scholarly journals Difference Effect of The Combination of Lavender Aromatherapy and Effluerage with Breathing Relaxation on Pain Intensity During Labor among Primiparas

Murtiningsih M ◽  
Shintya Tri Andani

 Although labor pain is a physiological process but it was feel severe and longer for primiparas.  Because of a cervical effacement earlier than dilation, and no experience of labor can affect women feel anxiety and fear of labor process, it cause increasing of pain. The non-pharmacological method was cheaper, simple, effective, and no side effect can help women to control of labor pain by herself or another person. The combination of lavender aromatherapy and effleurage can increase of relaxation of uterus contraction and between of it, so labor pain decreasing. The aim of this study was to determine difference effect of the combination of lavender aromatherapy and effleurage with breathing relaxation on pain intensity during labor among primiparas. This study used pre-experiment design with Pretest – Post-test  Control Group design. The consecutive sample of 32 laboring women divided to two groups of the intervention and control group. The pain scale measured by NRS questionnaire. The results showed that mean of pain scale before being given intervention is 7.25. It was the same of two groups. The average of pain scale decreasing to 5.25 in the intervention group and to 6.25 in the control group. The result of t-test dependent obtained p-value = 0.000, so meaning that two of interventions was able to decrease of the labor pain. The result of  t-test independent obtained p-value 0.004, so meaning that there was significantly difference of pain scale during labor of the intervention group to compare with control group. Suggested to health care who provide services at labor room to give a combination of lavender aromatherapy and effleurage as a non-pharmacology therapy alternative besides breathing relaxation to decrease of pain labor in primiparas.Keywords:  Aromatherapy, Labor, Massage, Pain, Relaxation

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Vivi Meliana Sitinjak ◽  
Maria Fudji Hastuti ◽  
Arina Nurfianti

Proses degeneratif tubuh yang terjadi seiring dengan pertambahan usia akan meningkatkan risiko terjadinya nyeri sendi akibat osteoarthritis lutut, terutama pada lansia. Nyeri sendi yang dialami akan menurunkan aktivitas fisik lansia dan berdampak pada penurunan lingkup gerak sendi. Salah satu tindakan nonfarmakologi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengurangi skala nyeri sendi adalah senam rematik. Gerakan aktif dan ringan tanpa menggunakan beban dalam senam rematik menjadi pemicu pengeluaran beta-endorfin, neuromudulator alami tubuh yang dapat menghambat pelepasan impuls nyeri sehingga skala nyeri sendi lansia berkurang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam rematik terhadap perubahan skala nyeri pada lansia dengan osteoarthritis lutut. Desain penelitian quasi experimentaldengan pendekatan pretest-posttest with control group design. Responden dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling di Panti Werdha Sinar Abadi Kota Singkawang kemudian dibagi menjadi kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Instrumen penelitian adalah Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scaledengan analisis data menggunakan Paired T Testdan Independent T Test.Uji hipotesis dengan Paired T Testpada kelompok perlakuan p-value= 0,000 dan pada kelompok kontrol p-value= 0,017. P-valuekedua kelompok < 0,05 yang berarti terdapat penurunan skala nyeri setelah pemberian senam rematik pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol. Uji beda mean posttestantara kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol menggunakan Independent T Test menunjukkan p-value= 0,000 (p<0,05) yang berarti penurunan skala nyeri dengan senam rematik lebih bermakna daripada penurunan skala nyeri yang tidak diberikan senam rematik. Terdapat pengaruh senam rematik terhadap perubahan skala nyeri pada lansia dengan osteoarthritis lutut berupa penurunan skala nyeri pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol, tetapi hasil uji beda mean kedua kelompok menunjukkan adanya perbedaan perubahan skala nyeri, skala nyeri kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah daripada kelompok kontrol. Penurunan skala nyeri lebih efektif pada kelompok menggunakan senam rematik daripada kelompok yang tidak diberikan senam rematik.Kata kunci:Lansia, nyeri sendi, osteoarthritis lutut, senam rematik, skala nyeri.The Effect of Rheumatoid Physical Exercises to Reduce Pain Intensity among Elderly Diagnosed with Knee Osteoarthritis AbstractIt is known that arthritis pain can reduce physical activities and join mobility among elderly. A rheumatoid physical exercise is considered as one of non-pharmacologic treatment to minimise their pain intensity. This activity stimulates the release of beta endorphin which inhibits pain impulse modulation that contributed to the reduction of pain intensity. This study aimed to examine the effect of structured physical exercises towards pain intensity among knee osteoarthritis. A quasi experimental with pretest-posttest with control group design was designed. Two groups of elderly were assigned in control and intervention groups. Respondent were recruited using purposive sampling from Panti Werdha Sinar Abadi in Singkawang Kalimantan. Data was assessed using Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia Scale and then analysed by employing Paired T-test and Independent T-test. Findings indicated there was a different of pain intensity within the intervention group (p-value = 0,000) and controlled group (p-value=0,017). Thus, the reduction of pain score was more effective among the intervention group compared to the controlled group. Keywords: Arthritis pain, elderly, knee osteoarthritis, rheumatoid physical exercise, pain scale.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Luh Putu Widiastini ◽  
I Gusti Agung Manik Karuniadi

