scholarly journals Pengolahan Briket Bio-Arang Berbahan Dasar Kotoran Kambing dan Cangkang Kemiri di Desa Galung Lombok Kecamatan Tinambung, Polewali Mandar

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-117
Sulmiyati Sulmiyati ◽  
Nur Saidah Said

The problems faced by farmers in Galung Lombok Village is knowledge in the in the processing of goat livestock manure and waste of hazelnut shell. The solution that can be offered is waste treatment into bio-charcoal briquettes. The community engagement is to introduce community or partners of Community Partnership Program (CPP) in processing livestock manure and agricultural waste into charcoal briquettes as an alternative solution to the problems faced by society and become an alternative business potential that can be developed by farmers. The methods applied in overcoming these problems are through interactive counseling, training with the demonstration of bio-charcoal briquette processing, guidance and mentoring into ready to market products. The results of the dedication activities were held on 13-14 May 2017 at the meeting hall of Siamasei Farmer Group of Galung Lombok Village, Tinambung, Polewali Mandar. This activity is carried out by conducting participatory counseling coupled with demonstrations of processed briquettes from goat manure and hazelnut shell, packaging, and testing of briquette quality. The conclusion that goat livestock manure can be processed into bio-charcoal briquettes through seven stages: drying of raw materials, refining, reducing and filtering, adhesive mixing, printing, drying and packaging. The quality of briquettes produced,the moisture content of 5.58%, ash content of 23.93%, volatile matter of 35.16%, fixed carbon of 35.33%, and calories 4,563 cal/gr.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Roni Yulianto ◽  
Nurwidodo Nurwidodo ◽  
Desy Cahya Widianingrum ◽  
Himmatul Khasanah

Abstrak: Kabupaten Lumajang memiliki lahan pertanian dan perkebunan dengan komoditi utamanya adalah tanaman padi, jagung dan kopi. Banyak sekali limbah yang belum termanfaatkan, berawal dari program KKN, potensi daerah di Desa Kalibendo, Kecamatan Pasirian, Kabupaten Lumajang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan salah satunya “Bioteknologi fermentasi jerami padi tinggi nutrisi, guna meningkatkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan peternak di Desa Kalibendo, Kecamatan Pasiria, Kabupaten Lumajang”. Pendampingan dari instansi terkait edukasi dalam bioteknologi pengolahan pakan berkualitas secara mandiri dari bahan baku lokal yang ada dari limbah pertanian setempat dapat memenuhi ketersediaan pakan ternak baik dari segi kualitas maupun kuantitas. Pemanfaatan Limbah jerami padi menggunakan bioteknologi fermentasi untuk pakan ternak ruminansia (sapi, kambing/domba) perlu terus dikembangkan, karena dengan fermentasi dapat meningkatkan kualitas nutrisi pakan ternak, dan memanfatkan limbah hasil pertanian menjadi berdaya guna sehingga tidak terbuang begitu saja, dan bisa digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama untuk ketersediaan pakan ternak pada saat musim kemarau atau disaat hijauan sudah mulai berkurang. Target dari Program Pengabdian Desa Binaan yaitu bersama dengan pemerintah Desa Kalibendo melakukan pemberdayaan petani-peternak dalam pengolahan pakan ternak fermentasi, sehingga dapat mewujudkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan peternak.Abstract: Lumajang Regency has extensive agricultural and plantation land, especially rice, corn, and coffee crops, a lot of waste that has not been utilized. Starting from the KKN program, regional potential in Kalibendo Village, Pasirian District, Lumajang Regency is very potential to be developed, one of which is Biotechnology for fermented rice straw with high nutrition, to increase the independence and welfare of breeders in Kalibendo village, Pasiria district, Lumajang Regency. Assistance from educational institutions related to quality feed processing biotechnology independently from existing local raw materials from local agricultural waste can meet animal feed availability in terms of quality and quantity. Utilization of rice straw waste uses biotechnology for ruminant animal feed (cows, goats/sheep), it needs to be continuously developed because fermentation can improve the nutritional quality of animal feed, and utilize agricultural waste to be efficient so that it is not wasted, and can be used in a long period for the availability of fodder during the dry season when the forage has diminished. The Assisted Village Service Program's target is to collaborate with the Kalibendo Village government to empower farmers in the processing of fermented feed so that they can realize the independence and welfare of the breeders.

