Peculiarities of working conditions in the formation of professional health of teachers


We presented the analysis of the working conditions of teachers, from which it becomes clear that low indicators of health and professional self-awareness characterize the modern teacher. The negative consequences of professional activity in school include the emergence of overvoltage of the nervous system, leading to internal emotional devastation and the development of “emotional combustion” syndrome among teachers; development of hypodynamics leading to disorders in the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system; overwork and problems with vision, speech apparatus, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system. Among the leading factors of the occurrence of the listed diseases, teachers refer to the tension of professional activity, insufficient motor activity, low level of material support, absence of a system of social support for pedagogical personnel. The preservation, strengthening and restoration of the professional health of the teacher should be based on self-preservation behaviour and healthy lifestyle of the members of the profession. We assumed that the formation of a system of knowledge and skills related to professional safety, health protection, prevention of certain diseases of teachers should be laid down during the period of study at the university, including in the process of introducing digital technologies into the physical education of students.

Viacheslav Osadchyi ◽  
Hanna Varina

The article is devoted to the problem of integration and development of continuing education in Ukraine, reveals the content and priorities of implementation of non-formal education in institutional, as an important component of a professional practice-oriented system of training future masters of psychology. It is established that the introduction of components of non-formal education creates conditions for the development of professional self-awareness of future psychologists: actualization of professional self-knowledge, expansion of positive attitude to oneself as a future psychologist, self-actualization of professional self-improvement. The scientific article analyzes the experience of implementing a scientific and practical online course "Modern practice-oriented technologies in psychology" on the Moodle platform in the process of training masters of psychology. The paper describes a pilot study of the impact of an online course on the process of actualization of professional self-improvement, personal growth and self-realization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (86) ◽  
Natalia Maliy ◽  
Larysa Dyachenko ◽  

The article considers the formation of professional motivation in future speech pathologists. The importance of solving this issue is emphasized, because the work of a defectologist requires the presence of special characteristics in his personality, the formation of which is carried out during their training. Issues of personal development of the student and the formation of his readiness for future professional activity become the main in the outlined situation. The psychological and personal readiness of the specialist for professional self-realization in modern conditions is important. It is emphasized that the transformation of the requirements for professionals of different natural influences the solution of the question of the complex relationship of personal and professional development of the subject. The question of quality criteria for the training of future speech pathologists can not be considered separately from the requirements of a particular environment in which the specialist works. It is at the stage of professional training in the university begin to develop in a specialist-defectologist those values and motives that determine the success of his work in the profession, and for this it is necessary to study the formation of professional values and motives in the formation of future defectologists.

A. Karpinskiy ◽  
N. Karpinskaya ◽  
A. Karpinskiy

This work examines the issues of increasing the effectiveness of physical education of students at the university, their attitude to physical education, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The following indicators are analyzed: hardening procedures, daily walks in the fresh air in order to increase physical activity, independent performance of physical exercises by students during the academic year. 110 students of the first and second years of full-time education, involved in compulsory physical education in the main and preparatory medical groups, were evaluated. It was noted that only 17% of students regularly do morning exercises, 12% of students perform hardening procedures constantly, 26% are engaged in sports sections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 32-36
Marina Petrovna Kamaeva

Summary. The article is devoted to the study of the relevant issue in today’s world – the study of theoretical premises of modern concepts of ethno-national education. It examines the problems of educating the culture of interethnic relations in the youth environment. The relevance of the study is due to the need for the formation of attitudes towards interethnic tolerance among students, which determines the goal of the educational activities of each educational institution. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations of ethno-national education and the possibilities of their practical application in educational work with students of a higher educational institution. The work was carried out at the empirical level of the structure of sociological knowledge. Methods of observation, questioning, interviewing and generalization of pedagogical experience allowed the author to determine the direction of work in the field of ethnic education of students. Based on the research carried out, the author draws conclusions about the quality of work in the field of ethno-national education of students at the university and offers recommendations for its improvement. The study showed predominantly supra-ethnic self-awareness of young people. Another unusual result of the study is a small percentage of students who speak their native (non-Russian) language – only 20 percent of the respondents. It is proposed that the parameters set require the pursuance of bigger researches on a nationwide scale.

