2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-47
B. Sagyndykuli ◽  
G. Raeva ◽  

This article discusses variant words spoken through front-lingual vowels, with words spoken through back-lingual vowels that have the same meaning. As a result of the development of languages ​​over an infinitely long time, rear-lingual and middle-lingual, both vowels and consonants, moved to the front of the tongue. This, of course, was influenced by natural conditions, changes in the physical data of a person (decrease in growth, decrease in his complexion, etc.). In the article, by means of comparative historical study, the ancient forms of variant words are restored, which in linguistics are called “syngarmonic variants and parelli”.Singharmonic variants are more often found in monosyllables in modern languages, which indicates the historical nature of this phenomenon. The number of synarmonic variants increases sharply if we compare and compare competing roots in a separate language or Turkic languages ​​and their dialects, which are formed as a result of the free exchange of vowels, which do not differ in the lexical and semantic sense. Therefore, in order to prove that the ancient roots of the Kazakh-Turkic words were pronounced with solid vowels, we paid special attention to the correspondence of hard and soft vowels in syngarmonic variants

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2020 ◽  

Существование аланского субстрата у балкарцев и карачаевцев установлено многочисленными исследованиями этнологов и лингвистов. Но в дискуссии о происхождении этих народов пока мало привлекается материал бытующих у них нартовских сказаний. Генезис карачаево-бал­карского нартовского эпоса пока остается невыясненным. Так, например, вызывает интерес связь первых фиксаций сказаний с именами балкар­ского князя Исмаила Урусбиева и его двух сыновей – Сафар-Али и Науруза. Дело в том, что князь Исмаил превосходно знал осетинский и адыгский фольклор, поэтому вполне мог выступить звеном в передаче осетинских сказаний на балкарском языке. Судя по всему, известный Урусбиевым ре­пертуар заметно отличался от того, что сейчас известно как карачае­во-балкарский эпос, а подвластное им население еще долго ощущало себя родственным осетинам. Примечательно, что нартовские сказания ка­рачаевцев и балкарцев концентрируются вокруг фигуры кузнеца Дебета. При внимательном рассмотрении Дебет оказывается тождественным ветхозаветному и кораническому пророку Давиду, с которым его роднит, прежде всего, знание кузнечного дела, власть над металлами. Возникает впечатление, что у балкарцев и карачаевцев заимствованные сказания о нартах были искусственно присоединены к иудейским и исламским пре­даниям. Наконец, важным, неисследованным ранее вопросом является предположение отдельных балкарских исследователей, что в эпосе вели­каны, учуяв запах нарта, говорят, будто асским духом пахнет. Сравнение с фольклорными материалами ногайцев показало, что на самом деле имелся в виду запах мясной пищи. Это же подтверждают аналогичные слова-эхо в других тюркских языках. The existence of the strong Alanian substrate among the Balkars and Karachai has been established by numerous studies of ethnologists and linguists. But in the discussion about the origin of these peoples, the material of the Nart legends prevailing among them is still little used. The genesis of the Karachai- Balkarian Nart epic remains unclear. For example, the connection of the first fixations of sagas with the names of the Balkar Prince Ismail Urusbiev and his two sons, Safar-Ali and Nauruz, is of interest. The fact is that Prince Ismail perfectly knew the Ossetian and Adyghe folklore, therefore he could well act as a link in the transmission of Ossetian legends in the Balkar language. Apparently, the repertoire known to the Urusbievs was noticeably different from what is now known as the Karachai-Balkarian epic, and the population under their control felt like akin to the Ossetians for a long time. An important point is that the Nart legends of the Karachai and Balkars are concentrated around the figure of the blacksmith Debet. On closer examination, Debet turns out to be identical with the Old Testament and the Koranic prophet David, with whom he is related, first of all, by the knowledge of blacksmithing and power over metals. It seems that the borrowed legends about the Narts from the Balkars and Karachais were artificially attached to the Jewish and Islamic legends. Finally, an important, previously unexplored issue is the assumption of certain Balkarian researchers that in the epos the giants, smelling the scent of a Nart, say that they smell the smell of an As. Comparison with the folklore materials of the Nogais showed that what was really meant was the smell of meat food. This is also confirmed by similar words, echoe-twins in other Turkic languages.

