scholarly journals Studi Fenomenologi: Harmonisasi Paradoks Wisata Rakyat Sebagai Akselerator Pengentasan Kemiskinan Di Bali

This study aims to (1) know the development of popular tourism industry in Bali; (2) know Bali's poverty alleviation program and its constraints; and (3) know the contribution of tourism in poverty alleviation. The research was done through observation data collection technique and literature study, by using populist qualitative tourism analysis. Based on the results of research and literature study, it can be concluded that the Government's poverty alleviation program is currently not very effective with the main focus of material assistance, whereas the most crucial is education and learning so that they can save themselves to get out of the poverty cycle. This is then the main reason for the emergence of the concept of populist tourism by focusing on how society itself becomes the subject of tourism. The basic foothold is that local people who are better informed of their area and through popular tourism can earn a living and reduce the leakage of funds, as well as their initiatives to further preserve the environmental and cultural conditions that are important assets of tourism. Keywords: tourism, poverty alleviation, paradox, and accelerator

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-66
Joram Wambrauw

This study aims for the actual problems in the field of politics, law and security in the context of Papua Land of Peace. This research is prescriptive legal research with normative juridical approach method in the form of research on the principle with data collection technique through literature study in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal material with qualitative analysis of legal materials. The results of the study show that Papua Land of Peace is a humanitarian program to protect the Papuan people who inhabit it, as well as to protect it as citizens of Indonesia in the NKRI container. Therefore it is necessary to be well and carefully identified various matters which are the factors causing the situation in which Papua will not become a Land of peace.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Gusliarni Gusliarni

This research is motivated by the lack of listening skills obtained by the students, it is seen from the results of an assessment of the listening skills of students still achieved an average grade 56.32 or reach under the KKM predetermined value is 70. This study aims to determine whether the Team Learning model Listener can improve listening skills of students in the subject of Indonesian student Class V SD Negeri 007 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu. The subjects were 38 students in the academic year 2014-2015. Form of research is classroom action research. The data collection technique used is the technique of test and non test. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the ability to listen to the story class V students of SD Negeri 007 Pagaran Tapah Darussalam Rokan Hulu can be improved by applying the learning model listener team. On average ability to listen to stories of students in the early test is average with the average value of 56.32 by the medium category, and in the first cycle rose to 69.47 in the medium category, while in the second cycle listening skills of students categorized as high with the percentage of the average value of 76, 58 with a high category. Therefore, the success rate has exceeded 70 of the total number of students, which means that most students have achieved success predetermined value (minimum 75%).

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (03) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Eko Sugiarto ◽  
Dian Haryanti

This study aims to identify local wisdom in Green Village Gedangsari, Gunungkidul Regency. This research uses qualitative method with combined data collection technique, there are observation, interview, and documentation. Some invention that have been identified as the findings of this research are (1) Tourism development in Green Village Gedangsari; (2) Some of the taboos that local people believe; (3) Local culinary; (4) The place of the sacred; (5) Nyadran and Rosulan Traditions; and (6) 4G development plan by Gedangsari community. These findings have the potential to increase tourist attraction in the Green Village Gedangsari region. Keywords: Local Wisdom, Tourist Attractions

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mega Febriani Sya Zuriyati Zuriyati dan Siti Gomo Attas

Abstract The Conception of Community Life in Petatah Petitih Minangkabau with The Indigeneous Approach. This study aims to identify the Minangkabau conceptions values as depicted in the petatah petitih Minang (proverb). This research examines Minang Proverb with the Indigenous Psychology approach. Qualitative research methods, describing, interpreting the concept of values in the Minangkabau community which is illustrated by the Minang proverb. The data collection technique used is desk research and interview. Sources of literature study are from the Minangkabau Adat textbook obtained from the Rumah Gadang Minangkabau pavilion in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; the results of previous studies / research, and relevant information from online mass media. Online Interview was conducted with the Chief Advisor of the Bundo Kanduang Council Organization Advisor Solok City, West Sumatra. The results show that there are ten values or Minangkabau life concept which are contained in the Minang proverb which is inherent in the Minang identity, namely; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi –malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; loyal; fair; thrifty; watchful; braveness; wise diligent and humble. Key words: Minangkabau conceptions, Minang proverb, Indigenous psychology Abstrak Konsep Pola Hidup Masyarakat dalam Petatah Petitih Minangkabau dengan Pendekatan Indigenius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi konsepsi nilai-nilai adat yang berkaitan dengan pola hidup masyarakat Minangkabau (Minang) yang tergambar dalam Petatah Petitih (pepatah) Minang. Penelitian ini mengkaji psikologi yang lekat pada budaya adat Minangkabau yang tertuang dalam Pepatah Minang dengan pendekatan Indigenous Psychology (Psikologi Indigenius). Metode penelitian kualitatif, yakni menggambarkan, menafsirkan konsepsi nilai-nilai adat pada masyarakat Minangkabau yang tergambar pepatah Minang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan cara studi kepustakaan (desk research) dan wawancara. Sumber studi kepustakaan adalah dari buku teks Adat Minangkabau yang diperolah dari anjungan Rumah Gadang Minangkabau di Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) Jakarta; hasil kajian/penelitian sebelumnya, dan informasi yang relevan dari media massa daring. Wawancara dilakukan kepada Ketua Penasehat Organisasi Bundo Kanduang Kota Solok Sumatera Barat secara daring. Hasil menunjukan terdapat sepuluh nilai atau konsep pola hidup masyarakat Minang yang tertuang dalam pepatah minang yang melekat pada jati diri orang Minang yakni; hiduik baraka, baukue jo bajangko; baso basi-malu jo sopan; tenggang raso; setia; adil; hemat cermat; waspada; berani karena benar; arif bijaksana; rajin dan rendah hati. Kata-kata kunci: nilai budaya Minangkabau, pepatah Minang, psikologi indigenius

