2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-270
Ika Novitaria Marani ◽  
Heru Miftakhudin

This study aims to develop a model of exercise aids (hand paddle) as a training medium to train finger density in early swimmers. The research method used is the Sugiyono’s model of research and development method. Hand paddle modification was developed through a small-scale trial of 29 early swimmers from 3 swimming associations in East Jakarta. Small-scale trials were conducted using the pre-posttest design experiment with 6 training sessions using paddle modification. The results of the research and product development showed that (1) the media of exercise aids (hand paddle) significantly increased the density of the fingers in early childhood (2) the validity of exercise aid media indicated by the results of 87% swimming expert validity with the category very feasible and the validity of 75% biomechanics experts with appropriate categories, (3) The effectiveness of hand paddle media indicated by the results of the pretest and posttest, obtained tcount = 6.71> t table - 2.06, with sig (2 tailed) and degrees of freedom) .05 Keyword: Hand paddle, swimming, early age Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan model alat bantu latihan (hand paddle) sebagai media latihan melatih kerapatan jari tangan pada perenang usia dini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) model Sugiyono. Modifikasi hand paddle dikembangkan melalui uji coba skala kecil terhadap 29 perenang usia dini dari 3 perkumpulan renang di Jakarta Timur. Uji coba skala kecil dilakukan dengan menggunakan eksperimen pre-posttest design dengan 6 kali sesi latihan menggunakan paddle modifikasi. Hasil penelitian dan pengembangan produk yang dihasilkan menunjukkan bahwa (1) Media alat bantu latihan (hand paddle) signifikan meningkatkan kerapatan jari – jari tangan pada anak usia dini (2) Kevalidan media alat bantu latihan yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil validitas ahli renang 87% dengan kategori sangat layak dan validitas ahli biomekanika 75% dengan kategori layak, (3) Keefektifan media alat bantu (hand paddle) yang ditunjukkan oleh hasil pretest dan posttest, diperoleh thitung = 6.71 > ttabel – 2.06, dengan sig (2 tailed) dan derajat kebebasan 0.05. Kata Kunci: Hand paddle, Latihan Renang, Usia Dini

Jurnal PenSil ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-30
Gilang Mawardi ◽  
Tuti Iriani ◽  
Daryati Daryati

This research is a type of research and development that aims to produce products in the form of multimedia powerpoint-based learning media in Learning Competency courses. This development research is a Research and Development research method with the 4D (four-D) model. This research is basically done through four main stages, namely define process, design process, develop process, and disseminate process. However, the research only reaches the stage of the development process. This study uses a questionnaire as a tool to test the feasibility of the media through the validation of media experts and material experts. The results of development are multimedia powerpoint-based learning media products. Assessments by material expert lecturers get scores 4,27 categorized as "Very Good". An assessment by a media expert lecturer got a score of 3.31 which was categorized as "Quite Good". The results of the average assessment from material and media experts get the value "3,79" means that multimedia-based learning media is categorized as "Good.".

Hariadi Hariadi ◽  
Suryansah Suryansah ◽  
Muhamad Rezeki Rizal Watoni

This study was aimed at designing, creating, and developing an interactive audio visual learning media. This study was also aimed at examining the effectiveness of the implementation of the kid’s athletics interactive audio visual learning media on the student learning achievement. This research used a Research and Development method. The subjects of the study were 30 elementary students. The research design was the product development model. The data were analyzed by using a percentage calculation of the validation results. The validators were the expert in media and the expert in material. The result of the data analysis showed that the use of interactive audiovisual media kid’s athletics had been assessed as valid by the validators. The validity score was 85,71% from the media expert and 91,67% from the material expert. Therefore, the product was categorized as very good, which means it is applicable to use. The results of teacher instruction observation on using the kid’s athletics interactive audio visual media were 94,79% for the Kanga Escape material, 88,54% for Frog Jump material, 92, 70% for Turbo Throwing material, and 91,66 for Formula 1 material.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 273
Hunainah Hunainah

<p><strong><em>MENTORING KINDERGARDEN TEACHER </em></strong><strong><em>IN DEVELOPMENT EARLY AGE</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>LEARNING METHODS.</em></strong> This study aims to determine the ability of teachers in  preparing Weekly Working Plan  and Daily Working Plan; Applying early childhood learning methods; Making learning properties from natural materials; and the understanding of Islamic teachings based on the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah to the Kindergarten Teachers' Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Puloampel in 2017. In this study, the researcher used qualitative research method. Qualitative research intends to understand the phenomenon of what by research subjects such as behavior, perception, motivation, action, and others. The results showed that the teacher’s skill in using early childhood learning methods in teaching at a Kindergarten  Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Puloampel in 2017 is quite varios, they used lecturing method, question-answer, singing and assignment methods. This is shown by the teachers who only used student exercise books and magazines as the main learning media. The understanding of Islamic Teaching of the teacher was still minimum. This is indicated by the practice of worship of the teachers were not based on  the Decision of Tarjih Muhammadiyah.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Romlah Umi

Childhood is a golden age. The emphasis on the importance of early childhood education is not intended to assume that children should start "going to school as early as possible". The purpose of this study is; Develop learning media to improve the ability to recognize the concept of child numbers in the form of a number puzzle card game. This research method is research and development (Research and development or R D). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the results of preliminary research on puzzle learning media through numerical cards: the assessment of material experts gave a score of 52.86% categorized as good enough. the quality got an assessment score of 57.14% categorized as good enough. After being revised the experts gave the following values: the assessment of the experts gave an assessment score of 78.57% categorized as good, the media expert gave an assessment score of 86.67% for the aspect of view categorized as very good and for the aspect of quality got an assessment score of 88.57% categorized as very good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Ainul Hasanah

