2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-21
Марина Матејевић ◽  
Марија Ђорђевић

The paper analyzes six study programs of the Department of Pedagogy from its establishment until this year, 2021. The technique of content analysis of available program documents was used. The basic units of analysis were: study program (within it: subjects, electives, accreditation, ECTS, professional practice), purpose, goal and outcomes of the program. The results of the analysis show unequivocal progress in the development of the program since the establishment of the Department until today. In each new program, new subjects were added in accordance with the needs and development of the education system and the social community, which was conditioned by the presence of more adequate potentials at the Department of Pedagogy. There are more and more elective modules and subjects in the programs, and professional practice is represented in an increasingly adequate way. Continuous additions to goals and outcomes, and the creation of new subjects, are the result of constant critical review of the current program, numerous analyzes and the expression of aspirations to reach the highest level of study program quality and competencies of graduate students of pedagogy. Of course, there will always be a space in which each study program can be further improved and changed in accordance with the dynamic society in which we live. Keywords: Department of pedagogy, OAS, pedagogy, study program. Цитирање

T. Lembong Misbah ◽  
Zulfadli Zulfadli

The competencies of graduates of PMI study programs are very important, especially in the Social Service and Community Empowerment Service. Therefore research is needed on the study of scientific competencies of graduates of PMI Faculty of Da'wah and Communication at UIN Ar-Raniry in the world of work. So this kajin formulates information sources in the context of work, stakeholders, and supporting skills in supporting work professionalism. This qualitative research collects data by conducting evaluations, surveys, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that social work was still not finished by workers from social worker backgrounds. PMI graduates' competencies are currently adequate and good, but there needs to be an increase and development of self-capacity. The supporting skills needed by graduates of PMI's study program are to improve the scientific field of work, to be mediated, to master information technology, even as graduates of the Da'wah and Communication Faculty of UIN Ar-Raniry must be able to practice religious values and be sufficient role models in the workplace. Keywords: Competence, Science, PMI, World of Work

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-140
Venny Novita Sari ◽  
Yupianti Yupianti ◽  
Dewi Maharani

Abstract: The increasing number of students who graduated each year causes a lot of student data that need to be processed, causing difficulties in grouping the data. In this research apply Data Mining by using Clustering method to classify the quality of graduate students of Faculty of Computer Science Dehasen University of Bengkulu based on GPA and Study Program. The algorithm used is K-Means Clustering, where the data are grouped based on the same characteristics will be entered into the same group and the data set entered into the group does not overlap. Information displayed in the form of group ?? a group of graduate students who dominate the Study Program, so it is known to the group that has the best graduate quality. The results of this study will assist the University in analyzing the quality of graduated students and the most potential study programs. Software used to help this grouping is Rapid Miner. Keywords: K-Means Clustering, Study Program, Graduate Quality, Rapid Miner Abstrak: Semakin meningkatnya jumlah mahasiswa yang diluluskan setiap tahunnya menyebabkan banyaknya data mahasiswa yang perlu diolah sehingga menyebabkan kesulitan dalam pengelompokan data tersebut. Pada penelitian ini menerapkan Data Mining dengan menggunakan metode Clustering untuk mengelompokkan kualitas lulusan mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu berdasarkan IPK dan Program Studi. Algoritma yang digunakan yaitu K-Means Clustering, dimana data dikelompokkan berdasarkan karakteristik yang sama akan dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok yang sama dan set data yang dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok tidak tumpang tindih. Informasi yang ditampilkan berupa kelompok � kelompok lulusan mahasiswa yang mendominasi Program Studi, sehingga diketahui kelompok yang memiliki kualitas lulusan terbaik. Hasil penelitian ini akan membantu pihak Universitas dalam menganalisa kualitas mahasiswa yang diluluskan dan program studi yang paling berpotensi diminati. Software yang digunakan untuk membantu pengelompokan ini adalah Rapid Miner. Keyword: K-Means Clustering, Program Studi, Kualitas Lulusan, Rapid Miner

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-65
Irina Mihaela Pop ◽  
Cosmin Constantin Baias

The basic assumption of the paper is that the Romanian curricula reflects the opportunities created at the social level to embrace the values–principle of human dignity and to defend it as a defining value of contemporary civilisation. Firstly, looking for the curricula where the value is a topic and secondly, to interview the graduate students on what they learned in their education on the human dignity. Only some of the higher education syllabi in the programmes such as political sciences, theology, law and bio-ethics for medicine or philosophy open some windows to understand the deep implications of the value in our concrete life. But, even here, the human dignity’s communication is incoherent. These programmes do not share a basic meaning and conclude into comparable recommendations. The human dignity’s communication is also out of a project, systematically conducted, reported and adapted to the community’s needs. The education must take action in doing it. Keywords: Human dignity, communication, curriculum, education.

