Владислав Валерьевич Тихов ◽  
Елизавета Юрьевна Еремеева

В настоящей статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты формирования направленности личности курсантов посредством системы ценностей, культивируемых в боевых искусствах. Грамотное формирование направленности личности курсантов правоохранительных органов в рамках вузовской подготовки - основа гармоничности и профессиональной компетентности будущих сотрудников правоохранительных органов. Молодые специалисты больше всего подвержены профессиональной деформации, влиянию негативных воздействий (как внешних, так и связанных с внутренними психологическими процессами), утрате базовых ценностей, которые так важны для выполнения ими профессиональных задач. Именно поэтому формирование направленности личности должно стать важной составляющей в ходе подготовки курсантов. В современном мире, в сложной экономической и политической обстановке, при высоких темпах жизни и занятости в профессии необходимо сохранять и поддерживать гармонию между физическим, психическим и духовным в личности. Данная проблема, несмотря на широкое освещение в науке, остается актуальной, особенно в связи с новой реальностью и ее последствиями (COVID-19). Более того, в последние годы все больше исследователей изучают влияние физической активности на психологическое состояние индивидов. Авторами настоящей статьи исследуется влияние занятий боевыми искусствами на формирование направленности личности молодых сотрудников правоохранительных органов. Боевые искусства, оказывая существенное влияние не только на физическое развитие, но и на духовную составляющую, на взгляд авторов, являются одним из альтернативных направлений, кроме физического развития, способствующих и нравственному развитию, духовному пробуждению, поддержанию и достижению гармонии. В статье поднимается вопрос о формировании личностных качеств человека в процессе занятий айкидо. Айкидо, являясь составной частью восточных единоборств, способствует нравственному самосовершенствованию личности. Мы считаем, что боевые искусства - это не просто средство для достижения победы, увлекательный вид спорта, метод физического воспитания, это целостная система формирования и самосовершенствования личности. Авторы подчеркивают, что боевые искусства кроме способов физического воспитания, принципов ведения поединка содержат в себе и способы психологической тренировки, а также особого отношения к себе, к окружающим, к старшим, к товарищам. Это достигается различными путями: соблюдением этикета, формированием ответственного поведения, самой атмосферой на занятиях. Предлагается внедрение в педагогический процесс занятий по айкидо для формирования важнейших компонентов направленности личности курсантов: интересов, идеалов, ценностей, мировоззрения, склонностей и т. д. This article discusses some aspects of developing the personality of cadets through a system of values cultivated in martial arts. The competent formation of the orientation of the personality of law enforcement cadets in the framework of university training, in the light of events taking place in the country and in the world, is the basis of the harmony and professional competence of future specialists. Young law enforcement professionals are most susceptible to professional deformation, the influence of negative influences (both external and related to internal psychological processes), the loss of basic values that are so important for their professional tasks. That is why the formation of a personality orientation should become an important component in the training of cadets. In the modern world, in a difficult economic and political environment, with high rates of life, high employment in the profession, it is necessary to maintain and maintain harmony between the physical, mental and spiritual in the person. This problem, despite the wide coverage in science, remains relevant, focused on the new reality and its consequences (COVID-19). Moreover, in recent years, more researchers have been studying the effect of physical activity on the psychological state of individuals. The authors of this article investigate the influence of martial arts on the formation of the personality orientation of young law enforcement officers. Martial arts, having a significant impact not only on physical development, but also on the spiritual component, in the opinion of the authors, are one of the alternative areas other than physical development, contributing to moral development, spiritual awakening, maintenance and achievement of harmony. The article raises the question of the formation of personal qualities of a person in the process of aikido classes. Aikido, being an integral part of oriental martial arts contributes to the moral self-improvement of personality. We believe that martial arts, this is not just a means to achieve victory, not just an exciting sport, it is not just a method of physical education - it is a holistic system of formation and self-improvement of personality. The authors emphasize that martial arts contain not only methods of physical education, the principles of conducting a duel, but also methods of psychological training, as well as a special attitude to themselves, to others, to the elders, to comrades. This is achieved in various ways: observance of etiquette, formation of responsible behavior, the very atmosphere in classes. The work focuses on the basic principles of martial arts, their positive impact on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality (using the example of aikido).

Dmitry Kuchumov ◽  
Galina Yamaletdinova ◽  

In the modern world, health is ranked among the most significant human life values at any age. Young students are in a period of social and physiological maturity and are at high risk of health problems. Therefore, this article examines the matter of health preservation and improvement in female students in the course of their physical education at higher education facilities. The main goal is to investigate trends in health indicators of female students in the process of educational and training sessions in Kudo (full-contact hand-to-hand combat). We planned to highlight that martial arts are a powerful tool of physical education that has an impact on improving physical fitness and health levels, and that full-contact martial arts classes help to develop the ability to manage one’s lifestyle. The main methods of research were the theoretical and comparative analysis of scientific and methodological literature on physical education and sport, the study and synthesis of teaching experience, self-observation, physical health testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. At the end of the formative experiment, improvements were found in all physical condition indicators for female students in both groups. However, the results in the experimental group were substantially higher than in the reference group. The improvement rate was within the range of 19.21 to 126.09% and 6.24 to 40.63%, respectively. Thus, the results obtained confirm the positive impact of training sessions for female students engaged in martial arts on their health status.

