scholarly journals Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Video Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Pada Mata Kuliah Drama Di FKIP Universitas Jambi

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 60-70
Larlen . ◽  
Agus Salim ◽  
Liza Septa Wilyanti

Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul “Pengembangan  Bahan Ajar Video Berbasis Kearifan Lokal pada Mata Kuliah Drama di FKIP Universitas Jambi”. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini dibagi menjadi dua aspek, (1) mendeskripsikan bentuk produk bahan ajar video berbasis kearifan lokal pada Mata Kuliah Drama di FKIP Universitas Jambi, (2) mendeskripsikan validitas, praktikalitas, dan efektivitas bahan ajar video berbasis kearifan lokal pada Mata Kuliah Drama di FKIP Universitas Jambi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang mengikuti langkah ADDIE (analize, design, develop, implement, dan evaluate).Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kuesioner, dan tes. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) bentuk pengembangan bahan ajar video ber berbasis kearifan lokal pada Mata Kuliah Drama berisikan (a) pendahuluan atau teori pengantar oleh dosen pengampu, (b)video tampilan drama Orang Kayo Hitam: Asal-Usul Tanah Pilih Jambi karya Febrianiko Satria, (c) pembahasan teoretis tampilan drama Orang Kayo Hitam: Asal-Usul Tanah Pilih Jambi karya Febrianiko Satria yang telah disaksikan, (d) penugasan dan penutup oleh dosen pengampu. Setelah dilakukan uji validasi, dapat disimpulkan produk penelitian ini valid. Selanjutnya, produk penelitian juga telah diimplementasikan kepada mahasiswa dan dinyatakan praktis dan efektif. Kata kunci: bahan ajar video, kearifan lokal, kursus drama   Abstrack This research entitled "Development of Video Teaching Materials Based on Local Wisdom in Drama Courses at FKIP Jambi University". The purpose of this study is divided into two aspects, (1) describe the form of video teaching materials based on local wisdom in the Drama Course in FKIP Jambi University, (2) describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of video teaching materials based on local wisdom in the course Drama at FKIP Jambi University. This research is a development research that follows the steps of ADDIE (analize, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). Data collection techniques through observation, questionnaires, and tests. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. Based on the results of data analysis, the results of this study are as follows. (1) the form of developing video teaching materials based on local wisdom in the Drama Course contains (a) introduction or introductory theory by lecturers, (b) video display of the drama Orang Kayo Hitam: Tanah Pilih  Negeri Jambi,(c ) theoretical discussion on the drama appearance of Orang Kayo Hitam: Tanah Pilih  Negeri Jambi which was witnessed, (d) assignment and closing by the lecturer. After validation testing, it can be concluded that this research product is valid. Furthermore, research products have also been implemented for students and declared practical and effective. Keywords: video teaching materials, local wisdom, drama courses

Lukman Hakim ◽  
Dona Sandy Yudasmara

Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperbaiki dan meningkatkan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran kebugaran jasmani siswa kelas V SDN 2 Pagelaran Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah 23 siswa kelas V SDN 2 Pagelaran Kabupaten Malang. Analisis data penelitian menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitaitif. Hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh bahwa penggunaan metode bermain dalam pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani subbab kebugaran jasmani, dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa kelas V SDN 2 Pagelaran Kabupaten Malang. AbstractThe purpose of this study is to improve and enhance students' liveliness in learning physical fitness for fifth grade students of SDN 2 Pagelaran of Malang Regency. This study uses Classroom Action Research design. Subjects of the research are 23 students of fifth grade SDN 2 Pagelaran of Malang Regency. In analysing the data, the researcher are using qualitative and quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The result is that utilizing the playing method in physical education for physical fitness chapter can enhance the liveliness of grade V students of SDN 2 Pagelaran of Malang Regency. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Ayu Angreani ◽  
Herman Dema

Abstract   This study aims to determine the government's accountability for public services in Bola Bulu Village, Pitu Riase District, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. The population of this study was 35 people and a sample of 35 people. The sampling technique used is a saturated sampling (census). This type of research is a quantitative descriptive. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, library research, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques use statistics. The results showed that government accountability was 60% less good, covering 57% law, 66% honesty, 55% managerial, 61% program, 56% policy, and 64% financial. While public services 65% are good, covering simple 58%, clear 58%, security 68%, open 73%, efficient 66%, economical 67%, and justice 63%. This shows that the government's accountability for public services in Bola Bulu Village, Pitu Riase District is 62% of the 100% expected result, which is classified as "good".   Keywords: Government Accountability and Public Services

