scholarly journals Understanding of Islamic banking financial management in the context of global economic competition

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Novi Puji Lestari ◽  
Eka Budi Yulianti ◽  
Nanang Yusroni ◽  
Umar Chadhiq

The authors believe that understanding Islamic banking financial governance at a globally competitive level is an exciting issue in global economic studies. We have carried out the completeness of the data and the discussion from various sources of information and economic data. Furthermore, our understanding efforts were made to find solutions in answering questions and problems in the context of this study by involving a comprehensive study of economics review, involving a system of data analysis, evaluation, and in-depth conclusion drawing. We carry out this study is in a qualitative type of study relying on secondary data in the form of evidence from previous studies, which we consider valid and updated in response to the problems and questions of this study. Based on the existing data supported by the evidence of previous findings, we found that Islamic banking financial governance in the context of a globally competitive economy is an exciting issue for the parties because the world today is questioned by the failure of the conventional capitalist economy in contributing solutions to the world community. Other findings are very relevant to be discussed and become an essential theme in competitive economics, especially Islamic economics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-94
Lely Ana Ferawati Ekaningsih ◽  
Futhri Izza Afkarina

The implementation of GCG is very important in a bank to improve banking performance, especially the financial performance of Islamic banking. Financial performance is one of the tools used to measure whether the banking performance is going well or not. This study aims to analyze the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG)/X on financial performance (ROA)/Y. This type of research is quantitative, using secondary data. The population is all Islamic banks registered with the OJK. While the sampling technique used purposive sampling method, namely 8 Islamic banks which were then multiplied by 3 years until the final sample was 24 samples. The data analysis technique used simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that GCG has a significant effect on financial performance. This is evidenced by the composite average value of Islamic banking which has the predicate "Good". While the average value of the ROA has increased. This research is in accordance with the statement that the implementation of GCG is very useful for improving financial performance, the better the GCG, the better the performance. Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, ROA, Islamic Financial Management

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Wening Purbatin Palupi Soenjoto

Abstract: Since the decade of the 1970s Muslims in various countries have been trying to establish Islamic banks. The purpose of establishing these Islamic banks in general is to promote and develop applications of Islamic principles, sharia and their traditions into financial transactions, banking, and other related businesses. Globalization that occurs in various parts of the world, including Indonesia is no longer an issue but the reality that has now happened. Globalization is not a very frightening problem that tends to have a negative side but also has a positive side, namely the expansion of business networks during the challenges can be overcome by hard work and patience. With the globalization of economic competition between countries it is undeniable to become increasingly strict. Automatic in the world of banking will also experience competition between banks. Likewise with the presence of the Islamic system in every economic activity, it will certainly lead to competition between conventional systems with the sharia system. More detailed this article will discuss Islamic banks in the era of globalization, which includes the development of Islamic banking and the opportunities and constraints faced by Islamic banks in this era of globalization. الملخص: منذ عقد السبعينيات ، كان المسلمون في مختلف البلدان يحاولون تأسيس بنوك إسلامية. إن الهدف من إنشاء هذه البنوك الإسلامية بشكل عام هو تطبيق المبادئ الإسلامية وتقاليدها في المعاملات المالية والمصرفية وغيرها. إن العولمة التي تحدث في مختلف أنحاء العالم ، بما في ذلك إندونيسيا ، لم تعد قضية بل حقيقة واقعة قد حدثت الآن. العولمة ليست مشكلة مخيفة تميل إلى أن يكون لها جانب سلبي ولكن أيضا لها جانب إيجابي ، ألا وهو التوسع في شبكات الأعمال خلال تحدياتها التي يمكن التغلب عليها بالعمل الجاد والصبر. مع عولمة التنافس الاقتصادي بين الدول ، فسوف البنوك أيضا تجربة المنافسة. وبالمثل مع وجود النظام الإسلامي في كل نشاط اقتصادي ، فإنه سيؤدي بالتأكيد إلى التنافس بين الأنظمة التقليدية مع نظام الشريعة. وستناقش هذه المقالة بمزيد من التفصيل البنوك الإسلامية في عصر العولمة ، والتي تشمل تطوير المصرفية الإسلامية والفرص والقيود التي تواجهها البنوك الإسلامية في  هذا عصر العولمة. Abstrak: Sejak dekade tahun 1970-an  umat Islam di berbagai negara telah berusaha untuk mendirikan bank-bank syariah. Tujuan pendirian bank-bank syariah ini pada umumnya adalah untuk mempromosikan dan mengembangkan aplikasi dari prinsip-prinsip Islam, syariah dan tradisinya ke dalam transaksi keuangan, perbankan, dan bisnis-bisnis lain yang terkait. Globalisasi yang terjadi diberbagai belahan dunia, termasuk negara Indonesia bukanlah isu lagi tetapi kenyataan riil yang kini telah terjadi. Globalisasi bukanlah persoalan yang sangat menakutkan yang cenderung meimiliki sisi negatif saja melainnkan juga memilki sisi positif yaitu perluasan jaringan bisnis selama tantanganya dapat diatasi dengan kerja keras dan kesabaran. Dengan adanya globalisasi persaingan ekonomipun antar negara tidak dapat dipungkiri semakin ketat.  Otomatis di dunia perbankan pun juga akan mengalami persaingan antara  bank - bank. Begitu juga dengan hadirnya sistem syariah di setiap aktivitas ekonomi  tentunya akan menimbulkan persaingan antara sistem konvensional dengan sistem syariah. Lebih terperinci artikel ini akan membahas mengenai bank syariah di era globalisasi, yang mencakup perkembangan perbankan syariah serta peluang dan kendala yang dihadapi bank syariah di era globalisasi ini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hasan Ali

