Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
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Dayvison Rhuan Vasco-dos-Santos ◽  
Jessica Vieira dos Santos ◽  
María José Gomes de Andrade ◽  
Lidiane Nunes Lima ◽  

Indigenous knowledge is one of the most notable traditional sources about plants used to treat diseases. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the botanical features and to investigate the pharmacological properties of plants used by the Kantaruré-Batida community to treat intestinal parasitosis. Botanical characterization was performed based on integrative review and on access to ‘Flora do Brasil’ platform, whereas plants’ pharmacological properties were investigated through systematic review. Among the 21 ethnospecies used, 48% were described as having activity against intestinal parasites. Although 52% had no such activity described, other properties can account for their use, that indicates that further studies are required. Therefore, this review reinforces the importance of valuing indigenous knowledge as tool to guide antiparasitic agent trials.

Muhammad Riaz ◽  
Majid Khan ◽  
Rizwan Ahmad ◽  
Lina Hussain AlLehaibi ◽  

Currently, the whole world is facing a life-threatening novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Natural products are well-known for their potential role against viral disease, and some anti-viral agents have been developed to combat these diseases. Herein, the authors investigated the possible effects of this Holy plant Nigella sativaL. (NS), against coronavirus, using evidence-based and mechanistic approaches to conclude the immune-boosting and alleviation of respiratory systemeffects of NS. The pharmacological studies established a prominent role in treating various respiratory, immune systems, cardiovascular, skin, and gastrointestinal disorders. Literature supported the significant anti-viral role and showed an inhibitory role for NS against MHV-A59 CoV (mouse-hepatitis virus–A59) infected Hela, i.e., HeLaCEACAM1a (HeLa-epithelial carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1a) cell. NS is a safe herbal product or dietary supplement and could be an effective and affordable community adjuvant treatment for coronavirus in the current scenario.

Kellen Cruvinel Rodrigues Andrade ◽  
Diegue Henrique Nascimiento Martins ◽  
Diogo de Amorim Barros ◽  
Paula Monteiro de Souza ◽  

The purpose of this systematic review was to identify the available literature on the essential oil from species of genus Cordia. This study followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews. The search was conducted on four databases: LILACS, PubMed, Science Direct, and Scopus until June 5th, 2020, with no time or language restrictions. Sixty out of the 1,333 initially gathered studies fit the inclusion criteria after the selection process. Nine species of Cordiawere reported in the selected studies, out of which 79% of the evaluated studies reported essential oil from Cordia curassavica. The essential oil extraction methods identified were hydrodistillation and steam distillation. As for biological application, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, larvicidal and antioxidant activities were the most reported. The main compounds reported for essential oil were β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-pinene, bicyclogermacrene, and sabinene. The information reported in this systematic review can contribute scientifically to the recognition of the importance of the genus Cordia.

Andreia Fuentes Santos ◽  
Marilia Moraes Queiroz Souza ◽  
Karoline Bach Pauli ◽  
Gustavo Ratti da Silva ◽  

Bacopa monnieri(L.) Wettst. (Plantaginaceae), also known as Brahmi, has been used to improve cognitive processes and intellectual functions that are related to the preservation of memory. The objective of this research is to review the ethnobotanical applications, phytochemical composition, toxicity and activity of B. monnieriin the central nervous system. It reviewed articles on B. monnieriusing Google Scholar, SciELO, Science Direct, Lilacs, Medline, and PubMed. Saponins are the main compounds in extracts of B. monnieri. Pharmacological studies showed that B. monnieriimproves learning and memory and presents biological effects against Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. No preclinical acute toxicity was reported. However, gastrointestinal side effects were reported in some healthy elderly individuals. Most studies with B. monnierihave been preclinical evaluations of cellular mechanisms in the central nervous system and further translational clinical research needs to be performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the plant.

Amina Unis ◽  
Amany Abdelbary ◽  

Gentamicin induced acute nephrotoxicity (GIAN) is considered as one of the important causes of acute renal failure. In recent years’ great effort has been focused on the introduction of herbal medicine as a novel therapeutic agent for prevention of GIAN. Hence, the current study was designed to investigate the effect of green coffee bean extract (GCBE) on GIAN in rats. Results of the present study showed that rat groups that received oral GCBE for 7 days after induction of GIAN (by a daily intraperitoneal injection of gentamicin for 7days), reported a significant improvement in renal functions tests when compared to the GIAN model groups. Moreover, there was significant amelioration in renal oxidative stress markers (renal malondialdehyde, renal superoxide dismutase) and renal histopathological changes in the GCBE-treated groups when compared to GIAN model group. These results indicate that GCBE has a potential role in ameliorating renal damage involved in GIAN.

