2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 78
Endang Sulastri ◽  
Trisakti Haryadi ◽  
Elyvia Inayah

This study examined the level of ecological awareness of the community in Kampung Laut, Cilacap, which is seen from the aspects of sensitivity, responsibility, and cooperation. The selection of Kampung Laut Sub-districtbased on the consideration that it was an area that directly affected by the silting of Segara Anakan Lagoon as well as the implementation area of the Community Empowerment Program. Ecological awareness is a perspective that used as a basis for determining operational limits. Ecological awareness is one of the efforts that should be instilled in society as a form of conservingthe environment. The concept of community development became a supporting theory to analyze results. Survey and focus group discussion (FGD) used as method in this research. Retrieval 76 respondents refer to the sample framework which lists the names of perpetrators and beneficiaries of the Community Empowerment Program. This research was carried out in some hamlets such as Panikel, Bugel, Pelindukan, and Cikerang with the consideration that those hamlets received the Community Empowerment Program. The result of this research showed that the level of ecological awareness of the community in Kampung Laut, Cilacap was in the medium and high category. This showed that the community has a good awareness in caring for and preserving the environment. Efforts to increase the ecological awareness of the people in Laut Kampung Laut pursued by increasing the motivation through trainings in order to raise public awareness to for better environment in the future.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Sitti Nurhidayanti ◽  
Ani Margawati ◽  
Martha Irene Kartasurya

ABSTRAKAKI di Indonesia terus meningkat, SDKI 2007 menunjukkan AKI sebesar 228 per 100.000, tahun 2012 menjadi 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Salah satu faktor masih tingginya AKI karena relatif masih rendahnya pertolongan oleh tenaga kesehatan yakni hanya sebesar 55,4%. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penolong persalinan di wilayah Halmahera Utara. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Subjek penelitian sebanyak 26 informan yang terdiri dari 7 ibu yang melahirkan dengan pertolongan dukun bayi, 2 orang suami, 3 orang tua, 4 tokoh masyarakat, 6 dukun bayi dan 4 orang bidan yang dipilih dengan kriteria inklusi. Analisis data menggunakan content analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan lebih memilih dukun bayi sebagai penolong persalinan karena informan percaya dukun bayi lebih berpengalaman dalam menolong persalinan, dukun bayi juga dinilai lebih perhatian dan sabar dalam melayani pasiennya. Pemilihan dukun bayi sebagai penolong persalinan berkaitan dengan pelayanan yang diberikan dan kepercayaan masyarakat itu sendiri.Kata Kunci: Penolong Persalinan, Kepercayaan, Dukun Bayi.ABSTRACTMMR in Indonesia continues to increase, IDHS 2007 shows MMR of 228 per 100,000 in 2012 to 359 per 100,000 live births. One factor is still high maternal mortality rate due to relatively low relief by the health provider only by 55.4%. The aim of research to describe people's confidence in birth attendants in the region of North Halmahera. This type of research is qualitative. Data were collected using FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Research subjects were 26 informants consisted of 7 mothers who gave birth with the help of TBAs, 2 husbands, 3 parents, 4 community leaders, 6 TBAs and 4 midwives chosen by the inclusion criteria. Analysis of data using content analysis. The results showed that the informant preferring TBAs as birth attendants because informants believe TBAs are more experienced in attending births, TBAs are also considered more attention and patience in serving patients. Selection of TBAs as birth attendants associated with the services provided and the trust of society itself. Keywords: Delivery Helper, Confidence, TBAs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Hermelin Saras Putri ◽  
Ririn Gusti

This study aims to systematically obtain information related to community empowerment through kalamansi citrus farmer groups. The method used is the focus group discussion by getting the results that community empowerment through the kalamansi citrus farmer group was established in 2008, has 27 members, the natural lemongrass farmer group gets certificate of appreciation from the Governor of Bengkulu as an Independent Kalamansi Citrus Farm Farmer / Success in the Context of the 50th Anniversary of Bengkulu Province, on 18 November 2018. As time goes by, Kalamansi oranges have produced many fruits, the empowerment of sustainable natural lemongrass farmer groups in Padang lemongrass village is one of a form of community empowerment. The community usually sells it in the form of fresh fruit to market traders in the city of Bengkulu. With the empowerment of this sustainable natural fresh farmer group, the community can use their land as a kalamansi orange plantation where the products they plant will be traded in the market or to Mr. Amti who needing the raw material for kalamansi syrup, the community can increase their family's economic income by planting kalamansi and oranges the community also conserves kalamsi citrus fruit in the city of Bengkulu. Keywords: Empowerment, farmer groups, kalamansi oranges. 

