Risdiana Melinda Naibaho

Sectio caesarea is needed as an effort to deliver to save the mother and the fetus, althought at this time the trend of childbirth with sectio caesarea is increasing from year to year, however, every mother who is going to undergo labor with surgery always feels anxiety when facing sectio caesarea surgery.This type of research is a descriptive survey to describe the factor,s that influence the anxiety of pre caesarean section mothers.The population is pregnant women who will give birth by sectio caesarean surgery at the Hospital General Sidikalang Dairi Regency. Sampling with accidental sampling tehnique with a total sample of 55 preoperative caesarean section patiens was based on certain considerations made by the reseachers themselves, based on the average number of caesarean sectins in one year, as many as 1572 people, so that the average monthly number is 131 peple. The data collection tehnique was done through interviews using a questinnaire. The data obtained were analyzed by univariate, bivarriate with chi square p-value 95% ( ? = 0,05).The results of this study indicate that age (p-value  = 0,003), education (p-value  = 0,000),parity (p-value  = 0,002),support (p-value  = 0,000),trauma (p-value  = 0,003),knowledge (p-value  = 0,000),affect anxiety pre operative mother for section caesarea.Sugegestins for families to be given information about the secti caesarean action to be able to provide tigter support to increase confidence in preoperative mothers to increase maternal knowledge, to health workers, to be able to provide information and support to preoperative mothers to make mothers feel comfortable

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Dermawani Damanik

Exclusive breastfeeding is breast milk that given to babies from birth for six months without and / or replace with other food or drinks. Exclusive breastfeeding can provide the immunity needed for the growth and development of infants. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding at Perdagangan Health Center in Simalungun Regency. The population is in this study were all mothers who have infants aged 7-12 months who live at ​​Perdagangan Health Center in Simalungun Regency. The sample in this study was 115 respondents. The study was conducted from September 2 to October 1, 2019. The instrument in this study used a questionnaire created by the researcher. Statistical test is using Chi-square. The results of the study obtained at Perdagangan Health Center in Simalungun Regency that the majority of mothers' knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding is in the poor category of 78 respondents (67.8%), the majority of mothers do not provide exclusive breastfeeding, namely 92 respondents (80%). Statistical test results show that P-value is 0.01 <0.05, so that the null hypothesis (HO) is rejected, which means there is a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and exclusive breastfeeding. It is recommended that health workers who work in the area of ​​the mother and child area should improve education programs for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to increase the knowledge and interest of mothers to breastfeed exclusively in the first six months of a baby's life.

Fitriyani Pulungan

WHO recommends mothers to exclusively breastfeed their babies in the first 6 months after birth to achieve optimal growth, development and health. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and attitudes of postpartum mothers with colostrum breastfeeding for newborns in the working area of ??the Rambung Public Health Center, South Binjai District in 2017. The design of this study used an analytic survey, with a cross sectional approach. The sampling was purposive sampling with a total sample of 86 people in the working area of ??the Rambung Health Center, Rambung Dalam Village, South Binjai District, North Sumatra Province. The data used are secondary and primary. Data were analyzed by chi-square test.          The results of the study, there was a significant relationship between the attitude of postpartum mothers with colostrum breastfeeding in the working area of ??the Rambung Health Center, Rambung Dalam Village, South Binjai District, North Sumatra Province with p value = 0.000 < (0.05). Giving colostrum breast milk to newborns because it can help provide comfort and strengthen baby antibodies early, so it is hoped that the Rambung Health Center, especially health workers, can improve service programs, especially counseling and socialization to postpartum mothers that the importance of colostrum breastfeeding for newborns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Eva Santi Hutasoit ◽  
Susani Hayati

Women who are currently pregnant experience many changes. Changes in body and mind can cause discomfort to pregnant women. In addition to physical discomfort, psychological discomfort is also common. Anxiety and depression in pregnancy are problems with a high prevalence. One of the interventions that can reduce anxiety can be physical exercise such as yoga. Yoga can reduce stress, improve quality of life, self-efficacy in childbirth, interpersonal relationships, autonomic nervous system function, provide comfort, reduce or decrease labor pain and shorten the duration of labor. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of pregnancy yoga on anxiety and the duration of the first stage of labor in the city of Pekanbaru. This type of research is an observational study with a case control design. This research was conducted in 5 maternity homes in Pekanbaru City with a total sample of 96 respondents. The Zung-Self Rating Scale (ZSRS) questionnaire data collection tool and the first stage of labor using a questionnaire. Bivariate data analysis using chi-square calculations. The results of the Chi-square statistical test for anxiety variables showed a p value of 0.000 <0.05 (95% CI), there was a relationship between anxiety status and pregnancy yoga exercises. The variable of the first stage of labor showed a p value of 0.013 <0.05 (95% CI), there was a relationship between the first stage of labor and pregnancy yoga exercises. The effect of yoga exercises can reduce anxiety levels and shorten the first stage of the active phase of labor. It is hoped that health workers, especially midwives, can increase the frequency of providing information about pregnancy yoga and the frequency of implementing yoga exercise classes, both at RB and other health facilities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Taswin Taswin ◽  
Zaltia Amun