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Maria Waldetrudis Lidi ◽  
Maimunah H Daud ◽  
Morison Yosep M. Bolong

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kearifan lokal suku Ende Tambi uma untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumber belajar biologi dan pendidikan karakter yang kontekstual. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di desa Gheoghoma, dan desa Watumbawu, Kabupaten Ende Propinsi NTT pada bulan Mei Tahun 2020. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa memadukan antara data observasi, wawancara dan studi literature yang ditindaklanjuti dengan tahap reduksi data, penyajian data, penyimpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal Tambi uma berpotensi dijadikan sebagai sumber belajar biologi dan pendidikan karakter terutama mengandung nilai-nilai karakter luhur seperti gotong royong, persaudaraan, tanggung jawab, ketaatan, kesetaraan gender, nilai sosial, dan nilai komunikatif, yang berdampak pada sikap antusias peserta didik dalam mempelajari konsep.Abstract. This study aims to identify local wisdom of the Ende Tambi uma tribe to serve as a source of contextual biology and character education. This research was conducted in Gheoghoma village and Watumbawu village, Ende Regency, NTT Province in May 2020. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique is in the form of combining observation data, interviews and literature studies which are followed up with the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data inference. The results showed that local wisdom of Tambi uma has the potential to be used as a source of learning biology and character education, especially containing noble character values such as mutual cooperation, brotherhood, responsibility, obedience, gender equality, social values, and communicative values, which have an impact on enthusiasm. learners in learning concepts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 494
Indah Rusmaidi ◽  
Desriyeni Desriyeni

AbstractThis paper discusses the Making of a Dance Studio Directory in the City of Padang. The purpose of this paper is (a) to describe the making of a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang; (B) describing the transition in creating a directory of dance studios in Padang City; (c) describe the business in making a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang. This research was conducted using descriptive methods by describing the subject or object based on visible facts. Data collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded, first, the steps in the process of making dance studios in the city of Padang are (a) data collection that collects all information relating to which is not in doubt to be made in the directory; (B) collect all data obtained; (c) Focus on a vision that has been created; (d) making books so that they are easier to produce and making books more directed; (e) determine the subject, the subject used in making the directory is the name of the street, location of each studio; (f) classification or grouping, grouping data that has been collected and adjusted to the subjects that have been determined; (g) directory design that is by making cover designs, and compiling information from directories. Second, the challenges involved in making a dance studio directory in Padang City are as follows: (a) when collecting data the writer had difficulty in finding the dance studio to be addressed. This is because there are some studios that do not have banners or name bars installed. Discusses some problems in finding the studio; (B) some studios that the author visits the owner often go to the studio or the owner is out of town because they have to accompany their students in the race; (c) difficulties in contacting the studio owner. Third, the non-related ones involved in making directories include; (a) the name of the studio; (b) the name of the owner; (c) year of establishment; (d) number of students; (e) hours of practice; (f) address; (g) telephone number; (h) location plan; and (i) studio photos.Keywords: Manufacture, Directory, Dance Studio

