scholarly journals Alcance de ‘teoría de la educación’ en la carrera de pedagogía

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-89
José Manuel Touriñán López

El foco de este artículo no es la educación como tarea o actividad.  Tampoco es el objetivo de este artículo responder a la pregunta cómo educar nuestro modo de conocer y pensar (Cognitive  Education or Knowledge Education or Education of Knowledge). El objetivo de este artículo está integrado en el tópico “la educación como objeto de conocimiento” (educación como disciplina y como conocimiento de la educación: “Education as a discipline”, Education Knowledge or Knowledge of Education). De manera específica, el objetivo de este artículo es entender el lugar de la teoría dentro del conocimiento de la educación, su diversidad como disciplina y como investigación. Es posible realizar ese objetivo, porque la teoría de la educación es conocimiento de la educación; hay una relación entre teoría y educación por medio del conocimiento de la educación. Cada modo de entender el conocimiento de  la educación, permite entender el significado de la teoría en relación con la ‘educación’. El  objetivo en este artículo es integrar las diversas posiciones que existen en la pluralidad semántica del concepto de “teoría” en relación con  “educación”, como  disciplina y asignatura de plan de estudios y como investigación.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 155-166 ◽  
Larissa J. Maier ◽  
Michael P. Schaub

Abstract. Pharmacological neuroenhancement, defined as the misuse of prescription drugs, illicit drugs, or alcohol for the purpose of enhancing cognition, mood, or prosocial behavior, is not widespread in Europe – nevertheless, it does occur. Thus far, no drug has been proven as safe and effective for cognitive enhancement in otherwise healthy individuals. European studies have investigated the misuse of prescription and illicit stimulants to increase cognitive performance as well as the use of tranquilizers, alcohol, and cannabis to cope with stress related to work or education. Young people in educational settings report pharmacological neuroenhancement more frequently than those in other settings. Although the regular use of drugs for neuroenhancement is not common in Europe, the irregular and low-dose usage of neuroenhancers might cause adverse reactions. Previous studies have revealed that obtaining adequate amounts of sleep and using successful learning techniques effectively improve mental performance, whereas pharmacological neuroenhancement is associated with ambiguous effects. Therefore, non-substance-related alternatives should be promoted to cope with stressful situations. This paper reviews the recent research on pharmacological neuroenhancement in Europe, develops a clear definition of the substances used, and formulates recommendations for practitioners regarding how to react to requests for neuroenhancement drug prescriptions. We conclude that monitoring the future development of pharmacological neuroenhancement in Europe is important to provide effective preventive measures when required. Furthermore, substance use to cope with stress related to work or education should be studied in depth because it is likely more prevalent and dangerous than direct neuroenhancement.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 57
Busthomi Ibrohim

