scholarly journals Catalytic Alkylation of Brown Coal and Peat

2011 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
S.I. Zherebtsov ◽  
Z.R. Ismagilov

The alcohol alkylation of low-grade metamorphic coal and peat in the presence of mineral and organic acids was studied using FTIR, NMR, and GC-MS. The impact of the reaction conditions on the yield of extractable matter was investigated experimentally, and relevant regression equations were obtained. Changes in the group and individual compositions of the wax fractions of bitumen in the process of brown coal and peat alkylation were studied. It was found that the esters of alkylated coal waxes consisted of native esters of fatty acids, and alkyl esters of these acids formed as a result of the alkylation reaction. Esterification and transesterification were predominant in the reactions of the bitumen fraction components. The positive effect of alcohol alkylation on the increase of the bitumen yield was found.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1976
Filipa Mandim ◽  
Spyridon A. Petropoulos ◽  
Kyriakos D. Giannoulis ◽  
Celestino Santos-Buelga ◽  
Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira ◽  

The present study evaluated the effect of maturity stage on the chemical composition of cardoon bracts. Plant material was collected in Greece at eight different maturation stages (C1–C8) and the chemical composition was analyzed in regard to lipidic fraction and the content in fatty acids, tocopherols, organic acids, and free sugars. Samples of late maturity (C6–C8) revealed the lowest lipidic content, while a total of 29 fatty acids was identified in all the samples, with palmitic, stearic, oleic, and eicosatrienoic acids present in the highest levels depending on harvesting time. Immature (C1) and mature (C8) bracts were more abundant in saturated fatty acids (SFA) than bracts of medium-to-late maturity (C5, C6), where the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were the prevalent class. The α- and γ-tocopherols were the only identified isoforms of vitamin E, while the highest content was observed in sample C8 (199 µg/100 g dry weight (dw). The detected organic acids were oxalic, quinic, malic, citric, and fumaric acids, while fructose, glucose, sucrose, trehalose, and raffinose were the main detected sugars. The results of the present study allowed us to reveal the effect of maturity stage on cardoon bracts chemical composition and further valorize this byproduct by improving its bioactive compounds content.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 1088 ◽  
Filipa Mandim ◽  
Spyridon A. Petropoulos ◽  
Ângela Fernandes ◽  
Celestino Santos-Buelga ◽  
Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira ◽  

Cardoon is a multi-purpose crop with several industrial applications, while the heads (capitula) are edible and commonly used in various dishes of the Mediterranean diet. Several reports in the literature study the chemical composition of the various plants parts (leaves, flower stalks, bracts, seeds) aiming to industrial applications of crop bio-waste, whereas for the heads, most of the studies are limited to the chemical composition and bioactive properties at the edible stage. In the present study, cardoon heads were collected at six different maturation stages and their chemical composition was evaluated in order to determine the effect of harvesting stage and examine the potential of alternative uses in the food and nutraceutical industries. Lipidic fraction and the content in fatty acids, tocopherols, organic acids, and free sugars were determined. Lipidic content decreases with the maturation process, while 22 fatty acids were detected in total, with palmitic, oleic, and linoleic acids being those with the highest abundance depending on harvesting time. In particular, immature heads have a higher abundance in saturated fatty acids (SFA), whereas the samples of mature heads were the richest in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). The α-tocopherol was the only isoform detected being present in higher amounts in sample Car B (619 µg/100 g dw). Oxalic, quinic, malic, citric and fumaric acids were the detected organic acids, and the higher content was observed in sample Car E (15.7 g/100 g dw). The detected sugars were fructose, glucose, sucrose, trehalose and raffinose, while the highest content (7.4 g/100 g dw) was recorded in sample Car C. In conclusion, the maturation stage of cardoon heads influences their chemical composition and harvesting time could be a useful means to increase the quality and the added value of the final product by introducing this material in the food and nutraceutical industries.

1963 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-114 ◽  
K. El-Shazly ◽  
A. R. Abou Akkada ◽  
M. M. A. Naga

1. Fourin vitrofermentation experiments, in duplicate, were carried out over 24 hr. periods, to estimate the production of v.f.a. and o.a from forages.2. A new technique for determining the total organic acids produced in the rumen is described.3. The o.a. produced in the earlier part of the fermentation are considerably higher than the v.f.a. but the difference then diminishes. There is practically no difference in the amounts produced after 24 hr.4. Highly significant correlations were found between thein vitroproduction of v.f.a. or o.a. and d.e./kg. d.m., for all the roughages tested. Nonlegumes gave a more highly significant correlation than legumes.5. Regression equations show that o.a. or v.f.a. were more accurate thanin vitrocellulose digestion for predicting the d.e./kg. d.m. of non-legume forages. It is concluded that V.F.A. productionin vitrois the best criterion in this respect.

