2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Ramdiana Ramdiana ◽  
Nani Anggraini ◽  
Sattar Yunus ◽  
Hadiratul Kudsiah

Application of Wind Powered Composter in the Coastal Area of Cambayya Village, Makassar CityAbstract. Cambayya Village is one of the coastal areas of Makassar City which has a very complex waste condition, which is garbage from the people who live and carry out activities in the coastal area, garbage sent from land area that flows from rivers or gutters that flow into the coast. The Community Service Program aims to conduct activities in the form of training, practice and assistance in processing organic waste into compost using Wind Powered Composter technology located in the RT A community group of Cambayya Village. The problem by partners is the large amount of garbage generated in the coastal settlements of Cambayya Village, residents do not yet know how to process organic waste, and there is no practical application of renewable technology that is acceptable to the community in environmental management. The technology applied is Wind Powered Composter Technology which is an organic waste processing technology using wind power as an energy source to produce compost that can be useful for greening and economic value. This method is contained from a few stages: Preparation stage, namely processing permits, socializing activities to partners, and preparing training materials, Implementation stage conducting motivational training in processing waste, training on organic waste sorting, making composter equipment, making use of SOP training, the practice of composting, harvest compost and compost packaging, The evaluation stage by providing assistance and periodic checking of the composting process. The results of the implementation of this activity are the reduction in the volume of 60 kg of organic waste in each composting process, increased knowledge of citizens about organic waste processing, and the application of appropriate technology in coastal areas.Keywords: Organic waste, composter, wind poweredAbstrak.   Kelurahan Cambayya merupakan salah satu wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar yang memiliki kondisi sampah yang sangat kompleks yaitu sampah dari masyarakat yang tinggal dan melakukan aktivitas di wilayah pesisir, sampah kiriman dari wilayah daratan atas yang mengalir dari sungai atau selokan yang bermuara ke pesisir. Adanya program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan melakukan kegiatan dalam bentuk pelatihan, praktek dan pendampingan dalam pengolahan sampah organik menjadi kompos dengan menggunakan teknologi Wind Powered Composter yang berlokasi di kelompok warga RT A Kelurahan Cambayya. Masalah yang dihadapi mitra  adalah  banyaknya timbulan sampah yang dihasilkan di permukiman pesisir Kelurahan Cambayya, warga belum mengetahui cara mengolah sampah organik, dan belum ada penerapan teknologi terbarukan yang praktis dan mampu diterima masyarakat dalam pengelolaan lingkungan. Teknologi yang diterapkan adalah Teknologi Wind Powered Composter yang merupakan teknologi pengolahan sampah organik menggunakan tenaga angin sebagai sumber energi menghasilkan kompos yang dapat bermanfaat untuk penghijauan dan bernilai ekonomi. Metode kegiatan ini diantaranya: Tahap persiapan yaitu pengurusan surat izin, sosialisasi kegiatan ke mitra, dan persiapan materi pelatihan, Tahap pelaksanaan melakukan pelatihan motivasi dalam mengolah sampah, pelatihan pemilahan sampah organik, pembuatan alat komposter, pelatihan SOP penggunaan alat, praktek pembuatan kompos, panen kompos, dan  pengemasan kompos, Tahap evaluasi dengan melakukan pendampingan dan pengecekan berkala terhadap proses pembuatan kompos. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah berkurangnya volume sampah organik maksimal 60 kg dalam setiap proses pengomposan, meningkatnya pengetahuan warga tentang pengolahan sampah organik, dan telah diterapkannya teknologi tepat guna di kawasan pesisir.Kata Kunci: Sampah organik, komposter, tenaga Angin 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Aviv Yuniar Rahman ◽  
Feddy Wanditya Setiawan ◽  
April Lia Hananto

