The Historical Demography of Renaissance Europe: Recent Research and Current Issues

1989 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 794-811 ◽  
L. R. Poos

Without the union of man and woman there can be no multiplication of the human species, but the number of these unions alone is not the only prerequisite of this multiplication: it is necessary in addition to bring [children] up with care, and to have the means of supporting them, otherwise they will either die before the natural time or they will be useless and of little value to their country… . How does Constantinople benefit from its populousness if every third year the contagion almost deprives the city of its inhabitants? Plague and disease arise in fact from the closeness and discomfort of the dwellings, the filth and dirt of living conditions and lack of care on the part of the government to keep the cities clean and the air purified, and other similar causes. All these things make it difficult to rear children, and although great numbers are born, comparatively few survive or grow to be men of any value… . Thus of the two conditions conducive to the propagation of the species, generation and upbringing, a high proportion of marriages may help the one but will certainly hinder the other… . It is not sufficient, therefore, for a prince to encourage marriages and fertility if he does not also assist the rearing and upkeep of the young, by charity towards the poor and by helping the needy and those who have not the means to marry their daughters or instruct their sons or to support themselves and their families.Giovanni Botero, Delia ragione di stato (1589)A product of the later Renaissance, a writer on behalf of the Counter Reformation but still “an inhabitant of Machiavelli's moral universe” (Skinner, 1; 249), Botero was remarkably precocious in observing and thinking about population issues and their relationship with economic conditions.

Shilpa Deo*

The Government of India has been taking various steps towards identification of the poor (and vulnerable through the Socio Economic Caste Census) and measurement of poverty with the help of various Expert Groups right from the Task Force that was set up in 1962 to the Task Force on Poverty Elimination of the NITI Aayog. There have been many researchers as well who have been suggesting the ways in which the poor and vulnerable can be identified and poverty can be measured besides the suggestions given by the Expert Groups. However, it may be considered as a ‘national shame’ if we are unable to identify the needy even after 75 years of independence. Through the review of around 100 books, research papers and articles, an attempt has been to understand the strengths and shortcomings of suggested ways to identify the poor and vulnerable and suggest a comprehensive methodology to identify the needy. Unless we are able to identify the poor and vulnerable sections of society correctly, planning and implementing poverty alleviation programmes for “ending poverty in all its forms everywhere”1 would be a futile exercise!

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 112
Wicaksono Dwi Pamungkas ◽  
Nina Setiyawati

Public services are services, both in the form of public goods and public services which are the responsibility and are carried out by the government in an effort to meet the needs of the community and in accordance with statutory provisions. One of the public services provided by the government is the One-Stop Administration System (SAMSAT). According to SAMSAT data in the city of Magelang, data on motorized vehicle ownership has increased and there has been an increase in the number of taxpayers. However, the tax payment service is considered to be less than optimal because there are still long queues when paying taxes.This also causes many people to make payments past the due date or entrust queues to brokerage services. Therefore, to overcome the problem, a mobile-based application (GO-PAJAK) was built which can be used to make tax payments by means of a vehicle document pick-up to pay motor vehicle taxes connected between drivers (SAMSAT employees) and customers (taxpayers). With this application, it is expected to improve service standards at the SAMSAT office and reduce taxpayer queues also reduce the use of brokers in administering public service administration that can increase public trust.  

2019 ◽  
pp. 71-84
Joanna Sosnowska

The Łódź Christian Charity Association operated in Łódź in the years 1885-1940. Its origins go back to the year 1877 and are connected with the foundation of the first charity organization in Łódź called “Support Committee for the Poor” (Pol. abbr. KWB). The aim of the Committee, whose initiators recruited mainly from the circles of affluent bourgeoisie, was broadly understood care and social assistance addressed to the impoverished city residents. Membership fees and voluntary donations constituted a primary income source of the organization, although the funds were also raised through theatrical performances, concerts, balls and funds collections. At the onset of its activity, KWB disposed of the amount of almost 15 thousand ruble, collected among the citizens o f the city, whereas the list of the poor compiled in Łódź for the first time comprised 323 persons in need of immediate help. In 1880, the members of the Committee made a decision about the construction of a shelter for the poor, the old and the invalided persons, but the absence of an appropriate legislative act regulating the activity of the organization, prevented the realization of the project. The Statute of the organization was approved of in 1884 by tsar Alexander III. This event completes an eight-year period of operation of the Support Committee for the Poor. The main directions of social, fostering and educational activity laid out by KWB, were embraced by the Łódź Christian Charity Association, whose name was agreed upon in January 1885. A principal aim and task of the organization became eradication of street beggarhood in the city and granting financial support and aid in kind to the poor residents of Christian denomination. The realization of the laid-out aims was supposed to be achieved by opening institutions with expert knowledge in which the needy might find shelter, care, medical assistance and worthy occupation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1866802X2110353
Miguel Carreras ◽  
Sofia Vera ◽  
Giancarlo Visconti

Research suggests that the coronavirus pandemic disproportionately affected poor communities. However, relatively little is known about how this differential impact affected support for, and compliance with, COVID-19 lockdown policies. This article examines the relationship between socioeconomic inequalities and public opinion towards COVID-19 containment measures in Peru. Despite the strict quarantine measures adopted by the government of Peru, the country struggled to contain the spread of the disease. We designed and implemented a nationally representative survey in Peru and found that economically vulnerable sectors are more likely to oppose the quarantine and are more likely to defy the stay-at-home recommendations to leave home and go to work. Our contribution highlights that poor citizens’ housing and economic conditions can explain why the poor are more likely to react negatively to COVID-19 lockdown policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 590
Reni Septiyanti ◽  
Darius Antoni ◽  
M Izman Herdiansyah ◽  
Widya Cholil

