scholarly journals TRADITION OF KIAI KINSHIP AT ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL IN MADURA (Study on Trah, Kiai Kinship, Islamic boarding school in Sumenep)

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 205
Mas'odi Mas'odi

<p>The purpose of this research is to know deeply about social network of kinship tradition or Trah in Madurese tradition which is defined as "toronan / na’ poto" in which written sequence lineage from a family on kiyai kinship tradition in Madura. Islamic boarding school in Madura average there is still linkage of genealogy or Trah from other islamic boarding school families.<br />The kiyai kinship tradition in some Islamic boarding schools in Madura is closely related to the past of their founders or ancestors who were called "old kiyai" founders of the first Islamic boarding school. The elderly chaplain or founder of islamic boarding school who deliberately matches his grandchildren to another islamic boarding school who is still one family / one of the closest family kiyai is as elderly as the child of his sister, the son of his uncle etc. thus giving birth to new Trah that grow and develop to this day. The method used in this research is Field Research, ie field research conducted in order to collect primary data in the field by using observation, interview and documentation. In addition, this data collection is also equipped with Library Research, which is the use of references in the form of reading books related to research themes to support field data<br />Keywords: Trah, Patron-Client Social Relations, Kinship</p>

Metahumaniora ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Erlina Zulkifli Mahmud ◽  
Taufik Ampera ◽  
Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa ◽  
Inu Isnaeni Sidiq

Kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi manusia mencakup seluruh bidang kehidupan termasuk ilmu pengetahuan antara lain terkait sejarah peradaban manusia; bagaimana manusia mempertahankan hidupnya, bagaimana manusia memperlakukan alam, bagaimana alam menyediakan segala kebutuhan manusia. Apa yang dilakukan manusia saat ini, saat lampau, dan apa yang dilakukan manusia jauh di masa prasejarah, bagaimana kondisi alam di masa-masa tersebut, apa perubahan dan perkembangannya, dapat didokumentasikan melalui bahasa, divisualisasikan kembali, lalu dipajang sebagai salah satu upaya konversai dan preservasi dalam satu institusi yang disebut museum. Penelitian ini membahas kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman. Bagaimana kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman baik dalam informasi yang disampaikan oleh pemandu wisata museumnya maupun yang terpajang menyertai benda-benda dan gambar-gambar merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara metode lapangan dan metode literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum kedudukan bahasa Indonesia berada pada urutan pertama setelah Bahasa Inggris dan keberadaan kedua bahasa dalam permuseuman ini melibatkan dua fungsi utama bahasa, yakni fungsi komunikatif dan fungsi informatif.The existence and function of language  as a medium of communication covers all fields of human life including knowledge, one of them is the history of human civilization; how humans survived, how human utilized nature for their lives, and how nature provides all the necessities for humans. What humans have been doing now, what they have done in the past and far before that in the pre-history time, how the conditions of the nature at those times were and what changes as well as progresses occurred are documented using language, then re-visualized,  displayed as one of conservation and preservation acts in an institution called museum. This research discusess the existence and function of language in museums. How important the existence of a language in museums and what language functions used in museums both in informations given by the museum guides and on the displays accompanying objects and pictures are the aims of this research. The methods used are the combination between field research and library research. The results show that generally the existence of Indonesian language plays more important role than English and both languages have two main functions; communicative function and informative function.     

2014 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 1018-1028 ◽  
Juliana Lustosa Torres ◽  
Rosângela Corrêa Dias ◽  
Fabiane Ribeiro Ferreira ◽  
James Macinko ◽  
Maria Fernanda Lima-Costa

This study was conducted in a probabilistic sam- ple of 2,055 elderly in Greater Metropolitan Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, to examine components of social network (conjugal status and visits by the children, other relatives, and friends) and social support (satisfaction with personal relations and having persons on whom to rely) associated with limitations in performing basic activities of daily living (ADL). Multivariate analysis used the Hurdle model. Performance of ADL showed independent and statistically significant associations with social network (fewer meetings with friends and not having children) and personal support (dissatisfaction/indifference towards personal relations). These associations remained after adjusting for social and demographic characteristics, health status, and other indicators of social relations. Our results emphasize the need for greater attention to social network and social support for elderly with functional limitations and those with weak social networks and social support.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-61
M. Nasrullah ◽  
Kuat Ismanto ◽  
Nalim Nalim