Appropriate Technology Application for MSME Organic Waste Processing as Worm Feed Abstract. Waste is a problem that has not been resolved, therefore to reduce the adverse effects caused by waste, it is necessary to innovate waste management in order to have economic value. With this innovation in managing waste, the community can reduce the level of waste accumulation and reduce air pollution, especially for processing organic waste. CV. Rumah Alama Jaya (RAJ) Organics is a partner in this program because it produces worm feed using raw materials for organic waste. However, there are obstacles in the field of production that is a tool for making feed ingredients in worms that are still done in the traditional way and require a long time. The solution offered is to make an organic waste blender machine that can chop organic waste such as leaves and twigs to be used as worm feed. The methods used in making this waste treatment machine are location survey, group discussion, literature study, tool making, tool experimentation, and results evaluation. The results of the organic waste blender produce small particles of waste so it is faster to be processed to the next stage. With the help of this organic waste processing machine, the waste that has been chopped, fermented, and treated with this machine is capable of wasting the waste in 2 days. So, the production process becomes efficient because the process of eating worms is not too long and the process of accumulating waste is minimal.Keywords: Blender machine, organic waste processing, worm feed.Abstrak. Sampah menjadi masalah yang belum terselesaikan hingga saat ini. Oleh karena itu untuk mengurangi dampak buruk yang diakibatkan oleh sampah, maka diperlukan inovasi pengolahan sampah agar mempunyai nilai ekonomi.  Dengan adanya inovasi mengelola sampah ini masyarakat dapat mengurangi tingkat penumpukan sampah dan mengurangi polusi udara, khususnya untuk mengolah sampah organik. CV. Rumah Alam Jaya (RAJ) Organik menjadi mitra dalam program ini karena memproduksi pakan cacing menggunakan bahan baku sampah organik. Namun, terdapat kendala pada bidang produksi yaitu alat cara pembuatan bahan pakan pada cacing yang masih dilakukan dengan cara tradisional dan membutuh-kan waktu lama. Solusi yang ditawarkan yaitu membuat mesin blender sampah organik yang dapat mencacah sampah organik seperti daun dan ranting untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan cacing. Metode yang dilaksanakan dalam pembuatan mesin pengolahan sampah ini yaitu survey lokasi, diskusi kelompok, studi literatur, pembuatan alat, percobaan alat, dan evaluasi hasil. Blender sampah organik mampu menghasilkan partikel-partikel kecil sampah sehingga lebih cepat diolah ketahap selanjutnya. Dengan bantuan mesin pengolahan sampah organik ini sampah yang sudah di cacah, difermentasi, dan diolah dengan mesin ini cacing mampu menghabiskan limbah tersebut dalam 2 hari sehingga proses produksi menjadi efisien karena proses makan cacing tidak terlalu lama dan proses penumpukan sampah semakin minimal. Kata Kunci: Mesin blender, pengolahan limbah organik, pakan cacing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-42
Harapin Hafid ◽  
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Inderawati Inderawati ◽  
S.H. Ananda ◽  
L.O.A. Sani

Community service activities in the form of training in the application of appropriate technology for shredded production aimed at providing entrepreneurial skills and motivation. In this activity, technical guidance is carried out to increase knowledge and skills as well as work insights to the target so that they can form a shredded meat business group so that they can supply shredded needs for the people in the city of Kendari and surrounding areas. The activity method uses the technical guidance method where the participants are first given counseling related to basic knowledge of raw materials, equipment, manufacturing processes and abon assessment. Then there was a demonstration to make floss making involving the participants. The results achieved in this activity, in the form of increased knowledge and understanding of the training participants consisting of alumni of the Department of Animal Science, Halu Oleo University, were very interested and enthusiastic about receiving training materials and were very actively participating in the training activities. This situation shows that alumni majoring in animal husbandry are still in dire need of additional practice material because of the limited practical opportunities they have. In evaluating activities, participants' perception responses to follow-up activities are divided into three categories. Most want to make it for consumption and sell it as a source of income (60%), some want to make it for their own consumption with their families (30%) and some are interested but it is difficult to buy raw meat because of economic incapability (10%).

Mohamad Satori ◽  
Ivan Chofyan ◽  
Yuliadi Yuliadi ◽  
Otong Rukmana ◽  
Ira Ayu Wulandari ◽  

Organic waste is the largest composition of waste generated by the people of Indonesia, which is around 50-60%. This type of waste, especially food waste, is easy to smell if it is stored for too long so that it has the potential to pollute the environment. On the other hand, organic waste has good nutrients that can be generated, including through BSF (Black Soldier Fly) maggot bioconversion treatment. The BSF maggot bioconversion method is a method of processing organic waste which is carried out by converting organic matter into other products that are useful and have added value by utilizing biological processes from microorganisms and enzymes. Organic waste treatment with this method is generally carried out on a community-based basis and is integrated with the development of agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry, because maggot cultivation produces commodities of economic value such as compost and maggot larvae. Compost contains very good nutrients so that it can be used for organic farming and maggot contains high protein that can be used for animal feed and fisheries. The implementation of this program was piloted in the boarding school community, namely the Az-Zakaria Islamic Boarding School which is managed by the Az-Zakaria Islamic Education Foundation (YPI) in Sindangbarang Village, Jalaksana District, Kuningan Regency. The result of this implementation is the formation of a new group of entrepreneurs engaged in the cultivation and utilization of BSF maggots.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Mega Safana ◽  
Rangga Alif Faresta ◽  
Raenaldi Raenaldi ◽  
Yuraeda Mufidah ◽  
Eta Lestari Kamal ◽  