Rimma Muratova

Статья посвящена изучению формирования, развития и описанию семантических особенностей цветообозначения aq ‘белый’ в башкирском языке, которое в силу своей архаичности обладает рядом номинативных и денотативных значений. При изучении происхождения и эволюции слова обращались к трудам по истории языка и этимологии. Источниками примероя для выявления значений слова послужили словари башкирского языка и данные корпуса башкирской прозы и фольклора. Сравнительно-историческое исследование значений слов на общетюркском фоне проводилось опираясь на данные, извлеченные из словарей по тюркским языкам. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью изучения лексемы как в сравнительно-историческом аспекте, так и в плане синхронии с выявлением общих тенденций и специфических особенностей в развитии и семантике слова. В ходе исследования выявлено, что цветообозначение аq представляет собой рефлекс пратюркской формы *āk ‘светлый’, которая, в свою очередь, восходит к праалтайскому *iāk’V ‘светлый, белый’. Лексема аq появляется уже в самых ранних письменных источниках – древнетюркских памятниках. В них аq, в основном, употребляется относительно масти лошади, а для цветообозначения ‘белый’ встречается слово ürüŋ. Считается, что аq было словом, характерным для западной ветви тюркских языков и со временем оно получило широкое распространение во всех тюркских языках после отделения от них чувашского и якутского. Большинство значений слова аq, выявленных в башкирском языке, имеют общетюркский характер: цвет и масть (белый, светлый, сивый, седой), вторичные значения (чистый, святой, безгрешный, святой, добрый, счастливый, радостный, благородный, гостевой); субстантиваты (молоко, белок, бельмо). Предполагается значение, имеющее ареальный характер: старый, мудрый (у тюрков Кавказа и Средней Азии). В башкирском языке имеется отличающееся от общетюркского значение белого цвета – ‘южный’, в то время у тюрков в древности белым обозначался запад, западная сторона.The article is devoted to the study of the formation, development, and description of the semantic features of the color term aq ‘white’ in the Bashkir language, which, due to its archaic nature, has a number of nominative and denotative meanings. When studying the origin and evolution of the word, we turned to works on the history of language and etymology. Dictionaries of the Bashkir language and the corpus of Bashkir prose and folklore served as sources of examples for identifying the meanings of a word. A comparative historical study of the meanings of words on a common Türkic background was carried out based on data extracted from the Turkic languages dictionaries. The relevance of the study is due to the need to study the lexeme both in the comparative historical aspect and in terms of synchrony with the identification of general trends and specific features in the development and semantics of the word. The study revealed that the color designation aq is a reflex of the Pre-Turkic form *āk ‘light’, which, in turn, goes back to the Pre-Altai *iāk’V ‘light, white’. The lexeme aq appears already in the earliest written sources - ancient Turkic monuments. In them, aq is mainly used with respect to the suit of a horse, and for the color designation “white” there is the word ürüŋ. It is believed that aq was a word characteristic of the western branch of the Turkic languages and, over time, it became widespread in all Turkic languages after the Chuvash and Yakut branches were separated from them. Most of the meanings of the word aq, identified in the Bashkir language, have a common Türkic character: color and color shades (white, light, gray, gray), secondary meanings (pure, holy, sinless, holy, kind, happy, joyful, noble); substantives (milk, protein, thorn). It assumes the significance of an areal character: old, wise (among the Turks of the Caucasus and Central Asia). In the Bashkir language, there is a white color different from the general Türkic language – ‘southern’, while in ancient times among the Türks it was the west, the western side connotation in white.

