International Journal of Regional Innovation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Iwan Kurniawan

This research is about management Independent Entrepreneurial Development and Service innovation as one of the real actions of the government in an effort to improve the community's economy through empowering IKM (Small and Medium Industries). The focus of this research is the management of Independent Entrepreneurial Development and Service innovation carried out by Central Bangka Regency. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations in the development and service of independent entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the research subject is in Central Bangka Regency with an innovation called Madu Pelawan (Integrated House for Independent Entrepreneurship Development and Services). The results showed that the Honey Innovation Management of Pelawan (Integrated House for Development and Independent Entrepreneur Services) in Central Bangka Regency succeeded in making real changes. The existence of the Product Development House (RPP) has made significant changes to the growth and development of IKM/UKM in Central Bangka Regency. As it is very easy to find IKM products that already have a good label in accordance with the required provisions, it is very easy to find products that have used food grade packaging, many IKM products are found that are accepted and marketed in gift shops and modern stores, almost all packaged food products have marketing permits, the reach of loan services has become easier with the facilitation of counseling, many IKM products have promotional media such as the 7/9 booklet, some IKM actors already have process and promotional videos, and 5 IKM Centers have been formed.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Diana Susmantri Yuliyanti

Implementation is an implementation or an application where there is already a regional regulation in the City of Pangkalpinang Number 7 of 2015 concerning Handling Homeless, Beggars, and Street Children, The problem that occurs in Pangkalpinang City is that there are still homeless people, beggars, and street children who are in public places, highways, and red lights. themselves on the streets. The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the Pangkalpinang City Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2015 concerning Handling Homeless, Beggars, and Street Children has been implemented and the next goal is to find out what are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the Pangkalpinang City Regional Regulation Number 7 Hold 2015 . The theory used in this study is the theory of Edward III's Policy Implementation which in Edward III's theory has four variables indicating that a policy has been implemented or has not been implemented, the variables are communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method whose primary source is interviews with 9 informants. The informants were from 1 Pangkalpinang City Social Service agency, 1 Pangkalpinang City Satpol PP agency, 1 agency from the Women's Empowerment Service for Child Protection and Family Planning, 2 community red light intersections seven, 2 red light communities at the Ramayana intersection, 2 red light communities at the intersection of semabung. The results of this study indicate that the Pangkalpinang City Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2015 concerning Handling Homeless, Beggars, and Street Children has been implemented, The supporting factor of this research is the completeness of facilities such as buildings, vehicles and human resources in handling the Pangkalpinang City Regulation Number 7 of 2015, the inhibiting factor is financially, namely funds because the distribution of these funds is for handling Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-40
Adi Suhendra

This research is about development governance, namely the Regional Development Planning Information System. Of course, to create optimal development, concerning all aspects of the pre-facilities facility to maximize the economic potential in the region. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study are areas that have innovative development planning. Meanwhile, the research subjects are in South Sulawesi Province which has the Innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) and in East Java Province which has innovation named Arabica cabinet (collaborative collateral for Arabica Coffee Integrated Economic Development). The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) conducted by South Sulawesi Province has succeeded in achieving the designation that has been designed. Likewise the Arabica cabinet innovation (collaboration of the Integrated Economic Development of Arabica Coffee) in East Java Province has succeeded in optimizing land in its area and conducting counseling, education, training, sustainable assistance, and the assistance of coffee processing tools / machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Vika Rifti Ananditya ◽  
Muhammad Azinar

In suppressing the rate of population growth, the government seeks to optimize the Family Planning (KB) program. Miroto Public Health Center is a health center in the Central Semarang District which experienced a decrease of 13.4% of new family planning memberships. The decline was caused by the increase in the number of births, the delay in contraceptive services and the soaring unmet need during the pandemic. To support the role of cadres in providing socialization easily without having to meet during this pandemic, a Family Planning Education and Consultation System (SIDUTA KB) was created. Methods: This study uses Research and Development (RnD) which refers to the Sugiyono model with limited trials. The research data analysis technique is descriptive analysis and the data collected consists of qualitative and quantitative. Results: In this study, design validation was carried out through media expert tests with a percentage score of 83.55% (5 experts), material experts at 81.11% (3 experts), and users by 86.72% (73 users). Conclusion: SIDUTA KB makes it easy for users to find educational content about family planning programs, conduct consultations, and choose Miroto Health Center facilities or services related to the family planning program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-31
Slamet Hari Susanto