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Dita Aulia Rizki

The purpose of the study is to provide an overview and influence of the project method on the stimulation process of linguistic intelligence of children aged 4-5 years at the Bina Karsa Kindergarten in Lampung Province. The research method used is Action Research. Data collection techniques carried out through observation, interview stimulation of linguistic intelligence through project methods. Qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques, namely, a complete description of the process of linguistic intelligence stimulation activities through project methods and quantitative descriptive, the results of the percentage of the effect of the project method on the success of linguistic intelligence stimulation with stages through Cycle 1, Cycle 2 and so on. Samples selected by children aged 4-5 years at Bina Karsa Kindergarten. Sampling through interviews with teachers and direct observation. Linguistic intelligence is the intelligence of language intelligence in processing words or the ability to use words effectively both verbally and in writing. Project method is a project method is one method used to train children's ability to solve problems experienced by children in everyday life. Based on the pre-research results, it can be concluded that stimulation of linguistic intelligence through the activities and use of media in accordance with the activities of linguistic intelligence stimulation, and the method often used is the method of storytelling and play. The method of storytelling is not enough in the stimulation process, a trial using the project method is carried out.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-81
Muhammad Ihsaan Fathoni ◽  
Eko Marpanaji

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan pengembangan produk media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK yang layak pada peserta didik kelas X SMK N 2 Yogyakarta, dan (2) mengetahui efektifitas produk media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas X SMK N 2 Yogyakarta.Penelitian pengembangan ini mengacu langkah yang dikembangkan oleh Alessi & Trollip. Prosedur pengembangan terdiri dari dari tiga fase, yaitu perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan lembar validasi produk untuk ahli media, lembar validasi produk untuk ahli materi, kuisioner untuk pengguna, dan tes hasil belajar. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK dinilai sangat baik yang diperoleh melalui uji alpha dan uji beta, sehingga layak digunakan sebagai sumber belajar peserta didik. Uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan media pembelajaran e-book interaktif TIK lebih efektif daripada pembelajaran TIK biasa. Rerata N-gain antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol menunjukkan bahwa nilai nilai kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol dan berbeda secara signifikan.Kata kunci: TIK, e-book, interaktif DEVELOPING INTERACTIVE E-BOOK ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) LESSON FOR  GRADE OF VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLAbstractThis study aimed to: (1) describe the development of instructional media products based on appropriate ICT interactive e-book on students for  grade of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta, and (2) to know the effectiveness of ICT interactive e-book based learning e-book products on participants' learning outcomes for 10th grade of SMK N 2 Yogyakarta. This development research refers to the steps developed by Alessi & Trollip. The development procedure consisted of three phases, namely planning, design, and development. Data collection was performed using product validation sheets for media experts, product validation sheets for material experts, questionnaires for users, and learning result tests. The data analysis techniques used qualitative and quantitative descriptive techniques. The result of the research showed that ICT interactive e-book learning media was very good which was proved through alpha test and beta test, so it was suitable to be used as a learning resource for learners. The effectiveness test showed that the use of interactive ICT e-book learning media was more effective than regular ICT learning. The mean N-gain between the experimental class and the control class indicated that the value of the experiment class grade was higher than the control class and differed significantly.Keywords: ICT, e-book, interactive

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Susy Deliani ◽  
Edi Yanto ML ◽  
Al Kausar Lingga ◽  
Hakim Prasasti Lubis ◽  
Enda Tarigan ◽  

This exploratory study aims to describe (1) the development of terminology-based Indonesian language materials for students in Deli Serdang, (2) the level of validation of terminology-based Indonesian language materials for students in Deli Serdang, (3) students' responses related to the legibility of terminology-based Indonesian language materials. The subjects of this study were content experts, Indonesian language subject teachers, and students of ISTIQLAL High School Deli Serdang. The procedure of this study adapted research procedures from Borg and Gall. The instruments used for data collection in this study were documentation, observation, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis techniques applied in this study were qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) teaching materials are designed in line with the 2013 curriculum based on terminology, (2) the level of validation of teaching materials is in good qualification, and (3) the response of users of teaching materials in the field test phase is good.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 201
I Gusti Ketut Purnaya ◽  
I Made Trisna Semara ◽  
I Putu David Adi Saputra

In the present era should be an attraction of tourism can be reached and friendly to all people of both senior tourist and junior tourists. Kumbasari Park is one of the tourist attractions in the city that has been styled and constructed by the Government of Denpasar to become a new tourist attraction. However, the Kumbasari Park has not been fully accessible to all tourists. The purpose of this research is to identify, analyze eligibility and find the perception of travellers to facilities and infrastructure of the Kumbasari Park as a tourist attraction. This research includes exploratory research with data collection techniques i.e. observation, and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques are done in a qualitative and quantitative descriptive. From the results of the study can be concluded that, as a whole Taman kumbasari already worth visiting by all the tourists, there are some categories especially accessibility and amenities that are not yet fully friendly to tourists. The development and reordering of facilities and infrastructure should be done in Kumbasari Park to provide comfort and security to all travelers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Komang Eva Suryastini ◽  
Ni Made Suriani ◽  
Damiati Damiati