Abstract. Politically, School Based Management (SBM) becomes the mouthpiece of all issues in the field of education that will be portrayed in schools, because the school is the last network of educational bureaucracy. SBM is also a form of operationalization of the decentralization or education autonomy policy in relation to regional autonomy. Theoretically, SBM is also a concept that offers autonomy to schools in order to improve quality, efficiency and equity of education in order to accommodate the interests of local communities as well as establishing close cooperation between schools, communities and governments. Operationally SBM is an idea that places the authority of school management in a system entity. Based on the above view, this article outlines the basic framework of SBM as a strategy for improving the quality of education. With SBM, principals, teachers and learners get the opportunity to innovate and improvise in schools related to curriculum, learning, managerial and others. So the principal serves as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, motivator, figure, and mediator. SBM also calls for the creation of new institutional arrangements and institutions, including: the establishment of school boards, development of school strategy planning, develop of annual school planning, internal monitoring and self-assessment, annual reporting, school opinion surveys of school stakeholders. Keywords. School Based Management, Decentralization of Education, Quality Assurance, Autonomy of Education, School Committee Abstrak. Secara politis, Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) merupakan muara dari semua kebijakan dibidang pendidikan akan tergambarkan di sekolah, sebab sekolah merupakan jaringan terakhir dari rangkaian birokrasi pendidikan. MBS juga sebagai bentuk operasionalisasi dari kebijakan desentralisasi atau otonomi pendidikan dalam hubungannya dengan otonomi daerah. Secara teoretis, MBS merupakan suatu konsep yang menawarkan suatu otonomi kepada sekolah dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu, efisiensi dan pemerataan pendidikan agar dapat mengakomodir kepentingan masyarakat setempat serta menjalin kerja sama yang erat antar sekolah, masyarakat dan pemerintah. Secara operasional MBS merupakan gagasan yang menempatkan kewenangan pengelolaan sekolah dalam suatu keutuhan entitas sistem. Berdasarkan pandangan di atas, artikel ini menguraikan kerangka dasar MBS sebagai strategi dalam peningkatan mutu pendidikan. Dengan MBS, kepala sekolah, guru dan peserta didik mendapatkan peluang untuk melakukan inovasi dan improvisasi di sekolah berkaitan dengan masalah kurikulum, pembelajaran, manajerial dan lain-lain. Maka kepala sekolah berfungsi sebagai educator, manajer, administrator, supervisor, leader, inovator, motivator, figure, dan mediator. MBS juga menuntut penciptaan tatanan dan budaya kelembagaan baru, yang mencakup: pembentukan dewan sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan strategi sekolah, pengembangan perencanaan tahunan sekolah, melakukan internal monitoring, self-assesment, menyusun laporan tahunan, melakukan survei pendapat sekolah terhadap stakeholder sekolah. Kata Kunci.     School Based Management, Desentralisasi Pendidikan, Jaminan Mutu, Otonomi Pendidikan, Komite Sekolah   Daftar Pustaka Fiske, Edward. 1999. Decentrilization of Education atau Desentralisasi Pengajaran (Terjemah). Jakarta: Grasindo. Bappenas. 1999. School Based Management. Jakarta: Bappenas bekerja sama dengan Bank Dunia. Binde, Brome. 2001. Keys to the 21st Century. Paris: UNESCO Publishing. Bryson, Jhon M.. 1995. Strategic Planning For Public and Nonprofit Organiztions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers. Delors, Jacques. 1996. Learning: The Treasure Within. Australia: UNESCO. Engkoswara. 2002. Lembaga Pendidikan sebagai Pusat Pembudayaan. Bandung: Yayasan Amal Keluarga. Finn, C.E dan Prash J.C dalam Dimmock Clive. 1993. School Based Management and School Effectiveness. London: Routledge. Formasi, Jurnal Kajian Manajemen Pendidikan, No. 2, Tahun II Maret 2000. ---------, No. 8 tahun IV November 2003. Gorton, Richart, A. 1976. School Administration Challenge and Opportunity For Leadership. Lowa: Brown Company Publishers. Malen, Ogawa, Kranz dalam Abu-Duhon Ibtisam, School Based Management. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. Mulyasa, E. 2003. Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah: Konsep, Strategi dan Implementasi. Bandung: Rosdakarya. --------. 2003. Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Professional Dalam Konteks Menyukseskan MBS dan KBK. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Naisbitt, John. 1994. Global Paradox, terjemah Budijanto. Jakarta: Binarupa Aksara. Paul I, Dressel. 1980. The Autonomy of Public Colleges. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc. Peraturan Pemerintah No.25 Tahun 2000 tentang Kewenangan Pemerintah dan Kewenangan Provinsi sebagai Daerah Otonom. Satori, Djam’an. 1999. Pengembangan Sistem “Quality Assurance” Pada Sekolah, Naskah Akademik Untuk Pusat Pengujian. Jakarta: Balitbang Depdiknas. Slamet 2001. Manajemen Peningkatan Mutu Berbasis Sekolah (buku 1, 2 dan 3) Konsep dan Pelaksananya. Jakarta : Depdinas Dirjen Dikdasmen. Suyatno. 2001. Penerpan Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Makalah disajikan pada Colloqium Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Hamka Jakarta 15 Mei 2001 di Jakarta. Thomas L. Wheeler dan J. David Hunger. tt. Strategic Management and Business Pilicy. New Jersey: Upper Saddle iver. Tilaar, H.A.R. 2000. Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Nasional. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Wahjosumidjo. 2000. Dasar-Dasar Kepemimpinan dan Komitmen Kepemimpinan Abad XXI. Jakarta: LAN-RI.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56 ◽  
Jan Basche

