2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 105-111
Albert Tagirovich Khasanov ◽  
Elvira Shigabetdinovna Shayakhmetova ◽  
Erik Rishatovich Khakimov ◽  
Lyudmila Mikhaylovna Matveeva ◽  
Stanislav Stanislavovich Matveev

Abstract. The research problem is determined by the necessity to reveal psychophysiological and psychological indicators that determine the success of sports activity in young boxers. Taking into account these indicators will allow planning and timely correcting training and competitive activities in athletes. Aim. The purpose of the article is to reveal psychophysiological and psychological features that determine the success of sports activity in young boxers. Materials and methods. The study involved 36 boxers of the I sports category and 14 teenagers with a sports qualification of a candidate for master of sports (Republican boarding school No 5, Ufa, Russia). The survey was conducted in a special preparatory period. The following tests were used: the "Motivation for success and fear of failure" questionnaire by A.A. Rean; the Eysenck personality questionnaire; the Spielberger-Khanin anxiety inventory, the Lusher color test; psychophysiological tests such as the “simple visual-motor reaction”, “choice reaction”, “discrimination reaction” and “reaction to a moving object” conducted using NS-Psychotest hardware-software complex (Neurosoft, Ivanovo). Mathematical and statistical data processing was carried out with MS Excel, factor analysis was performed in the software package SPSS v. 23. Results. The contribution of psychophysiological and psychological features to the success of young boxers is determined. Conclusion. The psychophysiological and psychological features that determine the success of the sports activities of young boxers are revealed such as the functional status and efficiency of the central nervous system, focus on success, the optimal level of situational anxiety.

2020 ◽  
pp. 49-56
T. Shirshova

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system in school-age children occupy 1-2 places in the structure of functional abnormalities. Cognitive impairment without organic damage to the central nervous system is detected in 30-56% of healthy school children. Along with the increase in the incidence rate, the demand for rehabilitation systems, which allow patients to return to normal life as soon as possible and maintain the motivation for the rehabilitation process, is also growing. Adaptation of rehabilitation techniques, ease of equipment management, availability of specially trained personnel and availability of technical support for complexes becomes important.

S. N. Vadzyuk ◽  
L. I. Horban ◽  
I. Ya. Papinko

Background. The individual and typological features of the central nervous system are interpreted as highly genetically determined. Each somatotype is characterized by morphofunctional features of the activity of different systems, including the circulatory system. Objective. The aim of the research was to study the features of the main individual and typological parameters of higher nervous activity in persons of different somatotype with normal and high blood pressure (BP). Methods. In the control group of the surveyed patients the BP value corresponded to the optimal level according to the WHO classification (125 people). The second group consisted of individuals, whose systolic blood pressure exceeded 130 mmHg at the time of the study and (or) diastolic – 85 mmHg (135 people). Somatotyping technique by Carter and Heath was used. Functional mobility (FMNP) and strength of nervous processes (SNP) were determined using the Diagnost-1 program (Makarenko and Lizogub). Results. In the individuals with predominance of ecto- and mesomorphic somatotype component, higher levels of major nervous processes were reported in response to strenuous processing of information, which was associated with more advanced mechanisms of information processing, its neurophysiological support. In people with endomorphic somatotype the lower levels of FMNP and SNP were clearly detected that could indicate that the speed characteristics of the nervous processes in them are at a lower level. Conclusions. In normal blood pressure, the highest indicator of FMNP was found in the individuals with predominance of ecto- and mesomorphic component. In the group with high blood pressure, the indicator at the level below the average was in endomorphs. Predominance of the ectomorphic component tended to increase in the surveyed, and in the mesomorphs was at the average level. The lowest level of SNP was found in the individuals with endomorphic somatotype of both groups.