M Nilzam Aly ◽  
Bambang Suharto ◽  
Sri Endah Nurhidayati ◽  
Nuruddin Nuruddin ◽  
Ria Triwastuti

Ideally, community empowerment programs in rural areas should not be implemented once in a while. This is very important to maintain the aspect of sustainability and achieve the goals maximally. People in rural areas are the target of empowerment programs considering the many problems that exist there. Statistical data shows that the distribution of the majority of the national poor is in rural areas. One method of reducing poverty is through the development of tourist villages. The purpose of this community service program is to increase the understanding and skills of the community in Bejijong Tourism Village, especially in the field of homestay management and online marketing of citizen handicraft products. The stages in this empowerment program through three methods, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The preparation method was carried out with focus group discussions with residents and field observations. The method of implementation is carried out by the methods of socialization, training and mentoring. Meanwhile, the evaluation method is carried out through discussions with partners. The results of this activity indicate that the understanding and competence of citizens has increased for the better. The results of this activity were measured using a questionnaire (pre-test and post-test) and calculated using a Likert scale.abstrakProgram pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah pedesaan idealnya dilaksanakan tidak dengan sekali waktu. Hal ini menjadi sangat penting untuk menjaga aspek keberlanjutan dan mencapai tujuan secara maksimal. Masyarakat di perdesaan menjadi sasaran program pemberdayaan mengingat banyak sekali permasalahan yang ada di sana. Data statistik menunjukkan sebaran penduduk miskin nasional mayoritas berada di wilayah perdesaan. Salah satu metode untuk mengurangi angka kemiskinan adalah melalui pengembangan desa wisata. Tujuan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan masyarakat di Desa Wisata Bejijong khususnya dalam bidang pengelolaan homestay dan pemasaran daring produk kerajinan warga. Tahapan dalam program pemberdayaan ini melalui tiga metode yaitu persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi.  Metode persiapan dilakukan dengan metode focus group discussion bersama  warga dan observasi lapangan. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan metode sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Sedangkan metode evaluasi dilaksanakan dengan metode diskusi dengan mitra. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman dan kompetensi warga  mengalami peningkatan kea rah yang lebih baik. Hasil kegiatan ini diukur dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner (pre tes dan pos tes) dan dihitung dengan skala likert.

Dharmakarya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Neneng Komariah ◽  
Pawit M. Yusup ◽  
Encang Saepudin ◽  
Saleha Rodiah

Plantation and forestry areas can become new tourist destinations that offer natural beauty and education. In addition, with the development of agro-tourism in one tourist destination area, it will provide benefits for increasing the income of the community and the government. The potential of this natural tourism must be maintained until later it can be inherited to future generations. For this reason, the efforts of the surrounding community are needed to continue to preserve nature and its characteristics well. Cooperation of all parties is needed so that the development and continuity of the agro tourism village is in accordance with what is expected together. One of them is the dissemination of information about the environment to the people of Paledah Village, Pangandaran Regency. The method of implementing PPM was conducted with a focus group discussion conducted by village officials, agro-tourism village developers, PKK cadres, PAUD teachers and PPM implementation teams. The FGD resulted in the dissemination of a guidebook on environmental care information. In conclusion, the people of Paledah village have an environmentally caring attitude that can be seen from their daily behavior by always maintaining cleanliness, active community service, saving water and energy and being able to invite the surrounding community to take care of the environment. Daerah perkebunan dan perhutanan bisa menjadi tujuan wisata baru yang menawarkan keindahan alam dan pendidikan. Selain itu, dengan berkembangnya agro wisata di satu daerah tujuan wisata akan memberikan manfaat untuk peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat dan pemerintah. Potensi wisata alam ini harus tetap dipertahankan hingga kelak dapat diwariskan pada generasi di masa mendatang. Untuk itu diperlukan upaya masyarakat sekitar untuk terus melestarikan alam maupun kekhasannya dengan baik. Diperlukan kerjasama semua pihak agar perkembangan dan kelangsungan desa wisata agro ini sesuai dengan yang diharapkan bersama. Salah satunya dengan diseminasi informasi peduli lingkungan pada masyarakat Desa Paledah Kabupaten Pangandaran. Metode pelaksanaan PPM ini dilakukan dengan focus group discussion yang dilaksanakan oleh aparatur desa, pengembang desa agrowisata, para kader PKK, guru PAUD dan tim pelaksana PPM. Dari FGD tersebut dihasilkan upaya desiminasi berupa buku panduan mengenai informasi peduli lingkungan. Kesimpulannya masyarakat desa Paledah memiliki sikap peduli lingkungan yang dapt terlihat dari perilaku sehari-hari dengan selalu menjaga kebersihan, aktif kerja bakti, hemat air dan energi serta mampu mengajak masyarakat sekitarnya untuk ikut peduli lingkungan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-61
Marlin Marlin ◽  
Antoni Sitorus ◽  
Muhamad Solihin ◽  
Atra Romeida ◽  
Reny Herawati

