scholarly journals PERMAINAN ANAK-ANAK DI KECAMATAN CONGGEANG KABUPATEN SUMEDANG (Kajian Struktural dan Etnopedagogik)

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  

Penelitian ini membahas permainan anak-anak yang berada di Kecamatan Conggeang Kabupaten Sumedang dari segi struktural dan etnopedagogik. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah keadaan permainan anak-anak sekarang yang sudah mulai ditinggalkan karena tergerus oleh permainan-permainan modern. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Teknik yang dipakai untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 28 permainan. Nama-nama permainannya adalah bancakan (A), barén, éngklé gunung, galah, kakalécian, ucing buaya, ucing jongkok, ucing sumput (A), ucing tépa, bancakan (B), éngklé biasa, ngadu keléréng, om-oman, ucing jatup, babancakan, bébélotan, dodo-dodoan, éngklé kapal, pocés, ucing sendal (A), ucing sumput (B), congkak, ééngkléan, ngadu kaléci, lompat karét, sasapintrongan, ucing babuk, sarta ucing sendal (B). Dalam permainannya, setiap permainan dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan, yaitu (1) persiapan, (2) mulai main, dan (3) selesai bermain. Dari tahapan-tahapan permainannya dianalisis nilai-nilai entopedagogik yang terdapat dalam permainan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat empat nilai moral yang ditemukan dalam setiap permainan, yaitu moral manusa ka dirina, moral manusa ka manusa, moral manusa ka alam, sarta moral manusa dina ngahontal kasugemaan lahir batin. Berdasarkan analisis hasil penelitian, terdapat 12 karakter bangsa yang ditemukan, yaitu jujur, toleransi, disiplin, kerja keras, kreatif, mandiri, demokratis, menghargai prestasi, bersahabat/komunikatif, cinta damai, peduli lingkungan, sarta tanggung jawab.AbstractThis paper discusses the children’s games in Conggeang District, Sumedang Regency, based on structural and ethnopedagogical perspectives. The traditional children’s games are now already becoming obsolete because of modern games. The method used in this research was descriptive method. The data colection method in this research was observation, interview, literature study, and documentation. The research found 28 games. The names of the games are bancakan (A), barén, éngklé gunung, galah, kakalécian, ucing buaya, ucing jongkok, ucing sumput (A), ucing tépa, bancakan (B), éngklé biasa, ngadu keléréng, om-oman, ucing jatup, babancakan, bébélotan, dodo-dodoan, éngklé kapal, pocés, ucing sendal (A), ucing sumput (B), congkak, ééngkléan, ngadu kaléci, lompat karét, sasapintrongan, ucing babuk, and ucing sendal (B). Each game is divided into three stages: (1) the preparation, (2) the game, and (3) the completion. Based on the stages of the games, there are ethnopedagogical values in the game. The study revealed four moral values found in every game, namely moral manusa ka dirina, moral manusa ka manusa, moral manusa ka alam, sarta moral manusa dina ngahontal kasugemaan lahir batin. The study also found 12 characters of nation covering honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, recognizing excellence, friendship/communicative, peace-loving, caring environment, and responsibility.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-217
Virry Grinitha

