2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Salwiarni Salwiarni ◽  
H. Jamiludin

ABSTRAK: Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Apa yang melatar belakangi pembangunan benteng Lipu Ogena? (2)  Bagaimana struktur fisik benteng Lipu Ogena? (3) Bagaimana fungsi benteng Lipu Ogena bagi masyarakat Takimpo pada masa lampau dan masa kini? (4) Apa saja peninggalan sejarah yang terdapat didalam benteng Lipu Ogena? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode sejarah menurut Helius Sjamsuddin dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: (1) Heuristik (Pengumpulan Sumber), yang dilakukan dengan teknik pengamatan, wawancara dan studi dokumen, (2) Kritik, yang dilakukan melalui kritik eksternal dan kritik internal, (3) Historiografi, yang dilakukan secara sistematis melalui tahap interpretasi, eksplanasi, dan ekspose. Dalam tinjauan pustaka penulis menggunakan konsep kebudayaan, konsep benteng, fungsi benteng dan konsep peninggalan sejarah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Latar belakang pembangunan benteng Lipu Ogena adalah sangat erat kaitannya dengan strategi pertahanan dan keamanan guna melindungi masyarakat yang bermukim di tempat itu dari segala ancaman musuh. Dalam menghadapi situasi yang demikian sulit, maka penguasa di Lipu Ogena mendirikan benteng Lipu Ogena. (2) Struktur fisik benteng Lipu Ogena merupakan benteng pertahanan yang strategis dengan posisinya yang berada di puncak bukit. Benteng Lipu Ogena berbentuk persegi empat dan memiliki luas 100 x 130 meter persegi, struktur fisik dengan berdinding batu gunung. Namun dataran benteng tidak rata sehingga ketinggian susunan batunya berbeda-beda. Susunan batu tertingginya 5 meter sedangkan susunan batu terendah 2 meter. (3) Fungsi benteng Lipu Ogena pada masyarakat Takimpo pada masa lampau adalah sebagai pusat pertahanan dan keamanan, sebagai tempat pemukiman, pusat pemerintahan dan budaya sedangkan pada masa kini fungsi benteng Lipu Ogena sebagai situs sejarah sekaligus sebagai tempat wisata. (4) Peninggalan sejarah yang terdapat didalam benteng Lipu Ogena yaitu berupa koburu (kuburan), masigi (masjid), lawa (pintu masuk), galampa (rumah adat), parang, tombak, perisai  dan batu yang dahulu digunakan sebagai tempat pelantikan parabela. Kata kunci: Struktur, fungsi, peninggalan, benteng ogenaABSTRACT: The problems raised in this study are as follows: (1) What is behind the construction of the Lipu Ogena fort? (2) What is the physical structure of the Lipu Ogena fort? (3) What is the function of the Lipu Ogena fortress for the people of Takimpo in the past and present? (4) What are the historical relics contained in the Lipu Ogena fortress? The method used in this study is the historical method according to Helius Sjamsuddin with the following steps: (1) Heuristics (Collection of Sources), which are carried out by observation, interview and document study techniques, (2) Criticism, which is carried out through external criticism and internal criticism, (3) Historiography, which is carried out systematically through the stages of interpretation, explanation, and exposure. In literature review, the writer uses the concept of culture, the concept of a fort, the function of the fort and the concept of historical heritage. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The background of the construction of the Lipu Ogena fort is very closely related to the defense and security strategy to protect the people who live in that place from all enemy threats. In dealing with such a difficult situation, the authorities at Lipu Ogena established the Lipu Ogena fortress. (2) The physical structure of the Lipu Ogena fort is a strategic fortress with its position on the hilltop. Lipu Ogena Fortress is rectangular and has an area of 100 x 130 square meters, physical structure with stone walled mountains. But the fort plain is not flat so the height of the stone arrangement varies. The highest stone arrangement is 5 meters while the lowest stone structure is 2 meters. (3) The function of the Lipu Ogena fortress in the Takimpo community in the past was as a center of defense and security, as a place of settlement, a center of government and culture while at present the function of the Lipu Ogena fortress as a historical site as well as a tourist site. (4) Historical relics contained in the Lipu Ogena fortress are in the form of koburu (graves), masigi (mosque), lawa (entrance), galampa (traditional house), machetes, spears, shields and stones that were used as places for parabela inauguration. Keywords: Structure, function, heritage, ogena fort

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-173
Bhavika Pandita Hakhroo

The study aims to discuss the experience students face in the virtual classroom mode. The limitations and challenges which students face while enrolling in online modes to learning from MOOC Courses to Distance Learning. The community of the people undertaking online education has increased significantly in the past few years. The paper reviews the literature on the topic of online classes, asynchronous and synchronous modes of delivery, the perception of students in the virtual learning and the experiences and challenges faced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-25
Mansyur Mansyur