Selection of birth attendants is a service form towards labor of a mother who is done by health workers such as doctor and midwife or a soothsayer. This study aimed to find out the correlation between perception, social-economy, culture and selection of birth attendants at lambusango chief in kapontori subdistrict, Buton regency. Research design was the analytic method with the cross-sectional approach. Total sample was 67 respondents. The result of study was analyzed by using Chi square with p value < 0.05. This study found that there was a correlation between perception and selection of birth attendants (p value = 0.003<0.05), there was a correlation between culture and selection of birth attendants (p value = 0.003<0,05) and there was no correlation between social economy and selection of birth attendants (p value = 0.690>0.05). The conclusion of study is perception and culture variable have a correlation with selection of the attendants while social economy has no correlation.

Tirta Anggraini Tirta Anggraini

ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding is breastfeeding as early as possible after delivery and provided no timetable was given no other food, although only the mineral water to infants aged 6 months. Proportion of exclusive breastfeeding in South Sumatra in the year 2011 amounted to 36,33%, specifically in the Kabupaten Semuntul, the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding in the year 2011 amounted to 76,33% while Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2011 amounted to 75 %. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between knowledge and work of mothers exclusively breastfeeding at Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2012. This research design is an analytical survey with cross sectional approach in which data pertaining to the independent variables (knowledge and work and the dependent variable (exclusive breastfeeding) were collected at the same time. The population in this study were all mothers who have babies aged 7-12 months who came to Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin on May 2012. With a total sample of 40 respondents to the total polulasi taken by accidental sampling technique each variable under study and then analyzed using Chi-square analysis with significance level a (0.05). From the analysis shows that respondents who gave exclusive breast feeding as many as 57.5% and 42.5% who did not give exclusive breastfeeding. Knowledgeable both mothers of 60.0% and 40.0% of mothers are less knowledgeable, highly educated mothers of 37.5% and less educated mothers of 62.5%. From Chi-Square statistical test showed an independent and dependent variables showed that relation between knowledge (P value = 0.002) and work (P value = 0.006) with exclusive breastfeeding in Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin in the year 2012. Thus health workers to give more information about exclusive breastfeeding.   ABSTRAK ASI eksklusif merupakan pemberian ASI sedini mungkin setelah persalinan diberikan tanpa jadwal dan tidak diberi makanan lain, walaupun hanya air putih sampai bayi berumur 6 bulan. Proporsi pemberian ASI eksklusif di Sumatera Selatan pada tahun 2011 sebesar 36,33%, khusus di Kabupaten Banyuasin proporsi pemberian ASI eksklusif pada tahun 2011 sebesar 76,33 % sedangkan di Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin Tahun 2011 sebesar 75 %. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan pekerjaan ibu dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di di Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin Tahun 2012. Desain penelitian ini adalah survei analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional dimana data yang menyangkut variabel bebas (pengetahuan dan pekerjaan) dan variabel terikat (pemberian ASI eksklusif) dikumpulkan dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 7-12 bulan yang datang ke Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin Tahun 2012 bulan Mei 2012. Dengan jumlah sampel 40 responden yang menjadi seluruh total populasi dengan menggunakan teknik Accidental Sampling masing-masing variabel yang diteliti kemudian dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisis Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan a (0,05). Dari analisis diketahui bahwa responden yang memberikan ASI eksklusif sebanyak 57,5% dan 42,5% yang tidak memberikan ASI eksklusif. Ibu yang berpengetahuan baik sebesar 60,0% dan 40,0% ibu yang berpengetahuan kurang, ibu yang bekerja sebesar 37,5% dan ibu yang tidak bekerja sebesar 62,5%. Dari uji statistik Chi-Square didapatkan variabel dependen dan independen menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan (P value = 0,002) dan pekerjaan (P value = 0,006) dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif di Puskesmas Semuntul Kabupaten Banyuasin Tahun 2012. Dengan demikian petugas kesehatan agar lebih banyak memberikan penyuluhan tentang pemberian ASI eksklusif.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 304-310
Nur Afrinis ◽  
Besti Verawati ◽  
Any Tri Hendarini

