scholarly journals Fan Ngin Tong Ngin Tjit Jong The Assimilation Face of Grassroot of Chinese Ethnic in Bangka Island, Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 01013
Ibrahim Ibrahim ◽  
Rendy Rendy ◽  
Sujadmi Sujadmi ◽  
Putra Pratama Saputra ◽  
Luna Febriani

Chinese ethnic in Bangka Island has been there since the colonialism and has become part of tin mining history on the island. It is no wonder that the acculturation has stated for a long time ago especially in the grass root society. This study found out how is Chinese assimilation in this area using the qualitative approach. Based on the data from interviews and observations on the field, the writer found out that Chinese assimilation on the island formed a unity identity without losing their own identity. Tong Ngin Fan Ngin Tjit Tjong which means Chinese and Native, has become the grass roots’ principle and social bond among them. Since the reformation in 1998, this broadens the relation from social into electoral politics. However, the spirit of acculturation in the grass roots must be kept that it doesn’t appear to the surface. The celebration of Chinese identity recognition must be done naturally so as not to cause antipathy. The tolerance that has been practiced so far at the grassroots must be strengthened so that when conflicts of elite interests occur, relations at the grassroots level are not affected.

2012 ◽  
Vol 263-266 ◽  
pp. 3298-3300 ◽  
Guo Wei Yin ◽  
Wen Sheng Wang ◽  
Zhi Guo Sun

Grass-root Agro-technique extension plays an important role to the development of “Three Rural Issues”, modern information technology can promote the work of Agro-technique extension. This paper mainly introduce the things what we have done in order to promote the service and management work of Agro-technique extension. Through the establishment of information platform and distribution information equipments, provide the direct service to agro-technique promoters, agriculture experts and some agro-technique extension managers, achieving better service to the small holders and improving the agro-technique extension management finally. After a long time of hard work, we gain some experience and lessons that will be shared with you.

Prologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Vinia Fransiska ◽  
Sinta Paramita

Live shopping is an online shopping activity that is done directly and within a certain duration. This research discusses the live shopping process in the digital communication industry.. The theory used is the theory of marketing communication, social media, Instagram, and digital communication. This study discusses the phenomenon of live shopping activity in the digital communications industry. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach and using the techniques of interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this study can be seen that the live shopping activity that uses social media to utilize the features of Instagram namely Stories. The birth of live shopping is based on the phenomenon that has been formed over a long time, namely ‘jastip’. Goods sold in the live shopping activity are also more diverse than shop online as usual. It also offers more interactive shopping activities and fun so that buyers feel the thrill of shopping directly on the spot and the limited duration so that the buyers will be encouraged with time. Before live shopping, sellers will promote it by using Instagram Ads or endorsement to influencers. It can be concluded that the live shopping process starts with 3 main steps, promotion, interaction, and transaction. Live shopping merupakan suatu kegiatan berbelanja secara online yang dilakukan secara langsung dan dalam durasi tertentu saja. Penelitian ini membahas tentang proses live shopping dalam industri komunikasi digital. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori komunikasi pemasaran, media sosial, Instagram, dan komunikasi digital. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa kegiatan live shopping yang menggunakan media sosial Instagram ini memanfaatkan fitur Instagram yaitu Instagram Stories. Lahirnya live shopping didasari oleh fenomena yang sudah terbentuk lebih lama yaitu jasa titip atau jastip. Barang yang dijual dalam kegiatan live shopping juga lebih beragam dibandingkan berbelanja online seperti biasa. Kegiatan ini juga menawarkan kegiatan belanja yang lebih interaktif dan menyenangkan sehingga pembeli merasakan sensasi berbelanja langsung di tempat dan durasi waktu yang terbatas sehingga pembeli akan berpacu dengan waktu. Sebelum melakukan kegiatan live shopping, penjual terlebih dahulu akan memasarkannya dengan memanfaatkan fitur Instagram ads atau endorsement kepada influencer. Untuk itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses live shopping dimulai dari 3 langkah utama yaitu promosi, interaksi, dan terakhir transaksi. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 507-527 ◽  
Ruth Wittlinger

This article argues that German–Israeli reconciliation after 1945 has not been as exemplary as is often suggested. Drawing on key aspects which emerge from a discussion of relevant concepts in the first part of the article – transitional justice and reconciliation – it will show that Germany’s memory culture, as evidenced in the elite discourse, has indeed developed in a way that points to a successful reconciliation between the two countries. On the other hand, however, German regret emerged only reluctantly, was by and large confined to West Germany, and took a long time to establish itself formally, with emphasis on German suffering rather than suffering caused by Germans always playing an important role in German collective memory after 1945. It will also show that at grass-roots level, reconciliation between Germany and Israel is far from unproblematic. Apart from providing a critical assessment of the reconciliation between Germany and Israel after 1945, the article contributes to current academic literature on transitional justice, reconciliation and the role of memory which suggests that even though commemoration and micro-level reconciliation might be important, the geopolitical context in which reconciliation takes place and strategic security considerations also play a significant role.

