scholarly journals Sikap Menghormati Orang Tua Melalui Refleksi Keluaran 20:12 Demi Terwujudnya Kesejahteraan Lansia

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-75
Piter Imanson Damanik ◽  
Marta Regina Silvi Simanungkalit ◽  
Martina Novalina

Honoring one's parents is the fifth of the ten commandments of God found in the book of Exodus. Over time, the attitude of respect for parents has decreased which is quite alarming. This is marked by the emergence of phenomena and cases that occur in neglected elderly and do not receive adequate services by their families and relatives around them. This study aims to provide an understanding and implications of the text output 20:12 so that readers have more respect for the elderly in the family and community environment. The method used is qualitative with a literature study approach related to the attitude of respect for the elderly contained in Exodus 20:12 to explain how to respect parents, especially the elderly. The results obtained are that Exodus 20:12 reflects the true respect for the elderly where it can be a guide for the welfare of the elderly in Indonesia, especially the Christian elderly. This respect is realized through the understanding that children as part of the family are not only supportive as a support system from the physical side but also spiritually.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 00008
Ismaniar Ismaniar ◽  
Setiyo Utoyo ◽  
Nur Hazizah

The application of learning programs from home as an effort to reduce the transmission of the covid virus has brought about several phenomena in the field, including learning stimulation that is not carried out optimally, parents feel very bothered, and children are depressed and so on. All of this happened allegedly because some parents did not understand the approach to learning in early childhood. This research uses a literature study approach by utilizing various sources, both printed and online. From the results and discussion, it can be concluded that; 1. To optimize the results of intelligence stimulation/learning done at home, parents must understand the characteristics of early childhood learning in general, including children who like to play, each child is unique, and children like to imitate people in their environment. 2. Learning will take place well if parents understand and adapt the interests or tendencies of each child. 3. Every available space/spot in the home environment can be a fun place for intelligence stimulation for children if parents have sufficient understanding of the characteristics of an early child and the different interests of each child.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. S630-S630
Chenxin Tan ◽  
Yun Zhou

Abstract Social participation is of great significance in healthy aging. While studies on social participation among Chinese elderly are growing, there is a lack of understanding the changes over time of the participation. Using datasets from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS), this paper presents a comprehensive analysis on a decade’s trend of social participation among Chinese older adults. First, we use the method of Latent Class Analysis (LCA) to identify types of social participation; in this study, we concluded three types, no participation, the family-centered, and the society-oriented. Second, we examine the characteristics of the elderly by types of participation in terms of demographic, socioeconomic and health condition and analyze the changes in the characteristics over time. And third, we interpret the trend of social participation with broader social environment, or the fluctuant structural and institutional differences under the context of China’s unique social system. Our general conclusion is that while the overall level of participation holds relatively steady, there is a dynamic micro progress and complex mechanisms in this long period. In addition, although both the family-centered participants and the society-oriented possess broader scopes of social participation, the related attributes are different across time. This paper contributes to our knowledge of life of the elderly under the circumstances of fast aging process in China.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-202
Eri Subaeri Ahmad

This research aims to explore the role of the family in shaping the character of early childhood. The method used is qualitative analysis with a literature study approach. The results are as follows: character education is a way to make Indonesian children and their people have commendable and civilized moral behavior. In reality, there are still school children who do not have noble character. One of the contributing factors is the lack of a moral basis that parents instill in the child's self and soul. Building character in early childhood is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. It needs a very careful approach. The role of parents is very necessary because they are the first to interact with children. The things that parents teach at an early age will form the basis of the child's character and will continue to carry over until he grows up. Parents need to introduce good things to children as the basis for forming their character and morality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Kandar Kandar ◽  
Khusnul Aini