East Lombok Regency has great potential in agriculture. One of them is Mamben Baru Village, Wanasaba District in the plantation sector Banana is one of the most abundant plantation commodities, especially when the main harvest time arrives, namely from April to May. However, the problem that arises is that the people of Mamben Baru Village are not yet skilled at processing bananas into high economic value products. So that the aim of this program is to provide training in making banana-based preparations. The stages in this empowerment activity start from the preparation stage, the activity implementation stage and the product evaluation stage. The results obtained in this empowerment activity arethe creation of processed products that can help the people of Mamben Baru Village in developing processed banana products into cookies and banana chips so that they can increase community income. So that the formation of people who are skilled in processing bananas into processed products that have their own uniqueness with the flavors offered so that they have more selling power. This empowerment program provides benefits that can improve the skills of the Wanasaba Village community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 234-241
Susi Nurweni ◽  
Aries Prasetyo ◽  
Beny Suyanto

Effluent digester is potential to be composted by adding organic material (organic waste, etc.) and to accelerate maturity, inoculant effective Microorganism (EM) is required as bio decomposer in fermentation. Not only to break the chain of diseases, this organic fertilizer also economic value, sold as agricultural fertilizer.The purpose of this study is to use the effluent of biogas digester for making compost. This experimental research method using a randomized design consisting of 4 formulations each treatment replicated 3 times with 30 days maturation and the compost will be carried out physical and chemical assessment. The results showed that compost with biogas effluent material: charcoal secam: sequential organic waste with a ratio of formulas: 1 (4: 1: 1); 2 (3: 1: 1); 3 (2: 1: 1) and 4 (1: 1: 1). Physical assessment of the 4 formulas, namely temperature, pH, humidity, color, odor and texture meet the requirements of SNI 19-7030-2004. Measurement of the chemical content of formula 1 (content C: 14.36%; N: 0.98; P: 1.27; K: 1.11; C/N ratio: 14.78); 2 (content C: 17.85%; N: 2.06; P: 1.21; K: 0.88; C/N ratio: 16.91); 3 (content C: 16.14%; N: 0.84; P: 1.02; K: 1.10; C/N ratio: 14.78); 4 (content C: 16.42%; N: 0.89; P: 1.15; K: 0.88; C/N ratio: 18.52). The more use of biogas effluent produced compost with N, P, K the greater is followed by a decrease in C/N ratio and met the requirements of SNI 19-7030-2004. The results of this study can be implemented by, from and for the community, in making compost that is economically beneficial, can reduce the expenditure of chemical fertilizers. renewable energy substitutes for LPG easily and at relatively low costs. Keywords: appropriate technology; biogas digester effluent; compost

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Robiah Siti Hanifah ◽  
Ai Siti Farida

AbstrakSampah organik merupakan salah satu masalah besar yang sulit untuk diselesaikan di Indonesia. Laman berita internasional, anadulu academy menyatakan pada tahun 2019 ini, terdapat 67 juta ton sampah yang dihasilkan di Indonesia, diantara 67 juta ton tersebut, 60 persennya merupakan sampah organik. Padahal, didalam sampah organik ini terdapat beberapa zat seperti protein atau glukosa yang jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik dapat menghasilkan unsur-unsur hara yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan kesehatan tanaman. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdi berusaha meminimalisir jumlah sampah organik dalam lingkup kecil seperti di Dusun Tagog dengan cara mengolahnya menjadi pupuk organik cair atau diberi nama “Tagog Pupuk Organik Cair (Tapukor)”. Selain dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat di dusun tersebut, pupuk organik cair ini dapat dipasarkan juga dimana pupuk organik cair ini memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 25.000 per 50 mL. Sehingga dengan adanya pembuatan pupuk organik cair ini diharapkan dapat turut berkontribusi secara nyata dalam pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs) poin delapan yakni meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang merata dan berkelanjutan, tenaga kerja yang optimal dan produktif, serta pekerjaan yang layak untuk semua.AbstractOrganic waste is one of the big problems that are difficult to solve in Indonesia. The international news page, The Anadulu Academy stated that in 2019, there were 67 million tons of waste produced in Indonesia, of which 67 million tons, 60 percent of which is organic waste. In fact, in this organic waste, there are several substances such as protein or glucose which, if properly utilized can produce nutrients needed for plant growth, development, and health. Therefore, the writer as a participant in the Sisdamas Community Service Program tries to minimize the amount of organic waste in a small scope such as in Tagog Hamlet by processing it into liquid organic fertilizer or named "Tagog Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Tapukor)". Besides being able to be used by the people in the village, this liquid organic fertilizer can be marketed also where the liquid organic fertilizer has a high economic value of around 25,000 for 50 mL. So that the creation of liquid organic fertilizer is expected to contribute significantly in achieving the goal of sustainable development (SDGs) point eight, namely promoting equitable and sustainable economic growth, optimal and productive workforce, and decent work for all