Pain Labor is a physiological and individual experience. The cause of pain in labor is a combination of ischemia (hypoxia) the muscles of the uterus and stretching that occurs in the lower segment of the uterus (then the cervix). Non-pharmacological efforts that can be done in reducing pain in the mother in the face of labor are through the Application of Yoga Pranayama and Gym Ball Exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of Yoga Pranayama and Ball Exercise Gym on Labor Pain Active Phase in PMB Blahkiuh Village, Abiansemal, Badung. This research method used the Quasi Experimental Design study with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The approach used is a prospective approach. Sample consisted 40 respondents. Respondent selected by purposive sampling and divide into control group and intervention group. Respondents in intervention group were given Yoga Pranayama and Gym Ball Exercise, while in the control group respondents were given conventional therapy. The data were analyzed using the Paired T-test to compare the results of the pre-test and post-test, and to compare intervention and control groups use Independent T-Test. Based on statistical tests obtained all p values <0.05 means that there is a significant difference between pain labor in the control and intervention group, so it can be interpreted that pain scale in intervention group is lower than control group. The conclusion of this study was there’s influence on the application of Yoga Pranayama and the Ball Exercise Gym on Labor Pain in the Active Phase in PMB Blahkiuh Village, Abiansemal, Badung. Index Terms— labor pain, active phase, yoga pranayama, gym ball exercise

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Melva Manurung

Benson relaxation is the development of a respiratory relaxation response method involving patient confidence factors that can create an internal environment so as to help patients achieve health and wellbeing conditions. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Effect of Benson Relaxation Technique on the decrease of Post Appendixtomy pain scale at Porsea Hospital Year 2019. The research design used was quasi experimental research with a static group comparison design (posttest only control group design). The population of stroke patients in Porsea Hospital with a sample of 18 respondents. The gauge uses a research guide for Benson Relaxation on the post-Appendixtomy pain scale reduction at Porsea Hospital. Data were analyzed by t test. The result of t test analysis of control group pre experiment and pre experiment group of intervention obtained value p = 0.003, there is difference of decrease of pain scale post Appendixtomy after Benson relaxation. The result of t-test post experiment of control group and post experiment of intervention group obtained p value = 0.000, there is difference of difference of decrease of pain scale post Appendixtomy after Benson relaxation. Benson relaxation is one way to reduce pain by involving patient confidence factors that can create an internal environment so as to help patients achieve health and wellbeing conditions. Nurses in the role of nursing careers especially in decreasing the scale of pain, more sensitive to special populations ie individuals with various diseases that cause pain

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-70
Yunetra Franciska ◽  
Aprillia Ayu Shinta Yuka ◽  
Wilma Wilma

Pregnancy and childbirth are physiological processes that every woman will go through. The intensity of pain experienced by women during labor varies, but it can be exacerbated by fear, tension, and anxiety. Hypnosis techniques have been proposed as a means of overcoming anxiety and fear. Compared to women who receive relaxation training or supportive counselling, hypnosis reduces pain intensity, shortens delivery time, and reduces the number of women who stay in the hospital for more than two days after their baby is born. Yoga during pregnancy, like hypnosis, has been shown to reduce pain intensity during the first stage of labor. This research aimed to see how prenatal hypnosis and prenatal yoga affected labor pain in women giving birth at the Independent Practice of Midwife Meli Rosita Palembang. This study employs an experimental research design with a Static Group Comparison strategy. The sample in this study consisted of 60 pregnant women divided into two groups: those who received hypnosis and prenatal yoga interventions and those who did not. Questionnaires, checklists, and tutorials on implementing prenatal hypnosis and prenatal yoga were used as instruments. Prenatal hypnosis and prenatal yoga significantly affected labor pain in Maternal Maternity at Meli Rosita's Independent Midwife Practice (p-value 0.000). The intervention group had a pain scale average of 2.70, while the control group had a pain scale average of 4.33. As a result, a combination of prenatal hypnosis and prenatal yoga can alleviate labor pain.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Nova Nurwinda Sari ◽  
Herlina Herlina

