scholarly journals Mindfulness in Education and Paulo Freire: a reflective approach

Alex Mourão Terzi ◽  
Diogo Pereira Matos ◽  
Martha Lages Rodrigues ◽  
Marcelo Demarzo

This essay makes a theoretical reflection upon possible conceptual proximities between the contemporary application of Mindfulness in education and the educational proposals of Paulo Freire. The study manages to approximate Freire to Mindfulness through a few concepts such as “openness to the new” and ‘critical curiosity’, which are related to a certain kind of development of awareness. We conclude that the contributions of mindfulness to the educational process as understood by Paulo Freire are related to the ability to develop a state of presence that brings more awareness to mental and emotional states, as much as it leads to conscious actions opposed to actions in the autopilot. Awareness (which is close to the concept of action-reflection in Freire) becomes, thus, a keyword for transformation towards lesser mental, emotional, physical and social/interpersonal suffering, both in Freire and in Mindfulness.

Edupedia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-83
Ahmad Dahri

The real purpose of education is humanizing human beings. The most prominent thing in humanity is diversity, plurality or multiculturality. Indonesia is a country consisting of a plural society. This should be realized by all individuals in this nusantara society. Providing awareness of the existence of mulitikulturalitas or pluralism can be pursued in the educational process. For the sake of this interest, then in the educational process there must be some kind of integralization effort between forming the intellect and morality of learners. The function of integralization of moral and intellectual education is to know more about diversity then combine with knowledge and practice with morality then achieve the purposes of national education. The conclusions or findings of Freire’s and Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s analysis approach are the absence of differences in the educational portion, the absence of social classes as the limits of education, and the educator has a role as teacher not only as a facilitator but also as a identifierin diversity and be honest about the history, there is a link between learners and educators, mutual understanding, learners receive teaching, and educators learn to understand learners, and this function is summarized in education for freedom and ing ngarsho sung tuladha, ing madyo mangun karsha, tut wur handayani.

L. Arefieva ◽  
O. Plіushchakova ◽  
V. Gancheva ◽  
V. Goncharenko ◽  
I. Mazur ◽  

Sports games are one of the most effective means for involvement of student youth in exercises and sports, increase their physical activity, which contributes to strengthening their health and motivation to engage in physical education and sports. Sports games contribute to the intensification of the process of development of motor skills of students and improve their psycho-emotional state. The article examines the influence of sports games on the psychophysical state of students. The study was conducted at the National Dragomanov Pedagogical University. The test involved 72 students, including 36 students engaged in various sport games (football, basketball, volleyball), and 36 students who attended scheduled physical education classes and did not additionally play sports. The psychophysical state of students was assessed according to the SAN method and indicators of body mass index, vital index, strength index, Robinson index. It was confirmed that sports games have a positive effect on physical development, functional and psycho-emotional states of students: students who were engaged in sport games at the end of the study had better indicators than students who attended scheduled physical education classes. The high level of indicators of psychophysical state of students will help to improve the success of mastering academic disciplines in the educational process, will provide preparation for active life and will improve their future professional activity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 229
Antonio Santos Carvalho dos Santos Junior ◽  
Janaina Guimarães da Silva

RESUMOOs debates em educação necessitam cada vez mais de concepções pedagógicas que emanem do movimento de libertação das oprimidas e dos oprimidos, assim como apregoava o professor Paulo Freire. Isso significa que é preciso realizar o ato educacional na aproximação dos sentidos elaborados pelos sujeitos participantes das dinâmicas pedagógicas, respeitando e potencializando suas identidades no movimento de busca do ser mais no/com o mundo. É preciso sentir o cheiro daqueles/as que conosco participam da construção das aprendizagens, que devem ser instrumentos políticos que re/elaborem nossa presença no mundo. É nesse sentido que este artigo reflete teoricamente acerca da necessidade da construção de currículos que respeitem as identidades gays elaboradas fora e dentro da escola; construídas pelos corpos que, com seus gestos, inscrevem sua presença no mundo e com isso também suscitam políticas públicas para esses sujeitos.Palavras-chave: Currículo. Políticas Públicas. Gays.ABSTRACTDebates on education increasingly require pedagogical conceptions emanating from the liberation movement of the oppressed and oppressed, as Paulo Freire proclaimed. This means that it is necessary to carry out the educational act in the approximation of the senses elaborated by the subjects participating in the pedagogical dynamics, respecting and potentializing their identities in the search movement of being more in / with the world. It is necessary to feel the smell of those who participate with us in the construction of learning, which must be political instruments that re-elaborate our presence in the world. It is in this sense that this article is made as a theoretical reflection about the need to construct curricula that respect the gay identities elaborated outside and within the school; constructed by the bodies that with their gestures, inscribe their presence in the world and, with this, also raise of public policies for these subjects.Keywords: Curriculum. Public policy. Gay.

