2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 338-345
Nara Moreira Baldoino ◽  
Delza Ferreira Mendes

Autism is classified as a global developmental disorder, characterized by growth sharply atypical in social interaction and in communication and the presence of a restricted repertoire of activities and personal interests (APA, 2013). Based on this was realized this analysis essay of the American series Atypical, where the main character Samuel, a young of 18 years old diagnosed with ASD goes through moments of anguish, when seeks his independence, having an overprotective mother, an older sister who seeks to welcome, a father having difficulty communicating with him and friends who serve as motivation for your daily development. The idea is postulated that when an illness or disability occurs in one of the family members, a chain of emotional stages occurs and attitudinal approximately constant and universal, these being: shock, denial, depression, adaptation and reorganization (Klüber-Ross, 1996). It can be said that the discussion of the topic addressed is of total relevance so that there is greater inclusion of patients with ASD, intending to contribute to the increase of society's knowledge about the challenges faced by autistic patients, their families and friends.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-143
Hasindah Mawarni ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui citra wanita dalam sebuah novel karya Herry Santoso berjudul Cerita Tentang Rani. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah feminisme dan dikaji menggunakan kritik sastra feminis. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskripsi kualitataif. Adapun permasalahan yang muncul dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana citra wanita tokoh utama Rani yang terdapat dalam novel Cerita Tentang Rani karya Herry Santoso. Dalam artikel ini, ditemukan citra tokoh utama Rani meliputi, citra diri dan citra sosial. Citra diri wanita terdiri dari aspek fisik dan psikis, dalam aspek fisik tokoh Rani digambarkan sebagai wanita muda yang cantik dan sudah berkeluarga, seorang wanita yang pandai memasak serta berpenampilan menarik. Dalam aspek psikis Rani digambarkan sebagai wanita yang kuat, tegas, berani, penyanyang keluarga, berani berpendapat yang dianggap benar, selalu bersikap patuh, sabar dan patuh pada perintah suaminya. Sedangkan, citra sosial terdiri dari citra dalam keluarga dan citra dalam masyarakat. Citra dalam keluarga tokoh utama Rani berperan sebagai seorang istri, anak dan anggota keluarga yang penuh tanggungjawab, menyanyi orangtua. Sedangkan, citra dalam masyarakat Rani berperan sebagai wanita yang aktif, tegas dan disiplin, peduli, bertanggungjawab atas tugasnya sebagai seorang guru. The purpose of this research is to find out the image of women in a novel by Herry Santoso entitled Story About Rani. As for the problem that arises in this research is how the image of the main character Rani is contained in Cerita Tentang Rani Herry Santoso'snovel. The approach used in this study is feminism and studied using feminist literary criticism. The research method used is the quality description method. In this article, the image of Rani's main characters is found, including self-image and social image. Women's self-image consists of physical and psychological aspects, in the physical aspects of the character Rani is described as a beautiful young woman and has a family, a woman who is good at cooking and attractive appearance. In psychic aspects, Rani is described as a woman who is strong, firm, brave, family, daring to think that she is right, always being obedient, patient and obedient to her husband's orders. Whereas, social image consists of images in the family and images in society. The image in the family of the main character Rani acts as a wife, child and family members who are full of responsibility, singing parents. Meanwhile, the image in the Rani community acts as a woman who is active, assertive and disciplined, caring, responsible for her duties as a teacher.  

S Manikutty

The case deals with Arihant Retail, a family business firms located at Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India. It is a small scale firm, with a turnover of ‘340 million in 2009–10. Mr. Vishal Surana, the young Chief Executive of Arihant, dreams of making this into a ‘3 billion store by 2015. He has a concept named “Hot Male”, a chain of stores stocking trendy fashionwear targeted at the “funky” young generation belonging to the SEC (Socio Economic Classification) “B” group. He is excited about it, and thinks he can build a whole new concept and grow based mainly on these “Hot Male” stores. Being a family firm, however, he has to take into consideration the views of his family members (they do not seem to interfere in any way) and family friends of long standing, who have their own views. The case outlines the broad options available to Vishal taking into account the business logic, the family logic, and the top management aspirations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  

<strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Most of the workers of the home industry of Bakaran batik industry are housewives. Most of their husbands work as farmers or other jobs outside of agriculture. Most batik craft workers are more engaged by women because batik requires precision, tenacity and high perseverance. The problems that occur among women workers are that they are less able to divide their time aside from make batik every day, also have to complete household chores cook, sweep, care for the house and care for children, etc. The purpose of this study was to determine the social interactions between women batik craftsmen and their families. The method used is qualitative methods and result obtained by means of field observations, interviews, and literature studies. The results of this study are that social interaction between women batik craftsmen with their families is well and sometimes conflict occur. Women batik craftsmen hold social contacts and communicate well with family members. The form of interaction between batik craftsmen and families is an associative and dissociative interaction. Associative because there is cooperation and agreement with the family to achieve the goal. Dissociative because there is a dispute between women batik craftsmen and families that sometimes occur resulting in conflict.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-14
Sakinah Al Muniroh Nasution ◽  
Wardiyah Daulay

Family member with mental illness causes inferiority, shamefulness, and minimal function in the community.  In some cases, mentally ill patients withdrawn from interaction and refuse to communicate.  The objective of the research was to analyze the correlation between self-esteem and social interaction in the family with mentally ill patients in Kelurahan Medan Sunggal, Medan. This was a descriptive quantitative study with correlation method. The samples were 18 family members who suffered from a mental disorder, with purposive sampling technique. The data collection using questionnaires and data analyses is undergone with univariate analysis and frequency distribution.  The bivariate analysis applied Spearman's Rho test. The result of the research showed that 15 respondents (83.3%) had high self-esteem and 11 respondents (61.1%) had a good social interaction. There was a significant correlation between self-esteem and social interaction in a family with a mentally ill patient (P-value = 0.012) with positive direction (r = 0.576). It is concluded that a high self-esteem correlates well with the social interaction among the family members with mental illness. It is recommended for family members to maintain their self-esteem and social interaction capacity. A mentally disorder person should get social support from family, health care providers, the government, and society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Herliana Rahmi Saputri

Problems in the family is the result of a reaction to the social interaction between family members. Bad communication and obscurity of interaction between family members leads to misunderstandings in family relationships. Structural Family Therapy used to improve the pattern of communication in the family. The subject consists of three members of the family. The data were obtained using interview and observation. The intervention was carried out in five sessions. The results of the intervention were each family member has a good pattern of communication, reduced misunderstandings, clear regulations and role in the interaction between them.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-298
Kholid Mawardi ◽  
Cucu Nurzakiyah

The results of the study found that the responsibility of religious education of children in the family of Tablighi Jama'ah differed in terms of several conditions, namely first, when parents were not going to khuruj where both parents were responsible for children's education; secondly, when the father goes khuruj, then the mother is responsible for everything including children's education; third, when both parents go khuruj, then the responsibility of the child is left to other family members such as grandparents or their first adult children; and fourth, when the child goes to khuruj, where parents are responsible for children's religious education both mother and father. The pattern of the religious education in the Tablighi Jama'ah family in the village of Bolang is formed from several similarities held in the implementation of religious education, one of which is the daily activity that is carried out by the Tablighi Jama'at family. Al-Qur'an becomes one of the material given to children in the ta'lim. Children are taught how to read the Qur'an and memorize short letters such as Surat al-Falaq, al-Ikhlas, and so on. In addition to al-Qur'an, in this ta'lim there is a special study in the Tablighi Jama'ah, which is reading the book of fadhilah ‘amal, and the last is mudzakarah six characteristics.