Saranjana is a mystical city that is a myth for the people of Pulau Laut, South Kalimantan. Rumours about this mysterious city became increasingly excited because its existence, but not recorded on the map of Indonesia. Therefore it is very interesting to examine from a historical point of view. The purpose of this paper is to uncover the historical side of the occult city suggestion on Pulau Laut. This study using the method of history is a method to test and analyze the critical records and relics of the past. The historical method consists of four stages, namely heuristics (data collection), source criticism, interpretation (interpreting facts) and historiography. The results show exist of Saranjana in a place between fact and myth. In conclusion, there are two hypotheses that the Saranjana is ethnic state Dayak Samihim tribe. Then the second hypothesis, that Saranjana is (only) the dream country of Prince Purabaya in the 18th century AD.

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-216 ◽  
Rob Mawby

The dramatic social and political changes taking place in Central and Eastern Europe have inevitably influenced the structure and functions of the police, particularly where the police were associated, in the minds of the people, with maintenance of the former regime. To date, however, little systematic research has been done on the police systems of these countries. This paper consequently provides a broad literature review. Following an account of policing in the past, it focuses on the changes that have taken place in recent years. Two issues are of particular note. First, developments, and public perceptions of those developments, vary widely. Secondly, while some aspects of policing, such as victims' perceptions, have been considered in more detail, others, such as police officers' own views, have rarely been considered. There is thus a real need for further research to document and explain the changes that have occurred.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 502
Tia Dwi Nurcahya

AbstrakPenelitian ini menggambarkan gerakan protes yang dilakukan Haji Sarip terhadap Pemerintah Republik Indonesia tahun 1947 di Kabupaten Majalengka. Untuk merekontruksi permasalahan ini digunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat langkah penelitian, yaitu heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Sedangkan teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data digunakan studi literatur dan wawancara, yaitu mengkaji sumber-sumber literatur yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang sedang dikaji dan mewawancarai saksi sejarah atau pelaku sejarah sebagai narasumbernya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap gerakan protes yang dilakukan Haji Sarip di Kabupaten Majalengka tahun 1947. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapat beberapa simpulan: pertama, Haji Sarip melakukan gerakan protes terhadap Pemerintah RI dan desa karena kebijakan yang diambil pemerintah RI, yaitu kebijakannya India Rice (penjualan beras ke India dengan harga murah); kedua, Haji Sarip menganggap Pemerintah RI 1947 sudah gagal dan menyiakan-nyiakan hidup masyarakatnya sendiri, sehingga Haji Sarip akan mengubah tatanan pemerintahan dan menggantikannya dengan pemerintahan baru, yang berlandaskan sama rata sama rasa, sama warna, sama bangsa, dan benderanya putih hitam; ketiga, setelah Haji Sarip melakukan perlawanan terhadap pemerintah dengan cara melakukan provokasi terhadap masyarakat Kabupaten Majalengka, masyarakat dan pemerintah tidak tinggal diam, melainkan masyarakat bersikap antipati terhadap Haji Sarip dan Pemerintah RI menindak Haji Sarip dengan tuduhan membangkang pemerintah, meresahkan masyarakat, menghina tentara dan menjalankan penipuan. AbstractThis study describes the movement of Haji Sarip protest against the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in 1947 at Majalengka. This research used historical method which consists of four steps of research: heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The techniques used in data collection trough literature review and interviews, including reviewing the sources of literature relating to the issues being studied and interviewed witnesses or perpetrators of history. The purpose of this study is to reveal the protest movement Haji Sarip in Majalengka 1947. Based on the results obtained some conclusions: first, Haji Sarip protest movement against the Government and the village because of measures taken by the government of Indonesia, the Indian policy of Rice (rice sales to India with cheap price); second, Haji Sarip assume GOI 1947 has failed and wasted waste life of his own people, so that Hajj Sarip will change the system of government and replace it with a new government, which is based equally the same taste, same color, same nation, black and white flag; Third, after Haji Sarip resistance to the government by way of provocation against Majalengka community, society and the government is not standing still, but the people being antipathy towards Haji Sarip and the government crack down on charges Haji Sarip government's defiant, disturbing the public, insulting the army and run fraud.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 117
Agus Suwignyo ◽  
Rhoma Dwi Aria Yuliantri