Ekosistemy ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 100-110
A. A. Erst

The ability of seeds to maintain viability for a long time without germination is one of the most important adaptive properties of plants. The article analyzes the dormancy types of seeds of the Ranunculacea family and describes the key factors affecting seed germination and embryo development (warm and cold stratification, exposure to gibberellic acid) under artificially created conditions. It is noted that five levels of seed morphophysiological dormancy are described for the representatives of this family: non-deep simple, deep simple, deep simple epicotyl, intermediate complex and deep complex, which are mainly associated with adaptation to survival in difficult climatic conditions. In the review, various types of dormancy are considered in terms of their adaptive significance for representatives of the Ranunculacea family. To overcome each type of dormancy, a set of optimal conditions is necessary, which correlates with the growing conditions of species or individual populations in natural conditions. Therefore, the development of techniques for overcoming the seeds dormancy under artificial conditions is closely related with the study of the ecology of a particular species and the natural conditions of growth. The analysis of literature data revealed a significant problem: 40 % of the analyzed sources did not indicate the type of dormancy of seeds of the representatives of the Ranunculaceae family and, probably, the list of morphophysiological dormancy levels will be supplemented in the course of further studies.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Wardani Wardani

<p><strong>Abstract<em>: </em></strong><em>The issue on universality and particularity of Quranic teachings becomes a central issue which has triggered serious debate among Moslem scholars since the  Qur’an, as a scripture, embodies God’s speech whose doctrines have been intended as trans-historical teachings going beyond time and space. In addition, it was revealed gradually based on the events and circumstances to respond the the social problems happening during the periods of prophecy. This article is aimed to explore some Moslem scholars on the issues of (1) identifying the ways of  Qur’an in acculturation </em><em>vis-à</em><em>-vis Arab tradition, (2) studying on to what extent the Quranic exegeses in Indonesia have absorbed local traditions, and (3) analyzing the modes of interaction between the Qur’an and culture. The divinity of teachings in the qu’ran did not mean that it would lose the historical nature of its contents to a certain extent, since it had been revealed for a long time in the Arabian peninsula. In Indonesia, such acculturation also emerged when some authors of Quranic exegeses, such as Bakri Syahid in his Tafsir al-Huda, used local wisdom to interpret the Qur’an, for instance, the atribution of “pepundhen” (originally means: sacred place) to God. The interaction between the Qur’an and culture could be seen from acculturation of the Qur’an resulting in the so-called “cultural Qur’an”, and from Islamization of culture resulting in the so-called “Quranic culture”. </em></p><p dir="RTL"><strong>ال</strong><strong>ملخص:</strong> مازالت شمولية وإقليمية تعاليم القرآن قضية جدلية أحدثت جدلا جديا بين علماء المسلمين، إذ أن القرآن ككتاب مقدس يحتوى على كلام الرب الذى كانت تعاليمه تراد أن تكون صالحة عبر التاريخ خلال الزمان و المكان، مع أنه منزل فى ظروف معينة استجابة لروح مقتضيات الزمان. وهذه المقالة تهدف إلى كشف آراء علماء المسلمين عن هذه القضية، وإلى كشف مناهج القرآن فى التثقف عند مواجهة عادات العرب، وإلى البحث عن مدى ما وصل إليه تفاسير القرآن فى إندونيسيا فى استيعاب العادات الإقليمية، و أخيرا إلى تحليل طرائق التعامل بين القرآن والثقافة. ووصلت هذه الدراسة إلى نتيجة أن شمولية القرآن تتعلق بالقيم والقواعد التى تندرج تحتها كل أحكامه الجزئية، كالعدالة والتوسط، وهما عمادا تعاليم الإسلام. و قداسة القرآن لا تعنى غياب شخصيته التاريخية إلى حد معين، إذ أنه منزل زمانا طويلا فى جزيرة العرب.  وتتمثل تاريخيته من  تعاليمه التى تظهر من خلالها كأنها تفاوض عادات العرب، كالتجارة واحترام الأشهر الحرم،  فغاية القرآن لتحويل عادة جعلته يرشح قيما تكون أسسا لأحكام، بطريق  رفض عادة أو إعادة تكوينها. وظهر مثل هذا التثقف أيضا فى إندونيسيا عند ما كان مفسرو القرآن الإندونيسيون، مثل بكري شهيد من خلال كتابه "تفسير الهدى"، يستخدمون الحكمة الإقليمية فى تفسير القرآن، كوصف الرب بفوفوندين <em>pepundhen</em> (تعنى لغة: المكان المقدس). </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong><em>: Permasalahan seputar universalitas dan partikularitas al-Qur'an menjadi isu sentral yang telah memicu perdebatan serius di kalangan sarjana muslim karena al-Qur'an, sebagai kitab suci, melampaui waktu dan ruang. Selain itu, ia merespon masalah-masalah sosial yang terjadi selama periode kenabian. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi beberapa persoalan mengenai (1) identifikasi akulturasi al-Qur'an dengan tradisi Arab, (2) studi terhadap  tafsir al-Quran di Indonesia yang menyerap tradisi lokal, dan (3) analisis terhadap bentuk-bentuk interaksi Qur'an dan kultur. Keilahian ajaran al-Qur'an tidak berarti bahwa isi al-Qur'an kehilangan sifat historisnya karena ia diwahyukan untuk waktu yang lama di jazirah Arab. Historisitasnya tercermin dalam beberapa doktrin yang telah dinegosiasikan dengan tradisi Arab. Tujuan utamanya untuk mengubah setiap tradisi yang ada dengan menyisipkan nilai yang mendasari segala bentuk aturan atau merekonstruksi tradisi. Di Indonesia, akulturasi tersebut juga muncul ketika beberapa penulis tafsir al-Qur’an, seperti Bakri Syahid dalam bukunya Tafsir al-Huda, menggunakan kearifan lokal untuk menafsirkan al-Qur'an, misalnya, penisbatan "pepundhen" (awalnya berarti: tempat suci ) kepada Allah. Interaksi antara al-Qur'an dan budaya dapat dilihat dari akulturasi al-Qur'an sehingga disebut "al-Qur'an kultural", dan dari Islamisasi budaya menghasilkan apa yang disebut "kultur Qur'ani".</em></p><p><strong>Keywords: </strong>universalitas, kearifan lokal, enkulturasi, al-Qur'an kultural, kultur Qur'ani</p>