While calling for culturally sensitive healthcare services in migrant communities, the international nursing literature on intercultural care predominantly describes nursing staff as lacking cultural competences and immigrant customers as lacking cleverness to navigate the labyrinths of national healthcare systems. Congruences in language, culture and religion in the customer-caregiver relationship can decisively improve the quality of care. However, they do not automatically guarantee smooth working processes in monocultural in-home settings. On the contrary, new problems occur here for Turkish caregivers which are unknown to the legions of native professionals who feel challenged by migrants and which go beyond differences such as age, sex, income or education. While no cultural or religious brokering is necessary between customers and personnel in the given context in Germany, new challenges arise when caregivers are expected to legally broker between customers and insurance companies or doctors. Conflicting expectations of customers and management as well as their own colliding social and professional roles put the caregivers in a quandary and must be competently managed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 85-98
Bojan Kostadinov ◽  
Mile Jovanov ◽  

Data collection and machine learning are changing the world. Whether it is medicine, sports or education, companies and institutions are investing a lot of time and money in systems that gather, process and analyse data. Likewise, to improve competitiveness, a lot of countries are making changes to their educational policy by supporting STEM disciplines. Therefore, it’s important to put effort into using various data sources to help students succeed in STEM. In this paper, we present a platform that can analyse student’s activity on various contest and e-learning systems, combine and process the data, and then present it in various ways that are easy to understand. This in turn enables teachers and organizers to recognize talented and hardworking students, identify issues, and/or motivate students to practice and work on areas where they’re weaker.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 815-822
Reni G. Hristova - Kotseva

Prof. D. Katsarov was a prominent scholar who worked in the field of Psychology and Pedagogy in Bulgaria during the 20th century. In his rich pedagogical heritage, he defined three basic pedagogical principles - love, freedom and experience.D. Katsarov's humanism is expressed in his deep faith in man, in his conviction that every human being possesses good talents and that every child deserves trust. His humanism manifests itself in his love of both the child and the adult, in his deep faith in their powers and capabilities.He declared this love to be the first basic pedagogical principle, without which upbringing, training or education cannot exist to the full extent of their meaning.The pedagogical principle of love is not perceived as a temporary emotional state but as an active attitude both in the child and the teacher. Love is expressed through concern, attention to the needs and interests of the child, and through active attitude to what is necessary to satisfy these needs and interests.The importance of this basic, according to Prof. D. Katsarov, principle can be seen in its three dimensions: the attitude of the child, of the teacher and of the education system.D. Katsarov formulated several kinds of freedom. Physical freedom, according to him, is expressed in freedom of deeds and actions. Any limitation of the freedom of the child inevitably leads to obstructing of their proper physical development "because this freedom enables the child to come into the widest range of contacts with the things that surround them, which is the only opportunity to get to know them comprehensively".According to Prof. D. Katsarov, it is the American philosopher, pedagogist and psychologist John Dewey that provides the most profound analysis of experience as a pedagogical principle, in its broad sense, as the basis of education.The true educational experience, according to the author, is a social process of sharing. Educational work is a source of social control only when it is a common work involving all individuals and those individuals feel somewhat responsible.