ABSTRACT The objective of the research is to find out the moral values in Habiburrahman El Shirazy's Novels. The research was conducted using qualitative approach with descriptive method. The data were collected by analyzing, studying, and recording the document. The analysis and interpretation of the data indicate that first, moral values in novel's structure of the novels include human's perspective toward God, such as piety, devout, humble; human's perspective toward themselves such as honest, responsible, healthy, discipline, hard work, confident, logical, critical, creative, innovative, autonomous, curious; human's perspective toward human such as the awareness of their right and duty toward themselves and the others, the obedience of social norms, the appreciation of one's achievements and works, being polite and democratic, and human's perspective toward surroundings such as caring and admiring toward the beauty of nature created by God. Second, Moral values were analyzed through the author’s social background indicating the appearance of the novels. Third, moral values from the author's point of view in the novels include human's perspective toward God, themselves, the others, and surroundings. It is recommended that students should read the novels in order to find out the moral values in literary works.Keywords: moral values, novel, genetic structuralism ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang nilai-nilai moral dalam novel karya Habiburrahman El Shirazy ditinjau dari struktural genetik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik analisis dokumentasi, pustaka, dan catat. Analisis interpretasi data menunjukkan (1) adanya nilai-nilai moral dalam struktur novel Ayat Ayat Cinta yang meliputi dimensi manusia dengan Tuhan yaitu religius, dimensi manusia dengan dirinya, dimensi manusia dengan manusia, yaitu sadar akan hak dan kewajiban diri sendiri dan orang lain dan dimensi manusia dengan lingkungan yaitu adanya keperdulian dan kekaguman terhadap keindahan alam yang diciptakan oleh sang pencipta, (2) nilai-nilai moral yang ditinjau dari sudut latar sosial pengarang yang mengkondisikan lahirnya novel Ayat Ayat Cinta; (3) nilai-nilai moral ditinjau dari sudut pandangan dunia pengarang dalam novel Ayat Ayat Cinta yang meliputi dimensi manusia dengan manusia, dimensi manusia dengan dirinya sendiri, dimensi manusia dengan manusia, dan dimensi manusia dengan lingkungan. Penemuan-penemuan membawa ke arah rekomendasi terhadap siswa agar membekali diri dengan berbagai bacaan penunjang lainnya untuk menemukan nilai-nilai moral yang terkandung dalam karya sastra.Kata kunci: Nilai-nilai moral, novel, struktural genetik

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-174
Irma Safei

This research is entitled � The Supervision Of Public Works and Spatial Planning In Over The Conversion Land In North Cimahi Subdistrict Of Cimahi City�. The limitations problem in this study is not yet optimal controlling by Publick Works Control and Spatial Planning in the North Bandung Area. Then the research can be detail by identification the problem as follow : How the controlling of Public Works and Spatial Planning of Cimahi City areas in maintainance the availability of land that conversion does not occur continuously in? The method used in this reseach by using descriptive method of analysis with qualitative approach. While the technique on data collection is done through, literature study, interview, observation and by studying the local regulation, and performed data analysis techniques with three stages of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The interview was conducted in this reseach to Head of the Spatial Use Control Section, Head of North Cimahi Subdistrict and Staff of Permissions The Spatial Section. While the main instrument in this reseach is the researcher themselves. Based on the result of the research is population growth became one of the facts of conversion land, controls conducted by Department of Public Works and Spatial Planning has not been optimal because it has not been able to act witch regulations and commitment to built in to implement local regulations with the spatial fungction which resulted in land conversion occurred in The Area of North Bandung; North Cimahi Subdistrict; Cimahi City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-188
Erlin Kartikasari

One of Javanese literature attached to Javanese people is the story of Ajisaka, which was published among the people in verbal and writing. Ajisaka is a Javanese figure whom the Javanese people consider as the originator of Javanese script. One of the recorded of the story of Ajisaka was the Serat Ajisaka written by J. Kats using Javanese script. Serat Ajisaka is one of the stories from a collection of stories in the book entitled Serat Jawi Tanpa Sekar written by J. Kats, a Dutch writer in 1942. This research aims to describe the cultural values ​​in Serat Ajisaka by J. Kats in 1942 using philology studies. This research uses the descriptive method conducted in three stages, the first stage transcribing data, the second stage transliterating Latin script containing Javanese into Indonesian, then analyzing the cultural value in Serat Ajisaka. Serat Ajisaka has several concepts of cultural values, namely: 1) educational values, 2) religious values, 3) leadership values, 4) heroism values, 5) courage values, 6) simplicity values, 7) mutual-cooperation values, 8) moral values, and 9) the value of sacrifice for others.