Disharmonization of Wakalah Agreement in Law Number 34 of 2014 and The DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 122/DSN-MUI/II/2018. BPKH as a Hajj financial management institution in Indonesia has an essential role in evolving the Hajj Fund. With the biggest potential of Muslims in the world, Indonesia can administrate hajj finances in a larger scope by investing hajj finances on business lines which has accordance towards sharia principles. In contrast, the wakalah agreement as the basis used between the prospective pilgrims to the BPKH institution is interpreted differently between Law Number 34 of 2014 and the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 122/DSN-MUI/II/2018 so it causes disharmony in the two laws. Differences in the role interpretation of representatives in both of these invasions have legal consequences in the form of differences in the recipient of responsibilities involving the government and BPKH as the hajj financial manager if they experience investment failure. This study uses qualitative methods with secondary data in the form of legislation, related books, and non-legal materials. The used technique is content analysis with normative juridical research themes that analyze principles and legal systematics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 5-21 ◽  
Edward Molendowski

This article presents the results of an analysis comparing the competitive position of Poland and other countries of the Visegrad Group (V4) in the post‑accession period (2004–2015). The assumption is that among the V4 countries, Poland has joined those countries where the diverse effects of EU membership are clearly visible. In the study, analysis was applied to secondary data pertaining to pillars of economic competitiveness, as determined by the ‘Global Competitiveness Reports’ prepared by the World Economic Forum. The article ends with a list of vital conclusions based on the presented analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 369-400
Yaser Taufik Syamlan ◽  
Nur Istiana

Fractional Reserve Banking is the banking and financial system that have been applied in most countries around the world.  This research aims to look at the impact empirically and at the contributions given from the components of fractional reserve banking against inflation that occurs in Sharia Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Unit.  The fractional reserve banking components covered in these studies are statutory reserve requirement, total deposit, total financing, Mismatch Ratio, and Total non-performing financing.  This research is using VAR VECM and ECM as analysis tools and also collecting secondary data from OJK that spanned from June 2014 to September 2018.  The results of this research have found that Indonesian Islamic bank is doing the fractional reserve banking system (FRBS). Furthermore, the largest contributor of FRBS in Sharia Commercial Bank (BUS) is the Statutory Reserve Requirment while in sharia Business Unit the results showed that Third Party Fund and Mismatch ratio gives the greatest contributions against inflation. Interestingly, the UUS has greater contribution and shock to the inflation if we compare to the BUS.  To prevent the effect of it in the future, controlling mismatch and introducing the irrevocable investment account might be the solutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21
Rada Puspita ◽  
Haves Ashan ◽  
Fidiariani Sjaaf

Vision impairment is estimated to affect 285 million people in the world, where 16-20% experience blindness, from the number of blindness suffered at the age of 40-50 years. Cataract seninis is all lens opacities that are found in old age that is above 40 years. The purpose of identifying and collecting frequency data Profile of Senilis cataract patients at the age of 40 years and above at RSI Siti Rahmah Padang in 2017. The research method is descriptive type of research, this study data taken is secondary data, In this study data was taken from the Medical Record at RSI Siti Rahmah Padang. When the study was conducted in February-August 2018, the population of this study were all cataract patients at the age of 40 years and above at RSI Siti Rahmah Padang in 2017 with 80 samples. Data analysis is univariate presented in the form of a frequency distribution table. Results From 80 respondents as many as 40 people (50%) were in the age range of 60-69 years, as many as 42 people (52.5%) patients were male, as many as 31 people (38.8%) patients with high school education and 35 people (43.8%) patients work as private companies. Conclusion In general, most patients are at the age of 60-69 years, the most sex is men, the highest education is high school and most patients are private.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-71
Devi Yusvitasari