Olha P. Shevchuk ◽  
Natalia P. Yaroshchuk

The relevance of the study lies in covering the potential of meditative practices in the educational process. The purpose of the study is to carry out a theoretical analysis and outline the probable forms of integration of mindfulness practices into the educational process on the example of teachers, as well as to create a theoretical model of the influence of mindfulness practices on the teacher’s personality with professional destruction. The study highlights the main theoretical models of understanding mindfulness practices. The most effective and most frequently used techniques of awareness practice are analysed. The main educational centres of mindfulness in Ukraine are highlighted. Theoretical analysis of empirical research of foreign colleagues in the field of positive influence of mindfulness practices on the personality is carried out. The causes of professional destruction of teachers are analysed. The expediency and efficiency of this integration are argued. Among the positive changes due to the use of awareness practices by teachers are: improving the level of concentration and recollection; increasing attention to the needs and emotional states of students; creating emotional balance and preventing burnout; increasing the level of stress resistance; improving the quality of relationships at work and at home; increasing productivity and as a result of academic success; forming openness and readiness for selfdevelopment; development of the level of reflection and skills to regulate one’s emotions; improving the psychological climate in the classroom and maintaining overall psychological well-being; improving the quality of life and increasing the subjective feeling of happiness. The scientific novelty lies in the creation and operationalisation of a theoretical model of the influence of mindfulness practices on the teacher’s personality with professional destruction through the lens of cognitive, emotional, physiological, and behavioural levels. It is established that the practice of awareness is the main skill of presence in everything that happens to us, around and inside, in the body, feelings and thoughts

Percurso ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (29) ◽  
pp. 95
Victor José Amoroso de LIMA ◽  
Teófilo Marcelo de Arêa LEÃO JÚNIOR

RESUMOObjetivo do presente é estudar a Educação em Direitos Humanos e verificar se poderia ser resolução do seguinte problema: “de qual maneira se poderia obter um Estado onde haja uma verdadeira democracia participativa, e não somente representação desligada do povo que supostamente se representa?.” A metodologia foi dedutiva, com procedimento bibliográfico, partindo da ideia de Müller (2009) e de Paulo Freire (2001), e das suas exigências para povo e homem que verdadeiramente sejam ativos e representantes de si mesmos, perante os desmandos estatais, até a exposição de um processo educacional que acate essas exigências. A justificativa vem da aparente obscuridade do termo “povo” nos artigos da Carta Magna brasileira que serve de legitimação para o poder estatal, e da afirmativa que o país seria democrático, mas ao mesmo tempo não se vê representatividade do todo nas decisões estatais, portanto tem-se que estudar se algum processo poderia resultar em indivíduos que verdadeiramente integrem um Estado Democrático. A conclusão foi que a Educação em Direitos Humanos pode responder aos anseios dos dois autores referidos, criando sujeitos críticos e povo participativo, o que resultaria na democracia real. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Educação; Educação em Direitos Humanos; Democracia. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to study Human Rights Education and to verify if it could solve the following problem: "in what way could a state be obtained where there is a true participatory democracy, and not only representation detached from the people supposedly represented?" The methodology was deductive, with a bibliographical procedure, based on the idea of Müller (2009) and Paulo Freire (2001), and its demands for people and men who are truly active and self-representatives, in the face of state educational process that meets these requirements. The justification comes from the apparent obscurity of the term "people" in the articles of the Brazilian Constitution that legitimizes state power, and affirms that the country would be democratic, but at the same time it does not see representativeness at all in state decisions. one has to study whether any process could result in individuals who truly comprise a Democratic State. The conclusion was that Human Rights Education can respond to the aspirations of the two authors mentioned, creating critical subjects and participatory people, which would result in real democracy.KEYWORDS: Education; Education in Human Rights; Democracy. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 822-830
Elena Borisovna Bystray ◽  
Boris Alexandrovich Artemenko ◽  
Albina Ramazanovna Isaichkina ◽  
Irina Viktorovna Kolosova ◽  
Irina Nikolaevna Evtushenko ◽  

The article reports the results of introducing individual educational trajectories for preschool children into the educational process of preschool education organizations as a factor of children’s social and personality development. In conjunction with collective forms of work, these trajectories allow expanding the range of children’s ideas about different emotional states promoting feelings of empathy and sympathy. The introduction of individual educational trajectories explicated in trajectory maps of social and personality development contributes to improved communicability with peers and adults and reduces conflict in this process. The number of conflict situations in children’s communication with others is lowered. The introduction of individual educational trajectories promotes the development of each child’s readiness for independent goal-setting, action planning, and communication with children and adults. Children learn to evaluate the actions of peers and adults establishing themselves as social subjects and accounting for the social norms and regulations adopted in society, i.e. the norms of the human community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Antonio Jansen Fernandes da Silva ◽  
Cybele Câmara da Silva ◽  
Rafael de Gois Tinôco ◽  
Allyson Carvalho de Araújo ◽  
Luciana Venâncio ◽  