Jhean-Carla Echalar ◽  
Romina Cossio-Rodriguez ◽  
David Veliz ◽  
Fabricio Cardozo-Alarcon ◽  

Control of the Chagas disease vector, Triatoma infestans(Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) with synthetic pesticides in Bolivia has become increasingly inefficient due to the development of resistance in the insects. In the Chaco region of Bolivia, guaraní populations have approached the problem by fumigating their houses with the smoke of native plants. Through interviews and field work with local guides, the main plant used by the guaraníes was collected and later identified as Capsicum baccatumL. var. baccatum(Solanaceae). In choice bioassays, filter papers exposed to the smoke of the plant repelled nymphs of T. infestans. Activity remained significant after storing the exposed filter papers for 9 days. Chemical analysis of smoke and literature data suggested that capsaicinoids present in the smoke were responsible for the repellent effect. The data presented provide a rationale for the use of C. baccatumvar. baccatumto control the Chagas vector bythe guaraní populations.

Paulo Roberto Barros Gomes ◽  
Silvio Carvalho Marinho ◽  
Gustavo Oliveira Everton ◽  
Eduardo Fonseca Silva ◽  

In this study, we investigated the main constituent, the predominant class and biological activity of the essential oil extracted from the leaves of Pimenta dioica and the pattern of the major constituent against larvae in the third stage of Aedes aegypti. For this reason, we extracted the oil by hydrodistillation, identified its components by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and calculated the lethal concentration (LC50) of the larvicidal activity using the Reed-Muench method. The results show that the oil consists mainly of eugenol, in which the phenylpropanoid class predominated and the lethal concentration, LC50, was 38.86 μg mL-1at a confidence level of 2.25 μg mL-1, while the eugenol standard presented LC5079.75 μg mL-1at a confidence level of 2.10 μg mL-1. Given the facts, we conclude that the oil is more active than the standard and that it has the potential to replace chemical larvicides.

Ana Liviere Vargas-Vizuet ◽  
Carlos Alberto Lobato-Tapia ◽  
J. Refugio Tobar-Reyes ◽  
Marco Tulio Solano-De la Cruz ◽  

The objective of this work was to collect information on the curative use of plants in the municipality of Teziutlán, Puebla through semi-structured interviews. Thus, 78 plants used for medicinal purposes were identified, of which 40 are native to Mexico and 38 introduced; The value of use (UV) of each one and the Informant's Consensus Factor (FCI) of 10 categories of diseases were calculated. The five most frequently used plants are Ruta chalepensisL., Rosmarinus officinalis, Arnica montana, Loeselia mexicana(Lam.) Brandegee and Sambucus ceruleavar., Neomexicana, which underwent a chemical and pharmacological review. On the other hand, the most frequent preparations are infusion and decoction, using mainly leaves (49.34%) and flowers (19.51%). It is concluded that the inhabitants of Teziutlán have a fairly homogeneous ethnomedical knowledge, setting the standard for research on its pharmacological properties.

Paula C Brunetti ◽  
Romina Leiva ◽  
Ricardo Zapata ◽  
Lorena E Torres ◽  

The species Lippia integrifoliais an aromatic, sub-woody shrub, distributed from Northwest and Central Argentina to Bolivia. It is among the most important native aromatic species. It presents medicinal properties, some of which have been scientifically proven. As an alternative to harvesting, the process of domestication of the species was initiated. The objective of this work was to assess the phenotypic variability based on botanical-taxonomic and morpho-agronomic descriptors and the use of indicators to evaluate its natural situation in the west-center of Argentina. We worked in five wild populations, registering morphological variables, phenology, natural regeneration, herbivory and presence of diseases. L. integrifoliapresents a wide morphological variability, which can be explained with three morphological descriptors. Natural regeneration ́s rate is very low to zero, in four of the sites. The results obtained are of importance to make decisions related to the sustainable use in situ, and to begin a program of domestication of the species.

K Saranya ◽  
V Manivasagan ◽  
K Gopi ◽  
K Karthik ◽  

Cancer is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells that spreads through cell division. There are different types of medicines available to treat cancers, but no drug is found to be fully effective and safe for humans. The major problem involved in the cancer treatments is the toxicity of the established drug and their side effects. Medicinal plants are used as folk medicines in Asian and African populations for thousands of years. 60% of the drugs for treating cancer are derived from plants. More than 3000 plants have anticancer activity. The present review aims at the study of a broad spectrum survey of plants having anticancer components for different type of cancers. This article consists of 364 medicinal plants and their different parts as potential Source of Anticancer Agents.

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