scholarly journals The training of an intonation of the emotionally charged speech of F. M. Dostoyevsky’s art characters at classes in Russian as foreign

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-9
M.V. Zhuravleva

This article devotes to the practical use of intonational constructions, which are based on emotional speech of main Dostoevsky’s characters. Three autobiographical pieces of work were taken into account: “The notes from death house”, “White nights” and “Netochka Nezvanova”. The first composition of the Great Russian writer was created from his memories when Dostoevsky was imprisonment in Omsk (1850-1854). The death sentence for Dostoevsky's participation in the revolutionary movement, lately changed into imprisonment, being in shackles with other criminals, close acquaintance with the suffering of people made the writer to review his attitude to life. Deep writer’s thoughts, they are colorful and vivid descriptions of life in prison, touching stories about peoples’ destinies. On contrary, “White nights” and “Netochka Nezvanova” are the most poetic stories. “White nights” is a sentimental novel, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky’s flashbacks. He rises the problem of alienation of the individual, and the second work the author highlights the idea of cruel human nature.“I was named a psychologist: this is not true, I am only a realist in the highest sense, i.e I represent all the depths of the human soul” Fyodor Dostoevsky.No doubt, the works I have chosen are not devoid the emotionality, which is the subject of our scientific research. Through the means of continuous sampling, an emotional dialogical speech of the characters was revealed. Using the system of intonational scheme of the Russian linguist E. A. Bryzgunova, the passages of dialogical speech were analyzed and intonated. This work can serve as a teaching aid at the lessons of Russian as a foreign language. It will allow to form the linguistic competence of foreign students of the first and second certification levels, to master all kinds of speech activity, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing, and finally, to get closer to the work of the great writer F. Dostoyevsky.

Yuliya Tokmakova

Content and language Integrated learning is one of the modern approaches to teaching a foreign language for professional communication to students of non-linguistic specialties. The im-plementation of the approach implies taking into account the specifics of each specific profile of training within the training direction when selecting the subject content of teaching a foreign lan-guage, as well as when choosing a system of exercises and assignments aimed at creating aspects of students' foreign-language professional communicative competence. The development of an appropriate teaching methodology will depend on the consideration of a number of psychological and pedagogical conditions, which are understood as a complex of interconnected possibilities of the educational environment aimed at quantitative or qualitative changes in personality characteristics. In the framework of this study, teaching foreign students professional communication in the “Technology for the production and processing of agricultural products” programme on the basis of an integrated content-language training model will be effective when taking into account the following psychological and pedagogical conditions: 1) motivation of students to study foreign language professional communication on the basis of an integrated content-learning model; 2) students have a foreign language level of B1 and above; 3) the competence of a foreign language teacher in a profile specialty; 4) taking into account the specifics of the learning profile when selecting the subject matter of teaching a foreign language for professional communication; 5) taking into account the specifics of professional activity in the development of a complex of educational communicative tasks. In this work, we substantiate and describe each of the conditions in detail.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 207-213
Yalun' Tsi

One of the paramount peculiarities of the Chinese terms is their sinicization. Sinicization of the term is often viewed a translation and adaptation of foreign language terms to the specifics of Chinese language. This implies that the new word is being rooted in the Chinese “soil” and subsequently recognized as Chinese native. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of Chinese and Russian linguistic terminology. The goal is to compare the motivation of Chinese and Russian linguistic terminology and determine the influencing factors. The research material was collected from the Dacihai Dictionary and the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary, and consists of more than 6,000 terminological units. The article employs the methods of description, comparison, and continuous sampling. The scientific novelty lies in determination of the factors that influence the motivation of Chinese linguistic terminology, as well as in its comparison with Russian linguistic terminology. The conclusion is made that Chinese terms have stronger motivation than Russian terms. On the one hand, Chinese characters are the ideograms that convey the thought in a motivational form, and offer more opportunities for increasing semantic transparency. On the other hand, the syllabic characteristics of Chinese language limit the possibility of transliteration of foreign words. With the exception of proper names, the Chinese terminology features a very few transliterated or partially transliterated terms.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 1096-1103
T. Kh. Kahnamouei ◽  
A. A. Hosseini

In Russian and Persian, the category of indirect evidentiality points out to some unreliable source of information. The category of admirativity expresses unexpected and new information gained by the speaker. Such interrogative sentences convey combine admirativity with diff erent modal meanings. Foreign students of Russian often fi nd it hard to distinguish these meanings in Russian interrogative sentences. The authors compared Russian and Persian interrogative sentences and the linguistics tools that refl ect the admirative category with an assessment of modal meanings of possibility and motivation. This is the fi rst research of the category of admirativity in the Persian language and the fi rst publication on the comparison of Russian and Persian interrogative sentences, as well as on the relationship between admirativity and modal meanings in Russian and Persian interrogative sentences. The research objective was to perform a comparative analysis of admirativity in Russian and Persian interrogative sentences and to study the situations in which this meaning conveys the surprise of the speaker from the availability or lack of possibility to perform a certain action. In both languages, admirativity can accompany the feeling of motivation in the subject of the speech act. The findings can be useful in teaching Russian as a foreign language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 194-200
Наталія Гроссу