L. Grishko ◽  
N. Zavadska ◽  
I. Novikova

The article reveals the influence of physical exercises on the development of morpho-functional indicators of student youth. It was found that in students who regularly exercise, physical development indicators are within normal limits. In addition, exercise improves the psychological state of those who engage, increases motivation for physical education, improves well-being. The modern focus on the creative assimilation of physical culture by the future specialist requires an orderly system of effectiveness on his intellectual, emotional, volitional and practical activities. This allows us to talk about physical education as an important way of forming a personality, citizen and future specialist, purposeful pedagogical process of involving student youth in the values of national physical culture. The purpose of physical education in higher education - the formation of physical culture of personality, creation conditions for general and professional training of students and increase on this basis of intellectual, creative and cultural wealth of the state. Achieving this goal involves the formation of the necessary motivational core of physical education and self-education, systematic physical culture and sports activities and development of physical abilities. It is known that movements are the final expression of almost all processes occurring in the body. Unmet need for muscle activity has negative consequences for the functional state of the body and physical performance. Systematic physical exercises for a long period of time naturally lead to specific changes in the physical development of students. At the same time, the data of physical development studies become especially important when they are associated with indicators of the functional state of the organism, its efficiency and preparedness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 24-29
T. L. Bilous

The article is focused on the research of self-regulation of mental states that arise in the employees of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine during the performance of professional activity in the conditions of extreme situations. The relevance of the research is currently increasing due to the need to increase resilience and overcome difficult life situations that often occur in the modern world. It has been determined that the professional activity of the employees of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine has its features, which require not only the professional competence of a specialist, but also certain personal qualities, with adaptation to extreme situations. The concepts of mental self-regulation, self-regulation and general ability to self-regulation have been analyzed. The basic levels of self-regulation related to professional activity (psycho-physiological, socio-psychological, psychological, spiritual) and corresponding self-regulatory abilities (emotional and psycho-physiological states, activity regulation, personal self-regulation, higher self-regulation ability) have been highlighted. They often occur while law enforcement officers perform their professional duties and lead to the emergence of negative mental states. The concept and main characteristics of an extreme situation have been characterized; self-regulation regulatory systems have been listed, which at the same time act as levels of self-regulation that ensures the effectiveness of professional activities of police officers in extreme situations. The author has studied methods of psychological influence (autogenic training and its variants, naive methods of self-regulation, the simplest methods of self-regulation, ideomotor training and neuro-linguistic programming), which are necessary for solving the set task. The author of the article describes how to possess various techniques of mental self-regulation, which allow to optimize the mental states and behavior of police officers in extreme situations. The conducted analysis of the aspect of studying self-regulation of mental states of police officers in professional activities to extreme situations demonstrates the possession of techniques of mental self-regulation and different levels and abilities of self-regulation, which allow to optimize the mental state and behavior of police officers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 2699-2704
Muratov Muzaffar Shermamatovich Et al.

In the modern world there are a number of unsolved problems concerning the physical development of youth. At the present time this problem is actual. There is an active regression in the physical development of incoming entrants. This problem starts in early adolescence, from the school bench.  At the moment of building the foundation in the physical development of schoolchildren is reducing the level of physical fitness. The gap in physical development at an early stage will be reflected in the future. Therefore, it is very important to pay due attention to active physical development. Due to lack of time, lack of necessary equipment, weak material and technical base of the educational institution, physical education is conducted in a simplified form and does not allow teachers to achieve the necessary pedagogical effect. In order to raise the importance of physical education and sport among school-age students, it is recommended that a number of measures be taken to promote it through the mass media, sporting events and competitions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 1539-1544

The relevance of the topic presented is due to the fact that there is currently a contradiction between the increasing number of children with disabilities in preschool educational institutions, and the increasing requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Pre-school Education to the level of development of health components. Step aerobics is one of the effective means of solving the problems of improving the health, motor activity and functional capabilities of preschool children. The study has developed and experimentally substantiated the content of recreational aerobics classes in preschool educational establishments for children with mental disorders. The positive influence of offered means on indicators of physical development and physical readiness of preschool children having mental infringements is revealed. The aim of this research is to develop and experimentally substantiate the content of recreational aerobics classes at a preschool educational institution for children with mental disabilities. The study found a positive impact of the proposed funds on the indicators of physical development and physical fitness of preschool children with mental disorders. The materials can be used in the process of physical education of preschool children with disabilities, as well as in physical education classes in kindergartens, child development centers, physical education, and fitness classes for children.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 70-74
R.S. Nagovitsyn ◽  
A.Yu. Osipov ◽  
I.M. Manurov ◽  
R.A. Zhuikov ◽  
N.B. Vershinina