Diabetes mellitus dapat menyebabkan cukup banyak komplikasi seperti kelainan mata, kelainan ginjal, kelainan pembuluh darah dan kelainan pada kaki. Penderita diabetes mellitus yang mengalami komplikasi kronis perlu diberikan upaya preventif untuk mencegah komplikasi, salah satunya adalah kemampuan perawatan kaki. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji efektivitas supportive educative system dalam meningkatkan kemandirian perawatan kaki pada pasien dengan diabetes mellitus Tipe II di Puskesmas Permata Sukarame, Bandar Lampung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quasy eksperimen dengan desain pretest-posttest with control group dengan total masing-masing kelompok sebanyak 18 responden. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi penelitian. Penelitian ini diuji menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan uji T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata dalam kemandirian perawatan kaki pada kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol dengan p-value 0,000. Pendidikan dan praktik perawatan kaki harus diberikan sejak dini sebagai upaya pencegahan untuk komplikasi.   Kata kunci : Supportive educative system, kemandirian perawatan kaki   SUPPORTIVE EDUCATIVE SYSTEM IN IMPROVING INDEPENDENCE OF FOOT CARE IN PATIENTS WITH DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE II   ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus can cause quite a lot of complications such as eye disorders, kidney disorders, vascular disorders and abnormalities in the legs. Patients with diabetes mellitus who have chronic complications need to be given a preventive effort to prevent complications, one of which is foot care ability. This research was conducted to examine the effectiveness of supportive educative systems in increasing the independence of foot care in patients with Type II diabetes mellitus in the Permata Sukarame Health Center Bandar Lampung Working Area. This study used a quasi-experimental method with pretest-posttest with control group design with a total of 18 respondents each. Data collection is done by distributing questionnaires to respondents who meet the research inclusion criteria. This study was tested using univariate, bivariate, T-Test analysis. The results showed that the mean differences in the independence of foot care in the intervention group and the control group in the Permata Sukarame Community Health Center work area with a p-value of 0,000. Education and practice of foot care should be given early as a preventative effort for complications.   Keywords: Supportive educative system, independence of foot care

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Agnes Berlina Printina

ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Penyalahgunaan narkoba merupakan masalah yang serius di berbagai negara bahkan di Indonesia. Keterbatasan informasi menjadi kendala kurangnya pengetahuan remaja tentang narkoba. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh video vlog terhadap tingkat pengetahuan tentang penyalahgunaan narkoba pada siswa siswi di SMP Strada Jakarta Selatan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperiment dengan pre -post test control group design yang dilakukan pada Oktober 2017. Kelompok kontrol terdiri dari 52 responden dari SMP Asisi Jakarta Selatan dan 67 responden merupakan kelompok intervensi dari SMP Strada Marga Mulia Jakarta Selatan. Responden didapatkan dengan cara Total Sampling. Data dianalisa dengan Uji t-test independent dan paired sampel t-test. Hasil: Penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan antara kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan perlakuan dan kelompok intervensi yang diberikan promosi kesehatan melalui video vlog dengan p value 0,000. Penelitian ini juga menunjukan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap tingkat pengetahuan pada kelompok intervensi dengan video vlog  p value 0,000. Simpulan: Promosi kesehatan dengan video vlog bagi siswa dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang penyalahgunaan narkoba sehingga dapat terhindar dari penyalahgunaan  narkoba. Kata Kunci: promosi kesehatan,  pengetahuan,  narkoba, vlog ABSTRACT Introduction: Drug abuse is a serious problem in many countries include Indonesia. The limitdness informations of knowledge for teenegers being obstacle. This purpose of this study was to determine the influence of health promotion through a vlog toward on the level knowledge about drug abuse at students in Strada Marga Mulia Junior High School. Method: this study is an quasi eksperiment with pre test post test control group design that alrady implemented on October 2017. The control group consist of 52 respondents in Asisi Jakarta Selatan Junior High School and 62 respondents of intervention group in Strada Marga Mulia Junior High School. The respondents obtained by total sampling. The data are analysed with independent t-test anda paired sampel t-test. Result: this study show that there is difference of knowledge’s level between control group that no treatment and intervention group that significant health promotion through vlog with p value 0,000. This study show the significant influence toward knowledge level in intervention group of vlog with p value 0,000. Conclution: health promotion with vlog for students can improve the knowledge about drug abuse, allowing can be escape by drug abuse. Keywords: health promotion, knowledge, narcotics, vlog 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Nurul Azizah ◽  
Rafhani Rosyidah ◽  
Evi Destiana

