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Published By Universitas Sari Mutiara Indonesia


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-173
Nur Mahmudah El Madja

Iklan pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk memengaruhi masyarakat. Dalam prosesnya, iklan dapat bersifat informatif atau manipulatif. iklan juga bertujuan memberikan gambaran kepada konsumen agar konsumen tertarik kepada produk yang di iklankan. Perbedaan sifat tersebut tergantung pada upaya dalam mencapai tiga tujuan komunikasi massa dalam periklanan yaitu tujuan kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotorik. Iklan Mi Lemonilo berisikan informasi verbal dan visual yang bertujuan promosi bahwa mi tersebut sehat. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis semiotik model Charles Morris dimana hasil penelitian tersebut akan mengetahui bentuk semantic, sintaksis, dan pragmatik dari iklan Mi Lmonilo tahun 2020 episode “Mie Hebat Untuk Keluarga Sehat”. Bentuk semantik guna mengetahui hubungan tanda dengan maksud disampaikan sebenarnya. Bentuk pragmatik guna mengetahui hubungan dengan penggunaan tanda dan akibatnya dalam satu tingkah lagu yang nyata. Sedangkan, bentuk sintaksis berhubungan dengan tata cara Menyusun tanda secara bersama untuk membentuk satu gabungan tanda yang bisa berupa kata, frasa, kalimat, dan pikiran utuh suatu teks atau konteks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-161
Festy Rahma Hidayati

The presence of digital media, such as social media allows us to connect without any limitations of space and time. Consumption of social media brings changes in various aspects of life, including the habits of communicating and interacting in today's network society. In the political field, social media creates opportunities for political leaders to carry out political communication. As a strategic political communication channel, social media plays a role in receiving and responding to public aspirations. In fact, the use of social media for campaigns by political leaders shows a trend of increasing popularity and electability due to the influence of branding on social media. The use of social media by political leaders in building specific branding is at the core of this article. Political leaders optimize their personal social media accounts for political communication. The positive perception of the public allows for an increase in popularity and electability which brings to the national political stage. This article is a conceptual paper that analyzes the concept of branding in politics in the era of digital political communication by utilizing social media. The author uses relevant literature reviews from previous studies. This article reveals that several political leaders that have been studied have optimized social media to carry out political communication to their citizens. They display digital content to gain public support and trust, and display branding as a populist, professional, humanist, and responsible political leader.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-127
Filza Alifah Hasny ◽  
Shavira Hanza Renadia ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

This qualitative study focuses on self-exploration of TikTok users in finding and creating educational content with fellow social network users. Researchers see the role of human needs psychologically and socially, which raises certain expectations from using TikTok and leads to fulfillment of needs. Researchers also saw the comparison of Gratification Sought (GS) with Gratification Obtained (GO) as the fulfillment of the needs sought to achieve the satisfaction desired by individuals in using TikTok. Researchers found that there were internal and external factors in self-exploration that influenced the fulfillment of the needs of using TikTok.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-144
Anggi Aldila Safitri

The growth of the internet in Indonesia provides an alternative for people looking for entertainment. In this case, it has been surveyed by a trusted source wearesociat.com, which produces data that internet growth in Indonesia has increased from year to year, namely by 54.7% in 2018 and continues to grow to 56% in 2019 of the total population in Indonesia. This shows that internet growth in Indonesia has increased by 17.3% in the 2018-2019 period (Nofriansyah, 2020:20). If in the past they had entertainment such as watching videos or films via television or radio, now people can access entertainment through devices, computers or laptops. The new media in this case is online video viewing services, namely Netflix. With a subscription system, people can be more efficient, fast and in accordance with the desired entertainment. This service is still relatively new, so companies have to make approaches and marketing to find customers. One of the media used by Netflix Indonesia is the Instagram account netflixid. So that researchers will see the effect of message characteristics on social media in shaping user engagement. Researchers used a quantitative method of content analysis of content posted on the netflixid Instagram account. There are two variables in this study, namely the independent variable related to post content messages (X) and the dependent variable related to user engagement. Variable X has three sub variables, namely the goal, message orientation, and elements in the netfixid Instagram post content. In this research, the message characteristics that have significance and influence on Netflix user engagement in Indonesia are found in the message element indicators in post content on the netflixid Instagram account.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Ayu Nenden Assyfa Putri

Social media, especially Twitter, as one of the most widely used platforms on the internet, is now being used by political organizations to convey their political communication messages. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by analyzing the communication style conveyed by the Gerindra party Twitter account to its followers. In looking for references, researchers use a systematic review method wherein the authors must describe the search to be used, determine where and when they should search, and what terms they should use. The results of this study indicate that the style of political communication conveyed by the Gerindra Twitter account has the aim of being accepted by Twitter users, whose users are young people. Unlike the political communication messages conveyed during the 2014 & 2019 elections, the Gerindra Twitter account conveys its political communication style in a relaxed and informative way. The relevance of the information diffusion theory in this study is when the Gerindra party takes advantage of the great opportunity of Twitter as a social media to communicate its political campaigns so that new voters can accept it in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Andhika Febi Hardina ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