Islamic boarding school or pesantren is often only considered as a conservative Islamic educational institution. In fact, Pesantren has the number of interesting aspects to be deeply apart from studying the religion. As an institution, it involves many parties. The study aims to describe the economic map of Pesantren in Pekalongan region. This research is categorized as a field research using survey. The primary data were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and observations of the 25 Pesantren in Pekalongan region. The validation of data is done through triangulation of data and sources. Pesantren which became the object of this research are Pesantren which had established for at least three years and had a business unit. Based on the description of the research's findings and discussion, it was concluded that almost all Pesantren in Pekalongan region have a business unit. The existing business unit, mostly engaged in trade. The businesses itself is oriented to meet the internal needs of religious school, especially students. Pesantren has the role in determining every type of business unit and corporate governance run by the religious schools. The governance/management of the business unit was run in a simple, not follow the rules of modern business management yet. However, Pesantren have involved students in business management. The operations results of this business unit at least have contributed in boarding operations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-69
Rizqi Haniyah ◽  
Asqolani Asqolani

Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) pada umumnya memiliki dua jenis penghasilan yaitu layanan penyediaan air bersih sebagai sumber utama penghasilannya dan penghasilan non air. Air bersih baik yang bisa diminum atau tidak, merupakan Barang Kena Pajak yang dibebaskan dari pengenaan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai sesuai Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2015. Disamping itu, perusahaan juga memiliki penghasilan lain yang secara ketentuan perpajakan terutang pemungutan PPN. Namun di sisi lain, terdapat permasalahan terkait Pajak Masukan yang seharusnya tidak dapat dikreditkan seluruhnya karena terdapat penyerahan yang terutang pajak namun tidak dapat diketahui dengan pasti. Oleh sebab itu jumlah Pajak Masukan yang dapat dikreditkan untuk penyerahan yang terutang pajak dihitung dengan menggunakan pedoman yang diatur dengan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. 135/PMK.011/2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang ditujukan untuk memperoleh data dan fakta tentang kasus pengkreditan Pajak Masukan dengan menggunakan data primer yaitu wawancara. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Studi Kepustakaan (Library Research) dan Studi Lapangan (Field Research). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah adanya Pajak Masukan yang seharusnya tidak seluruhnya dikreditkan karena terdapat penyerahan yang digunakan secara bersama-sama untuk menghasilkan air bersih (BKP yang dibebaskan) dan penerimaan non air bersih (BKP) dan tidak dapat diketahui secara pasti jumlahnya. Pengkreditannya seharusnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan penghitungan kembali Pajak Masukan berdasarkan perkiraan setelah diketahui nilai penyerahan terutang dan tidak terutang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dibebaskan selama satu tahun.Kata kunci: Pengkreditan Pajak Masukan, Air Bersih, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, Barang Kena Pajak Dibebaskan. AbstractThe company of Regional Drinking Water (PDAM) generally has two types of income, namely the clean water supply service as the main source income and non-water income. Clean water that can be drunk or not, is a taxable good that is exempt from the imposition of value added tax according to government regulation number 40 year 2015. On the other hand, the company also has other income that is based on taxation payable VAT. But there are issues related to input tax that should not be credited entirely because there is a tax payable submission but cannot be identified with certainty. Therefore, the amount of input tax which can be credited for the value-added reporting is calculated using the guidelines governed by the Ministry of Finance regulation No. 135/PMK. 011/2014. This Research uses qualitative methods aimed at obtaining data and facts about the case of tax crediting of inputs using primary data i.e. interviews. The data collection techniques used in the study Library Research and field research. The conclusion of the study is that the input tax for some inventories should not be fully credited because they are used to produce clean water (freetax) and non-water income (taxable goods) and can not be exactly identified. The credit should be made by using an estimated tax return calculation after all the income is reported for one year. Keywords: Input tax, Clean Water, Value Added Tax, Free-Taxable Goods.

2021 ◽  

AbstractToraja culture with its authenticity makes this culture unique and cannot even be found in other areas. This uniqueness and authenticity is what makes Toraja culture known to foreign countries. Culture includes a way of thinking and a way of acting. This is characteristic of certain societies. This study aims to (1) find out the development of the Ma'nene 'ritual for the Toraja people and (2) to know the symbolic meaning contained in the Ma'nene' ritual. Ma'nene 'is a tradition of the ancestors of the Toraja people, namely the procession of changing ancestral clothes. This research is qulitative descriptive research. Research informants are determined by non?probability sampling. Primary data is carried out through observation and interviews with parties related to the research and secondary data is carried out through library research by reviewing some literature which isclosely related to the issues to be discussed. The data that has been collected is then presented in the form of realism narrative and analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that (1) the development of Ma'nene 'rituals that are still being carried out in the Toraja area until now has experienced many changes when compared to the Ma'nene' rituals that were carried out in the past. This is inseparable from the influence of the new religion adopted by the local community at this time which then replaced the previous religion, namely Aluk Todolo. (2) the meaning of Ma'nene 'for the Toraja people is through the ritual of caring for ancestral corpses carried out in this ritual, which is reflected in an attitude of continuing to love, respect and honor ancestral services.Keywords: makna, ritual, Ma’nene’, Toraja