Siti Eliana Rochmi ◽  
Herinda Pertiwi ◽  
Agung Budianto Achmad ◽  
Retno Sri Wahjuni ◽  
Tri Wahyu Suprayogi ◽  

Background: Subdistrict Parengan has high livestock potential especially Suciharjo Village and Margorejo Village. The existing agricultural waste is not treated properly and livestock cannot reach maximum weights. The provision of quality animal feed is one of the efforts to improve the welfare of the community. Quality of animal feed can be increasing cattle productivity so that the selling value will increase. Purpose: This Community Service activity aims to improve the economic strengthening of the community through breeders through the introduction, dissemination, through technology UMB Herbal based on local resources that can increase the weight gain of beef cattle. UMB Herbal is a concentrate feed that uses raw materials based on raw materials (agriculture) with curcuma which is widely available in the regions. Improving skills makes UMB Herbal can be a provision for the community to be able to increase income. Methods: The method used in community service is the counseling for animal feed and health, training to make UMB Herbal and focus group discussions then applicating of UMB Herbal to pilot cattle. Results: The results of this community service include an increase in beef cattle body weight,  decreasing the gastrointestinal worm infestations, and increasing the knowledge and skills of the participants of the community service. Conclusion: Community Service Activities have a positive impact related to the development of beef cattle farms. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Anindya Husnul Hasna ◽  
J. P. Gentur Sutapa ◽  
Denny Irawati

Limbah industri kayu sengon menjadi salah satu bahan baku dalam pembuatan pelet kayu karena potensinya yang cukup besar. Akan tetapi pelet kayu sengon memiliki kerapatan serta nilai kalor yang rendah. Untuk meningkatkan sifat bahan bakar pelet kayu Sengon maka dilakukan pencampuran bahan dengan serbuk tempurung kelapa. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan dari limbah serbuk gergaji sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.)) dan limbah tempurung kelapa (Cocos nucifera). Masing-masing bahan dibuat partikel pada 3 kelompok ukuran yaitu 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, dan 60-80 mesh. Ke dalam serbuk kayu sengon ditambahkan serbuk tempurung kelapa dengan penambahan 25%, 50%, dan 75%, sedangkan untuk kontrol (0%) adalah pelet kayu sengon tanpa penambahan tempurung kelapa. Pelet dibuat dengan menggunakan single-pelletizer pada suhu ruang dengan tekanan 100 kg/cm2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kombinasi bahan baku yang berbeda (sengon dan tempurung kelapa) memberikan pengaruh terhadap sifat fisika dan kimia pelet kayu. Semakin tinggi persentase campuran serbuk tempurung kelapa pada pelet kayu sengon maka semakin tinggi keteguhan tekan, karbon terikat, total karbon dan nilai kalor, sedangkan untuk kadar zat mudah menguap, kadar abu, kadar N, S, dan H semakin rendah. Pelet terbaik dihasilkan pada kombinasi penambahan tempurung kelapa 50% dengan ukuran 60-80 mesh yang memiliki sifat kadar abu yang rendah (0,79%) dan nilai kalor yang tinggi (5129,07 Kal/g), serta keteguhan tekan yang masih cukup tinggi (444,75N). Hasil tersebut memenuhi standar SNI 8021:2014.Effect of Particle Size and Addition of Coconut Cell on the Quality of Sengon Wood PelletAbstractThe waste of sengon (Falcataria moluccana) industry becomes one of the raw materials in the manufactured of wood pellets, because of its potency. However F. moluccana pellets posses low density and calorific value. To improve its properties, a materials mixing with coconut shell parcticles was conducted. This study used material from the waste of sengon (F. moluccana) sawdust and the waste of coconut (Cocos nucifera). Particles from those materials were made on 3 sizes which are 20-40 mesh, 40-60 mesh, and 60-80 mesh. 25%, 50%, and 75% of coconut shell were added into sengon sawdust, while woode pellets with no additions were used as a control. Pellets are made using single-pelletizer at room temperature with a pressure of 100 kg/cm2. The research results showed if the different material combination (sengon and coconut shell) gave significant effect to physical properties and chemical content of wood pellets. Higher percentage of coconut shell gives higher compressive strength, fixed carbon content, total of carbon, and calorific value, while volatile matter, ash content, N, S, and H content showed lower value. The best pellet was resulted from combination between coconut shell addition 50% and nesh size 60 – 80 which posses quite low ash content (0.79%) and high calorific value (5129.07 Kal/g), and high compression strength (444.75 N). This result has qualified the standard of SNI 8021:2014.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 115-124
Marta Marczak ◽  
Mateusz Karczewski ◽  
Dorota Makowska ◽  
Piotr Burmistrz