Abstrak Penelitian eksperimen ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas kue satu berbahan tepung kara kratok (Phaseolus lunatus L) yang dilihat dari aspek (1) aroma, (2) rasa, dan (3) tekstur. Panelis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan panelis terlatih yang terdiri dari 20 orang panelis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode observasi dengan menggunakan instrumen berupa lembar uji organoleptik dengan 3 tingkatan yaitu baik, cukup, kurang. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis data deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) Kualitas kue satu berbahan tepung kara kratok dilihat dari aspek aroma berada dalam kategori baik (3,00), sesuai dengan tolok ukur yaitu khas kacang kara kratok. (2) Kualitas kue satu berbahan tepung kara kratok dilihat dari aspek rasa berada dalam kategori baik (2,85), sesuai dengan tolok ukur yaitu manis. (3) Kualitas kue satu berbahan tepung kara kratok dilihat dari aspek tekstur berada dalam kategori baik (2,85), sesuai dengan tolok ukur yaitu rapuh Kata kunci: Tepung Kara Kratok, Kue Satu, Aroma, Rasa, Tekstur Abstract This experimental study aims to determine the quality of kue satu made from kara kratok flour (Phaseolus lunatus L) which is seen from the aspects of (1) aroma, (2) taste, and (3) texture. Panelists in this study used trained panelists consisting of 20 panelists. The data collection method used in this study is the observation method using an instrument in the form of an organoleptic test sheet with 3 levels: good, enough, less. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate (1) The quality of kue satu made from kara kratok flour viewed from the aspect of aroma is in the good category (3.00), which is typical of kara kratok beans. (2) The quality of kue satu made from kara kratok flour viewed from the aspect of taste is in the good category (2.85), which is sweet. (3) The quality of kue satu made from kara kratok flour viewed from the aspect of texture is in the good category (2.85), which is fragile. Keywords: Kara Kratok Flour, Kue Satu, Aroma, Taste, Texture

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Ulfah Fitria Setiyani ◽  
Arfilia Wijayanti ◽  
Filia Pria Artharina

The background that drives this research was the lack of 2013 curriculum learning media in the form of technology-based applications. The purpose of the study determined the feasibility of media-based interactive CD macromedia flash media. The type of research used is Research and Development (RnD) with the ADDIE model. Data analysis techniques used descriptive qualitative and quantitative descriptive. The results of the feasibility based on data analysis by expert experts obtain an average percentage of 94.17% for media feasibility, 95.00% for material feasibility and 91.67% for the feasibility of character values. The acquisition of teacher responses to media acceptance obtained a percentage in SD N Sawah Besar 02 of 86.67%, Elementary School of Muhajirin at 100.00% and SD N Siwalan obtained a percentage of 96.67%. The results of the questionnaire responses of the students obtained 96.36% in SD N Sawah Besar 02 and 93.64% in the Primary Schools of the Muhajirin. Media based on interactive CD macromedia flash based on the value of the character of sub-theme I and my ideals have met the criteria very well and are worthy of being used in the learning process.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Dian Rakhmasari ◽  
Inti Nur Tirta ◽  
Iqnia Fajril Wahida ◽  
M Fajar Septarianto ◽  
Shandy Choirul Fatah ◽  

This research aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of the 2013 curriculum in geography subjects. Data analysis techniques were used quantitative descriptive analysis as to analyze the data in ways that describe or depict the data that has been obtained. This study was used data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses descriptive data analysis techniques . The results showed that the use of the 2013 curriculum was still not going well. The effectiveness of learning with the application of the 2013 curriculum in geography is still needed a lot of review and adaptation of characteristics.

Ambar Widianingrum ◽  
Joko Sulianto ◽  
Rahmat Rais

The purpose of this study was to describe the feasibility of teaching materials based on an open-ended approach to improve the reasoning abilities of fourth grade students in elementary schools. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development). The subjects of this study were 3 classroom teachers. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative data analysis (data reduction, data presentation and conclusion) and quantitative descriptive data analysis. Based on the results of stage 1 media validation, it was obtained 84.8%, and the results of stage 2 media validation were obtained 94.8%. The result of material validation for stage 1 was obtained 84.6%, and validation for material for stage 2 was obtained 93.3%. The results of initial field trials obtained media 93.7% and material 92.3%. This shows that the teaching material is declared valid and suitable for use. Based on the results of this study, the suggestion that can be conveyed is that teaching materials based on an open-ended approach can be used as a tool for teaching and learning resources for students.

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