The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic can cause changes in social conditions and affect the nutritional status of infants. The research objective was to analyze the relationship between maternal knowledge, occupation and history of exclusive breastfeeding with the nutritional status of infants aged 6-12 months during the Covid 19 pandemic. This study was a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. The research sample was 62 mothers who had infants aged 6-12 months with total sampling technique. The research was conducted from January to March in Pulau Tinggi village, the working area of Puskesmas Kampar. The tools used are scales, and questionnaires. Data analysis used univariate and bivariate analysis with the chi square test. The results showed that as many as 45 mothers (72.58%) lacked knowledge of mothers, 49 mothers (79.03%) did not work, 33 babies (53.23%) were given exclusive breastfeeding, and as many as 41 babies (66.1%) ) abnormal nutritional status. Meanwhile, bivariate analysis showed a relationship between maternal knowledge (p-value = 0.001) and history of exclusive breastfeeding (p-value = 0.000), with the nutritional status of the baby. There is no relationship between maternal occupation and infant nutritional status (p-value = 0.058.) There was a significant relationship between maternal knowledge and history of exclusive breastfeeding with infant nutritional status and there is no relationship between maternal occupation and maternal nutritional status. It was recommended that health workers provide counseling to mothers to increase knowledge about balanced nutrition in infants. Keywords : maternal knowledge, history of exclusive breastfeeding, occupation, nutritional status of infants ABSTRAK Kondisi Pandemi covid-19 dapat menyebabkan terjadinya perubahan kondisi sosial dan mempengaruhi status gizi bayi. PTujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor pengetahuan ibu, pekerjaan dan riwayat pemberian ASI ekskusif dengan status gizi bayi usia 6-12 bulan pada masa pandemi covid 19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah 62 ibu yang mempunyai bayi usia 6-12 bulan dengan teknik total sampling. Penelitian dilakukan pada Januari- Maret di desa Pulau Tinggi wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kampar. Alat yang digunakan timbangan, dan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa sebanyak 45 ibu (72,58%) pengetahuan ibu kurang, 49 ibu (79,03%) tidak bekerja, sebanyak 33 bayi (53,23%) diberikan ASI ekslusif, dan sebanyak 41 bayi (66,1%) status gizinya tidak normal. Sedangkan analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan pengetahuan ibu (p-value=0.001) dan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif (p-value=0.000), dengan status gizi bayi. Tidak terdapat hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu dengan sttaus gizi bayi (p-value=0.058.) Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan ibu dan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan status gizi bayi dan tidak ada hubungan antara pekerjaan ibu dengan status gizi ibu. Disarankan kepda petugas kesehatan untuk memberikan penyuluhan kepada ibu untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang gizi seimbang pada bayi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 94
Astiani Astiani ◽  
Eha Sumantri ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Sainuddin Sainuddin ◽  
Muhammad Saleh

Background: Women should be informed that a planned caesarean section leads to a smaller reduction in perinatal mortality compared to a planned vaginal breech birth. Any decision to have a Caesarean section needs to be balanced with the potential adverse consequences that may result from this. Methods: This research used analytical survey method. The population in this study were all women who had been treated at the Makassar Regional Mother and Child Hospital for the period January - April 2019 totaling 259 people. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis with percentage, bivariate analysis with Chi- square test and Multivariate analysis with logistic regression. Result: There was a relationship between contraction abnormalities and caesarean section with p-value of 0.003, there was a relationship between birth path abnormalities and caesarean section, with p-value of 0.004, there was a relationship between fetal location abnormalities and caesarean section, with p-value of 0.003, and there was a relationship between placental abnormalities and caesarean section, with p-value of 0.002, the risk factors for labor with an occasional caesarean section with contraction abnormalities (OR adjusted: 5.024; 95% CI: 1.511- 16.710), placental abnormalities (adjusted OR: 3.996; 95% CI: 1,143- 13,970). Conclusion: Contraction abnormality variable is the most dominant variable associated with the incidence of caesarean section in RSKD for mothers and children pertiwi Makassar s is placental abnormalities because it has the largest OR value.. Keywords: complicated labor; sectio caesarea

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
J Nugrahaningtyas W Utami ◽  
Chici Riansih ◽  
Muhammad Untung ◽  
Herta Meisatama ◽  
Khairul Imam