AbstractCombustion and co-combustion of biomass from different sources is one of the most popular technologies applied in Poland. It allows management of numerous industrial, communal and agricultural waste. Organic waste constitutes one of the richest sources of cheap biomass solid fuels since they are very popular. The paper includes an assessment of practical use of biomass waste: hazelnut shell and pistachio nut shell. The impact of pyrolysis temperature (300, 450 and 550°C) of the investigated biomass on the quality of the obtained biochar was determined and the optimal temperature of this process was defined. The quality of the investigated biomass was analysed on account of its use for energy purposes. Numerous advantageous properties of the obtained materials were found out, for instance: low content of ash and a noticeable increase of the calorific value with an increase of the pyrolysis temperature.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
K. Mahmuda ◽  
Salundik ◽  
P. D. M. H. Karti

Biourine which is widely known as liquid organic fertilizer is one of the alternative efforts in waste treatment, especially animal urine to become something that is more beneficial for the environment. One of the biourine benefit is to maintain soil fertility which is can increase farmer productivity. The aim of the research was to test the quality of local microorganisms (MOL) and goat biourine which had been made in different formulas, and to determine the best biourine in kale. MOL was made by four main raw materials, they are cow’s rumen, golden snail, bamboo shoots, and banana weevil. The making of MOL needed 14 days of processing in aerobic system. Then, 10% of MOL that had been made was added to goat urine to make biourine in the same aerobic system. The best biourine will be tested by watering kale. From the observations, it was obtained that the composition of raw materials from existing formulas affects the quality of the MOL produced. The quality affects the final result of the biourine. The best selected biourine has N and P content of 2.23% and 0.11% respectively. The amount of biourine applied to water kale was 0.4 ml / planting hole. The result showed kale which was watered by biourine treatment produced higher production levels than negative control plants but the difference was not significant. But these results was still lower than positive control by the treatment of chemical fertilizers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
Dwi Ahmad Priyadi ◽  
Dyah Triasih ◽  
Sefri Ton ◽  
Ari Istanti

The negative impact of chemical fertilizers use is soil fertility declining. The situation occurs because of biological, physical, and chemical properties of the soil is decreased. Agricultural waste is a large commodity which utilization can still be optimized, for example by using as raw material for organic liquid fertilizer. Agricultural wastes that have good quality as fertilizer include goat manure, chicken excreta, and coconut husk. The utilization of agricultural waste as organic fertilizer is one way of creating sustainable agriculture. This study aims to test the quality of liquid fertilizer (bioculture) of goat manure and chicken excreta by adding various levels of coconut husk. Bioculture is made by anaerobic fermentation for 21 days. The parameters observed included levels of C-organic, N, P, and K bioculture, as well as germination tests to determine the presence of phytotoxins. The data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. The treatment of P5 (5% coconut husk) showed the highest levels of N and P, while the K content was not significantly different from the treatment of P4 (2.5% coconut husk). The germination test showed no phytotoxin activity in bioculture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Sofia Mustamu ◽  
Gysberth Pattiruhu

Biopelet is one of the renewable energy alternatives that have uniformity of size, shape, density, and energy content. The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of biopelet consisting of a mixture of cajeput and gondorukem, and to determine the composition of the raw materials that can produce a biopelet with the best quality. The compositions of a mixture in this research are as follow 95%:5%, 90%:10%, 80%:20%, 70%:30%, 60%:40%, 50%:50%, cajeput 100% and gondorukem 100%. The manufacture of biopelet used a 20 mesh of dust with the pressure of 526.4 kg/cm2  at a temperature of 200 ◦C for 15 minutes. Types of tests performed on biopelet include density, moisture content, volatile matter, ash content, carbon bonded, and calorific value. The results of the best quality of biopelet was in the percentage of cajeput and gondorukem was 70%:30%,  tests showed densities of biopelet 0,84 g/cm3, moisture content5,89%, ash content 2,42%, volatile matter 73,99%, fixed carbon 18,96%, and calorific value 5152 kkal/kg.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Untung Surya Dharma ◽  
Kemas Ridhuan