This research is about development governance, namely the Regional Development Planning Information System. Of course, to create optimal development, concerning all aspects of the pre-facilities facility to maximize the economic potential in the region. This study used qualitative research methods. The population in this study are areas that have innovative development planning. Meanwhile, the research subjects are in South Sulawesi Province which has the Innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) and in East Java Province which has innovation named Arabica cabinet (collaborative collateral for Arabica Coffee Integrated Economic Development). The results of this study indicate that the innovation of the Regional Development Planning Information System (SIPPD) conducted by South Sulawesi Province has succeeded in achieving the designation that has been designed. Likewise the Arabica cabinet innovation (collaboration of the Integrated Economic Development of Arabica Coffee) in East Java Province has succeeded in optimizing land in its area and conducting counseling, education, training, sustainable assistance, and the assistance of coffee processing tools / machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 16-22
Herman Yaarozatulo Harefa

This study discusses the innovation of BUMDes and also SMEs in order toimprove the economy and improve community efforts in managing potentialeconomyowned by the area. Of course, this research will explore the problems that occur in BUMDes and UMKM as well as the role of the government and society in realizing a stable and prosperous community economy by implementing innovations that have been made to achieve these goals.This study uses a qualitative method.In this study, data collection was also carried out through searching various sources which were then processed and described in narrative form according to data needs. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations in the field of UMKM and also BUMDES which aims to grow and develop businesses in order to build a prosperous community economy. While the research subjects are in West Java Province with the innovation of the UMKM Outlet System and in Morotai Island Regency with its innovation, namely IT Bumdes. This study shows that local government and community participation in realizing innovations made in order to create a stable and prosperous community economy have succeeded in answering the problems that occurred, especially in West Java and Morotai Island Regency. With the creation of the UMKM Outlet System innovation in West Java and the IT innovation of Bumdes, Morotai Island Regency managed to provide an application system that can accommodate the development needs for the Cooperatives and Small Business Office as well as Small Business actors in the aspect of data and information processing. As well as providing services to the local community by placing prices and services according to market standards that do not cause distortions in the rural economy caused by BUMDes efforts. With the creation of the UMKM Outlet System innovation in West Java and the IT innovation of Bumdes, Morotai Island Regency managed to provide an application system that can accommodate the development needs for the Cooperatives and Small Business Office as well as Small Business actors in the aspect of data and information processing. As well as providing services to the local community by placing prices and services according to market standards that do not cause distortions in the rural economy caused by BUMDes efforts. With the creation of the UMKM Outlet System innovation in West Java and the IT innovation of Bumdes, Morotai Island Regency managed to provide an application system that can accommodate the development needs for the Cooperatives and Small Business Office as well as Small Business actors in the aspect of data and information processing. As well as providing services to the local community by placing prices and services according to market standards that do not cause distortions in the rural economy caused by BUMDes efforts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Yusniah Anggraini