Nurrokhman Nurrokhman ◽  
Hindriyanto Dwi Purnomo ◽  
Kristoko Dwi Hartomo

Campus competition in Central Java creates superior and empowered human resources to make XYZ campus optimize the Knowledge Sharing process. In optimizing the Knowledge Sharing process on the XYZ campus through interaction and communication between students in the study program. This study aims to identify the Knowledge Sharing collaboration of students on the XYZ campus in three study programs with 100 respondents using the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method. The parameters used in this study include density, degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, and clicks (subgroups). Based on the analysis of the results obtained by the level of density level of 4.7% or weak ties because under 50%. Actor 98 has the highest degree of centrality with outdegree value 32 and indegree 7, while actor 65, which has the highest closeness centrality with inCloseness value 16,952 and outCloseness value 1,020. Actor 15 also has the highest centrality betweenness with an amount of Betweenness 2750,148 and nBetweenness 28,346. In this study, it can be concluded that there is collaboration in the Knowledge Sharing of students on the XYZ campus from each divided into three study programs, namely, informatics engineering, accounting computerization, and graphic design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-175
Iwan Purwanto

Abstract. This study aims to provide policy direction on how to develop PPG Pre-service programs for Social Sciences Teachers at the Department of Social Sciences Education. The design of the Pre-service PPG program for Social Sciences teachers, it is expected that the Social Sciences Education Department can propose to the government to be appointed and appropriate and be able to organize the Pre-service PPG Programs for Social Sciences Teachers. The method used in this research is the research and development (R&D) method, the process used to develop and validate educational products. The policy analysis, comparative studies, and then developing the Pre-service PPG program design for Social Sciences Teachers. After a rough development, consultations with education experts and PPG Pre-service implementers so that the PPG Regular Pre-Position governance is better organized. The next stage is the validation test d education experts, PPG Pre-service managers. The next stage is the revision stage of the design of the Regular Pre-service PPG program for Social Sciences Teachers, then the final stage is the documentation of the proposed Pre-service PPG programs for Social Sciences Teachers at the Department of Social Sciences Education. Development of the opening design of the PPG Pre-service IPS Study Program teacher at the Social Sciences Department of FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in general has had a good preparedness, this is based on the provisions governing the opening of PPG Regular Pre-service Study Programs, including: (1) readiness to organize the PPG Study Program Regular Pre-service Study Program, namely institutions, human resources and facilities and infrastructure; (2) curriculum and learning system, namely determining the profile of PPG graduates in the field of study, formulation of CPL in the fields of PPG study, curriculum structure, learning systems and assessments in PPG study programs ;; (3) the financing system, and (4) quality assurance. Based on the above provisions the Department of Social Sciences Education in general can prepare themselves, only constrained student dormitories are still under construction and the most important thing is to prepare yourself to become a regular PPG Pre-service organizer in a religious ministry environment, while still providing opportunities for the LPTK to include characteristics that become its superiority.Abstrak. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan arah kebijakan bagaimana pengembangan desain program PPG Pra Jabatan untuk Guru IPS pada Jurusan Pendidikan IPS. Desain program PPG Pra Jabatan untuk Guru IPS diharapkan Jurusan Pendidikan IPS bisa mengusulkan kepada pemerintah untuk ditunjuk dan layak serta mampu menyelenggarakan Program PPG Pra Jabatan untuk Guru IPS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yaitu proses yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan mevalidasi produk pendidikan. Analisis kebijakan, studi banding, kemudian dilakukan pengembangan desain program PPG Pra Jabatan untuk Guru IPS. Setelah dilakukan pengembangan kasar, dikonsultasikan dengan pakar pendidikan dan para pelaksana PPG Pra Jabatan sehingga tatakelola PPG Pra Jabatan Reguler lebih tertata dengan baik. Tahap selanjutnya adalah uji validasi d pakar pendidikan, pengelola PPG Pra Jabatan. Tahap selanjutnya adalah tahap revisi desain program PPG Pra Jabatan Reguler untuk Guru IPS, kemudian tahap akhir adalah tahap pendokumentasian usulan program PPG Pra Jabatan untuk Guru IPS pada Jurusan Pendidikan IPS. Pengembangan desain pembukaan Program Studi PPG Prajabatan guru IPS pada Jurusan Pendidikan IPS FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, secara umum telah memiliki kesiapan yang baik hal ini didasarkan, pada ketentuan yang mengatur pembukaan Prodi PPG Prajabatan regular antara lain: (1) kesiapan penyelenggaraan Program Studi PPG Program Studi Prajabatan Regular,  yaitu  kelembagaan,  SDM  dan  sarana  dan  prasarana;;  (2)  kurikulum  dan  sistem pembelajaran, yaitu penetapan profil lulusan bidang studi PPG, perumusan CPL bidang studi PPG, struktur kurikulum, sistem pembelajaran dan penilaian dalam program studi PPG;; (3) sistem  pembiayaan;;  dan  (4)  penjaminan  mutu.  Berdasarkan  ketentuan  diatas  Jurusan Pendidikan IPS secara umum bisa mempersiapkan diri, hanya terkendala asrama mahasiswa yang masih dalam tahap pembangunan. Dengan demikian yang terpenting adalah mempersiapkan diri untuk menjadi penyelenggara PPG Prajabatan regular di lingkungan kemetrerian agama, dengan tetap memberikan kesempatan kepada LPTK memasukan  ciri khas yang menjadi keunggulannya.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-247
Indah Pujiastuti