Kejadian bunuh diri mengalami peningkatan secara signifikan, dan 90% kejadian adalah orang dengan masalah gangguan jiwa baik dengan diagnose depresi (60%), skizofrenia (23%), dan 17% diantaranya dengan bipolar dan epilepsi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor determinan tentamen suicidum pada pasien gangguan jiwa yang di rawat di RSJD Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Semarang. Di tahun 2018 ditemukan 48 pasien yang di rawat dengan tentamen suicidum, 30 pasien perempuan dan 18 laki-laki. 81% diantaranya adalah usia dewasa dan sisanya remaja dan lansia. Dari status pekerjaan 71% pengangguran dan sisanya swasta dan petani. Stressor yang menjadi penyabab pasien berisko bunuh diri sebagian besar karena masalah keluarga, penyakit dan masalah sosial ekonomi. Tingkat risiko bunuh diri dalam rentang sedang-tinggi, yaitu 38 pasien (79%) risiko sedang dan 10 paien (21%) risiko tinggi bunuh diri. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kejadian tentamen suicidum banyak terjadi pada usia produktif dengan faktor risiko utama masalah keluarga, karena penyakit dan masalah sosial ekonomi. Keluarga hendaknya menjadi support system yang baik bagi pasien.   Kata kunci : Faktor determinan, tentamen suicidum, gangguan jiwa   THE DETERMINANT FACTORS OF TENTAMEN SUICIDUM IN TREATED MENTAL PATIENTS   ABSTRACT Suicide events have increased significantly, and 90% of the cases were people with mental disorders  with depression (60%), schizophrenia (23%), and 17% of them with bipolar and epilepsy. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factors of tentamen suicidum in treated mental patients in Dr. Amino Gondohutomo psychiatric hospital. In 2018 there were 48 patients treated with tentamen suicidum, 30 female patients and 18 men. 81% of them are adults and others are teenagers and the elderly. From the employment status of 71% unemployed and other private and farm employees. Stressors that cause patients to suicide risk are mostly due to family problems, diseases and socio-economic problems. The rate of suicide risk is in the medium-high range, 38 patients (79%) have moderate risk and 10 patients (21%) have a high risk of suicide. The conclusion of this study is that the incidence of tentamen suicidum occurs mostly in productive age with the main risk factors for family problems, due to diseases and socio-economic problems. The family should be a good support system for patients.  Keywords: Determinant factors, tentamen suicidum, mental health disorders

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-143
Rizki Ayu Hanifah

This study aims to describe the influence between the level of social bonding on child mischief on child clients in Probation Boards Class I Bandung. The type of research is descriptive to describe and explain the influence of social bonding level to child mischief on child client in Probation Boards Class I Bandung. The test is done by measuring the dimension of social bonding as stated by Hirschi, that is Attachment, Commitment, Involvment, and Belief. This study uses a quantitative approach. This study describes the influence of social bonding level on child mischief on child clients in Probation Boards. The sampling process of the researh was done by total sampling technique. After sampling, we get 501 Litmas documents of children. Data collection was done by several techniques, namely content analysis, and literature study. Management of data obtained from the content analysis, and literature study. Management of data obtained from the contents of litmas that have been inserted into the coding is done by using SPSS 20 program. Based on the results of research that has been done by the author for 3 weeks at Probation, that the level of social bonding on child clients in Probation is at a low level. So it can be concluded that social bonding affects children do misbehavior. Therefore, to create social bonding in children, it is necessary to improve the pattern ofcare in the family, and supervision both in school and community environment.

Salsabila Rizky Ramadhani ◽  
Nunung Nurwati

ABSTRAKPandemi COVID-19 atau severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) merupakan sebuah permasalahan global yang tidak hanya berdampak pada sektor kesehatan, namun berdampak pula pada sektor perekonomian dan berdampak pada permasalahan kependudukan, salah satunya peningkatan kasus perceraian akibat dari pandemi covid-19. Selama pandemi covid 19, Indonesia mengalami peningkatan kasus perceraian sebesar 5 persen. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian literatur yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis perceraian yang terjadi di masa pandemi COVID-19 dan menghubungkannya dengan teori fungsional struktural. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur. Secara umum, faktor penyebab perceraian di masa pandemi ini karena terjadi konflik dan perselisihan dalam rumah tangga yang disebabkan oleh pertengkaran/perselisihan dan permasalahan ekonomi karena banyak pekerja yang di PHK secara mendadak, sehingga keuangan keluarga menjadi tidak stabil. Mayoritas istri mengungkapkan bahwa alasan utama yang melatar belakangi terjadinya perceraian yaitu faktor ekonomi dikarenakan Suami tidak mampu untuk memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan dasar keluarga dikarenakan jumlah pendapatan yang kurang muncukupi. Oleh karena itu, sangat dibutuhkan interaksi dan komunikasi yang baik di tengah persoalan atau konflik yang menimpa pasangan suami istri untuk mencegah terjadinya perceraian serta suami istri harus dalam satu frekuensi saat menyelesaikan masalah supaya tercipta keharmonisan dalam keluarga  ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 pandemic or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a global problem that not only affects the health sector, but also affects the economic sector and has an impact on demographic problems, one of which is an increase in divorce cases as a result of the pandemic. covid-19. During the Covid 19 pandemic, Indonesia experienced an increase in divorce cases by 5 percent. This paper is a literature review that aims to analyze divorce that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and relate it to structural functional theory. Writing this article using a literature study approach. In general, the causes of divorce during this pandemic are due to conflicts and disputes in the household which are caused by quarrels / disputes and economic problems because many workers are dismissed suddenly, so that family finances are unstable. The majority of wives reveal that the main reason behind the occurrence of divorce is economic factors because the husband is unable to meet all the basic needs of the family due to the insufficient amount of income. Therefore, good interaction and communication is needed in the midst of problems or conflicts that befall a married couple to prevent divorce and husband and wife must be in one frequency when solving problems in order to create harmony in the family 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-67
Paulus Kunto Baskoro