Mirza Nur Alimi

In educational institutions, both formal and non-formal, the policy of a leader becomes the center of discussion and attention of experts, namely in terms of science itself and other sciences. Based on these facts, especially those related to the policies of the boarding school leaders have the right to all authority and responsibility that exist in the foundation, especially in formal education under its auspices. Therefore it is necessary to re-examine the policies of the Islamic boarding school leaders in the development of formal education, so that in the development of education it is not only in Islamic boarding school education.          Based on the cases taken, the formulation of the research problem is to describe how the policies of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayaul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education, and to describe how the policy making process of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayaul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education. This research is a qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by conducting observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data which was then selected and simplified according to the research findings, by presenting data that could be drawn conclusions. In this study, the data validity checking techniques used were credibility, transfrability, dependability, and confirmability              The results of this study can be concluded that: 1) The policy of the leader of the Islamic boarding school Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Kembang in the development of formal education is made in a way that is always side by side, in line and continues to collaborate with the school. the policies are also very good, and very supportive of the existing programs in schools. Planning any policies before the start of each year of the education period. Planning references are the government's vision and mission, vision and mission of the institutions and pesantren programs. Policy efforts include meetings to evaluate development programs, strengthening collaboration, and building creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship. Policies are made on the basis of deliberation and the existence of responsible parties, namely caregivers, administrators, school principals and all WAKA, 2) The process of making policies for the leadership of the Hidayatul Mubtadi'in Kembang Islamic boarding school in the development of formal education, namely receiving input and suggestions by considering conditions and situations, communicate intensively, and use the alternative dar'ul mafasid muqoddamu 'ala jalbil masholih in the rules of ushul fiqh, accompanied by holding meetings and deliberations.

Diachok O.V.

Мета статті полягає у дослідженні феномену самотності у підлітковому віці. Представлено результати емпіричного дослідження особливостей переживання самотності підлітками, які навчаються у закладах середньої освіти. Методи. У дослідженні використано такий діагностичний інструментарій: методику «Диференцій-ний опитувальник переживання самотності» (Є. Осін, Д. Леонтьєв); методику «Тест життєстійкості» (С. Мадді в адаптації Д. Леонтьєва, О. Расказової); методику «Емоційна самосвідомість» (О. Власова, М. Березюк); методику визначення рівня самооцінки Дембо-Рубінштейн (модифікацію А. Прихожан). Для обробки емпіричних даних були застосовані такі методи: описова статистика, t-критерій Стью-дента, кореляційний і кластерний аналіз. Результати.Дослідження було проведено на базі закладів середньої освіти міста Києва. В опитуванні брали участь учні середньої загальноосвітньої школи, спеціалізованої школи, ліцею, гімназії, гуманітарного ліцею, школи-інтернату та ліцею-інтернату, що дозволило отримати дані для подальшого детального аналіз у. Проаналізовано особливості переживання самотності підлітками, а також розкрито особливості пов’язаних із загальним станом самотності психологічних конструктів, таких як залежність від спілкування та позитивна самотність. Розкрито розвиток компонентів життєстійкості у сучасних підлітків, а саме включеності, контролю та прийняття ризику. Представлено результати порівняльного аналізу особливостей переживання самотності хлопцями та дівчатами. Враховуючи міру переживання самотності, рівень життєстійкості й емпатії, виділено чотири групи респондентів і розкрито психологічні особливості кожної групи. Висновки. З’ясовано, що переживання самотності є актуальним для підліткового віку та пов’язане з іншими психологічними характеристиками. Зокрема, виявлено обернені кореляційні зв’язки самотності із життєстійкістю, самооцінкою та емпатією. Визначено чотири групи підлітків на основі рівня загальної самотності, залежності від спілкування, позитивної самотності, рівня життєстійкості та самооцінки. Отримані результати дослідження будуть використані для розробки програми психологічного супроводу для підлітків, які мають труднощі у спілкуванні та болісно переживають самотність. Ключові слова:заклад середньої освіти, позитивна самотність, спілкування, життєстійкість, самооцінка, болісне переживання. Purpose. The goal of the article is to investigate the phenomenon of loneliness in adolescence. The results of the empirical study of the features of loneliness of adolescents studying in secondary education institutions are presented.Methods.The following diagnostic tools were used in the study: the methodology “Differential Questionnaire for Experiencing Loneliness” (E. Osin, D. Leont’ev); the method of “Test of vitality” (S. Maddi, in adaptation by D. Leont’ev, O. Raskazova); the method “Emotional self-awareness” (O. Vlasova, M. Berezyuk); the method of determining the level of self-esteem Dembo-Rubinstein (modification A. Prihozhan). The following methods were used to process the empirical data: descriptive statistics, Student’s t-test, correlation and cluster analysis.Results. The study was conducted on the basis of educational institutions of the city of Kiev. The survey was attended by students from secondary school, specialized school, lyceum, gymnasium, humanities lyceum, boarding school and boarding school, which provided data for further detailed analysis. The features of adolescent loneliness are analyzed in detail, as well as features related to the general state of loneliness of psychological constructs, such as dependence on communication and positive loneliness. The development of life-sustainability components in contemporary adolescents, namely inclusion, control, and risk-taking, is revealed. The results of the comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the loneliness of boys and girls are presented. Considering the measure of loneliness, the level of resilience and empathy, four groups of respondents were identified and the psychological characteristics of each group were revealed.Conclusions. It has been found that the experience of loneliness is relevant in adolescence and is associated with a number of other psychological characteristics. In particular, correlations between loneliness and vitality, self-esteem, and empathy have been identified. Four groups of adolescents have been identified, depending on their inherent measure of loneliness, level of resilience and self-esteem. The results of the study will be used to develop psychological training for adolescents who have difficulties in communication and are painfully lonely.Key words: school, positive loneliness, communication, vitality, self-esteem, painful experience.