Abstract Sex education needs to be introduced from an early age as an effort to provide understanding for children about the role of their sexuality and as an effort to prevent sexual violence against children. Early childhood education must be implemented in accordance with the needs and stages of child development, then the process of early childhood education must be packaged in an attractive and fun form for children. This study aims to determine how the application of the introduction of sex education to children using interesting and fun media, namely the media of images and the singing method. The subjects in this study were 30 students aged 5-6 years and 9 teachers at TK Muslimat VI NU Pademawu Pamekasan. The data collection methods in this research are observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis used was the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the introduction of sex education in children by personal health and sex education through the media of pictures and the singing method. Keywords: sex education, media of pictures, singing method

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 354
Ani Bodedarsyah ◽  
Rita Yulianti

Cognitive development is an important aspect. One of them is the ability to think symbolically. To improve the ability of symbolic thinking of early childhood certainly cannot be separated from the role of educators. Indicators of cognitive development that must be achieved by children aged 4-5 years are: numbers 1-10, recognizing the concept of numbers, recognizing the symbol of numbers, and recognizing the symbol of letters. For this reason, it is appropriate for educators to work hard to improve the ability to think symbolically in early childhood by providing stimulation through appropriate learning media like children, one of which is the media learning of dimples. This research was conducted with a class action research method. From the two cycles that have been done show the results that there is an increase in the ability of symbolic thinking in early childhood group A using the media learning dimples.Perkembangan kognitif merupakan aspek yang tidak kalah penting. Salah satunya  adalah kemampuan berpikir simbolik. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini tentu tak lepas dari peranan pendidik. Indikator perkembangan kognitif yang harus dicapai anak usi 4-5 tahun adalah: membilang  benda 1-10, mengenal konsep bilangan, mengenal lambang bilangan, dan mengenal lambang huruf. Untuk itu sudah selayaknya pendidik berusaha dengan keras untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini dengan cara memberikan stimulasi melalui media pembelajaran yang tepat bagai anak, salah satunya adalah media pembelajaran lesung angka. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode peneletian tindakan kelas. Dari dua siklus  yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan hasil bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemmapuan berpikir simbolik pada anak usia dini kelompok A dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran lesung angka.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Ferdiyani Haris

In the world of health, many health terms are difficult to understand. The health encyclopedia book is one of the media that presents an explanation of these terms. But in its use, the printed book is less effective and efficient because of limited space and time. So we need a media that explains health terms that are mobile so that they can be used whenever and wherever. This application was designed and implemented for the Android operating system. The system created aims to display definitions and images of health terms. The research method used is the research and development method. While for the development of software systems using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall software development model. Based on the results of the response to application users conducted with a questionnaire resulting in a value of 88.9% stated very well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1680-1687
Nurmalina Nurmalina ◽  
Deddy Gusman

This study aims at determining the impact of using smartphones on aspects of early childhood language development. This analytical descriptive study was conducted among early childhood children. Documentation was the technique for collecting the data whereas analysing the data was the library research method. Allowing children to use smartphones which are still at an early age with adequate time control, does not interfere with their language development. Children with these criteria can still develop normally. However, the undesirable effects of using smartphones outweigh the constructive effects. In conclusion, early childhood is already familiar with smartphones and is strongly dependent on them in their activities. With a high quantity of time, children’s language development is not optimal and tends to be hampered.

Intan Rahayu ◽  
Farida Mayar

This research originated from the fact that was found in Aisyiyah 29 Tanjung Aur Kindergarten, Padang, that children's creativity ability is not well developed, because the media is less varied. The aim of the researchers was to raise this title to find out whether clay influences the creativity of early childhood in Aisyiyah 29 Kindergarten Tanjung Aur Padang. Children's creativity can be developed through clay media. After going through the process and stages of clay can be used by children so that it is safe and harmless when forming activities with clay. The research method used is a quantitative method with experimental quasy types. Tests in the form of 4 items are used as data collection techniques, then processed using the t-test. The results of the post-test data analysis of the experimental class scored an average of 80 using clay activities and the control class gained an average of 71.67 using paper pulp.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 202
Dewi Mulyani ◽  
Imam Pamungkas ◽  
Dinar Nur Inten

Muslim children are part of the Muslims. They are the successors and propagators of the da'wah of the Muslims. It is an obligation for parents and teachers to provide them with the ability to read, write and understand the Qur'an as a guide for the lives of Muslims. With the literacy of Al-Quran from an early age, it is expected the generations of Muslims to understand and literate the guidelines of his life. However, children are different from adults. Early childhood teachers should choose the right techniques for early childhood. Children love the sound playing, fun, and freedom from stress. In this case, is offered one of the techniques favored by early childhood, that is storytelling techniques. This research method descriptive analytic with a qualitative approach. So that's this method can produce a clearer picture of Al-Quran literacy strategies for early childhood. In operational research, researchers conduct interviews, observation literature studies. The results showed that 75% of children in group A enjoyed Quranic literacy with storytelling techniques and in group B children 41,6% liked it too. Thus Al-Quran literacy through storytelling techniques is a fun and meaningful activity. 

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