The community empowerment in the area of Ar-Rahmah pesantren, Air Meles Atas Village, Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu was intended to increase the income of pesantren to finance poor students, and at the same time to enhance the ability of pesantren in carrying out educational and teaching activities. Community service activities carried out in the form of assistance activities in shallot cultivation in the yard of the Ar-Rahmah Pesantren. The assistance program is carried out for 4 months, with such stage of activities as: the preparation stage for managers, teachers, students and farmers around the pesantren, seed selection, land preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting, and post-harvest. The evaluation result showed that the community participation and involvement in the shallot cultivation assisting program were considered high. The highest participation rates were during the selection of seed activity (73%) and planting activity (100%). Meanwhile, the lowest participation rate was during maintenance activities (27%). The evaluation results showed the level of participants’ satisfaction is high (90‒100%) on the implementation of assistance activities. The harvested shallots could increase the income of the boarding school which can be used to help the education cost and education progress of the boarding school. The participation of the entire community would be encouraged so that the success of empowerment program could be felt by the entire community. The community empowerment program need to be carried out continuously, so it would enhance the welfare of and self-sufficiency of the community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
Novita Novita ◽  
Francy Iriani

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk serta dampak dari program tersebut terhadap masyarakat lokal di Kabupaten Cilacap. Sebagai perusahaan yang kerap menjadi badan usaha terbesar di lingkungannya, Holcim sadar akan tanggung jawabnya terhadap masyarakat. CSR adalah bentuk regulasi diri sebuah perusahaan yang diintegrasikan dalam model bisnis. Salah satu kegiatan CSR Holcim adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat di wilayah salah satu plant Holcim yaitu Kabupaten Cilacap. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam melakukan analisis adalah melalui studi literatur, wawancara, observasi, kuesioner, dan Focus Group Discussion dengan para pengurus, kader, dan anggota masyarakat. Sedangkan responden yang menjadi sampel penelitian adalah 25 posdaya yang berdiri sebelum program CSR PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 111 orang, dan 11 posdaya yang merupakan bentukan PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk dengan jumlah responden 37 orang. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis kuadran. Berdasarkan analisis dari variabel yang telah diamati, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis program CSR yang dilakukan PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk terhadap masyarakat Kabupaten Cilacap adalah berupa gerakan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan desa dalam bentuk Posdaya. Program ini berdampak pada terjadinya perbaikan dalam hal kepengurusan Posdaya serta kemandirian ekonomi masyarakat. Selain itu PT. Holcim Indonesia, Tbk melakukan pendampingan secara berkelanjutan serta evaluasi terhadap kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan. Kata Kunci: Corporate Social Responsibility, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Posdaya, Keberlanjutan The purpose of this research is to know the types of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program done by PT.Holcim Indonesia Tbk as well as the impact of the program on the local communities of Cilacap district. As one of the largest business entity in its environment, PT Holcim,Tbk aware of its responsibility towards the society. CSR is done by PT Holcim, tbk, as a form of self-regulation that is integrated in their business model. One of their CSR is done by empowering community in the region. This research is conducted in one of the Holcim plant in Cilacap district. The analytical methods used in this research are: studying the related literature, interviews, observations, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the Executive Board, cadres, and community members of Posdaya. The research sample are 25 Posdaya that are established before PT Holcim Indonesia CSR program Tbk directed to the society with the total number of respondents are 111 people, and 11 Posdaya which were formed by PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk, with the total number of respondents are37 people.The data gathered then analyzed using descriptive analysis and quadrant analysis.The result of this research shows that the type of CSR programs done by PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. on Kabupaten Cilacap society are: The type of CSR done in the form of community empowerment movement that called as Posdaya. The program done by PT Holcim Tbk has an impact on the improvement of the managerial skills of the Posdaya organizing comitee, and the empowerment program is also improving the economic independence of the member of Posdaya as well as the district community. In addition, PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk provides guidance on an ongoing basis to the Posdaya management and provides evaluations on the activities carried out by Posdaya. Key Words: Corporate Social Responsibility, Community Empowerment, Posdaya, Sustainability.  