1989 ◽  
Vol 69 (3-2) ◽  
pp. 1139-1157
Hardeo Sahai

This paper compares subgroups using cognitive scores from a test battery administered to high school seniors in the base year survey in 1980. The procedures used to select the sample were designed to yield a data base that can be statistically projected to represent the national population of about 3,040,000 high school seniors. Comparisons were performed to examine differences in cognitive scores by age, sex, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and census region. Boys scored higher than girls on mathematics and visualization tests, but lower on the picture-number and mosaic comparison tests. Mean scores of the two sexes on the vocabulary and reading tests differed by less than 0.1 SD. Asian/Pacific Islanders had higher means than white students and other minority groups on the mathematics, mosaic comparisons, and visualization test, but their scores did not differ significantly from those of white students on the other three tests. Means for Hispanics were lower than those for white students but higher than those for black students, except on reading. Mean scores of Cubans exceeded those of Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans or other Hispanics. A positive correlation 0.40 obtained between test scores and the socioeconomic status or education attained by the examinees’ mothers. Students in New England had the highest means except on visualization for which the highest scores were in the West, followed in order by those in the Middle Atlantic, West North Central, East North Central, Pacific, Mountain, South Atlantic, East South Central, and West South Central regions.

2021 ◽  
Mathijs de Haas ◽  
Maarten Kroesen ◽  
Caspar Chorus ◽  
Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser ◽  
Serge Hoogendoorn

AbstractIn recent years, the e-bike has become increasingly popular in many European countries. With higher speeds and less effort needed, the e-bike is a promising mode of transport to many, and it is considered a good alternative for certain car trips by policy-makers and planners. A major limitation of many studies that investigate such substitution effects of the e-bike, is their reliance on cross-sectional data which do not allow an assessment of within-person travel mode changes. As a consequence, there is currently no consensus about the e-bike’s potential to replace car trips. Furthermore, there has been little research focusing on heterogeneity among e-bike users. In this respect, it is likely that different groups exist that use the e-bike for different reasons (e.g. leisure vs commute travel), something which will also influence possible substitution patterns. This paper contributes to the literature in two ways: (1) it presents a statistical analysis to assess the extent to which e-bike trips are substituting trips by other travel modes based on longitudinal data; (2) it reveals different user groups among the e-bike population. A Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model is estimated using five waves of data from the Netherlands Mobility Panel. Furthermore, a Latent Class Analysis is performed using data from the Dutch national travel survey. Results show that, when using longitudinal data, the substitution effects between e-bike and the competing travel modes of car and public transport are not as significant as reported in earlier research. In general, e-bike trips only significantly reduce conventional bicycle trips in the Netherlands, which can be regarded an unwanted effect from a policy-viewpoint. For commuting, the e-bike also substitutes car trips. Furthermore, results show that there are five different user groups with their own distinct behaviour patterns and socio-demographic characteristics. They also show that groups that use the e-bike primarily for commuting or education are growing at a much higher rate than groups that mainly use the e-bike for leisure and shopping purposes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 285-285
Monica Nelson ◽  
Ross Andel ◽  
Julie Martinkova ◽  
Kateřina Čechová ◽  
Hana Marková ◽  