1992 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-86 ◽  
Amedeo Giorgi

AbstractThe study of the moral sense was neglected for a long time in psychology until recently when Kohlberg, following the work of Piaget, constructed a scale for studying moral judgments. In this article the more scientific and empirical approach to the moral sense is questioned and an argument is made that a qualitative approach would yield more meaningful results. The work of Coles is cited as one example of a qualitative approach, and this article suggests a phenomenological approach. Five brief descriptions describing learning, resentment, decision-making, and the experience of autonomy were used for both analyses of the moral sense and psychological concomitants. The results indicate that the moral sense is a meaning that refers to an "ought" and that the awakening of the moral sense is frequently associated with negative emotions or feelings.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Yurulina Gulo

The writing of this journal aims to give a new view of how a woman who in Ono Niha mythology has very high respect, but in reality the woman in Nias is the object of injustice in the culture of Patriarchy that has been formed for a long time in Nias. In this journal, using a descriptive-analytical approach with a qualitative approach. The qualitative approach emphasizes the accuracy of data, it will use an inductive approach, which means that data will be collected, approached, and abstracted through interviews, literature and field observations. Thus the authors obtain data that in Nias, women experienced oppression in a real patriarchal culture because of the social construction that made it number two and regarded as weak and low based on the nature of the natural label. The oppression experienced by women in society socially, politically and religiously. The basis of the injustice in society in various fields is rooted in the culture of patriarchy where men assume that women belong to their property, servants and complementaries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 42-55
Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Golovushkin

This article is dedicated to the problems and prospects of the expected/commenced social and value shift, which was stimulated and legitimized by the COVID-19 pandemic. For a long time and on different levels (universalism/particularism), the modern world has been seeking the new system of “individual – society – state”, as well as the corresponding value basis. Being simultaneously a global and individual challenge, the COVID-19 pandemic allows launching and testing the available “projects of the Reformation”, as well as laying the foundation for the future projects. This is the sort of “shimmering in the near distance”, version of the “disciplinary revolution”, which allows officially speaking of the “new world”. However, in order the “motivation” for the new social reality is “for conscience, rather than fear”, it requires the value revolution (“revolution in theology”), which would formulate and offer the new normative attitudes. In this regard, the use of the conceptual framework of the “Reformation” and its patterns leads towards the comprehension of importance of the value foundation of the expected / commenced social transformation. Even of greater importance is the understanding who forms this value foundation. The article does not provide specific answers to the questions which new system of “individual – society – state”, new ethos or “new religion” entails the COVID-19 pandemic. The consequences of such “revolutions” manifest later on and are rarely predictable. This article aims to be the “optics” that allows seeing the inner and the outer the context of the COVID-2019.

Tengku Irmayani ◽  
Muryanto Amin ◽  
Evi Novida Ginting

The study describes how to analyze and create a policy model in the preservation of Lake Toba based on the values of local wisdom by the Parmalim community. Parmalim religion is the religion of Batak people since a long time ago that teaches the concept of ‘Ugasan’ which means the balance life between man and nature, where a man can cultivate the nature and protect it from the damage. The study used a qualitative approach and data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observation. The study site in Desa Hutatinggi, Kecamatan Laguboti, Kabupaten Toba Samosir where the majority of Parmalim Community lived there and also in the villages of Parmalim communities around the Lake Toba. Results from this study are that there are some living habits by Parmalim Community in preserving the nature as selective logging, replant the trees and preserve the purity of the water, especially Lake Toba (Marpangir) as part of the rituals of their faith. The results also explain that the habit of conserving nature is still run by the community Parmalim although generally do not have the support of the people around them, especially from governments. Based on the research results, it is suggested to create a policy model for local authorities to preserve Lake Toba based on Parmalim’s local wisdom so local wisdom and Lake Toba can be maintained.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 237
Manggala Ismanto