Ensemble ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 316-323
Dr. Suresh J ◽  

Erstwhile Travancore and Cochin together form an integral part of sovereign India and associated themselves in a series of social endeavours. In the process of social formation, both the states underwent far-reaching changes. Travancore and Cochin, the neighbouring states; intermingled their culture and life from very long time. The social changes in Travancore directly or indirectly affected the Cochin states. While considering the relations of each State, there were diverse dimensions. Along with various disputes, they had maintained jovial relations with each other. Socially, economically and culturally they had irrevocable relations between them. Both the States had developed common art forms, performing arts, temple arts and religious festivals .From 1729 to 1949, social relations of Travancore and Cochin easily led to the formation of Travancore –Cochin Integration. The social reform movements of Travancore had great impact not only in Travancore but also in Cochin. Both states were the native states of British, maintained their own entity in their social relations. It is the model to other states. Ancient tradition of culture in the states helped to maintain a balanced and healthy social relation in the long run of its integration and finally formed as a modern State Kerala.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-141
Deni Sutrisna

Bogor city is geographically located between mount Gede and mount Salak. High rainfall, the marginal land traversed by the Ci Sadane river and the Ci Liwung river have long been the locations of human activity. Starting from the classical Hindu period (Kerajaan Pakuan Padjadjaran), the colonial period (Dutch and English), and Japan became the destinations of the kingdom’s officials as a Government. The cool air with natural panorama that became the inspiration for the birth of a large garden, called Netherlands Plantentuin te Buitenzorg (Bogor Botanical Garden) with various facilities in the period 18-19 AD century visiting people at home and abroad. How the history of botanical garden and its facilities in the past and presents the questions discussed in this paper. To meet the needs of the data needed to use the method of library study and observation of physical data in field about the building both the environment. The results of the analysis from the two sources show that Bogor Botanical Gardens is still working as a research site for plants and a resting place for state officials for a long time. In addition, the botanical garden is now also used as a city lung and recreation area.