I. H. Kalinina

The article reflects the basic laws of bonds, affecting the production, development of the bee family. To accomplish this, during the 2008–2010 period, Polyphlore sampled pollen in the Kharkiv region, Volchansk district, which is a typical part of the plants and crops of fodder and industrial crops in the Eastern Ukraine. From experimental materials was obtained fatty acid esters. Lipid extraction was conducted by chloroform – methanol mixture (2 : 1), followed by highlights of sodium methylate. Identification of fatty acids was carried out by gas–liquid chromatography with the following operating conditions: Detector temperature – 260 °C, Injector temperature – 250 °C, initial column temperature – 170 °C, final column temperature – 210 °C, carrier gas – nitrogen (flow rate 2 ml / min.). The column is filled with the polar liquid phase (etilenglikolsuktsinat). The results obtained are statistically processed. The spectrum of fatty acids, which attracts bees and is attractants. It is characterized by the presence of meristic, palmitic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. The article traced dynamics of meristic and palmitic fatty acids depending on the collection period. The dynamics of changes in the fatty acid content of bee pollen with seasonal variations and biological characteristics between years. The article describes the impact of these pollen pattern of fatty acids on the development of bee colonies and set the average rate of their needs in the forest–steppe zone every ten days. Obtained regression equations to correct the concentration of these acids. It was found that bee pollen is most enriched with fatty acids in the late spring and early summer (the period of development of bee nests). While analysing the quality of the pollen brought bees it was found that the most intense period of growth of colonies workpiece coincides with the period of pollen with a high level of fatty acids.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 209-222
Philipp K. Görs ◽  
Henning Hummert ◽  
Anne Traum ◽  
Friedemann W. Nerdinger

Digitalization is a megatrend, but there is relatively little knowledge about its consequences for service work in general and specifically in knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). We studied the impact of digitalization on psychological consequences for employees in tax consultancies as a special case of KIBS. We compare two tax consulting jobs with very different job demands, those of tax consultants (TCs) and assistant tax consultants (ATCs). The results show that the extent of digitalization at the workplace level for ATCs correlates significantly positively with their job satisfaction. For TCs, the same variable correlates positively with their work engagement. These positive effects of digitalization are mediated in the case of ATCs by the impact on important job characteristics. In the case of TCs, which already have very good working conditions, the impact is mediated by the positive effect on self-efficacy. Theoretical and practical consequences of these results are discussed.

2012 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-48
S. Chehaibi ◽  
K. Abrougui ◽  
F. Haouala

The effects of mechanical perforation densities by extracting soil cores through an aerator Vertidrain with a working width of 1.6 m and equipped with hollow tines spaced of 65 mm, were studied on a sandy soil of a grassy sward in the Golf Course El Kantaoui in Sousse (Tunisia). The mechanical aeration was performed at two densities: 250 and 350 holes/m2. The cone penetration resistance and soil water infiltration were measured. These parameters were performed at initial state before aeration (E0) and then on the 10th, 20th and 30th day after aeration. These results showed that perforation density of 350 holes/m2 had a positive effect on the soil by reducing its cone resistance to penetration compared to the initial state (Rp = 14.8 daN/cm2). At 5 cm depth the decrease in resistance to penetration was 34% and 43% on the 10th and 20th day after aeration, respectively. However, on the 30th day after aeration the soil resistance to penetration tended to grow and its value compared to the initial state decreased only by 21 and 26%, respectively, at 5 and 15 cm of depth only by 10% and 9% with 250 holes/m2 density. The soil water infiltration made a good improvement after aeration compared to the initial state. This parameter increased from 4.8 cm/h to 8.3, 10.9 and 13.1 cm/h with 250 holes/m2 density and to 10, 12.9 and 14.8 cm/h with 350 holes/m2 density on the 10th, 20th and 30th day following the aeration.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 3630-3634
T.A. Mamedova ◽  
Z.M. Aliyeva ◽  
A.E. Aliyeva ◽  
R.T. Samedov ◽  
V.M. Abbasov ◽  

The process of producing mono-alkyl esters of fatty acids from cottonseed and sunflower oils under the influence of the magnetic field with intensity  15-45 mT  was  investigated . It was revealed that the use of the energy of  magnetic field allows to reduce the reaction time to 10 times, the excess of used alcohol to 2 times while maintaining high yield of the desired product.

One of efficiency indicators of grain grinders is grain granulometric composition. The basis of mixed fodder is crushed grain, the particles of which must have a leveled granulometric composition for subsequent mixing and obtaining a high-quality feed mixture. In agricultural production, hammer crushers are widely used, in which the destruction of grain occurs due to the impact of a hinged hammer. The main disadvantage of these crushers is that not the entire surface of the hammers is involved in grinding, thus reduces grinding process efficiency. A slightly different principle of material destruction is laid down in the basis of the proposed design of the shock-centrifugal grinder. Main work is performed by flat impact elements located on the rotor, which serve to accelerate crushed particles with subsequent impact of them on the bump elements. An important step in the design of new constructions of shock-centrifugal grinders is to determine size and location of the impact elements on the rotor, without which the grinding process is not possible. In the calculation method presented, the dependencies for determining the velocities and angles of a single particle flight from the surface of a flat impact element for its specified dimensions are proposed. Two variants of an impact element location on the rotor are considered and analyzed: radial and at an angle in the direction of rotor rotation. As a result of research carried out, it is noted that in the case of inclined position of an impact element on the rotor an increase in flight speed and flight angles change in crushed particles, which gives the opportunity to have a positive effect on grinding process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 91-99

The article analyzes the impact of certain factors on the volume of investments in the environment. Regression equations describing the relationship between the volume of investment in the environment and each of the influencing factors are constructed, the coefficients of the Pearson pair correlation between the dependent variable and the influencing factors, as well as pairwise between the influencing factors, are calculated. The average approximation error for each regression equation is determined. A correlation matrix is constructed and a conclusion is made. The developed econometric model is implemented in the program of separate collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Moscow. The efficiency of the model of investment management in the environment is evaluated on the example of the growth of planned investments in the activities of companies specializing in the export and processing of solid waste.

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