Svetlana Sergeyko

The article gives the author’s definition of the concept of “professional self-fulfilment of the teacher”, which means a personal strategy of a teacher’s professional activity, aimed at improving their personal qualities and developing their professional competencies. The structural and content components of the professional self-fulfilment of the teacher have been determined: self-understanding, self-actualization, self-identification, self-design, self-organization and self-regulation. It has been proved that each of the six components carries its own function, being central at a certain stage of professional development, determining the course of the teacher’s personality development, and moving at the next stage to a “subordinate” position when it becomes a mechanism for the implementation of a new stage of the teacher’s professional self-fulfilment. Self-knowledge is an activity specially organized by a teacher, the purpose of which is to identify one’s own potential capabilities, actual needs, life meanings in the aspect of professional activity. Self-actualization is an activity specially organized by a teacher, the purpose of which is self-understanding, self-awareness of one’s own uniqueness in professional activity. Self-identification is an activity specially organized by the teacher, the purpose of which is self-identification with one of the self-actualizing professional portraits. Self-design is an activity specially organized by the teacher, the purpose of which is to develop an individual educational trajectory in the direction of his “ideal self-teacher”. Self-development is an activity specially organized by the teacher, the purpose of which is positive self-change of the individual in the direction of his “ideal self-teacher”. Self-presentation is an activity specially organized by the teacher, the purpose of which is the teacher’s presentation of his intermediate and final results. Keywords: Professional self-fulfillment of the teacher; structural and content components of the professional self-fulfillment of the teacher; self-understanding of the teacher, self-actualization of the teacher; self-identification of the teacher; self-design of the teacher; self-organization of the teacher; self-regulation of the teacher.

Taisa Smagina 

With the approval of teachers’ professional standard there is a need for a qualitatively different teacher training, which allows to combine the fundamentals of professional basic knowledge with innovative thinking and practice-oriented research approach to the implementation of a new evaluation format. Modernization of the system of education in Ukraine has radically changed the «portrait» of the modern teacher and the requirements for his work. There is a demand for professionals who not only know their subject well, but also have a flexible professional self-awareness, emotional intelligence and communication skills focused on creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship. There is a need to create a route map for the development of teachers` professionalism in Ukraine. The analysis of the teacher’s professional standard encourages to more detailed definition and comprehension of the value sphere of teacher`s professional activity. It is here, in our opinion, that the achievements of a relatively new field of scientific knowledge − pedagogical deontology − should be used. The purpose of the article is to identify and determine the place of the deontological component within the teacher`s evaluative-analytical competence in the formulation of teacher`s professional standard. Based on the comparative analysis of literature sources, the author's conclusions are formulated. Motivational-value (personal) component of the structure of evaluative-analytical competence clearly reveals the personal traits of the teacher, which gives the opportunity to reveal students` motives and aspirations. This gives grounds to define the motivational-value (personal) component as a deontological component of the teacher’s evaluative-analytical competence. It should be a trigger for fair and motivating assessment that enables the student to feel valued and find meaning in learning. The teacher forms certain models of professional behavior, which are a manifestation of the formation of his evaluative-analytical competence.

2020 ◽  
pp. 52-56
L. Seregina

The article highlights the main directions of development of legislation on labor protection in the Russian Federation. It draws attention to the fact that in the digital economy there is a change in approaches to the regulation of labor protection. In particular, there is a gradual departure from strict regulation of relations in the field of labor protection and the transition to more flexible forms. The author concludes that in the future legislation on labor protection will develop in the direction of expanding understanding of labor protection, providing flexibility to respond to the emergence of new areas of professional activity while individualizing approaches to preserving the health of workers. Among the priorities will remain such areas as improving the mechanisms for preventing occupational injuries and occupational morbidity, encouraging employers and workers to improve working conditions and maintaining health, motivating workers to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

2021 ◽  
Сергей Александрович Яковлев

Современная система физического воспитания студенческой молодежи не физкультурных вузов является приоритетной в формировании физической культуры как вида общей культуры молодого человека, здорового образа и спортивного стиля жизнедеятельности будущих специалистов производства, науки, культуры. Формирование социально активной личности в гармонии с физическим развитием - важное условие подготовки выпускника вуза к профессиональной деятельности в обществе, развивающейся по законам рыночной экономики. Взаимоотношение физического развития и нравственного становления личности в процессе занятий физическими упражнениями получило научное обоснование в теории и методике физического воспитания. Modern system of physical education of students of non-physical universities is a priority in the formation of physical culture as a type of general culture of young people, healthy lifestyle and sporting style of life activities of future specialists in production, science, culture. The formation of a socially active personality in harmony with physical development is an important condition for the preparation of university graduates for professional activity in the society developing according to the laws of the market economy. The relationship between physical development and moral formation of the individual in the process of physical exercise is scientifically substantiated in the theory and methodology of physical education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-169