Abstract. The article is devoted to the current problem of the development of critical thinking technology; innovative technologies for the development of critical thinking, consisting in the practical implementation of a person-oriented approach  in training are considered; the methods of forming critical thinking, which contribute to the formation of foreign language communicative competence, are considered too. The author shares practical ideas about the development of critical thinking in the context of teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language at the preparatory faculty.Examples of using technology through reading and writing are shown already in the first weeks of studying the general literary Ukrainian language; in the course «Country Studies» (discipline «Ukrainian as a foreign language», second semester of studying the Ukrainian language). The possibilities of developing critical thinking in the process of project implementation are demonstrated.Examples of the implementation of pedagogical technology for the development of critical thinking during classes are presented. The author substantiates the possibility and necessity of applying the critical thinking technology in teaching the Ukrainian language as a foreign language at the initial stage of study.It is noted that the most effective form of teaching critical thinking is the implementation of group work, which allows developing the qualities of independence, curiosity, the ability to make an independent assessment, provide reasoning for one’s opinion, and prove or refute one’s decision. The study gives the author grounds for certain conclusions that the technology of critical thinking development, creating a motivating favorable environment in the classroom, maximally adapts the learning process to the individual characteristics of foreign students.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 27-29
Салимова ◽  
D. Salimova ◽  
Кудрявцева ◽  
E. Kudryavtseva

The article deals with the peculiarities of teaching Russian as a foreign language by teachers of the department, the main burden of whom is to work in the Russian groups, the preparation of teachers of Russian language and literature. Special conditions, namely uneven preparedness for the group of trainees, different goals and intentions of the students, a variety of ethnic composition – all this requires from specialists in Russian philology maximum compression and concentrated types and forms of learning, different both in structure and content. Only the most advanced and complex methods causing interest in the subject, participation in the classroom at the same time two or three teachers, attraction to participate in the classroom as a teaching and Russian students give the opportunity to work effectively in a group of foreign nationals. Maximum results and maximum impact can be achieved only by the individual form of training (two or three teachers and one trainee).

2019 ◽  
pp. 142-151

Маълумки, ўқув жараёнининг муваффақиятли ва самарали натижаси таълимга қўйилган дидактик талаблар ва принципларга қай даражада амал қилинишига ҳам боғлиқ. Ушбу мақола чет тилини ўқитишда дидактик принциплар татбиғи хусусиятларини ўрганишга қаратилган. Чунки таълим принциплари ўқув жараёнига қўйиладиган ижтимоий талаблар, таълимни ташкил этиш ва бошқаришда риоя этиладиган қонун-қоидалар сифатида амалда қўлланилади. Ўқувчиларга чет тили фанидан бериладиган билим, малака, кўникмалар улар томонидан онгли, пухта ва мустаҳкам ўзлаштирилган бўлиши лозим. Бунинг учун ўқитувчи томонидан тақдим этиладиган ўқув материалларининг ўқув режаси, дастури ўқувчиларнинг индивидуал ёш хусусиятларига мос тарзда тушунтирилиши, улардаги сезги аъзоларининг кўпроқ иштирок этишига эришиш, кўргазмали қуроллар, техника воситаларидан самарали фойдаланиш, дарс давомида ўқувчиларнинг амалий фаолиятини ташкил этиш, мустақил ишлаш, тафаккур қилиш, мантиқий хулосалар чиқара олиш кўникмаларини шакллантиришга катта аҳамият берилиши лозим. Шу сабабли мақолада дидактик принципларнинг назарий асослари, талқини ўрганилиб, чет тили таълимида татбиқ этилишининг айрим хусусиятлари кўргазмалилик принципи мисолида кўриб чиқилган. The main purpose of this article is aimed at teaching a foreign language, studying the features of the application of didactic prints. It is known that the successful and effective result of the educational process depends on the extent to which the laws of the educational process, that is, the didactic requirements for education and the observance of prints. Because educational printouts are valid as the social requirements imposed on the educational process, the laws that are observed in the organization and management of Education. The knowledge, qualifications, skills given to the students on the subject of a foreign language must be consciously, meticulously and firmly mastered by them. To do this, the teacher should draw great attention to the fact that the educational material that he gives is the curriculum, the curriculum should be explained in accordance with the individual age characteristics of the students, the achievement of greater participation of the members of the students ' intuition, the effective use of sighted weapons, technical means, the organization of practical activities of the For this reason, the theoretical basis of didactic printsips, their application in foreign language education by studying interpretation, some features were considered in the example of visual printsip.