This paper addresses the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, questioning the strategies and the dilemmas shown by teacher-researchers in Physical Education in tackling Covid-19 (SARS-CoV2). The Covid-19 pandemic has had significant social impacts, such as the sudden interruption of basic education activities in Brazil, due to the need for social isolation. Brazilian basic education comprehends schooling from early childhood education (similarly to kindergarten and preschool in other countries) and elementary school (1st–9th grades) to high school (10th–12th grades). Measures taken as precautions have demanded an overhaul of the teaching systems, pedagogical structures, and strategies for interaction, almost all of these being involved in a teaching process that is mediated by digital technologies. Therefore, one asks just how Physical Education teachers and their respective teaching networks get organized when faced with social isolation, with regard to work strategies for ways to relate to knowledge. The main objective of this article is analysing the pedagogical experiences of teacher-researchers–teachers from state-owned schools and university researchers–in four Brazilian states, namely Ceará, Pará, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo, in order to discuss the implications upon Physical Education in schools, as a way to tackle the pandemic through social isolation. This is an exploratory and descriptive study that makes use of narratives. It also includes a project for intervention. The design of this analysis is inspired by the methodological structures of pedagogical cases, which includes narrative accounts, the shared analysis of these accounts by different teachers and researchers, and the synthesis of the analyses in the form of a balance of experiences. There are three dimensions that are integrated into the relationship to knowledge–identitary, social and epistemic dimensions–, that are essential for the Physical Education teachers who narrate the situations they have experienced. Here we consider that the educational process must not be reduced to a mere transmission of information through technological resources and digital platforms. One must also accept and acknowledge that complex teaching situations are inserted in the relationships to knowledge. As such, they must not be regarded as generic and fragmented. The purpose of the intervention project is to collaborate with the practices of Physical Education teachers seeking to prevent, identify, and report on cases of Covid-19 among students and their family members. Social isolation has been the most efficient protective measure to reduce the impact of the spread of the virus, but it comes up against problems to be addressed in Brazil, such as subnotification of cases. In this regard, the project makes a significant contribution toward the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In a certain way, it connects public health actions and the development of communication aids, as well as applications for building of awareness of prevention of health risks, assistance to the most vulnerable and/or isolated people, prevention of the psychological impacts of the health crisis, and the tackling of violence against children during the confinement. Many are, and many shall be, the impacts of Covid-19 upon Brazil and upon the world as a whole. Apart from health and the economy, the pandemic we now face shall have an influence on our system of values and, hence, on our choices and our way of life. This link also becomes explicit when Paulo Freire views education as a political act, with the main intention of stimulating the potential of understanding reality, or in other words “reading the world”, a condition to take part in the organisation of this world. It would not be possible to take social action without taking sides, without making choices; and these choices are firmly anchored to a socially constructed system of values. According to Paulo Freire, this human action should be conscientious. The main role of the educational process should be that of constructing this awareness. Therefore, thinking over the values that guide us is of paramount importance. In current reality, faced with a health problem that interferes with our way of life and in the adoption of a given system of values, education should play a key role for the creation of opportunities to think over values and their reformulations.

Claudia Suely Ferreira Gomes ◽  
Maria das Graças Gonçalves Vieira Guerra ◽  
Emilia Maria da Trindade Prestes ◽  
Adriana Valeria Santos Diniz