В.И. Голик ◽  
О.Г. Бурдзиева ◽  
Б.В. Дзеранов

Актуальность статьи объясняется необходимость поиска новых ресурсов повышение эффективности использования недр, в том числе, за счет рационального использования геомеханических особенностей скальных массивов при техногенном воздействии на них и механизма взаимодействия пород, слагающих массивы скальных месторождений. Объектом исследования служат структурно напряженные скальные массивы Садонского рудного узла. Целью исследований является оценка перспектив технологий разработки месторождений при освоении запасов в условиях техногенной ослабленности массивов. Методы решения основной задачи исследования образуют собой комплекс, в том числе, систематизация связанных с управлением массивом сведений, разработка критериев эффективности добычи руд и формирование концепции ресурсосберегающей технологии разработки месторождений. Результаты и обсуждение результатов. Сформулирована концепция технологии разработки месторождений на основе методов управления состоянием массива путем назначения оптимального уровня напряжений, формируемых совокупностью сейсмотектонических воздействий и техногенной сейсмичности. Дана типизация методов расчета устойчивых пролетов выработок. Приведены примеры решения горнотехнических задач рекомендуемыми методами расчета. Предложена схема-алгоритм взаимодействия параметров управления массивом. Определено, что перспективы технологий разработки месторождений Садонской группы связаны с реализацией концепции управления массивами пород путем регулирования величины напряжений. Доказано, что учет геомеханических факторов позволяет на всех стадиях отработки месторождения корректировать параметры разработки с повышением качества добываемых руд и уменьшением опасности для работающих. В этих условиях удовлетворительные показатели могут быть обеспечены только на первой стадии разработки при выемке первичных камер. Отработка целиков во вторую стадию увеличивает напряжения до критического состояния, что сопровождается потерей запасов или снижением качества руд до убыточных пределов кондиций. Рекомендовано отработку новых запасов и доработку имеющихся запасов осуществлять по комбинированной схеме: ценные руды с закладкой технологических пустот твердеющими смесями, руды с меньшим содержанием металлов выщелачиванием с использованием хвостов подземного выщелачивания для управления напряжениями, а выщелоченные руды выполняют искусственных целиков, перераспределяя техногенные и природные напряжения. The relevance of the article is explained by the need to search for new resources to increase the efficiency of subsoil use, including due to the rational use of geomechanical features of rock massifs with anthropogenic impact on them and the mechanism of interaction of rocks composing rock massifs. The object of study is the structurally stressed rock massifs of the Sadon ore cluster. The aim of the research is to assess the prospects of field development technologies during the development of reserves in conditions of technogenic weakening of arrays. Methods for solving the main research problem form a complex, including the systematization of information related to managing the array, the development of criteria for the efficiency of ore mining and the formation of the concept of resource-saving technology for developing deposits. Results and discussion of results. The concept of field development technology is formulated on the basis of methods for controlling the state of an array by assigning the optimal level of stresses generated by a combination of seismotectonic impacts and technogenic seismicity. Typification of methods for calculating stable spans of workings is given. Examples of solving mining problems with the recommended calculation methods are given. An algorithm-algorithm for the interaction of array control parameters is proposed. It was determined that the prospects for the development of deposits in the Sadon Group are related to the implementation of the concept of managing rock masses by regulating stresses. It is proved that taking geomechanical factors into account allows at all stages of field development to adjust development parameters with an increase in the quality of mined ores and a decrease in the hazard for workers. Under these conditions, satisfactory performance can only be achieved at the first stage of development when the primary chambers are removed. The development of pillars in the second stage increases stresses to a critical state, which is accompanied by a loss of reserves or a decrease in the quality of ores to unprofitable limits. It was recommended that the development of new reserves and the refinement of existing reserves be carried out according to a combined scheme: valuable ores with the laying of technological voids with hardening mixtures, ores with a lower metal content leaching using underground leaching tails to control stresses, and leached ores perform artificial pillars, redistributing technogenic and natural stresses.