Warta LPM ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-109
Nurul Huda ◽  
Aan Sofyan ◽  
Ngatono Ngatono

Partners in the implementation of this community empowerment program is an orphan cared by Yayasan Panti Asuhan Keluarga Muhammadiyah (PAKYM) and homemakers who are members of the organisation Aisyiyah branch Laweyan Surakarta. Community empowerment program that has been done is to provide training cultivation of cassava plants and training of cassava-based food making. Training given to orphans in the form of cultivation practice of superior cassava crop. Training begins with the selection of cassava seeds, land preparation, and planting of cassava seeds. While the training provided to the members of Aisyiyah members is in the form of food processing training based on cassava. The purpose of this program is to provide entrepreneurial supplies for orphans with the hope of having an entrepreneurial spirit. Similarly, the practice of food processing based on cassava aims to provide skills for the Aisyiyah members in the desire to pioneer side business that can help increase family income.

2018 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Anasom Anasom

<p>This article is an attempt to know the abouts of Sunan Muria in more depth. This is done because there are several versions of the existence of Sunan Muria from birth to death and gait da'wah that has been implemented. This article is written and extracted from the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method that has been implemented by various universities, academics, historians and researchers who are intensive in the study of walisongo. The results of this study indicate that Sunan Muria is one son Sunan Kalijaga, the result of his marriage with the goddess Sarah binti Maulana Ishaq. In addition this article shows that the mission carried out by Sunan Muria and the condition of the people who are more embracing the religion of the earth, more precisely <em>Kejawen</em> community. Armed with a variety of works he made, one of the famous known <em>pagerana omahmu kanthi mangkok</em> (Protect Your house with bowl) makes him famous as a pious person who put forward shodaqah. It is known that sodaqah is one of the da'wah material that is often delivered</p>

Gideon De Wet ◽  
Ulene Schiller

Numerous research studies are conducted in communities surrounding universities. This paper illustrates the value of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in South Africa as stakeholders in an intermediary platform that can contribute to community development, based on research done by university researchers in these communities. The Quintuple Helix Model was used as a theoretical premise, viewing the importance of collaborative partnerships to contribute to sustainable development. The orientation enhanced in this paper is that research findings obtained from communities, in combination with the shared speciality areas and expertise of stakeholders such as NGOs, would serve as dynamic catalysts to bring stakeholders and researchers together in an innovative intermediary platform context that can facilitate development. A triangulation mixed-method design was used where a focus group discussion was held with 19 participants from NGOs, augmented by an open-ended questionnaire. The results indicated that NGOs can be viewed as strategic partners in community development and indicated how they could contribute in facilitating the implementation of research recommendations done by university researchers. NGOs are responsive to the needs and welfare of the people of South Africa supporting participatory democracy.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002190962110345
Itai Kabonga ◽  
Kwashirai Zvokuomba

Volunteer scholarship in Zimbabwe tends to focus on volunteer motivations, volunteers’ role in community development and, to a lesser extent, volunteers’ challenges. In this study, we captured the lived experiences of volunteers in the current milieu of socio-economic challenges. We discovered that the major challenges affecting community volunteers in the Chegutu District are poverty and vulnerability, burnout, too much work, lack of community appreciation of volunteerism and lack of adequate volunteer paraphernalia. We move beyond other studies to explore how volunteers are coping with the challenges. Volunteers are reliant on spiritual support and encouragement by some community members. The study adopts a qualitative approach with data collected using in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. The findings are presented and discussed thematically.

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