The article is devoted to the analysis of modern trends in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students as an important area of successful self-realization of students in the field of future professional activities. The semantic content of a "healthy lifestyle" in the studies of domestic and foreign scientists is revealed from different points of view, but in all studies there is the thesis that the basis of a healthy lifestyle is the integrity of a person's spiritual and physical development, which must be developed and strengthened in unity. Currently, pedagogical workers of educational organizations of all levels and types, social workers, doctors, parents are convinced that the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle has become actualized especially recently, when, after a long forced self-isolation, there is a clear tendency towards a significant deterioration of the mental, somatic, physical and the physiological health of all students, including students. As shown by the analysis of research results even before the pandemic, about 10% of the younger generation are considered perfectly healthy, while the rest of the survey reveals various pathologies in their health. The author also established an organic connection between human health and his lifestyle. In general, a healthy lifestyle includes a complex of health-improving measures, which ensures the strengthening of the physical and moral health of students, an increase in their moral and physical performance, and successful self-realization in the field of professional activity. Of course, the formation of the value attitude of students to a healthy lifestyle, to their physical and mental health is not solved within the framework of one educational organization, but it has the greatest opportunities, since it has at its disposal a sufficient number of hours allocated for physical culture and sports classes. Based on the foregoing, the author convincingly proves in the article his position on a healthy lifestyle as a significant component of successful professional self-realization in a market economy.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 172-183
Тетяна Дзюба

У статті розглянуто особливості впливу деструктивних ознак професійного самоставлення на професійне здоров’я вчителя. Відмічено, що професійний сенс "Я", який визначає характер професійного самоставлення особистості, виступає латентною й інактивною смисловою структурою, що забезпечує надійне збереження досвіду самоусвідомлення в професії. Підкреслено, що джерелом професійного самоставлення вчителя і відображеного у ньому професійного смислу "Я-професіонал" виступають професійні мотиви та професійні цінності фахівця. Зауважено, що несприятливі умови професійного середовища провокують розвиток деструктивних ознак професійного самоставлення вчителя, прямо й опосередковано впливаючи на його професійне здоров’я. Зроблено припущення, що деструктивні ознаки професійного самоставлення фахівця можуть виступати своєрідними ризиками професійного здоров’я вчителя. За результатами теоретико-емпіричного дослідження розкрито сутність понять "професійне здоров’я", "ризики професійного здоров’я" та "деструктивні ознаки професійного самоставлення". Показано, що деструктивні ознаки професійного самоставлення як специфічні форми активного руйнівного ставлення особистості до самої себе в умовах професійного середовища, потужно впливають на індивідуальні властивості працівника і починають об’єктивно перешкоджати досягненню успіху в професійній діяльності, утруднюють ділове спілкування, гальмують кар’єрне зростання. Проаналізовано результати кореляційного аналізу взаємозв’язку між факторами "негативна оцінка себе як особистості й професіонала" та "негативна оцінка праці" й окремими факторами груп ризиків професійного здоров’я вчителя. Зроблено висновок, що негативна самооцінка вчителя та негативна оцінка власної праці провокують системні зміни інтегральних характеристик фахівця й можуть стати однією з причин спрощення образу "Я-професіонал", впливаючи не лише на особистість педагога, а й на те середовище, яке він організовує навколо себе. The article describes the features of impact of the destructive professional self-attitude on teacher’s occupational health. It is noted that a professional sense of "I", which determines the nature of professional self-attitude, and acts as latent and inactive semantic structure that provides reliable preservation of the experience of the self-awareness in the profession. It is emphasized that the source of teacher’s professional self-attitude and professional sense "I am a professional", which is reflected in it, are professional motivation and professional values ​​of the specialist. It is noted that the adverse conditions of a professional environment provoke the development of the destructive features of techer’s proffecional self-attitude, directly and indirectly affecting his occupational health. It is suggested that destructive features of specialist’s professional self-attitude can act as o kind of risks of teacher’s occupational health. According to the results of theoretical and empirical research essence of the concepts of "occupational health", "occupational health’s risks" and "destructive features of professional self-attitude." is disclosed. It is shown that the destructive features of professional self-attitude as specific forms of active destructive attitude of the individual to himself in terms of professional environment powerfully influence the individual properties of the employee and begin to objectively hinder achieving success in professional activity, complicate business communication, hampering career growth. The results of correlation analysis of the interrelation between the factors "negative assessment of himself as a person and professional" and "negative assessment of labor" and particular factors of groups of occupational health’s risks are analyzed. It is concluded that a negative self-evaluation and a negative evaluation of teacher’s own work provoke systemic changes in the integrated professional characteristics and may be a reason of simplification of the image "I am a professional," affecting not only the personality of the teacher, but also the environment, which is organized around .

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