ABSTRACKThis paper analyzed the people’s practices of citizenship in Central Java during the 1950s using the conceptual frame of social risilience. The notion of risilience had so far been studied in terms of security, food and energy supplies, and social nets on natural disaster risk reduction. Meanwhile, the period of the 1950s in Indonesian history had attracted many studies to focused on political aspects, such as parliamentary system of governance, regionalism and the dreath of economic crises leading to a change in political regimes. During the 1950s the newly independent state of Indonesia had to struggle for physical, political and social infrastructures, partly as the post-Second World War recovery project.This paper showed that, regardless of the difficult situation and limited financial sources, the Indonesian people during the 1950s proved themselves to be risilient. They took an active part in the daily communal life activities. By using historical method in analysing several newspapers of the 1950s, this paper argued that the people’s participation in philantropy programs, social organizations and solidarity movements, significantly formed a strong social tie in the presence of the weak Indonesian State. The people showed a type of citizenship through which a quality of social risilience was performed and contested. However, it was hard to identified the institutional pattern in these practices of citizenship.ABSTRAK Artikel ini mengkaji praktik kewargaan sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di Jawa, tahun 1950an dalam bingkai ketahanan sosial. Selama ini konsep ketahanan telah dipahami dalam konteks keamanan, ketersediaan pangan dan keberlanjutan energi, dan jaring sosial menghadapi darurat bencana alam. Di sisi lain, kajian tentang periode 1950an dalam sejarah Indonesia terfokus pada aspek politik menyangkut percobaan sistem pemerintahan, isu-isu regionalisme dan krisis ekonomi yang berujung pada pergantian rejim kekuasaan.Artikel ini bermaksud menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1950an itu, praktik kewargaan sehari-hari masyarakat menunjukkan pola yang jika dibaca dalam konsep kontemporer merupakan bentuk ketahanan sosial masyarakat. Periode 1950an merupakan masa-masa awal kemederdekaan Indonesia dengan kondisi pasca perang yang membutuhkan pembangunan infrastruktur di berbagai bidang. Meskipun demikian, dalam kondisi struktur negara yang masih lemah itu masyarakat membuktikan kemampuan bertahan dan berpartisipasi dalam aneka dimensi kehidupan sehari-hari secara kolektif. Dengan metode sejarah untuk membaca berbagai berita surat kabar tahun 1950an sebagai sumber data primer, artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa praktik kewargaan sehari-hari  dalam bentuk program-program filantropis, perkumpulan sosial dan aksi gerakan sosial merupakan penanda ketahanan kolektif masyarakat dalam menghadapi keadaan tak menentu akibat lemahnya negara ketika itu. Meskipun demikian, praktik kewargaan tersebut cenderung tidak memiliki struktur institusional yang baku. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Roman Tatarov

The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the process of state building in Pridnestrovie based on the identification of the Pridnestrovian people. The issues of acquiring the mechanism of legitimacy of the Pridnestrovian state are considered, as well as tools for ensuring the Pridnestrovian choice in the realities of the XX-XXI centuries are presented. The analysis widely uses the historical method and systematic approach, which form an understanding of the degree of Russia’s involvement in regional processes, as well as the place of the foreign policy choice of the people of Pridnestrovie in the structure of Russian interests and the opinion of the citizens of the Russian Federation about the Pridnestrovian settlement. The author highlights the historical milestones in the formation of the Pridnestrovian identification code, comes to the conclusion that there is a significant difference in the content of the Moldovan foreign policy from the Pridnestrovian on this basis. Based on the data presented at the republican referendums in Pridnestrovie, as well as on the basis of the results of sociological surveys conducted on the territory of Pridnestrovie and on the territory of the Russian Federation, the peculiarities of the choice of Pridnestrovie are revealed, the opinion of Russians regarding the fate of Pridnestrovie is reflected. In addition, the official position of Russia on the Pridnestrovie settlement is indicated, which at present cannot be called strictly formed. It is shown that, being at the fork in the next cycle of the space-time continuum, the basis of the Pridnestrovian choice was the historical heritage of the republic, as well as the position of the Russian Federation on the settlement of Moldovan-Pridnestrovian relations. The hypothesis about the continuously growing role of Russia in the fate of Pridnestrovie, as well as the significant importance of Pridnestrovie for Russia, filled with historical, geopolitical and cultural content, was confirmed. The conclusion is made about an increase in the demand for protection of the national interests of Russia in certain segments of Russian public opinion.

Crisis ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-28 ◽  
Lourens Schlebusch ◽  
Naseema B.M. Vawda ◽  
Brenda A. Bosch

Summary: In the past suicidal behavior among Black South Africans has been largely underresearched. Earlier studies among the other main ethnic groups in the country showed suicidal behavior in those groups to be a serious problem. This article briefly reviews some of the more recent research on suicidal behavior in Black South Africans. The results indicate an apparent increase in suicidal behavior in this group. Several explanations are offered for the change in suicidal behavior in the reported clinical populations. This includes past difficulties for all South Africans to access health care facilities in the Apartheid (legal racial separation) era, and present difficulties of post-Apartheid transformation the South African society is undergoing, as the people struggle to come to terms with the deleterious effects of the former South African racial policies, related socio-cultural, socio-economic, and other pressures.

