalankan kegiatan rutin administratif dan pengelolaan data kependudukan dengan lebih baik dan cepat.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-54
Ahmad Syafii Rahman ◽  
Amir Mu’allim

The existence of vagrants and beggars as a sub-culture of poverty is a separate problem for the government and the people of Yogyakarta in general. This research was conducted to examine and analyze the effectiveness of the Yogyakarta City Government Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 concerning the handling of homeless and human rights beggars in the review of maqasid shariah and seeks to find the crucial factors that influence the effectiveness of the DIY city government regulation based on a human rights perspective. humans in the view of maqasid syariah. The facts in the field were collected using qualitative methods with a sociological normative juridical approach and technical analysis using analytical descriptions. The results of this study are the Role and Functions of the Social Service in tackling Homeless and Beggars in the Special Region of Yogyakarta which has been procedurally fulfilled based on the Yogyakarta Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014, but conceptually has not been fully implemented in the DIY City Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014. In the perspective of human rights, in terms of quantity, the regional regulation has guaranteed the fulfillment of the rights of the homeless and beggars, the implementation is in accordance with standard operational procedures in the field. According to the Maqasid syariah perspective, the government's program to overcome sprawl has realized the maqasid syariah, namely the maintenance of religion (hifz din), reason (hifz al-aql) maintenance of the soul (hifz al-nafs) maintenance of offspring (hifz al-nasl) maintenance of property ( hifz al-mal)

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-27
Budiman Budiman ◽  
Sandi Fajar Rodiansyah ◽  
Dede Abdurahman

SILADDU or the Integrated Data Services Information System is an application to record data of the population of a village. This application is expected to help village officials in administering the settlement. In addition, the application is expected to become the reference in government programs such as direct assistance from the government in providing information about who will be given help, because this application helps classify the population data based on the level of economic ability, educational level, marital status, age, gender and others. This application is relatively new so attracted me as a researcher to examine the level of user satisfaction. Thus the researchers conducted this study in order to become one of the source application developers have to pay attention to the satisfaction of his application.

2018 ◽  
Vol 248 ◽  
pp. 05003
Lily Puspa Dewi ◽  
Adi Wibowo ◽  
Ngakan M.A. Immanuel

Growth in human population around the world affects all people through its impact on the economy and environment. Therefore, the population in a region should always be recorded. Government as a public decision maker has a big responsibility in the welfare of the community. The government needs information about the people lives to determine what policies should be taken. Government needs census data accurately to assist in making decisions. The government of Naikoten II wants to bring this village become digital village using technologies in their public services. In Naikoten II, the population data collection process (census) still uses paper form using Canvaser method which is filled in by the census officer by visiting and interviewing residents directly. It has a big risk of data loss. The main objective of this research was to provide a viable solution that allows surveyors to conduct the census efficiently. This research also provides a web based application to help data analyst to manage the census data. These application have been designed and implemented. The testing has been conducted within the small group of stakeholder that volunteered to use this early version of the application for a specified amount of time to provide feedback for possible changes and improvements.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-99
Melisa Arisanty ◽  
Gunawan Wiradharma

The spread of hoax information on social media is still difficult to control. Various efforts have been made by the government to eradicate hoax information, even the Ministry of Communication and Information has chosen the decision to block accounts that spread hoaxes, especially those on social media. However, hoax information still exists and its spread is increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strategy that is right on target to prevent the spread of hoaxes. To design a strategy that is right on target, it is necessary to identify the acceptance attitude and behavior of sharing hoax information on social media. Through research using an interpretive paradigm and a qualitative research approach with research data collection, namely interviews with 12 (twelve) informants who are part of the community in Banten, West Java and Aceh Provinces. So, an interesting finding was found that currently receiving hoax information that leads to belief can occur if hoax information is highly correlated with hoax recipients, viral is discussed in the community, and is in accordance with personal views or logic. This acceptance can motivate the behavior of sharing information back due to the desire to be recognized as a trendsetter in disseminating the first information to the people around him. This is the main factor in the dissemination of Hoax information which needs to get recommendations for improving policies and strategies for eliminating Hoaxes in Indonesian society.

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