Resdianto Permata Raharjo ◽  
Maranita Anjarsari

This study aims to describe 1) the form of cohesion contained in the news Watching Sakinah Movies, UIN Yogyakarta Give Praise Students and 2) describing the forms of coherence contained in the news Watching Sakinah Film, Students of UIN Yogyakarta Give Praise. The subjects used in this study were news of watching Sakinah film, UIN Yogyakarta students giving praise, and the objects used were sentences containing grammatical cohesion, a form of lexical cohesion. The approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. The data in this study are sentences in the news of Watching Sakinah Movies, This student is a method of literature study. While the method of data analysis in this study is descriptive method analysis method, the method used to analyze and describe cohesion markers and analyze markers of coherence. Test The results of the study show that in the news of watching Sakinah films, UIN Yogyakarta Beri Pujian students have varied markers of cohesion and coherence in the Tebuireng Online news discourse. Cohesion markers were found to reference (3), substitution (1), ellipsis (2), conjunction (3), collocation (1), and markers of coherence found cause-effect relationships (2), relationship coherence suggestions — goals (1), coherence temporal relations (1), and coherence of causal relationships (1).

Zulpadli Zulpadli

This paper briefly and through theoretical studies will discuss simply the problems formulated, the impact of globalization on Character education in Indonesia, as well as the paradigm of PKN learning and Character education challenges for the younger generation. It is on the ground by the declining awareness and moral values, as well as to increase the values of the characters seen in the young generations. Civic education in Indonesia has been running throughout the history of Indonesian independence, and has gone through various stages and arms, it certainly demands greater hard work of teachers to be able to increase the values of Pancasila and love of the homeland, and practice the character values which is based on the noble values of Indonesian culture into Indonesian youth.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-61
Fitriani Dwi Ratna Sari ◽  
Amin Suryana

Research that the author did aim to know how to design inventory system on Planet Phone.The method used is quantitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques used are literature study, observation, and interviews. From the research conducted found that there is a problem on inventory data processing. The process of inventory data processing only by writing using a general ledger. So this causes inaccuracies and delays in reports. Therefore the authors make the information system by using PHP and MySQL database. This system consists of inputting inventory data, inventory reports, sales reports and income reports. As for some suggestions given to tackle the problem is by connecting the system with internet connection, for employees more quickly and effectively in penginputan inventory data and owner can also know the sales reports and income reports more quickly without having to come directly to the store.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2.29) ◽  
pp. 1002
Bambang Setioko ◽  
Mustika KW ◽  
Titien WM

In recent decades the urban growth in Indonesia is likely to follow a global urban trend, characterized by peripheral urbanization. This phenomenon has potentially encouraged the growth of urban physical area to be very broad and unlimited, and often exceeds the city administrative boundary. The urban catalyst development in the eastern city accelerates the growth of settlement in the border area; while the visually of both amongst the border area and the urban area are similar. This research was conducted in Sendang Mulyo village located in the administrative area of Semarang City and in Pucang Gading village located in, Demak Region. This study aims to determine the effect of urban catalyst element on the pattern of spatial distribution in the border area of Semarang City and Demak Region. Based on literature study that has been done, this research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive method under of rationalistic paradigm. Statistical data analysis is done by regression test using software SPSS 16.0. The results of this study indicate the growth and development of urban catalyst elements in the eastern part of Semarang city, significantly has impact to the pattern of spatial distribution in the border area of the Semarang city significantly.  

Abjadia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Waluyo Satrio Adji ◽  
Abdul Bashith ◽  
Ali Nasith ◽  
Saiful Amin

<p>Social problems in Indonesia in particular are caused by social phenomena transmitted to users of social media, especially Twitter. Big data system provided by Drone Emprit Academic is able to find social phenomena. The ability of critical literacy to read and write supported by statistical data is very important in the 4.0 era. The aim of the research is to find out which Drone Emprit Academic works, analyzes, and displays data on social phenomena whose results can be used to support critical Literacy. This research uses a qualitative approach, literature study method. The analysis includes three stages, namely organize, synthesize, identify. The results of this study that Drone Emprit Academic is a big data system that carries out social network analysis of specific conversations on Twitter in semi-realtime and detail. The form displayed is in the form of a percentage of trends, retweet relationships, mentioning trend graphs, most retweet statuses, conversation trends. The data generated can help read information about social phenomena so that it can support critical literacy which has been partially published in online and offline media.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Suciati Simah Bengi ◽  
Yusnizar Heniwaty ◽  
Dilinar Adlin