After the reformation, the strengthening of local identity has sprung up in several regions in Indonesia. The movement produced the revitalization of adat. These movements underlining the effort from communities which affiliated with a particular ethnic identity to gain claims of management of the natural and political-economic resources in their region. Contestation between the indigenous Dayak community and ‘Front Pembela Islam” (FPI) that occurred in Palangkaraya was a phenomenon that shows how indigenous people were able to assert its right to manage security and morality in their own society. The discourse of FPI’s establishment which often associated with vigilantism brought resistance and the refusal from Dayak community in Central Kalimantan. Through demonstrations, DAD and the indigenous Dayak community was able to exclude FPI from Palangkaraya. Thus, this research aims to analyze (1) the history of ethnic and religious identity movements in Indonesia after the reformation and (2) how the contestation between indigenous Dayak community and FPI occurred in the local context according to identity recognition and legitimation. This research used qualitative approach; data gathered through field observation and unstrucutred interviews. The research concludes that there is an awareness in the community to negotiate their position as an opposition to the occurence of a group with particular ideology, which has become the research highlight. This was proven by the case in Palangkaraya that vigilantism on the name of religion is not supposed to be maintain because it violates the right of other group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-152
Muhammad Fawwaz Syafiq Rizqullah ◽  
Luna Tristofa ◽  
Devia Farida Ramadhanti

This paper aims to analyze the reason why South Korea as a North Korea rival in the Koreanpeninsula willing to give aid toward North Korea. The tension in Korean peninsula has happened since a long time ago especially after the cold war between USA & USSR. The conflict event become worst because of North Korea always threatening South Korea by testing the Nuclear missile. Despite of what North Korea done in the region, South Korea still gave abundance of aid in term of health assistance, food, and others basis of human necessity. By using qualitative approach and collecting data from credible literature resource and using the concept of disaster diplomacy this research found that South Korea has special type in term of conflict resolution, South Korea often using soft diplomacy and negotiation in order to creating peace. South Korea also believe positive peace diplomacy should be implementing in order make better condition in Korean peninsula. This research also believe that the actor has a big impact in successfully to support better condition between both countries and strengthening the relation. Lastly, this paper proof if in order to win in some competition not always using hard diplomacy or military power.

Responsive ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 215
Oneng Ruskasih ◽  
Deasy Sylvia Sari ◽  
Ratna Meisa Dai

Implementasi kebijakan pengendalian Kawasan Bandung Utara disingkat (KBU) dalam pembuatan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan disingkat (IMB) belum terlaksana secara menyeluruh. Masih banyak warga belum mempunyai IMB di Kecamatan Cimenyan. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui, mengkaji, menganalisis dan memahami secara mendalam tentang  implementasi kebijakan Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat Nomor 2 Tahun 2016 yaitu tentang Pedoman  Pengendalian KBU. Metode implementasi kebijakan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui wawancara, dokumetasi dan observasi. Bagaimana implementasi kebijakan pengendalian KBU dalam pembuatan IMB di Kecamatan Cimenyan. Pemerintah Kabupaten perlu melaksanakan beberapa tindakan dalam pengendalian pembuatan IMB di Kecamatan Cimenyan. Adapun langkah-langkah yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengoptimalkan kinerja sumber daya manusia, penyediaan anggaran dan kerjasama antar pihak pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat. Implementasi kebijakan akan terlaksana apabila sosialisasi tentang IMB secara menyeluruh. Faktor penyebab kesulitan warga karena perizinan harus melalui Pemerintah Provinsi sehingga mengakibatkan waktu yang cukup lama dalam pembuatan IMB. Akan lebih baik jika aturan pembuatan IMB dipermudah khusus pemohon IMB yang luas lahannya terbatas, melalui aturan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten atau Pemerintah Provinsi.  The implementation of the control policy for the abbreviated North Bandung Area (KBU) in making the abbreviated Building Permit (IMB) has not been implemented comprehensively. There are still many residents who do not have an IMB in Cimenyan District. The purpose of the research is to find out, examine, analyze and understand in depth about the implementation of the West Java Provincial Government's policy Number 2 of 2016 which is about the KBU Control Guidelines. The policy implementation method uses a qualitative approach through interviews, documentation and observation. How is the implementation of KBU control policies in making IMB in Cimenyan District. The district government needs to carry out several actions in controlling the manufacture of IMB in Cimenyan District. The steps that can be taken are optimizing the performance of human resources, providing budget and cooperation between the government, the private sector and the community. Policy implementation will be carried out if there is a thorough socialization of the IMB. The factor that causes difficulties for residents is that licensing must go through the Provincial Government, resulting in a long time in making the IMB. It would be better if the rules for making IMBs were made easier, especially for IMB applicants with limited land area, through regulations issued by the Regency Government or Provincial Government.

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