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 02023
Yuri Naumenko

The purpose of the paper is to develop a theoretical and methodological justification for the pedagogy of sport as an independent direction in the scientific study of general pedagogy. Methods include the analysis of the socio-cultural phenomenon of “sport (sport activity)” using the conceptual provisions of social philosophy, the sociology of labor and the socio-cultural concept of health formative education (Yu. V.Naumenko). Results. The socio-cultural difference of close (but not related) phenomena of “physical culture” and “sport (sports activity)” is substantiated in the paper. A new socio-cultural interpretation of the concepts of “sport (sports activity)”, “sports competitions” and “sports training” as manifestations of the universal human culture is proposed. The content of humanistic, creative and value-regulating functions of sports (sports activity) as a part of the universal culture is revealed. The author describes the person-oriented and the resource-pragmatic attitudes to sport (sports activity) and their manifestation in practice (in particular, in relation to children’s sports). It is proved that the socio-cultural phenomenon of “sport (sports activity)” is a manifestation of labor (professional) activity in the social and humanitarian sphere, which is both a subject to the general laws of labor activity and possesses specific features. The object and subject of studying the pedagogy of sports (sports activity) as an independent direction of general pedagogy are formulated. The research problem and theoretical and practical tasks of sports pedagogy (sports activity) are specified.

1987 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-32 ◽  
Brian G. Kearney ◽  
Peter H. Wilson ◽  
George Haralambous

This study is concerned with the coping strategies and personality characteristics of headache sufferers. Comparisons were made between headache patients, tinnitus patients and normal controls (N = 105) on the Neuroticism subscale of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), Taylor Manifest Anxiety Scale (MAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Unpleasant Events Schedule (UES), a measure of emotional control and a measure of cognitive appraisal of stressors. Statistical analyses revealed that headache sufferers scored in the more pathological direction than the controls on the EPQ, MAS and the measure of cognitive appraisal of stressors. Tinnitus patients did not differ from normal controls on these measures. These results are compared with those of other studies of the personality characteristics and psychological features of headache sufferers. Implications for further research in this area, and for the treatment of headaches, are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Qolbi Khoiri