AbstrakPeribahasa merupakan ungkapan tradisional yang menjadi bagian dari sastra lisan. Di Masyarakat Rejang, peribahasa tersebut dimunculkan secara lisan di acara adat seperti pernikahan dan dimunculkan dalam peraturan adat Rejang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peribahasa dari Msayarakat Rejang khususnya masyarakat Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Peribahasa tersebut dideskripsikan dari aturan adat yang sudah direkam dalam bentuk tulis yaitu Kelpeak Ukum Adat (Hukum Adat Rejang). Penelitian ini juga untuk mengetahui fungsi dari peribahasa tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif yang bersumber dari hukum adat Rejang yaitu Kelpeak Ukum Adat Ngen Riyan Ca’o Kutei Jang yang memuat tentang tata cara bermasyarakat, hak dan kewajiban masyarakat, adat pernikahan, warisan, tarian, kepemimpinan, busana, bahasa, dan tulisan. Penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada analisis dokumen. Hasil yang didapatkan, bahwa 29 peribahasa yang ditemukan dalam hukum adat tersebut membahas tentang tatanan hidup masyarakat Rejang. Peribahasa tersebut berfungsi sebagai nasihat, larangan, teguran, pengajaran, gambaran tatanan sosial bermasyarakat. Kata Kunci: Peribahasa, Suku Rejang, Hukum Adat  AbstractProverbs are traditional expressions that are part of oral literature. In Rejang Community, the proverb was raised orally in traditional events such as weddings and raised in the Rejang customary law. This study aims to describe the proverbs of Msayarakat Rejang, especially the people of Rejang Lebong Regency. The proverb is described from customary rules that have been recorded in written form of Kelpeak Ukum Adat (Custom Rejang Law). This research is also to know the function of the proverb. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive method that comed from customary law of Rejang namely Kelpeak Ukum Adat Ngen Riyan Ca’o Kutei Jang which contains about social, community and rights, customs, and writing. This study focused on content analysis. The results obtained, that the 29 proverbs found in the customary law is about the life order of the Rejang community. These proverbs serve as advice, prohibitions, admonitions, teachings, images of the social fabric of society. Keywords: Proverb, Rejang Community, Customary Law