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-355
Yosy Kusuma Wardani ◽  

Abstract: This study focused on forms of social pathology. Dua Garis Biru's novel tells a story about teenage life who commit deviation. The deviations committed by teenagers in Dua Garis Biru's novel are juvenile delinquency, dating, sexual relations before marriage, and early-age marriage. The deviant actions will give knowledge about the importance of sex education and the importance of communication between parents so that it can increase the discussion about sexuality to the children who are already teenagers. The method of the study was qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique was a literature study by collecting books and other sources related to the problems of the study. The results of the study show that Dua Garis Biru's novel show several forms of social pathology: Bima, who likes to skip school; Dara and Bima, who have dating until they have sexual relations before marriage; and Dara, who attempts to abort the fetus. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions are delivered to the readers and further researchers. For readers, they can take positive values from Dua Garis Biru's novel. For further researchers, it is expected that it can be used as a reference for the description of social pathology in Indonesian literary works. Keywords: pathology, Dua Garis Biru Novel, juvenile delinquency Abstrak: Penelitian ini fokus pada bentuk patologi sosial. Novel Dua Garis Biru mengangkat cerita mengenai kehidupan remaja yang melakukan penyimpangan. Penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh remaja pada novel Dua Garis Biru ini adalah juvenile delinquency, pacaran, hubungan seksual di luar nikah, dan pernikahan dini. perbuatan-perbuatan menyimpang ini akan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya edukasi seks dan pentingnya komunikasi antara orangtua agar dapat meningkatkan diskusi mengenai seksualitas kepada anak-anak yang sudah beranjak remaja. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, dengan cara mengumpulkan buku-buku dan sumber-sumber lain yang terkait dengan masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa novel Dua Garis Biru menempatkan beberapa bentuk patologi sosial, seperti: Bima yang suka membolos, Dara dan Bima yang berpacaran sampai melakukan hubungan seksual di luar nikah, dan percobaan Dara untuk menggugurkan janin yang dikandungnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, beberapa saran disampaikan kepada pembaca dan peneliti selanjutnya. Bagi pembaca agar bisa mengambil pelajaran nilai-nilai positif dari novel Dua Garis Biru. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi mengenai gambaran patologi sosial dalam karya sastra Indonesia. Kata kunci: patologi, Novel Dua Garis Biru, juvenile delinquency

Imaji ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Pramularsih Wulansari

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta tahun 2011 – 2015. Objek penelitian ini adalah perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta. Sebagai subjek penelitian adalah tata busana pada pertunjukan tari festival sendratari DIY, tata busana ujian Koreografi Tari FBS UNY, ujian Tata BusanaTari FBS UNY, display pictures blackberry masanger, serta pictures from geogle. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, display data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian ini bahwa perkembangan tata busana dibedakan atas: Perkembangan tata busana dari kraton, seperti tata busana wayang Orang, Bedhaya Srimpi, dan repertoar tari tunggal, Konsep perkembangan tata busana yang bersumber dari kraton memberikan kesan apik yaitu memberikan kesan artistik yang mendalam inovatif yaitu menggunakan bahan-bahan busana yang lebih modern dan original. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta adalah media televise dan pariwisata.Kata kunci: trend Tata Busana Tari, Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta  AbstrakThis research is aims to describe the fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance on 2011-2015. The object of research is the fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance. The subject of research is fashion of DIY ballet festival, fashion of Dance Choreography Exam in FBS UNY, display pictures blackberry messenger, and picture from google. Data collection was done through review study and documentation study observation. Data analysis was done by data reduction, display of data, and deduction. The result of this researchcan be classified as: 1) The trend of fashion from Kraton, like Wayang Orang fashion, Bedhaya Srimpi, and solo dance. The concept of fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance shows an elegan design in terms of the fabric which is more modern and original. progress of arable Yogyakarta classical Dance. It is influenced by the modern fashion trend on TV and tourism. Keywords: Fashion trend, Yogyakarta classical dance

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 184-189
Nur syawal Ashari ◽  
Muhammad Rais Rahmat ◽  
Abdul Jabbar

Apparatus on the quality of public services in Wala Village, Kecamatang Maritengngae, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The population in conducting this study were people with male and female gender, amounting to 3,725 people from two environments, the data collection technique used was the Slovin formula with 92 results, taken based on purposive sampling technique. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research, data collection techniques used are observation techniques, questionnaires, literature study, and documentation. The data analysis technique is using the validity and reliability tests using the SPSS 21.0 application and a Likert scale. Based on the research that was taken from the results of the questionnaire data, it was obtained that the recapitulation of the Apparatus Performance variable with a percentage of 67.4% was included in the "Good" category while the recapitulation of the Public Service Quality variable with a percentage of 69.6% was included in the "Good" category.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Rizki Nurislaminingsih ◽  
Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi

Rumah Baca Apung located in Tambak Lorok Village is a valuable asset belonging to the community that can be used as meeting hall and village library. In fact Rumah Baca Apung has not been utilized optimally in accordance with the function and purpose of building a library. Based on preliminary observations of the researchers, can be knew that the location is more often used as a place for discussion by the local people.Therefore, this study aims to further study the utilization of Rumah Baca Apung and the reasons behind the utilization. This research uses qualitative approach of case study with using data collection technique through interview, documentation study, and observation. The results of this study show that the use of Rumah Baca Apung has not been based on the function of education, research and preservation function of a library. Rumah Baca Apung also has not been used as a place to increase reading habit. Rumah Baca Apung is now used as a place of recreation, a place to discuss, socialize and counsel for the local people. The utilization of Rumah Baca Apung which has not yet represented the function of the village library is due to the limited quantity and quality of the collection books, the lack of educative games equipment, and the absence of learning companion teacher as a volunteer for the coastal children of Tambak Lorok.

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