This research starts with the phenomenon of pesantren that grows and develops in the midst of society, especially Bengkulu province. The existence of the pesantren is managed independently by the community. With regard to this matter, it is important to examine the community's participation and contribution in the context of strengthening the existing pesantren institutions. This research was conducted using qualitative research, where the source of the research consisted of leaders of pesantren, teachers, and students. Data is processed in several stages, namely tabulation, coding, and conclusion analysis based on needs by referring to the research problem. The results showed that pesantren in Bengkulu Province involved the community in various activities, such activities were in the form of routine programs and programs that were carried out regularly. The leadership of the pesantren also involves the community in the form of material contributions, this is to support the funding of the pesantren management and in order to complete the pesantren's facilities and infrastructure. The pesantren that carried out the participation and contribution models were the Hidyatullah Islamic Boarding School in Bengkulu City, Bengkulu City Pancasila Boarding School, South Bengkulu Alquraniyah Boarding School, South Bengkulu Makrifatul Ilmi Islamic Boarding School, Raudah Seluma Boarding School, and Jaal Haq Boarding School in Bengkulu City, dus Hasanah Islamic Boarding School in Central Of Bengkulu.Keywords: Strengthening Pesantren Institutions; Participation; Contributions; SocietyPenelitian ini berangkat dari fenomena pesantren yang tumbuh dan berkembang ditengah-tengah masyarakat khususnya provinsi Bengkulu. Keberadaan pesantren tersebut dikelola secara mandiri oleh masyarakat. Berkenan dengan hal tersebut, maka penting untuk diteliti mengenai bagaimana partisipasi dan kontribusi masyarakat dalam rangka penguatan kelembagaan pesantren yang ada. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif, dimana sumber penelitian terdiri dari pimpinan pesantren, pengajar dan santri. Data diolah dengan beberapa tahapan, yaitu tabulasi, koding dan analisis simpulan berdasarkan kebutuhan dengan merujuk pada masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pesantren yang ada di Provinsi Bengkulu melibatkan masyarakat dalam berbagai kegiatannya, kegiatan tersebut dalam bentuk program rutin dan program yang dilakukan secara berkala. Pimpinan pesantren juga melibatkan masyarakat dalam bentuk kontribusi materi, hal ini guna menopang pembiayaan pengelolaan pesantren dan dalam rangka melengkapi sarana dan prasarana Pesantren. Adapun pesantren yang melakukan model partisipasi dan kontribusi tersebut adalah Pesantren Hidyatullah Kota Bengkulu, Pesantren Pancasila Kota Bengkulu, Pesantren Alquraniyah Bengkulu Selatan, Pesantren Makrifatul Ilmi Bengkulu Selatan, Pesantren Raudah Seluma, dan Pesantren Jaal Haq Kota Bengkulu serta Pesantren Hasanah bengkulu Tengah. Kata kunci: Penguatan Kelembagaan Pesantren; Partisipasi, Kontribusi; Masyarakat

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 67-72
S. A. Smakotina ◽  
Y. A. Bohanov ◽  
N. V. Fomina

THE AIM. Compare cognitive performance in patients with CKD not receiving HD and patients on HD. PATIENTS AND METHODS. The study included patients of young and middle age (from 18 to 60 years) (n = 40) who have stage 5 of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and 40 patients on hemodialysis of comparable age (from 18 to 58 years) who make up the comparison group. The exclusion criteria for both groups were: a history of diseases of the central nervous system; brain injury; episodes of cerebral circulation of varying severity; coronary heart disease; chronic heart failure; pregnancy; alcohol abuse; refusal to participate in the study. Cognitive impairments were assessed using the Status PF software package. RESULTS. All patients were examined with software package Status PF. They demonstrated light cognitive dysfunctions in neurodynamics, memory, and attention indices. The differences in indices were statistically significant with the experimental group. CONCLUSION. In patients of young and middle age with 5 stages of CKD, the use of modern software complex Status PF allows us to diagnose mild cognitive impairment. After dialysis, patients showed greater response time and psychomotor slowdown. The average exposure level of SHER in the group without HD was 359.4 ± 48.84 msec, in the group of HD – 381.1 ± 63.34 msec (p = 0.04). The average exposure to CHER in patients before the procedure was 515.57 ± 83.89 ms, after HD, this figure was lower – 498.87 ± 80.8 (p = 0.036).

Ahmed Khaled Awad ◽  
Doaa Mohebuddin Ahmed

The first chapter contains the introduction to the research and its importance, which includes physical exercises, which are necessary for the individual in order to live a healthy life free from diseases, impairments and epidemics, as well as being a means of pleasure, psychological comfort and achievement of achievement for its practitioners, and it is one of the most important means that reach students to the highest levels in achieving performance Kinetic, whether in the sports field or in other areas of life, which helps them get rid of psychological tension and pressures and enjoy a healthy life free from mental illnesses and distortions, and here lies the importance of research in identifying the effect of using physical exercises in reducing psychological tension among students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences College University knowledge. As for the research problem, it is that the contemporary world is witnessing recently the emergence of a major crisis, which is the Corona virus, which negatively affected students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences because of their sitting at home, which led to their exposure to psychological pressure and tension and fear of not being able to practice sports activity normally and being The researchers are teachers and have experience in their field of specialization, they have developed a set of physical exercises that students can practice while they are at home and that affect the reduction of psychological tension for them and the exploitation of leisure time in addition to it provides them with energy and energy, relieves them from psychological pressure and gives them beautiful strength and makes them enjoy a healthy & good state.

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