Tom Brughmans ◽  
Anna Collar

As his keynote address to the 1990 Sunbelt Social Networks conference, Mark Granovetter presented a paper entitled ‘The Myth of Social Network Analysis as a Special Method in the Social Sciences’ (Granovetter 1990). In it, he described how the popular social network theory he proposed, ‘The Strength of Weak Ties’ (Granovetter 1973), was like a spectre that haunted his academic career: although he subsequently pursued other research interests, he found that ‘as I got more deeply into any subject, network ideas kept coming in the back door’. He concluded that social network analysis (SNA) is not a ‘special’ method in social science, because ‘no part of social life can be properly analysed without seeing how it is fundamentally embedded in networks of social relations’ (Granovetter 1990: 15). However, he noted that to many, SNA is an alien concept: ‘we need to remember that there are many scholars outside the house of social network analysis who think in a relational way but don’t see the kinship with network methods and ideas’ (Granovetter 1990: 15). This observation echoes the current position of network studies in archaeology and history. Few would argue that relationships between social entities are not important for understanding past social processes. However, more explicit application of network theories and methods is not yet a mainstream part of our disciplines. Although it is the case that some researchers are not aware of the advantages such perspectives might offer, the current ‘niche’ status of network applications in archaeological and historical research relates to a more general misperception: that network concepts and methodologies per se are simply not appropriate for use in research in these disciplines. This volume aims to address both issues: the contributions in this volume demonstrate both the enormous potential of network methodologies, and also—and perhaps more importantly—acknowledge and address a range of perceived problems and reservations relating to the application of network perspectives to the study of the past, thereby encouraging and enabling their wider use in archaeology and history. The full diversity of network perspectives has only been introduced in our disciplines relatively recently.

Mirza Rahmatillah ◽  
Ridwan Nurdin

The success of developing a village cannot be separated from the role of the Village Head and the entire community. A developed village can be seen from the adequate facilities and infrastructure. The head of government has a big responsibility for the progress of his village in order to create a prosperous society. The formulation of the problem in this study is how the role of the village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village and how the Siyasah Fiqh and Village Law review the role of the village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village. This type of research is classified as field research (field research), which is descriptive analysis, namely research that tells and describes data sourced from primary data through interviews, observations and reports in the form of documents and secondary data by conducting library research in the form of Al- Qur'an, Hadiths, opinions of scholars, laws and regulations, documents and books and other scientific works. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the role of the Li-Eue Village head in the implementation of development in Li-Eue Village is generally less than optimal so that it is less trustworthy or responsible for the duties as village head. Judging from the existence of several developments that have not been implemented. And less transparent and less mobilizing community participation. Review of Siyasah Fiqh and Village Law, namely leaders who are less trustworthy and less responsible.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Baharudin Baharudin

Marriage must meet the requirements and harmony, one pillar that must be met is the marriage guardian. The existence of a guardian in a marriage contract is a must and is not a legal marriage agreement that is not carried out by the guardian. The guardian is placed as a pillar in marriage according to the agreement of scholars in principle. The problem in this research is how is the formal law in the stipulation of Metro Religious Court Number 0055 / Pdt P / 2019 / PA.Mt regarding the application of guardian application? and what is the basis for the judge's judgment (material law) in deciding on the Establishment of the Metro Religious Court Number 0055 / Pdt P / 2019 / PA.Mt regarding the application of a guardian?. The research method uses a normative and empirical juridical approach. The type of data used is secondary data and primary data. Collecting data through library research and field research. Analysis of the data used is qualitative juridical.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Rizky Abdillah ◽  
Omon Abdurakhman ◽  
Novi Maryani