This research discusses the social media Twitter, which is the first platform to search for the latest information or news. This is backed up by the large amount of news or information circulating on online news portals, often sourced from the social media Twitter. The purpose of this literature review is to see how Twitter was chosen by social media users as a place to fulfill their information needs. The scope of this research is in the mass media communication circle using Uses & Gratifications Theory (UGT) to explain why users choose their media to complement their needs. This study uses an in-depth interview exploratory description method. Data collection from journals or previous research is carried out based on the context and cases where the data and information are needed in this study. In addition, this study uses an exploratory description method of in-depth interviews with four respondents who use social media Twitter. Questions are given in a structured manner. The result of this research is that there is a new motivation for people to use Twitter.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-23
Chairun Nisa Dwi Putri ◽  
Alvin Gus Abdurrahman Wahid ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

The number of smokers among Indonesian teenagers continues to increase every year. Public service advertisements (PSA) for smoking prevention must be delivered with the right approach to be accepted in the minds of the audience. This study aims to expand on previous research on smoking prevention PSAs by testing the concept of the Elaboration Likelihood Model theory. The research method applied is exploratory qualitative which is complemented by the results of in-depth interviews with 4 participants of postgraduate students of communication science at the University of Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that attitudes towards issues and personal relevance are the factors that most influence the acceptance of persuasive messages on PSAs that prohibit smoking #SuaraTanpaRokok. Repetition can be used to increase the effectiveness of a given persuasive message.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Eric Fernardo

Indonesia has held simultaneous regional elections on 9th December 2020. In contrast to previous years, when the campaign became a moment for citizens to gather with their prospective leaders, the Covid-19 pandemic forced the limitation of face-to-face meetings in order to implement Covid-19 health protocols. The government through the General Elections Commission (KPU) has issued General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) 13/2020 which has explicitly encouraged candidate to use digital media in political campaigns. This is an effort to encourage candidates to take advantage of the digital space in campaigning. Currently, the candidates already have social media, but its use has not become the main information channel in political communication. During this campaign period, the candidates have used social media as a channel of political communication, but the social media used is limited to conveying invitations or information that the candidate has attended an activity, so social media has not become the main information channel in campaigning. The lack of organizing an online campaign by this candidate viewed from a philosophical perspective of egoism, based on the idea that the public or prospective voters are more focused on themselves. Participating in a online campaign for prospective voters requires extra sacrifices such as paying for internet quota fees, it is more troublesome because prospective voters have to learn to operate a online video application, and there are no direct benefits. The challenges faced in implementing an online campaign include, firstly, because it is preferred by the community, it is believed that the community prefers to meet face-to-face with the prospective leader directly because it provides direct benefits to the community, secondly, it is right on target because an online election campaign will not attract people, new voters because it will only be followed by voters who firmly support the candidate. Thirdly, because of the lack of creativity from the campaign team due to the lack of innovation from the candidates for not building a team that campaigns boldly, in addition to innovation, infrastructure problems that the evaluation of signal interference and the uneven distribution of digital infrastructure in the regions have hampered the implementation of bold campaigns.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-60
Faza Fat Han Fadhillah ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

During this COVID-19 pandemic, many people were confused about how to deal with COVID-19. In dealing with this, President Joko Widodo made a virtual speech to deal with this pandemic in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Based on this background, this study will discuss the meaning of the rhetorical study from President Jokowi, which contains an appeal to continue to live the days according to the Covid 19 protocol. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and used descriptive analysis methods, which provide an overview and understanding to the reader about Aristotle's rhetorical theory in the art of persuasion carried out by President Jokowi through a press release on "Together Against Corona." with literature studies that already exist in previous research. The formulation of the problem that the researcher raises is how the analysis of the content of President Jokowi's speech "United Facing Corona" delivered through a youtube video intersects with ethos, logos, pathos as dimensions of rhetoric or its aspects. This research shows that President Jokowi, who acts as a communicator in this speech in persuading the public, has fulfilled ethos, logos, and pathos when viewed from Aristotle's art of persuasion. The speech "United Facing Corona" applies the use of five aspects in rhetoric, such as the discovery aspect, the regulatory aspect, the style aspect, the delivery aspect, the memory aspect, and others. The speech "United Facing Corona" as a whole has shown the rhetorical concept of Aristotle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-85
Achmad Sigit Syarifuddin ◽  
Irwansyah Irwansyah

According to Burke, Dramatism means humans can learn and understand motives in all human interactions through symbols. Burke sees that the motives behind people's actions are essential for analyzing and finding out why people do and say what they do. Apart from the dramatic Pentad which is one of the important concepts in dramatism, there are identification, guilt and ratio. There are six ways of identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification, and scapegoats. There are two forms of guilt, namely mortification and victimage. There are two forms of guilt, mortification and labeling the enemy or the victim of victimage. This study aims to analyze existing data to present the basic findings of dramatism theory, identification and guilt in the film "They Life 1988". This research was conducted with a qualitative descriptive approach, by analyzing findings from previous research or secondary data which will generate basic findings as the results of the analysis, namely: identifying which there are six parts, namely identification, formal patterns, framing, ambiguous symbols, mystification and scapegoat. Then it generates guilt in which there are two parts, mortification and labeling of the enemy or the victim of vicitimage.

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