O pensamento pedagógico de Paulo Freire, revelando ser a educação dialógica uma questão essencial para uma maior leitura crítica da realidade, continua inspirando pedagogos/as, filósofos/as e sociólogos/as da educação de diferentes contextos, como forma de responder aos questionamentos e desafios das realidades emergentes, nas dimensões educativa, política e social da práxis pedagógica. A atualização do seu pensamento inspira este artigo guiado pelo seguinte questionamento: Como, em um mundo multicultural, se revelam, de forma atualizada as ideias de Freire, tendo como arcabouço pedagógico e político o diálogo? A partir de fontes documental-bibliográficas, utilizando uma abordagem descritiva, o estudo realizou uma reflexão teórica sobre a reinterpretação do pensamento educativo de um dos pensadores mais citados em diferentes fontes de referência, no mundo na área das ciências humanas, no país e no exterior. No Brasil, as teorias baseadas no diálogo e na participação, oriundas de Paulo Freire, se por um lado se tornaram objeto de crítica e de perseguição; por outro, diante de uma situação de crise e de desalento, vem sendo adotadas e defendidas, com maior vigor, como uma vertente da inclusão e de democracia. Por fim, o artigo defende que a perspectiva pedagógica de Paulo Freire continua vigente, na busca de um mundo plural em que se demanda reconhecimento e autonomia. El pensamiento pedagógico de Paulo Freire, que revela que la educación dialógica es una cuestión esencial para una mayor lectura crítica de la realidad, sigue inspirando a pedagogos, filósofos y sociólogos de la educación de diferentes contextos, como una forma de responder a las preguntas y desafíos de las realidades emergentes, en las dimensiones educativas, políticas y sociales de la praxis pedagógica. La actualización de su pensamiento inspira este artículo guiado por la siguiente pregunta: ¿Cómo, en un mundo multicultural, se revelan las ideas de Freire de manera actualizada, teniendo como marco pedagógico y político el diálogo? A partir de fuentes documentales-bibliográficas y con un enfoque descriptivo, el estudio realizó una reflexión teórica sobre la reinterpretación del pensamiento educativo de uno de los pensadores más citados en diferentes fuentes de referencia, en el mundo de las ciencias humanas, en el país y en el extranjero. En Brasil, las teorías basadas en el diálogo y la participación, originales de Paulo Freire, se han convertido, por un lado, en objeto de crítica y persecución; por otro lado, ante una situación de crisis y desánimo, se han adoptado y defendido con mayor vigor como una vertiente de inclusión y democracia. Finalmente, el artículo defiende que la perspectiva pedagógica de Paulo Freire sigue vigente, en la búsqueda de un mundo plural en el que se exija reconocimiento y autonomía. Paulo Freire's pedagogical thought, which reveals that dialogical education is an essential issue for a greater critical reading of reality, continues to inspire pedagogues, philosophers and sociologists of education from different contexts, as a way of responding to the questions and challenges of emerging realities, in the educational, political and social dimensions of pedagogical praxis. The updating of his thinking inspires this article guided by the following question: How, in a multicultural world, are Freire's ideas revealed in an updated way, having dialogue as a pedagogical and political framework? Based on documentary-bibliographic sources and with a descriptive approach, the study made a theoretical reflection on the reinterpretation of the educational thought of one of the most cited thinkers in different reference sources, in the world of human sciences, in the country and abroad. In Brazil, the theories based on dialogue and participation, original to Paulo Freire, have become, on the one hand, the object of criticism and persecution; on the other hand, in the face of a situation of crisis and discouragement, they have been adopted and defended with greater vigor as an aspect of inclusion and democracy. Finally, the article argues that Paulo Freire's pedagogical perspective is still valid, in the search for a plural world in which recognition and autonomy are demanded.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 99-108
S.I. Popova

The paper reviews the issue of self-regulation development in adolescents as the process of supporting favourable and transforming unfavourable emotional states appropriate to the performed joint activity. Experiencing intense emotions makes personal growth more difficult for the adolescent, and therefore the task of promoting self-regulation becomes extremely important. Our hypothesis was that the development of self-regulation contributes to the adolescent’s ability to recognize and interpret emotional states and extends the range of practices available to him/ her. Creating operative images of an object in concrete situations has a mediated effect on the transformation of the emotional states experienced by the adolescent. The revealed social psychological conditions were implemented through role-based forms of group activities, methods and means of self-regulation development. We evaluate the effectiveness of the development of self-regulation in adolescents based on certain criteria and analyse the outcomes of an experimental study. The ideas proposed in this paper can be used in the formation of regulative universal learning actions in adolescents at school to develop their ability to consciously regulate emotional states in the context of implementing the federal state education standards.

V. Nevmerzhytskii

The article presents an assessment of the methodological state of introduction of psychotechnology of formation of moral stability of schoolchildren in conditions of a fragile society.  The author confirms the lack of a coherent theoretically validated and empirically proven concept in the psychological science of purposeful development of the moral and psychological stability of modern youth, considering the genetically modeling approach.  Insufficiency of thorough psychological researches of the problem of moral and psychological stability of youth in conditions of a fragile society hinders the development and introduction into the educational process of productive socio-cultural and psychological and pedagogical technologies.  It is noted that it is necessary to take into account that purposeful military-patriotic activity promotes moral development of the personality of schoolchildren and cadets, influences in a certain way the formation of their individual qualities, patriotic feelings and beliefs, which awakens active actions and actions.  In view of this, in the process of military-patriotic education in pre-conscript youth it is necessary to form a high patriotic consciousness, to train skillfully to act under different emotional states, to develop practical skills, habits and habits to prepare oneself for activity in adverse and even extreme conditions.

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