2015 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 579-624 ◽  

AbstractThis article is a historical study of maritime trade between Tang China and early Islamic Iraq, in the seventh to tenth centuries. While the existence, in this period, of merchant communities from the Arab-Persian Gulf in Chinese ports has been known for a long time, the present study seeks to contextualise their emergence, to articulate the socio-economic conditions of their trade, and to consider the extent to which these were conducive to transmissions of ideas. Building upon scholarly findings accumulated in different disciplines, it outlines patterns of exchange that, while limited in scope, were more systemic than has hitherto been assumed.

Alexandre Vaudrey ◽  
François Lanzetta ◽  
Michel Feidt

AbstractEven if not so ancient, the history of the heat engine efficiency at maximum power expression has been yet turbulent. More than a decade after the publication of the seminal article by Curzon and Ahlborn in 1975, two older works by Chambadal and Novikov were rediscovered, both dating from 1957. Then, some years ago, the name of Yvon arose from a textual reference to this famous relation in a conference article published in 1955. Thanks to a historical study of French-written books not published for a long time, and since never translated into other languages, we bring to light in this paper that this relation was actually first proposed by Henri B. Reitlinger in 1929.

For a long time Islamic Jerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis) has seem to be a vulnerable region attracting attention from various parties. With the coming of the Muslims to liberate Islamicjerusalem in 637CE, the situation inside and outside the territory seems to have experienced various kinds of approaches. The first Muslim conquest of Islamicjerusalem led by cUmar (13-23 AH/ 634-644 CE) brought certain legislative indications, mentioned through cUmar’s Assurance of Amān (Safety) for the people of Aelia. Accordingly, this research attempts to examine transformative approaches adopted by Umar in implementing Muslim legal system within multi-religious communities in Aelia (Islamicjerusalem) due to the first Muslim conquest. This research employed inter-disciplinary research methodologies. While, historical research methodology is widely used to investigate significant historical facts and records during Umar’s period, Islamic research methodology is also be employed to provide a basis of Muslim understandings towards the implementation of concept of sovereignty. The study found that Umar attempted to implement the Muslim law in Islamic jerusalem with transformative mind and subtle approach. He always initiated changes with full respect for others’ beliefs. Umar had also showed a strong commitment to implementing it over the people of Islamic jerusalem away from any kind of oppression and maltreatment. This study concludes that Islamic jerusalem after the first Muslim conquest could also be the best model in representing the implementation of the Muslim legal aspects of sovereignty within the multi-religious and multi-cultural communities, where Muslims only formed the minority.