Background: Depression is very common in women, especially  on reproductive age. It is estimated that 14% -23% of pregnant women experience depression during pregnancy, and 5% -25% experience postpartum depression. Mothers with caesarean sectio labor experience high scale pain during the first 24 hours. Objective : this study aims to analyze the relationship between caesarean section labor and postpartum depression in primiparous mothers. Methods: The research method used is descriptive analytic with cross-sectional approach. The sample in this study were 20 postpartum caesarean mothers in Yogyakarta City Hospital taken by purposive sampling. Data collection tools in this study are using the Numeric Category Scale (NCS) questionnaire to measure the level of neyri and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to measure the level of depression of respondents. Analysis using the Chi-Square correlation test.  Results: Most of the level of pain in postpartum SC mothers is in the moderate category that is there are 9 people or (45.0%). Most postpartum mothers in the moderate depression category were 9 people or (45.0%). Statistical results with the Chi Square test showed that there was a significant relationship between labor pain in caesarean section and postpartum depression in primiparous mothers with (p-value = 0.002) (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a relationship between labor pain in caesarean section and postpartum depression in primiparous mother.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 259-268
Novita Dwi Anggraini ◽  
Nur Alfi Fuziah ◽  
Ani Kristianingsih ◽  
Riona Sanjaya

Postpartum hemorrhage is the loss of more than 500 cc of blood during or after birth. According to the results of the pre-survey conducted by researchers at RSUD Dr. H. Abdul Moelok of Lampung Province found that the number of deliveries with bleeding in 2019 was 78 (7.1 percent) cases of 1098 deliveries. The purpose of this research is to determine whether the factors related on the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. The design used in this study is quantitative by using a Case-Control design. The population in this study were all postpartum mothers in 2019 at Dr. H. Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province. The sample used was maternity mothers who experienced bleeding and maternity mothers who did not experience bleeding that is with a ratio of 1: 1 so that the total sample was 156 people. Bivariate analysis in this study used the Chi-Square Test. The results of this study were obtained p-value less than 0.05 which is 0.007 which means there is a relationship between age and the incidence of postpartum hemorrhage, a p-value less than 0.05 which is 0.022 which means there is a relationship between parity and postpartum hemorrhage event, a p-value less than 0,05, which is 0.001, which means there is a relationship between old parturition and postpartum hemorrhage. For RSUD Dr. H Abdul Moeloek of Lampung Province to health workers and related parties in order to provide information to the public about postpartum hemorrhage as well as factors related to postpartum hemorrhage that is expected by the public to understand so as to reduce the number of postpartum hemorrhage events.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 773-781
Suzana Indragiri

Menyusui merupakan suatu pengambilan keputusan yang sangat bijaksana dari kedua orang tua. ASI merupakan makanan terbaik dan paling cocok untuk bayi yang dapat menjamin pertumbuhan bayi menjadi manusia yang berkualitas, karena mengandung zat gizi yang sesuai dan optimal bagi tumbuh kembang bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kelurahan Kesenden Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kejaksan Kota Cirebon tahun 2013. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan yang bersifat studi cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh ibu  yang memiliki bayi umur 7- 24 bulan yang datang ke Posyandu sebanyak 340  bayi. Sampel adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi umur 7-24 bulan sebanyak 75 orang yang dipilih berdasarkan metode proportionate random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil uji statistik (uji chi square) menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu (p value : 0,000), keterpaparan informasi ibu (p value: 0,003) dan dukungan keluarga (p value: 0,004) dan didapat pula hasil yang tidak berhubungan antara pendidikan (p value: 1,000), pekerjaan ibu (p value: 0,698) dan dukungan tenaga kesehatan (p Value: 1,000) dengan perilaku ibu dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Kelurahan Kesenden Wilayah Kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kejaksan Kota Cirebon Tahun 2013.Kata Kunci :        Faktor-faktor, perilaku ibu, ASI eksklusif  ABSTRACTBreastfeeding is a very wise decision from both parents. Breast milk is the best and most suitable food for babies who can guarantee the growth of a quality human babies, because it contains the appropriate nutrients for optimal growth and development of infants. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding mother's behavior in the Village Kesenden Work Areas UPTD Kejaksan Cirebon City Health Center in 2013. The research method is a cross sectional study. Population in this research were mothers whi come in the result of infants aged 7-24 months as many  as 340 mother. Samples were mothers of infants aged 7-24 months as many as 75 people were selected based on proportionate random sampling method. Data was collected through questionnaires. The results showed that based on the results of the statistical test (chi square test) showed that there is a significant relationship between maternal knowledge (p value: 0.000), maternal exposure information (p value: 0,003) and family support (p value: 0.004) and also the results obtained are not related between education (p value: 1,000), maternal employment (p value: 0.698) and support health workers (p value: 1.000) with the behavior of the mother in breastfeeding Eksklusif di Kesenden work Area Urban health Center Kejaksan UPTD Cirebon Year 2013. Advice to Cirebon City Health Department provides media-related IEC exclusive breastfeeding, to enable health workers to be more intensive re-education breastfeeding, to immediately consult public health services (clinics lactation) for mothers who have problems lactating or breastfeeding.Keywords : Factor-factor,  maternal behavior, exclusive breastfeeding.

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