The paper studies the problem of interaction of people from various countries and cultures in the conditions of cultural globalization, which creates new problems of cultural adaptation. The paper explores the concepts of «communication», «intercultural communication». The problem of forming the ability of the individual to effective intercultural communication as a means of understanding the mental characteristics of different cultures, which is a guarantor of effective dialogue of cultures in the modern world. The characteristics of intercultural misunderstandings in the process of communication was submitted. Communication as a reflection of the intercultural ties of specific groups of people in a particular period of historical development of society is studied. Intercultural communication in the pedagogical process is also considered as a method of socio-cultural adaptation, due to the interaction of different cultures and the mental characteristics of their carriers. The teacher of Ukrainian (Russian) as a foreign language must be understood that foreign students have already formed ideas about their nation. Therefore, it is important to teach them the differences between cultures, to respect the cultural sensitivities, to overcome stereotypes. Foreign students should learn to understand why people of other cultures must behave in particular way. In the conditions of modern education, when people from various countries with specific features of national character and thinking study in one group, the question of intercultural communication acquires special significance. Cultural diversity implies intercultural enrichment. Shortening of intercultural distance, willingness to adapt to existing realities will provide an opportunity to develop an optimal strategy for collaboration in the group. A dialogue of cultures has contributed progress in universal culture. During the dialogue of culture, there is an acquaintance with another culture and constant development through the mutual enrichment of different cultures.

The author, emphasizing the necessity of updating the content of the language education of non-philological foreign students of Ukrainian universities, performs a linguo-didactic analysis of the subject side of the content of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language to non-philological students. Within the modern linguistic paradigm, the subject content of teaching a foreign language, in particular UFL, is considered a system of linguistic means (phonetic, lexical, grammatical, stylistic, socio-cultural, speech etiquette, rhetorical). In the conditions when the modern linguodidactic paradigm is dominated by communicative-activity and intercultural approaches and the consciously-practical method of teaching, aimed at ensuring that foreign students would master the content component of their language education, the following units of learning are recognized: sentences, expressions, texts, and dialogues. The need for updating the content component of the teaching system of UFL arises in connection with the requirements of the modern information society and new requirements for the tasks and results of teaching foreign languages. It has been found that the achievements of a relatively new theory of language communication will allow refining the components of the content of foreign language teaching, which will have an impact on improving the quality of language education of foreign non-philological students of Ukrainian universities. The submitted scientific research substantiates the choice of such a unit of study as a communicative act, which in the future allows reforming the educational process to attract foreign students to Ukrainian discourses. The author describes the structural-semantic components of the personal, verbal-cognitive, verbal and extraverbal levels of the communicative act as a fragment of the communication process within a certain communicative situation. The conclusion is made about the potentialities of the described parameters of the communicative act as a basis for updating the steady methodical principles of language material selection.

2020 ◽  
pp. 173-189

The purpose of the article is to study the issues of teaching foreign students to read and speak in Uzbek using the types of speech activities in teaching Uzbek as a second foreign language. The content, forms, means of teaching the types of speech activities in the educational process consists of research, generalization and systematization. The object of the article is the current state of the study of speech activities, its essence, the content of the educational process, the comparative status of traditional methods and new approaches to the study of the subject, their application in practice, new modern technologies for teaching reading and speaking and further development of students' knowledge and skills in reading and speaking in Uzbek, further development of their vocabulary, further expansion of their knowledge of linguocultural studies, development of monologue and dialogic speech.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 106
Nurulhuda Marudin ◽  
Dwijani Ratnadewi ◽  
Waode Hamsia

 In learning English as Foreign Language, there are many background factors that play important roles to be success in learning. In the case of foreign students who study English in non-English speaking country, these factors become more complex. This study aims to analyze the background factors of Thai students’ speaking achievement and the different background factors between student’s high and low scores of speaking achievement. This study used mixed method design as method of study. The theories of factors were used to answer the objective of this research such as self-esteem, inhibition, risk-taking, anxiety, empathy, extroversion, introversion, motivation, attitude, language exposure, and social situation. The subject was five students from Thailand who studied at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The finding was that each of students mostly possessed different background factors. However, their intensity and ability were different among of them. All of those factors were greatly influence their acquiring of TEFL as well. There were two students who had the highest and lowest scores in their speaking achievement after several years they have learned English in Indonesia. The different background factors between both of them were self-esteem, inhibition, risk-taking, anxiety, extroversion, introversion, attitude, and social situation factors. Their background factors in speaking were supported by many factors to reach a good achievement. Therefore, the factors mainly play important roles to tend students learning foreign language successfully. 

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