A country needs to make contact with each other based on the national interests of each country related to each other, including among others economic, social, cultural, legal, political, and so on. With constant and continuous association between the nations of the world, it is one of the conditions for the existence of the international community. One form of cooperation between countries in the world is in the form of international relations by placing diplomatic representation in various countries. These representatives have diplomatic immunity and diplomatic immunity privileges that are in accordance with the jurisdiction of the recipient country and civil and criminal immunity for witnesses. The writing of the article entitled "The Application of the Principle of Non-Grata Persona to the Ambassador Judging from the Perspective of International Law" describes how the law on the abuse of diplomatic immunity, how a country's actions against abuse of diplomatic immunity and how to analyze a case of abuse of diplomatic immunity. To answer the problem used normative juridical methods through the use of secondary data, such as books, laws, and research results related to this research topic. Based on the results of the study explained that cases of violations of diplomatic relations related to the personal immunity of diplomatic officials such as cases such as cases of persecution by the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Indonesian Workers in Germany are of serious concern. The existence of diplomatic immunity is considered as protection so that perpetrators are not punished. Actions against the abuse of recipient countries of diplomatic immunity may expel or non-grata persona to diplomatic officials, which is stipulated in the Vienna Convention in 1961, because of the right of immunity attached to each diplomatic representative.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 171-174
Tarare Toshida ◽  
Chaple Jagruti

The covid-19 resulted in broad range of spread throughout the world in which India has also became a prey of it and in this situation the means of media is extensively inϑluencing the mentality of the people. Media always played a role of loop between society and sources of information. In this epidemic also media is playing a vital role in shaping the reaction in ϑirst place for both good and ill by providing important facts regarding symptoms of Corona virus, preventive measures against the virus and also how to deal with any suspect of disease to overcome covid-19. On the other hand, there are endless people who spread endless rumours overs social media and are adversely affecting life of people but we always count on media because they provide us with valuable answers to our questions, facts and everything in need. Media always remains on top of the line when it comes to stop the out spread of rumours which are surely dangerous kind of information for society. So on our side we should react fairly and maturely to handle the situation to keep it in the favour of humanity and help government not only to ϑight this pandemic but also the info emic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Rahma Yudi Astuti ◽  
Asad Arsya Brilliant Fani

Sukuk and Bonds has differences and similarities. Fundamental differences between sukuk and bonds are first, underlying asset in every sukuk issuance, concept of profit loss sharing and the use of Islamic contracts. Whereas conducted research in practice of differences between sukuk and bonds are still an on-going discussion. This study aims to add the evidence in the discussion regarding whether there is differences between sukuk and bonds in the world of practice, provide investment preferences as well as educating investors in choosing sukuk or bonds as a sustainable and smooth instrument. The method used is Mann Whitney U-Test to test whether there is a different between yield to maturity (return) and standard deviation (risk) of both instruments. Using secondary data of Retail Sukuk (SR) and Retail Bonds (ORI) period 2008-2017 obtained from Indonesia Stock Exchange, Indonesia Bond Market Directory and Indonesia Bond Pricing Agency. The result shows that there is no significance difference of retail sukuk return and risk with retail bonds in Indonesia. Besides retail bonds are show higher return than retail sukuk because of higher coupon and longest mature date. While, retail sukuk is more stable rather than bonds as it backed up by the real underlying asset. Keywords: Retail Sukuk (SR), Retail Bonds (ORI), Yield to Maturity

Xueli Wei ◽  
Lijing Li ◽  
Fan Zhang

Pumping elephantThe COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the lives of people around the world in millions of ways . Due to this severe epidemic, all countries in the world have been affected by all aspects, mainly economic. It is widely discussed that the COVID-19 outbreak has affected the world economy. When considering this dimension, this study aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world economy, socio-economics, and sustainability. In addition, the research focuses on multiple aspects of social well-being during the pandemic, such as employment, poverty, the status of women, food security, and global trade. To this end, the study used time series and cross-sectional analysis of the data. The second-hand data used in this study comes from the websites of major international organizations. From the analysis of secondary data, the conclusion of this article is that the impact of the pandemic is huge. The main finding of the thesis is that the social economy is affected by the pandemic, causing huge losses in terms of economic well-being and social capital.

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