Т.А. Коныратбай

На протяжении всего ХХ века в фольклористике доминировал так называемый поэтический метод, который занимался определением художественной системы героического эпоса. Вместе с тем все чаще ставился вопрос об отношении эпоса к историческим событиям прошлого. Многие фольклористы и историки, в лице С. Н. Азбелева, Л. И. Емельянова, Н. И. Кравцова, А. А. Петросяна, М. М. Плисецкого, Б. А. Рыбакова начали разрабатывать проблемы историзма в русских былинах. На этой почве в середине 1960-х гг. вспыхнули научные дебаты вокруг этой проблемы – историзма героического эпоса. Несмотря на полемический характер,суждения многих фольклористов оказались на стороне исторического изучения былин. Такая постановка вопроса, с учетом посмертно изданного труда «Экскурсы в теорию и историю славянского эпоса» (1999), оказалась не чуждой самому Б. Н. Путилову, который усердно разрабатывал типологическую теорию. В своих поздних изысканиях автор несколько отошёл от изначальной позиции. На широком фоне исторического изучения былин фольклористы пошли ещё дальше, вычленяя сведения этнического порядка в героическом эпосе. Цель настоящего исследования – определение этнического характера героического эпоса с учетом методологических достижений фольклористики конца ХХ и начала ХХI веков. Актуальность данного направления заключается в том, что несмотря на многочисленные этнонимы, топонимы, гидронимы, антропонимы и т. д., отражённые в героическом эпосе, они долгое время оставались в тени. Историки, опиравшиеся только на достоверные факты, игнорировали подобные сведения, а фольклористы, в свою очередь, считали их объектом историков. Поэтому научно-познавательный процесс подменялся суждением о личном вкладе эпических сказителей, якобы вносивших этническую номенклатуру в героический эпос. С распадом СССР были сняты многие идеологические запреты, связанные с этнической природой казахского эпоса. Это позволило отдельным учёным постсоветского пространства приступить к разработке этнических истоков героического эпоса. Были опубликованы соответствующие материалы, в том числе на страницах настоящего журнала, направленные на изучение этнических сведений в казахском эпосе. Отныне этнический характер эпоса не вызывает больших разногласий. В казахском эпосоведении эта проблема стала разрабатываться более глубже, с использованием методов исследования фольклористики, этнографии и этнологии. В статье приводятся новые сведения и суждения отдельных исследователей методологического порядка. Наряду с общеизвестными трудами вышеуказанных фольклористов в научный обиход вовлекаются герменевтические суждения А. М. Эткинда. Обращено внимание на информативную сущность героического эпоса, определены познавательные возможности синхронного и диахронного методов исследования. Подытоживая материал, автор приходит к заключению, что без этноса нет героического эпоса, а без этнического процесса – эпической традиции. Throughout the 20th century, folkloristics was dominated by the so-called poetic method, which was engaged in determining the artistic system of the heroic epic. At the same time, the question of the attitude of the epic to the historical events of the past was increasingly raised. Many folklorists and historians, represented by S. N. Azbelev, L. I. Emelyanov, N. I. Kravtsov, A. A. Petrosyan, M. M. Plisetsky, B. A. Rybakov, began to develop the problems of historicism in Russian epics. On this ground in the mid-1960s, a scholarly debate broke out around this problem: the historicism of the heroic epic. Despite the polemical nature of the judgment of many folklorists, they were on the side of the historical study of epics. Such a statement of the question, taking into account the posthumously published work “Excursions into the theory and history of the Slavic epic” (1999), turned out to be no stranger to B. N. Putilov himself, who diligently developed typological theory. In his later research, the author somewhat moved away from the original position. Against the broad background of the historical study of epics, folklorists went even further, distinguishing information of the ethnic order in the heroic epic. The purpose of this study was to determine the ethnic nature of the heroic epic, taking into account the methodological achievements of folkloristics of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The relevance of this direction is that despite the numerous ethnonyms, toponyms, hydronyms, anthroponyms, etc., reflected in the heroic epic, they remained in the shadows for a long time. Historians, relying only on reliable facts, ignored such information, and folklorists, in turn, considered the object of historians. Therefore, the scholarly and cognitive process was replaced by a judgment on the personal contribution of epic storytellers who allegedly contributed ethnic nomenclature to the heroic epic. With the collapse of the USSR, many ideological prohibitions related to the ethnic nature of the Kazakh epic were lifted. This allowed individual scientists of the post-Soviet space to begin developing the ethnic origins of the heroic epic. Relevant materials were published, including on the pages of this publication, aimed at studying ethnic information in the Kazakh epic. From now on, the ethnic nature of the epic does not cause much disagreement. In Kazakh epic studies, this problem began to be developed more deeply, using methods of studying folkloristics, ethnography and ethnology. The article provides new information and judgments of individual researchers of the methodological order. Along with the well-known works of the above folklorists, hermeneutic judgments of A. M. Etkind are involved in scholarly use. Attention was drawn to the informative essence of the heroic epic, the cognitive possibilities of synchronous and diachronic research methods were determined. Summing up the material, the author concludes that without an ethnic group there is no heroic epic, and without an ethnic process – no epic tradition.

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