Based on Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2009 concerning the Coordination of Poverty Reduction that poverty is an urgent national problem and requires systematic, integrated and comprehensive handling steps and approaches, in order to reduce the burden and fulfill the basic rights of citizens properly to take and develop a dignified life. Therefore, this study aims to determine the extent of innovation carried out by the regions, especially Bangka Regency and Pati Regency in overcoming poverty that occurs in their area. With this research, it is hoped that it can become a bridge or facilitator for other regions in seeking innovations in the field of welfare to solve poverty so that it is not only the regions concerned that apply this innovation and can be a solution to realize more prosperous districts/cities in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations in order to minimize poverty that occurs in their area. While the research subjects are in Bangka Regency which has the name E-KEMBANG DESA innovation (Bangka Poverty with Systems and Applications), and Pati Regency with the name SIM POVERTY (Poverty Reduction Management Information System) innovation from Bappeda Pati. This research shows that the innovations made by the regions in minimizing poverty can support the creation of a more prosperous environment and reduce poverty in the areas where innovation occurs. In addition, one of the results of the innovation of E-KEMBANG DESA (Bangka Poverty with Systems and Applications) is that it has succeeded in making planning and budgeting documents, the acceleration of poverty reduction in Bangka Regency is sought to synergize and synchronize planning and financing. While one of the results of the innovation of SIM POVERTY (Poverty Reduction Management Information System) Bappeda Pati is the use of information technology-based so as to create data accuracy by integrating NIK.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Adi Suhendra

This study discusses public service innovations related to public or business licensing. Where, in this study, it will be discussed related to the problems or obstacles faced by the district in terms of licensing, as well as solutions that are carried out by creating innovations. This study discusses public service innovations related to public or business licensing. Where, in this study, it will be discussed related to the problems or obstacles faced by the district in terms of licensing, as well as solutions that are carried out by creating innovations.This study uses a qualitative method.The population in this study is the area that has made innovations in order to overcome the problems that hinder the licensing process in the district community. While the research subjects are Siak Regency with the innovation of Fast Licensing with SINSE (Notification Information System and Electronic Certificate), and Karo Regency with the name of Electronic Licensing Service innovation (E-Perizinan Si-Cantik).This research shows that the local government with the support of the community has succeeded in finding solutions related to the problems that hinder community licensing. With the innovation in the licensing sector, it can improve services to the community, facilitate the search for licensing information, shorten time, and create effective and efficient licensing procedures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Lily Latul

Rapid global developments make people demand real improvements from the government so that the impact can be felt directly, such as increasing competitiveness, improving public welfare, and empowering communities. The government responded to this push by issuing several regulations that are expected to accelerate service change in Indonesia. One of them is by issuing Government Regulation No. 38 of 2017 concerning Regional Innovation which is used as a solid foothold in guarding the transformation of governance at the local level. The purpose of this study is to provide an idea of ​​guidance and supervision that the Ministry of Home Affairs must carry out, in this case, is APIP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Rosidah Rosidah

This study discusses the innovations made in order to overcome problems that arise in innovating in public services such as Puskesmas. This study aims to determine the extent to which innovations carried out by the government with the support of the community can be successful and how their impact on the region, especially Ngawi Regency and Sumenep Regency in improving public services for the local community. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection is carried out through searching various sources which are then processed and described in the form of narratives according to data needs. The population in this study is an area that has made innovations in order to improve public services, especially Puskesmas. While the research subject is in Ngawi Regency named ADA PUMA (Submit Deed From Public Health Center, District, or RuMah) Kabupaten Ngawi and Kabupaten Sumenep named the innovation “Si Mantap Puas” (Integrated Management System for Community Satisfaction) Guluk Guluk Health Center. This study shows that the innovations carried out by the government supported by the local community have succeeded in creating an innovative system in order to improve public services at the Puskesmas. The two innovations created by Ngawi Regency and Sumenep Regency have succeeded in facilitating public services at the Puskesmas in their respective regions, which of course is directly proportional to community satisfaction with the services provided. This study shows that the innovations carried out by the government supported by the local community have succeeded in creating an innovative system in order to improve public services at the Puskesmas. The two innovations created by Ngawi Regency and Sumenep Regency have succeeded in facilitating public services at the Puskesmas in their respective regions, which of course is directly proportional to community satisfaction with the services provided. This study shows that the innovations carried out by the government supported by the local community have succeeded in creating an innovative system in order to improve public services at the Puskesmas. The two innovations created by Ngawi Regency and Sumenep Regency have succeeded in facilitating public services at the Puskesmas in their respective regions, which of course is directly proportional to community satisfaction with the services provided.

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