Purpose : to analyze the influence of physical qualities of foreign female students on their adaptation to physical activity. It is suggested to apply an individually-differentiated training program for this purpose. Material and methods : the comparative analysis of foreign female students from Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan (n = 60) - an experimental group and females from Russian regions (n = 119) - a control group. It was applied the standards of the All-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labour and Defence" by levels (bronze, silver and gold badges) to determine the physical development level. It was applied the system of intragroup rating, which includes monitoring of students' activity at each practical class of physical education. Mathematical and statistical data processing was performed applying Chi-square (c2) at p<0.001, p<0.01 and p<0.05. Results : the speed and flexibility qualities are not sufficiently developed in students from Near Abroad. Comparative monitoring statistically proved the positive impact of the experiment on the implementation of the author's individually-differentiated program. The study significantly revealed that foreign female students statistically improved performance indicators of individual physical development. Female students adapted to the implementation of the educational process of physical education in the multicultural environment of the university. Conclusions : the application of the coordination qualities development program allowed to statistically prove its more significant effect in comparison with the program of speed qualities improving. The students' dexterity development program could be applied in the process of adaptation to the physical activity at the university.

Viktoriia Dоmina ◽  
Natalia Gutareva ◽  
Julia Sedova ◽  

The dynamics of development of the modern world causes progressive changes in education, reflecting the creative search for the most effective forms of organization and technology of learning. Recent studies outline the strategy of practical constructions, involving the education system in the development of the value-semantic sphere of personality on a pedagogical basis. In the offered article the authors consider actual problems of formation of professional competence which is considered as the integrated property of the person possessing a complex of professionally significant for the future teacher of physical culture qualities. The study identified the concept of professional competence of the future teacher, value orientations. The classification of value orientations of the future teacher of physical education which allows to adapt more successfully masters to modern educational processes is proved. The importance of the teacher's value orientations in the modern process of forming the moral beliefs of future teachers is determined. One of the possible ways of forming professional competence in the process of training future physical education teachers through interactive interaction is presented. It is this system of training allows by determining the general laws of psychology and pedagogy, specifying their basic provisions to determine the specifics of coaching.

Alla Zaliznyak

The article examines the means of physical education. The author analyzed the programs of physical education, where specific objectives and content of physical education of children of preschool age were determined. The research proves that the physical education of children in institutions of preschool education cannot be spontaneous or disorganized. Successful completion of the objectives of physical education depends on the following combination of different physical means: physical activities, hygienic factors and healing forces of nature. It is introduced by the author that healing forces of nature (air, the Sun, water) are widely-used to strengthen the health and body of a child.Strengthening of the health and body in everyday life is facilitated by rationally selected clothes, shoes, bedding; optimal temperature; regular aeration; use of cool water for washing hands, face, mouth and throat rinsing.The importance of hygienic factors that increase the effectiveness of the impact of exercise on the human body is outlined. All parts and systems of the body develop better when the premises where they exercise meet the standards of hygiene and proper nutrition is organized. The fact of failure to meet the requirements of cleanliness of the premises, area, sports equipment, toys, clothing and footwear can cause various diseases in children and reduce the positive impact of exercise. Moreover, the use of physical means of physical education in the lifestyle of children will not only promote their physical development but also intensify mental work in the learning process.The findings confirm that successful physical education of children depends on the quality of the use of physical education in the pedagogical process of preschool education. Keywords: physical education; physical development; means of physical education; healing forces of nature; hygienic forces of nature; physical exercises; objectives of physical education; preschool children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (15) ◽  
pp. 8184
Chia-Ming Chang ◽  
Huey-Hong Hsieh ◽  
Yu-Hui Chou ◽  
Hsiu-Chin Huang

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behavior of physical education teachers at junior and senior high schools in Taiwan (at the individual level) and the cross-level effect on creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers in an innovative school climate (at the school level) and the moderator effect of an innovative school climate on the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers. A total of 800 questionnaires were distributed to physical education teachers at 59 junior and senior high schools and 477 valid surveys were collected for data analysis. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we found that at the individual level, a principal’s transformational leadership has a positive impact on creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers, and at the school level, an innovative school climate has a positive impact on creative teaching behaviors (at the person level) of physical education teachers. An innovative school climate at the school level has no moderating effects on the relationship between a principal’s transformational leadership and creative teaching behaviors of physical education teachers. This study provides implications and applications for cross-level studies, and builds the foundation for future multilevel research.

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