Biogas is a source of energy that is derived from the decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic) to produce a mixture of several gases are methane (CH 4) and carbon dioxide (CO 2).Biogas can be made from many types of waste material and the rest, a kind of garbage, livestock waste, agricultural waste and others.Things to consider in the development of biogas energy source so that the principle of availability of sustainable biogas as an alternative fuel can be met is a local or regional potential to produce biogas.Communities in the District Central Lampung regency Kalirejo many who maintain livestock.Waste from livestock manure is especially very disturbing and detrimental to health, it is encouraging to capitalize upon the waste as feedstock for biogas production.To assess the potential of biogas energy sources are needed data about the amount of livestock manure every day, in this study is the dung of cows, goats and chickens.Fermentation process for the three types of dirt inside the reactor each trial was conducted to determine the length / time effective and energy biogas produced.From the field data known total number of chickens are farmed as much as 176.264 , goat 12.345and cow 4.488 tail.Manure produced by 1 chicken, 1 goats and one cow in a row that is 0.055 kg / day, 0.98 kg / day and 19.5 kg / day.While the testing laboratory, known Biogas produced from each of 20 kg of dung that chicken manure yield of 2.04 m 3, cow dung yield of 0.56 m 3 and 0.76 m 3 cow dung.From field data and laboratory testing can be calculated local potential in providing sustainable biogas in District Kalirejo Kalirejo Central Lampung regency, namely the potential of biogas from chicken manure at 988.84 m 3 / day, goat manure at 338.75 m 3 / day and cow manure at 3325.61 m 3 / day.So the total potential of biogas that can be generated is equal to 4653.2 m 3 / day.Keywords: Biogas, local potentials, livestock manure, the total potential of biogas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 847-850
Achmad Sadeli ◽  
Adil Ginting ◽  
Lina Tarigan

Agriculture is the activity of utilizing biological resources carried out by humans to produce food, raw materials or energy sources, and to manage their environment. The use of biological resources included in agriculture is commonly understood by people as crop cultivation or farming (English: crop cultivation) and raising livestock (raising), even though its scope can also be in the use of microorganisms and bioenzymes in processing advanced products. Based on the analysis of the situation in Pardomuan Motung Village, the problems obtained include environmental conditions which are agricultural areas that produce a lot of waste through agricultural and livestock products caused by the lack of community knowledge about waste treatment.

Ramiro Remigio Gaibor Fernández ◽  
Abraham Adalberto Bayas Zamora ◽  
Galo Israel Muñoz Sánchez ◽  
Cristhian Adrián Rivas Santacruz

The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the physical characteristics of the vermicompost and the quality of the purine of the red Californian (Eisenia foetida) using different substrates of feed for these worms. For this purpose, nine treatments were studied: 75% African palm rachis + 25% cattle manure, 50% African palm rachis + 50% cattle manure, 25% African palm rachis + 75% livestock manure, 50% manure of cattle, 50% of manure of cattle, 25% of manure of cattle, 50% of manure of cattle, 50% of manure of cattle, 50% of rach of coconut + 50% of manure of Livestock, 25% coccus rachis + 75% livestock manure. The substrate made up of 50% of rachis of coconut and 50% of livestock manure can be used in nurseries or nurseries for being the one that registered a value of pH 7.3 plus the closest to the neutral compared to the others, besides this (75% of oil palm rachis and 25% of cattle manure) showed a higher content of humic and fulvic acids (0.87 and 0.45 p / p, respectively), compounds that are important for agriculture by stimulating plant growth, in addition to this reflection 0.06% sulfur content, 4.0 ppm boron, 7.0 ppm copper, 47.5 ppm iron, 6.0 ppm manganese, with a presence of microorganisms of the species Trichoderma, Penicillium, Cladosporium sp. in amounts of 1.91x105 UFC / ml, however in this substrate was obtained between 13.3 and 43.5% less liquid slurry in Comparison with other treatments.

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