Building a family, church, educational institution or business world cannot be separated from the concept of an education. Education is an important reference in seeing, directing and bringing about a very significant and maximum change. By using descriptive descriptive method, through the literature study approach, research can describe the journey of education in a person, family, educational institution, church or business world, which cannot be separated from the psychological element which is the basis for further understanding. This is because there are many people who have not taken Christian education seriously in the family, work environment, even in churches with a clear curriculum. In the context of this discussion, education is focused on Christian education. It is very necessary to build a strong psychological foundation in Christian education, so that it can be used as a reference in building an ideal and maximum Christian education. The principles in this presentation will formulate some of the psychological foundations which are the foundation of Christian education. Because Christian education is very important in building a wholeness of view that is in accordance with the truth of God's Word and the character of Christ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-179
Purim Marbun

AbstractThis research has motivated by the fact in the field that to balance the job and the family is  problem of the most people today, especially of the servant of God (pastor, priest, lecturers, etc). The are faced with the choice of priority between family and work. Research by Keene and Quadgno’s explain that 60% of working adults find it difficult to achieve work balance with the family. The research method used to discuss this topic is a qualitative research study with a literature study approach by discussing various literatures related to the research topic. The researcher read, analyzed and found the issues that caused the imbalance between work and family. The final results of this study after alternatives and strategies to balance job with family life.Keywords: Job; Family;  BalanceAbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi fakta di lapangan bahwa keseimbangan pekerjaan dengan kehidupan keluarga merupakan persoalan mayoritas masyarakat masa kini secara khusus para hamba Tuhan (pendeta, gembala, dosen, dll). Mereka diperhadapkan pada pilihan mengutamakan keluarga atau pekerjaan. Penelitian Keene dan Quadagno menyebutkan bahwa 60 % orang dewasa yang bekerja sulit mencapai keseimbangan pekerjaan dengan keluarga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan membahas topik ini ialah studi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka dengan membahas berbagai literatur terkait dengan topik penelitian. Peneliti membaca dan menganalisis serta menemukan masalah penyebab ketidakseimbangan pekerjaan dengan keluarga. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini menawarkan strategi dan upaya menyelaraskan pekerjaan dengan waktu bersama keluarga. Kata Kunci: Pekerjaan; Keluarga; Keseimbangan

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (21-22) ◽  
pp. 4303-4326
Juan Manuel Carmona-Torres ◽  
Rosa Carvalhal ◽  
Ruth Mary Gálvez-Rioja ◽  
África Ruiz-Gandara ◽  
Thomas Goergen ◽  

The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of abuse of vulnerable older persons in the family and community environment in the following regions—Spain (Andalusia-Córdoba), Portugal (Azores), and Bolivia (Santa Cruz de la Sierra)—and to identify risk factors and delineate a profile of abused older persons. For this, a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample consisted of people in the age group 65 years plus living in the catchment areas of health centers. The following were used as instruments to collect data: the medical record of the patients of relevant health centers, Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), daily activities autonomy test, adaptability, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve (APGAR) familiar test, The Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI) and the Social Work Evaluation Form. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify factors associated with abuse. Suspected abuse was identified in 6.9% of the elderly who participated in the study in Spain, 39% in Bolivia, and 24.5% in Azores. In all areas, studied psychological abuse was the most common type of abuse. In conclusion, although the prevalence of abuse to older people in the family and community environment differs in the areas studied, it is present in all countries and the data are comparable with other developing and European countries. The profile of the abused older persons appears to be similar in all countries.

Nurkholis Nurkholis ◽  
Endah Nurhawaeny Kardiyati

Globalization nowadays more advanced, humans as social beings are required to always try and create new works in his life. For the sake of the survival of the more advanced, not just men who are able to earn a living family as it should be. But women are also able to earn a living for the sake of survival and fulfillment of the needs of his family. In such circumstances, the duties and responsibilities of women become very heavy. The dual role of women becomes a highly optimized, which functions as a housewife (reproduction) and as a major source of income for a living (productive). With a busy life, it is the neglect of the care and education of children because too much time and effort are sacrificed to work outside the home. Lack of sufficient time to educate a child, resulting in children less attention and affection of parents, so that will have an impact on the psychological and physical development of children. Children who do not or less attention and affection of parents will have a negative impact on the child's personality.Educating children is an important thing to be done by every mother as a baby in the womb. Education of children in the family performed by example and example of a parent in the relationship and interaction between the mother and the father, the treatment of parents toward their children, and treatment of the elderly against others in the family and community environment.  Keywords : women worker, education, character 

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