Khuan Seow ◽  
Nadia Caidi

Canada has an aging population with the fastest growing age groups (80 and 45-64 years old) vulnerable to age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Caregiving responsibilities often fall to the family members of the afflicted without much attention and consideration being placed on the information needs of these caregivers. We call for a better understanding of these caregivers' information needs and uses by social policy makers as well as information providers.La population du Canada a tendance à vieillir considérablement, avec la hausse la plus rapide dans les groupes d’âge (80 et 45 à 64 ans). Les personnes âges sont très vulnérables à toute sorte de maladies, telles que la maladie d’Alzheimer. La responsabilité revient souvent aux membres de la famille qui doivent prendre soin des personnes atteintes de cette maladie. Or, nous ne connaissons que peu de chose sur les besoins en information des personnes qui prennent soin de ces malades de l’Alzheimer : qui sont-ils ? Quelles sont leurs sources... 

2019 ◽  
pp. 462-471
Lyudmila Shirokova

The historical polyethnicity of the Slovak society and the connected problems of the interrelations of cultures, ethics, interpersonal relations, are reflected in the works of modern Slovak prose. They are represented most clearly in the novels of middle generation writers P. Rankov, S. Lavrík, P. Krištúfek. They dwell upon the dramatical events of the 20 th century. They cover wide range problems, from the fruitful coexistence of various ethnic groups and their representatives to national contradictions and racial repressions. The artistic quality of the mentioned works, their composition, the way of narrating, the type of the main character, can be highly evaluated. For example, in a novel by P. Rankov the plot, in spite of its linearity, is a chain of episodes in the span of 30 years from the life of the main characters. It reflects not only their fates, but also the historical and political changes of the world they live in. The main female character of a S. Lavrík ’s novel narrates about everyday life and tragedies in the lives of the dwellers of a Slovak town in the Slovak Republic during the war. P. Krištúfek in his novel focuses on several decades from the life of a Slovak-Jewish family and dwellers of a Slovak provincial society with types and relations specific for this milieu.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Maslichah Maslichah ◽  
Bayu Akbar Khayudin ◽  
Ikha Ardianti

ABSTRAK Pasien yang dirawat di ICU pada umumnya mengalami sakit kritis biasanya hal ini akan menimbulkan bebagai  respons psikososial  dari anggota keluarganya. Respons ini dapat berupa respons positif maupun respons negatif. Salah satu cara agar respons psikososial menjadi positif yaitu memberikan penyuluhan kepada keluarga pasien agar ada peningkatan kognisi dan emosi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode “Pre-Experiment”, dengan rancangan “One group pra-post test design”. Dengan populasi semua keluarga yang anggota keluarganya dirawat di Ruang ICU RSUD.dr.Sosodoro Djatikoesumo. Sampel diambil dengan proses Total Sampling. Variabel independen  yaitupenyuluhan keluarga pasien ICU, dan variabel dependen adalah respon psikososial keluarga pasien. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan uji statistik paired sample t-test, pada tingkat signifikansi diperoleh nilai 0,027 0,05 maka Ho ditolak dan H1 diterimaPerawat sebagai tenaga kesehatan yang harus selalu mengembangkan profesionalisme, perlu mengupayakan agar respons psikososial keluarga yang negatif dapat ditekan. Salah satu upayanya yaitu adalah memberikan penyuluhan kepada keluarga. Dalam penyuluhan akan diberikan: komunikasi, informasi, edukasi dan support. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, Respon Psikososial Keluarga  ABSTRACT Patients admitted to the ICU in general suffer from a critical illness usually this will lead to the kinds of psychosocial responses of family members. This response can be either a positive response or a negative response. One way to be positive psychosocial responses that provide counseling to the patient's family that there was an increase in cognition and emotion.This study design using the "Pre-Experiment", the draft "One group pre-post test design". With a population of all the families who have family members admitted to the ICU RSUD.dr.Sosodoro Djatikoesumo. Samples were taken with total sampling process. Independent variables, family counseling ICU patients, and the dependent variable is the family of the patient's psychosocial response. Collecting data using questionnaires. results of research conducted by the statistical test paired sample t-test, at a significance level obtained value 0,027 0,05 hence Ho refused and H1 accepted.Nurses as health workers must always develop professionalism, needs to strive for psychosocial response can be suppressed negative family. One of the efforts that are giving counseling to the family. In the extension will be granted: communication, information, education and support. Keywords: Counseling, Family Psychosocial Response

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