2015 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
Mohammed F.M. Abushammala ◽  
Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri ◽  
Shahrom Md Zain ◽  
Nur Fatin Mat Saad ◽  
Nurul Afida Zainudin

The composting of organic waste is an alternative waste management technique that can be used to control the increase in waste generation. The objective of this study was to identify a type of effective microbes (EMs) that accelerate the composting process. The study also determined the suitability of using a KompostKu rotary composter along with additional materials such as coconut husks and Takakura EMs for composting food waste from the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), and determines the economic value of the compost. In order to select the most efficient EMs, Takakura and fruit waste EMs were prepared and used during the composting of both food and yard waste using a composter barrel. Four important parameters were examined to ensure the effectiveness of the process, including temperature, moisture content, potential of hydrogen (pH), and carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio. The experimental results revealed that Takakura EMs were superior to the fruit waste EMs in accelerating the composting process. The use of coconut husks as an absorbing agent with Takakura EMs also accelerated the composting process, requiring approximately four weeks to fully decompose the food waste. It was estimated that the composting of food and landscape waste at the UKM could annually generate compost products worth over 30,660 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR). The use of Takakura EMs enhanced and accelerated the composting process and provided high-quality compost

2021 ◽  
Vol 894 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
N U Fitri ◽  
D Indrawati ◽  

Abstract The increase in waste generation in Gunung Putri Subdistrict, Bogor Regency, causes an increased burden at the Landfill Site (TPA). One of the efforts to reduce the burden of Landfill Site (TPA) is to maximize the Waste Processing Site (TPS) by applying the circular economy concept. This study aims to analyze the generation, composition, and potential of waste processing to have economic value. The sampling method used is a combination of purposive sampling and stratified random sampling. The results showed that with a population of 304,672 people and a waste generation rate of 0.48 kg/person/day, it is estimated that the waste generation in Gunung Putri District is 147,156.58 kg/day. The waste material in Gunung Putri Subdistrict consists of 52.86% organic waste components and 47.14% non-organic waste. Organic waste is dominated by food waste by 50.38%. From the results of the characteristic test of the waste, it is known that the water content is 63.16%, the ash content is 29%, the C/N ratio is 7.03%, and the calorific value of the waste is 1.924 kcal/kg by considering the amount of generation, composition, and characteristics of waste, which are then used with standards or criteria for waste processing technology from various references. Organic waste in Gunung Putri Subdistrict has good potential to be processed using the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) and organic waste processing with Peuyeumisasi Method (Biodrying) and recycling for non-organic waste.

Kilat ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Redaksi Tim Jurnal

Garbage is one of important issues in the life community, particularly in Indonesia. The volume of garbage heap is increasing along with the increase of public consumption every day, which affects garbage accumulation especially in GEMPEL - BEHI TPST. Therefore, an alternative waste treatment is needed to reduce the volume of waste to be transported to the landfill by utilizing organic waste with anaerobic-digester technology. This condition encourages researchers to design biodigester type fixed dome to optimize waste processing. Based on the research that has been done, Designed anaerobic-digester that had been made can be known the total volume of reactor used is 196,8 m3 to process waste 32,8m3/day. From utilization the anaerobic-digester technology, it provides benefits for the community such as income from the sale of economic value of waste are Rp. 58.795.750,- per month and value of expenses are Rp 52.320.000,- per month with pay back period are 6 month. So with the design, it occurs environmental conservation efforts as one step to improve human welfare and realize the sustainability of natural resources.

Mujahiddin ◽  
Yurisna Tanjung ◽  
Sahran Saputra

The implementation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) was carried out in Pematang Johar Village. This village was chosen because the waste management activities still use the Kumpul-Angkut-Dispose system. In addition, it is still a community member who manages waste by completing receiving waste, This PKM is carried out by providing training on waste management to the people in Pematang Johar Village. The method in this PKM activity is carried out with two approaches namely; socialization, training and FGD. The results of the PKM implementation show that: community group consisting of PKK Group and BUMDes Management Group have understood the practice of household scale waste management using the 3-R Principle. In addition, community groups have understood and are able to practice organic waste management into compost through the composter method. Community groups also understand and are able to practice inorganic waste management into creative goods such as piggy banks.

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