Childbirth is a natural process and causes pain, but many mothers can not resist the pain because it is influenced by stress. The study using non-phamacological pain relief therapy with aromatherapy which is believed to reduce pain and the aims to compare between murotal Al-Qur'an Surat Ar-rahman therapy and inhalation of lavender aromatherapy to reduce the intensity of labor pain when first active phase.The research design used Quasi Experimental with Non-equivalent Control Group Design method and using pretest - posttest. The population of the first phase active labor mothers in RB Nuril Masrukha Candi Sidoarjo. The technique sampling used Consecutive sampling. Data collected by observing 2 groups of labor mothers: 30 respondents listened to surah Ar-Rahman murottal and 30 respondents inhaled Lavender Aromatherapy. In both of groups, the pretest was given before treatment, then posttest was done after treatment using observation sheet assessment of pain scale with behavioral observation (FLACC behavioral scale). Data analysis using Independent Sample T-Test with a significance level α = 0.05. The results showed that the difference in pain score reduction in lavender aromatherapy inhalation was 3.26 ± 0.25, whereas in the murottal group of the Ar-Rahman Surah mean decrease in pain score was 2.62 ± 0.057 with P value <0.001, that showed a significant relationship.The conclusion is inhalation of aromatherapy lavender (Lavendula Augustfolia) and murottal surah Ar-Rahman can reduce intensity of labor pain during the first active phase, but inhalation group of aromatherapy lavender has a greater pain reduction score than murottal surah Ar-Rahman group.  

Hanna Sriyanti Saragih

Pain in labor is a manifestation of the contraction (shortening) of the uterine muscle, and it was caused by stretching of the uterine and cervical segments as well as the presence of uterine muscle ischemia. According to WHO (World Health Organization) in 2015, it was estimated that every year 830 women died from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. One method that was very effective in dealing with pain is effleurage massage which was massage technique using the palms of the fingers with a circular motion pattern on the abdomen, waist or thighs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of effleurage massage on the intensity of first-stage labor pain in maternal mothers at Linez clinic of Gunungsitoli in 2018. This type of research was guasy Experiment research design with non equivalent control group design. In this design, the grouping of sample members in experimental group and the control group was not random, using wilcoxon test. The population in this study were mothers in first pregnancy as many as 52 people, with a total sample of 20 experimental groups and 20 control groups. The data used were primary data using observation sheets. From the research results, obtained p value 0.0001, it can be concluded that there was significant effect between experimental group and control group. It was hoped that midwives will update their midwifery service and practices such as participating in the latest midwifery training, so that they can increase their knowledge and apply it when conducting childbirth care as effort to reduce labor pain. Keywords: Effluerage Massage, Pain Intensity of First Stage Labor

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-80
Zuhrotul Umaroh ◽  
Elsye Maria Rosa

Background: The injury is still a major public health problem throughout the country, where two-thirds occur in developing countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, recorded injury cases in 2013 reached 84,277 people (8.2%). The negative impacts caused by the fracture appears, which includes; psychological, social, and spiritual. The Department of Health reported that 15% of patients experiencing psychological stress fractures to depression. Psychoeducation efficient in the treatment process and decrease the symptoms of depression that is a component in the psychological response on the existence of a disability condition. Aim: the research aimed todetermine the effectiveness of psychoeducation to the physical adaptation among fracture patients in public hospital of Jombang Method: this is a quasi-experiment research with pre-test and post-test control group design. There were 16 respondents in control group and another 16 respondents for intervention group which was gathered with consecutive sampling. The data were analyzed with parametric analysis using paired sample t-test dan independent t-test. For testing the data normality distribution, Shapiro-wilk analysis was operated. Result: Paired t test sample stated that there was significant difference in the physical adaptation among fracture patients before and after the intervention of psychoeducation (p value = 0,000 ; CI 95% <alpha = 0,05). In the unpaired t test was obtained p value = 0.000; CI 95% <alpha = 0.05, which indicates a significant difference of fracture patients’ adaptation who has given psychoeducation intervention and who has not. Conclusion: the psychoeducation intervention  increasedphysical adaptation among fracture patients. Nurses must continue to develop and apply the procedures for implementing psychoeducation fractures primarily in patients with the aim to improve the adaptability of fracture patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 396
Nurasih Nurasih ◽  
Endang Nurrochmi

In Indonesia, Yoga is currently one of the most popular sports, not only for the general public but also for pregnant women. Many benefits can be obtained from prenatal yoga including the mother feeling comfortable and relaxed throughout pregnancy and during childbirth, training the pelvic floor muscles and perineum, keeping the body's muscles relaxed, balanced during childbirth, reducing stress, increasing and improving oxygen circulation to the body and fetus. . This study aims to determine the effect of prenatal yoga on optimizing fetal position on third trimester Primigravida maternal delivery output at Puskesmas Cirebon City. This research is a quasi-experimental research pre post control group design and only post control group design with T test and Chi Square test. Paired T Test results of the intervention group (mean difference = 3.111, P value = 0.000, control group (mean difference = 0.833, P value = 0.318). Independent T Test results obtained (average difference = -1.944, P value = 0.024), Chi Square test obtained a value of P = 0.73. There is a difference in the average anxiety before and after the intervention in the intervention group, there is no difference in average anxiety before and after the intervention in the control group. There is a difference in the average anxiety between the intervention and control groups. There is a difference in mean Long I stage between the intervention and control groups There was no effect of prenatal yoga on the type of labor.

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