2019 ◽  
pp. 121-143
Riccardo Resciniti ◽  
Federica De Vanna

The rise of e-commerce has brought considerable changes to the relationship between firms and consumers, especially within international business. Hence, understanding the use of such means for entering foreign markets has become critical for companies. However, the research on this issue is new and so it is important to evaluate what has been studied in the past. In this study, we conduct a systematic review of e-commerce and internationalisation studies to explicate how firms use e-commerce to enter new markets and to export. The studies are classified by theories and methods used in the literature. Moreover, we draw upon the internationalisation decision process (antecedents-modalities-consequences) to propose an integrative framework for understanding the role of e-commerce in internationalisation

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 392
Mamat Ruhimat

ABSTRAKTradisi tulis merupakan bukti kemajuan peradaban suatu bangsa. Naskah-naskahSunda Kuno yang ada saat ini merupakan peninggalan sejarah perjalanan bahasa dan budayaNusantara. Penelitian terhadap naskah-naskah Sunda Kuno tidak begitu banyak karenajumlah penelitinya sedikit. Bahkan katalog yang khusus mencatat naskah Sunda Kuno dimasyarakat pun belum ada. Katalogisasi Naskah Sunda Kuno di Jawa Barat merupakanupaya menginventarisasi dan mendokumentasi naskah-naskah Sunda Kuno di masyarakat.Katalogisasi juga merupakan direktori penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap naskah SundaKuno sehingga menjadi pembuka jalan bagi para peneliti yang ingin menggali kekayaanintelektual masa lalu. Katalogisasi naskah Sunda Kuno dimulai dari koleksi KabuyutanCiburuy di Kabupaten Garut. Kabuyutan ini menyimpan kurang lebih 30 kropak naskahSunda Kuno yang diperkirakan ditulis pada abad XVI-XVIII Masehi. Sebagian besar naskahlontar ini kondisinya rusak parah dan perlu penanganan yang serius. Dari ketiga puluhnaskah tersebut baru 15 naskah yang dapat diidentifikasi dan dibuat deskripsi lengkapnya.Kata kunci: Naskah, Katalog, Bahasa, BudayaABST RACTWritten tradition is evidence of the development of civilization of a nation. OldSundanese manuscripts still existing today is a historical heritage of linguistic and culturaljourneys of the Indonesian Archipelago. Unfortunately, most of the manuscripts are notappropriately preserved and from time to time continue to be damaged. Furthermore,the research on the Old Sundanese manuscripts is not so many due to the limited numberof the researchers. Even a catalogue especially listing Old Sundanese manuscripts in thesociety has not been made yet. The existing catalogues have only listed the manuscriptskept by the official institutions such as libraries and museums. Cataloging the OldSundanese manuscripts in West Java is one of the efforts to inventory and document theOld Sundanese manuscripts that are still scattered in the society, both stored in customaryinstitutions and personal collections. Cataloging is also a research directory that has everbeen conducted on Old Sundanese manuscripts, so it can be a pioneer for researchers whowant to explore the intellectual property in the past. As the first stage, cataloging theOld Sundanese manuscripts is started from the collection of Kabuyutan Ciburuy in GarutRegency. Kabuyutan stores approximately 30 compartments (kropak) of Old Sundanesemanuscripts that are estimated to have been written in the 16 to 18 century AD. Most ofthese manuscripts are badly damaged and need to be seriously taken care of. From thethirty manuscripts, only 15 manuscripts can be identified and can be completely described.Keywords: manuscript, catalogue, language, culture

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-218
Francis Chuma Osefoh

Some of the renowned world tourism countries have special peculiarities in character in terms of their nature reserves and built environments; that made them stand out for their attractions and visits. These qualities range from conservation and preservation of nature reserves, built environments- epoch architectural supports over the years; historical heritage; political; religious; socio-economic; cultural; and  high technology that enhance culture. The virtues of multi- ethnic groups and multi- cultural nature gave Nigeria a rich cultural heritage, and she is blessed with natural wonders, unique wildlife, and a very favorable climate. More often than not less attention and importance are placed over the nature reserves and built environments to the detriment of tourism in lieu of other sectors. Summarily the country lacks the culture of conservation and preservation of her abundant resources to promote cultural tourism. Case study strategy was applied in the research tours with reports of personal experiences, documentaries and analyses of sites visited in Europe and Nigeria were highlighted with references to their attributes in terms of structures and features that made up the sites as relate to culture and attraction.The task in keeping rural, city landscapes and nature reserves alive stands out as the secret of communication link from the past to present and the future; which tourism developed nations reap as benefits for tourist attraction.

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