Abstract Dementia is arguably the most devastating condition of older adulthood with treatment options still elusive. Alzheimer’s is the most prevalent form of dementia where cognitive deficits relate strongly to underlying brain pathology. However, there exist cases in which cognitive performance does not match the corresponding level of neuropathology. Attempts to explain this phenomenon often include the concept of cognitive reserve (CR), whereby greater CR (e.g., more education or higher occupational position) presumably results in less impairment relative to the extent of pathology early in disease progression but also greater impairment once cognitive symptoms manifest. We examined the influence of CR proxy variables (education and occupation) on the relationship between hippocampal volume and cognitive performance on tests of executive control and memory using data from the Czech Brain Aging Study (CBAS). Participants were cognitively normal/with subjective cognitive decline but without actual impairment (CN; n=115; M(age)=66.43; M(education)=15.90; 37 men) or had amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI; n=165; M(age)=71.37; M(education)=14.92; 85 men). We found that hippocampal volume was significantly related to executive control (b=-.0001, p=.03) and memory (b=.0002, p<.001) for participants with aMCI, but only memory (b=.0002, p=.03) for CN participants. Occupational position moderated the association between memory and hippocampal volume in aMCI, with the result approaching significance (p=.07), whereby a greater link between memory problems and hippocampal atrophy was present in those previously in high occupational positions. No other moderations for occupational position or education emerged (ps>.25). We found evidence for the concept of CR using occupational position as proxy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Angelina R. Sutin ◽  
Damaris Aschwanden ◽  
Martina Luchetti ◽  
Yannick Stephan ◽  
Antonio Terracciano

Background: A sense of purpose in life has been associated with healthier cognitive outcomes across adulthood, including risk of dementia. The robustness and replicability of this association, however, has yet to be evaluated systematically. Objective: To test whether a greater sense of purpose in life is associated with lower risk of dementia in four population-based cohorts and combined with the published literature. Methods: Random-effect meta-analysis of prospective studies (individual participant data and from the published literature identified through a systematic review) that examined sense of purpose and risk of incident dementia. Results: In six samples followed up to 17 years (four primary data and two published; total N = 53,499; n = 5,862 incident dementia), greater sense of purpose in life was associated with lower dementia risk (HR = 0.77, 95%CI = 0.73–0.81, p <  0.001). The association was generally consistent across cohorts (I2 = 47%), remained significant controlling for clinical (e.g., depression) and behavioral (e.g., physical inactivity) risk factors, and was not moderated by age, gender, or education. Conclusion: Sense of purpose is a replicable and robust predictor of lower risk of incident dementia and is a promising target of intervention for cognitive health outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Dorien H. Braam ◽  
Sharath Srinivasan ◽  
Luke Church ◽  
Zakaria Sheikh ◽  
Freya L. Jephcott ◽  

Abstract Background Authorities in Somalia responded with drastic measures after the first confirmed COVID-19 case in mid-March 2020, closing borders, schools, limiting travel and prohibiting most group functions. However, the impact of the pandemic in Somalia thereafter remained unclear. This study employs a novel remote qualitative research method in a conflict-affected setting to look at how some of the most at-risk internally displaced and host populations were impacted by COVID-19, what determined their responses, and how this affected their health and socio-economic vulnerability. Methods We conducted a remote qualitative study, using Katikati, a 1-to-1 conversation management and analysis platform using short message service (SMS) developed by Lark Systems with Africa’s Voices Foundation (AVF), for semi-structured interviews over three months with participants in Mogadishu and Baidoa. We recruited a gender balanced cohort across age groups, and used an analytical framework on the social determinants of health for a narrative analysis on major themes discussed, triangulating data with existing peer-reviewed and grey literature. Results The remote research approach demonstrated efficacy in sustaining trusted and meaningful conversations for gathering qualitative data from hard-to-reach conflict-affected communities. The major themes discussed by the 35 participants included health, livelihoods and education. Two participants contracted the disease, while others reported family or community members affected by COVID-19. Almost all participants faced a loss of income and/or education, primarily as a result of the strict public health measures. Some of those who were heavily affected economically but did not directly experienced disease, denied the pandemic. Religion played an important role in participants’ beliefs in protection against and salvation from the disease. As lockdowns were lifted in August 2020, many believed the pandemic to be over. Conclusions While the official COVID-19 burden has remained relatively low in Somalia, the impact to people’s daily lives, income and livelihoods due to public health responses, has been significant. Participants describe those ‘secondary’ outcomes as the main impact of the pandemic, serving as a stark reminder of the need to broaden the public health response beyond disease prevention to include social and economic interventions to decrease people’s vulnerability to future shocks.

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