Abstract-This study discusses Guel dance learning media created in the form of postcards. Aims to be able to direct students in identifying, appreciating, and expressing dances of the Gayo area, especially Guel dance. Theories used in the research of packaging theory according to Cahyorini and Rusfian (2011: 28), theory of learning media according to Heinich in Susilana (2016: 06), and graphic media theory according to Susilana and Riyana (2016: 14) Packaging is a theory used for graphic design, in terms of producing the product, and the image media in the form of postcards used to make Guel dance material as a learning medium. The time of the study was conducted from August to October 2017. The research site was at Sanggar Renggali Jalan Merah Mege Hakim Bale Bujang Laut Tawar, Central Aceh District. The population of several artists Gayo and all members of Sanggar Renggali because learning Guel dance is a dance learning materials in schools in Takengon and Samples are 2 people Gayo artists and 2 dancers dance Guel. Data collection techniques include observation, interview, literature study, and documentation, and then analyzed by qualitative descriptive method. Based on research that has been done Guel dance is a tradition dance Gayo community that has been used as learning materials in the schools of Middle Secondary in Central Aceh district. Guel dance which is packed in the form of postcards as a medium of learning with menggunkana first step of planning is preparing the material, determining the location, selection of dancers, and prepare the facilities and infrastructure. The second step of implementation is taking photos, editing process, then the last step is the completion of postcards and final writing. And produces packaging of learning media of Guel dance that is in the form of postcard.  Keywords: Packaging, Guel Dance, Postcard Media

Kebudayaan ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-89
Fatkur Rohman Nur Awalin

AbstractWayang art performance that develops in Java is a traditional performing art that is able to survive and adapt to all aspects of its changes. The issue of this research is to know, how does the history of development and change of wayang function in society? The development of wayang art performance is influenced by social conditions, which affect the change of function of wayang art performance. The objective of the research is to explain the history of development and change of wayang function in society.This study uses descriptive method, with the support of literature review and observation on wayang performance. The results show that the history of wayang development is conceptually a combination of several cultural elements that enter in Indonesia (Java), namely Indian culture with Hindu-Buddhism and Islam with sufism. Indicator of changes in wayang function in the community is the change of pakeliran wayang as an industry tomeet the entertainment market. Changes in ritual function can be seen from the waning of guidance or moral values in wayang, so its has only entertainment or spectacle functions and as a popular performances.AbstrakSeni pertunjukan wayang yang tumbuh dan berkembang di Jawa merupakan kesenian tradisonal yang mampu bertahan dan menyesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman dengan segala aspek perubahan-perubahannya. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah mengkaji mengenai bagaimana sejarah perkembangan dan perubahan fungsi wayang dalam masyarakat? Perkembangan seni pertunjukan wayang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi sosial, yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan fungsi seni pertunjukan wayang.Tujuannya adalah menjelaskan sejarah perkembangan dan perubahan fungsi wayang dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan dukungan kajian pustaka dan pengamatan (observasi) terhadap pergelaran wayang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sejarah perkembangan wayang secara konseptual merupakan perpaduan dari beberapa unsur kebudayaan yang masuk di Indonesia (Jawa), yakni kebudayaan India dengan Agama Hindu-Buddha dan Islam dengan tasawufnya. Indikator perubahan fungsi wayang dalam masyarakat adalah perubahan pakeliran dalam wayang sebagai industri untuk memenuhi pasar hiburan. Perubahan fungsi ritual dapat dilihat dari memudarnya nilai-nilai tuntunan atau moral dalam wayang, sehingga wayang hanya mempunyai fungsi hiburan atau tontonan dan sebagai pertunjukan populer.

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