Perubahan zaman yang semakin cepat berpengaruh besar dalam segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Keadaan ini kemudian berdampak pula pada sistem pendidikan, khususnya sistem pendidikan Islam. Usaha yang terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan masyarakat Islam agar tidak tertinggal dari masyarakat lainnya menjadi penting dan mendesak untuk dilaksanakan. Pesantren memiliki ciri khas pada model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam sistem pendidikannya. Pesantren-pesantren yang berdiri pada masa pra-kemerdekaan sebagian besar menganut model pembelajaran tradisional. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman beberapa pesantren melakukan perubahan dengan model pembelajaran modern.. Keberadaan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido menjawab tantangan masyarakat akan kebutuhan Pendidikan, ilmu keagamaan, dan ilmu umum yang seimbang. Perpaduan kurikulum umum (nasional) dan kurikulum lokal (pesantren) dirumuskan di dalam model pembelajaran pesantren modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan metode penelitiannya adalah etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang sejarah dan juga perkembangan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido dari mulai pengubahan model pembelajaran tradisional menjadi modern. Model Pembelajaran Pesantren Modern yang digunakannya mencangkup metode pembelajaran dan kurikulumnya.. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah modernisasi model pembelajaran di Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido berjalan baik walau masih perlu adanya penyempurnaan. Faktor utama yang mendukung pelaksanaannya adalah karena komposisi tenaga pendidik atau ustadza/ah yang mayoritas alumnus pesantren yang menerapkan model pembelajaran pesantren modern.Kata kunci: kurikulum, model pembelajaran instruksional, pesantren modern. INSTRUKSIONAL LEARNING MODEL IN MODERN BOARDING SCHOOLABSTRACTModernizing effect on people's lives. This situation also impacted on the educational system of Islam. Islamic education is required to be able to respond to changes in society in accordance with the needs of society. Efforts to improve public education of Islam order to keep up the rest of society becomes important to be implemented. Boarding school has a typical model of applied learning in its educational system. Boarding School that develop in pre-independence embrace traditional learning models. However, over the times lots of pesantren make a change to use model of modern learning. The learning model functional as a guideline for the designers of learning and teachers in implementing the learning activities. The existence of Modern Boarding School of Daarul 'Uluum Lido has responded to the challenges of society that aplicating the science of religion and general science education balanced. The combination of the national curriculum and the local curriculum of boardung school teaching model formulated in modern boarding school. This research was the field research and the library research, that used qualitative descriptive study with ethnographic methods. The results of this research described the history and development of Modern Boarding School Daarul 'Uluum Lido from began modifying traditional teaching model to be modern. Modern Boarding School Learning Model which covers uses teaching methods and curriculum. Factors that supporting and inhibiting were its implementation and implications. The conclusion of this study is the modernization teaching model in Modern Boarding Daarul 'Uluum Lido running well though is still need for improvement. The main factors that support its implementation is due to the composition of the majority of educators who alumnus pesantren that implement teaching model modern boarding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Adhi Putra Satria

This study aims to analyze the impact of industrialization in Indonesia on environmental quality. The method used in this study was an empirical juridical method. This study employed both primary data obtained from field research and secondary data taken from library research. The results found that industrialization has a significant impact on the deterioration in the quality of environment as current technological developments are focused on efforts to exploit nature by emphasizing human domination on environment. This can be proven by various kinds of environmental damage and degradation in Indonesia caused by industrial activities. In brief, environmental problems caused by industrialization include air pollution, water quality and availability, and land quantity and quality. Hence, it is necessary to create new breakthroughs that can overcome environmental problems in this industrial period. One of the ways that can be applied is by realizing environmental-based industrial activities. Yet, this effort is still facing various obstacles, especially in terms of the lack of knowledge and human resources owned by business actors in implementing an environmental-based industry.Keywords : Industrialization, Environmental-based Industry, Environmental Damage.�Perlindungan Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup di Masa Industrialisasi untuk Mewujudkan Industrialisasi Berwawasan LingkunganAbstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis serta mengkaji bagaimana pengaruh dari adanya industrialisasi di Indonesia terhadap kualitas lingkungan hidup. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris, dimana data yang dipakai dalam penulisan artikel ini bersumber dari data primer yaitu data yang diambil langsung dari lapangan dan data sekunder yaitu data yang diambil dari studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa industrialisasi pada masa sekarang memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap penurunan kualitas lingkungan hidup, pengembangan teknologi saat ini telah difokuskan pada upaya untuk mengekspolritasi alam sekaligus mempertegas dominasi manusia terhadap lingkungan. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan berbagai macam kerusakan dan penurunan kualitas lingkungan hidup di Indonesia yang diakibatkan oleh aktifitas kegiatan industri. Simpulan, bahwa permasalahan lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh karena faktor industrialisasi, yaitu berupa permasalahan lingkungan dibidang udara, ketersediaan air hingga kuantitas dan kualitas tanah. Sehingga perlu adanya terobosan-terobosan baru yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan lingkungan dimasa industri ini, langkah-langkah yang dapat dipakai yaitu dengan mewacanakan kegiatan industri yang ramah lingkungan, namun wacana tersebut masih mengalami berbagai kendala, terutama dalam segi minimnya pengetahuan dan sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh para pelaku usaha dalam melaksanakan sebuah industri yang berwawasan ramah lingkungan.Kata Kunci : Industrialisasi, Industri Ramah Lingkungan, Kerusakan Lingkungan.

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