Jurgita Ginavičienė ◽  
Rolandas Vitkūnas ◽  
József Gál ◽  
István Bíró

The system of higher education in the European Union based on legal instruments valid for all States Member. However, each EU State Member has additional national legislation, which taken into account in the design of the higher education system. The design and implementation of study programs is one of the activities of higher education. Compliance with EU and national legislation are important in design of study programs. It is equally important that the programs are necessary for the national economy, companies and attractive to students. The aim of the article is to determine the need and possibilities of dual teaching in the study program Transport Logistics of Vilnius College of Technology and Design. The structure of curricula of dual education at Szeged University in Hungary is analysed. The indicators of changes in studies and practical training from the point of view of students and companies at Szeged University are present.The article presents a comparative analysis of legislation, study programs and business needs in Lithuania. The analysis showed that business enterprises in Lithuania would be interested in dual training; the application of dual training is not in principle contrary to Lithuanian legislation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Faradika Faradika ◽  
Renita Astri ◽  
Zulfahmi Zulfahmi

Instagram's social media automatic scheduling system is one of the innovations in the field of promotion to introduce study programs to many people through social media. With this scheduling application, it will be easy for the university to schedule content to be published on Instagram social media. This application works on the desktop made with the PHP programming language with MySQL database support. This research was conducted to obtain data directly from the Social Media Manager of the Study Program by conducting observations and direct interviews to the management team and related parties so that the data contained in this report is real. The system testing that is carried out is how the application works as a whole, namely where the system can send scheduling automatically to Instagram which is contained in the database, there is an input update from a user (in this case a lecturer user) through the existing application.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-44
Diana Uswatun Hasanah ◽  
Abdullah Idi ◽  
Ahmad Syarifuddin

The problem in this study is that researchers see there are some students who do not obey or obey all regulations that apply at UIN Raden Fatah Palembang such as: violating the rules of dress, smoking in the campus area, littering and scribbling existing facilities and infrastructure, and said disrespectfully. This attitude reflects bad behavior. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Islamic religious education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang graduate students. This study uses quantitative descriptive methods while the type of approach used in this study is correlational, which is to find the relationship between the two variables. While the data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires. The questionnaire was distributed to students and the answers were calculated using a percentage formula then processed and explained descriptively and calculated the two variables using the product moment formula. Based on the results of research with known product moment correlation values ​​of 0.91 and consulted with the table "r" product moment turns out that the price of Roxy is greater than the level of 5% and so is at the level of 1% or 0.37 <0.91> 0, 47 With this, Ha (alternative hypothesis) is accepted and Ho (null hypothesis) is rejected, so it is concluded that there is an influence of Islamic religious education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang students, therefore Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected so that the prevailing hypothesis reads there is an influence of Islamic education on the social behavior of 2017 PAI UIN Raden Fatah Palembang study program students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-338
Mahyuddin Khairuddin Matyuso Nasution

Physics, biology, chemistry, for example, do not already only study programs in many universities but are at the forefront of the development of science, and that is science itself. The development of the basic foundation becomes the mother of science, such as mathematics, as a suspicion of the birth of new sciences. The interests related to the life and welfare of humans always invites the possibility of the birth of science in concepts, but mathematics confirms it. In certain cases, as an application, or it gives birth to answers in technology form, which is distorted according to the social demands of society. Every science has its methodology, which is based on the logic that helps to reason. A natural model is an approach to generating methods, as well as the principles that develop in artificial intelligence based on mathematics. This principle not only changes the way of perceiving data, but it also establishes new definitions of data, and changes statistics, optimization, and other fields. Each science also has implications for other sciences but also has applications that are also related to other sciences. Every science supports technology to improve social welfare. Historically, century by century, many new scientific fields were born, and it has evidence from the publication of scientific works to books as scientific standards. Then, the teaching curricula supported its initial dissemination and its development through research with evidence of scientific publications either through papers in proceedings of scientific meetings or articles in the journals. A study program about science in the related faculty is mandatory, and it is as the spearhead in further scientific and technological development. So everything starts and ends at one point, namely the birth of new science, as the birth of data science. This paper describes the birth of science by involving historical traces. The reflection of scientific development is starting from the foundation to become a scientific field, namely data science. It also illustrates the roadmap of a scientific indirectly.

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