As it is known that the Government of Palembang has implemented e-government, but how much e-government can help the Palembang city government to interact between the government and all levels of society including the poor in the city of Palembang. In its application, the condition of e-government services is still insufficient infrastructure that supports                e-government services for the poor in palembang. To design a good e-government service, it is necessary to design SI/IT services for the community in Palembang with service design stages in the Framework Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Version 2011 in order to be accepted in all levels of society including the poor in the city of Palembang. SI/IT service design based on the results of analysis of the condition and needs of SI/IT services to the business process of community service. This research uses qualitative approach method and analysis with reference standard approach using ITIL standard version 2011 in Service Design. The result of this research is in the form of the design of information system of digital service of population such as administration and population services, Family of Hope Program (PKH) services and digital archive storage services based on the Stages of Service Design in ITIL Version 2011 that has been done, namely the Service Level Management process in the form of Service Level Requirement, Service Level Agreement and Operational Level Agreement documents.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Abdul Mukmin Rehas, S.H., M.H

ABSTRACT Legal aid is a very important means in terms of gaining the needs of the poor society in this case to obtain the justice and retain their rights because not all people are able to afford to pay the attorneys' fees that are reliable and professional to retain the rights and ensure legal certainty nor justice for one of the parties. Thus the government needs to provide legal assistance to the community with low level economy to find the justice for him, and mandatory for the government to implement the City Legal Assistance in Samarinda in order to run in perspective and in accordance with law No. 16 in 2011.

Willy Wo-Lap Lam

This chapter explores the macro-level political development in China and the possibilities of liberalization in the context of weiquan and weiwen. The government is resorting to both hard and soft measures to maintain stability and legitimacy. On the one hand, a “scorched earth policy” is used against dissidents who may be perceived to challenge the Chinese Communist Party directly, as demonstrated by the prosecution and heavy punishment of Liu Xiaobo and his comrades-in-arms. On the other, the CCP has taken a reconciliatory approach in dealing with the poor, the liberal elements within the CCP, and the Uighurs in Xinjiang. In general, however, the CCP is retreating to a conservative comfort zone ideologically and institutionally. This suggests that there are only slim chances of further political reform.

Bayu Kharisma

This study aims to evaluate and prioritize the various forms of strategic programs at the Bandung City Government in strengthening the economy and increasing purchasing power of the people in the city of Bandung based on public policy analysis. This study is comprehensive covering macro aspects, namely the potential and economic profile as well as the Human Development Index (HDI) and micro aspects, namely the external and internal environmental analysis relating to economic policy on purchasing power. Furthermore, evaluation and economic policy priorities in an effort to increase the purchasing power of the city of Bandung. There are few steps or effort in evaluating various forms of local government strategic program Bandung in economics in order to increase the purchasing power of the city of Bandung, namely: 1) Observing the potential and the problems by SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats). 2) Evaluation and prioritization of programs of economic analysis AHP (analytical hierarchy process) and connect it to the macroeconomic indicators Bandung. In conducting the evaluation and priority, strategic programs are done also based on the study of literature and discussions with experts. The number of respondents in this study is 15 (fifteen) and sampling was done by purposive convenience sampling. Based Matrix EFAS (External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary) shows that the Bandung City Government is in a strong position to exploit the opportunities that exist to minimize the threats that will arise with regard to the external factors that affect the purchasing power of the city of Bandung. The Government of Bandung can utilize the opportunities, which are significant factors, in order to increase the purchasing power of the people. These are plans such as: the Central Government Policies Regarding Rice for the Poor (RASKIN), Health Insurance for the Poor (insurance for the poor), and the School Operational Assistance (BOS), National Program Community Empowerment (PNPM), the People's Business Credit (KUR) with Interest Subsidy to Help Low Income Communities . Furthermore, from the results of Matrix IFAS (Internal Strategic Factor Analysis Summary) shows that the Bandung City Government is in a relatively strong position to use and harness the forces that exist to minimize the shortcomings encountered in efforts to improve the people's purchasing power. Internal factors that significantly influence the increase in purchasing power of the city of Bandung are the strong commitment of the Government of Bandung to increase purchasing power. Meanwhile, the biggest disadvantage factor and should be watched and minimized by the Bandung City Government in improving the purchasing power of the city of Bandung is a "Weak Monitoring and Evaluation Capability Strengthening Program Buy". The estimation results of AHP (analytical hierarchy process) to local agencies regarding the analysis of preference evaluation of Government programs of Bandung in economics in improving and strengthening the purchasing power suggests that external factors are the priority aspects. Meanwhile, based on analysis of the preferences of businesses, communities and government agencies to the actors who play an important role in strengthening the purchasing power of the city of Bandung show that the relevant local government agencies play an important role in influencing people's purchasing power state through a set of policies and programs it has taken.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 139
Pujiyanto Pujiyanto

Hipertensi merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang banyak diderita penduduk dengan kecenderungan meningkat seiring bertambahnya umur. Dengan bertambahnya umur harapan hidup maka dimasa depan hipertensi akan menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius. Salah satu upaya mengatasi hipertensi adalah dengan minum obat antihipertensi. Keteraturan meminum obat ditentukan oleh kepatuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelaborasi pengaruh faktor sosio-ekonomi terhadap kepatuhan minum obat. Jenis penelitian adalah studi kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam. Informan adalah penderita hipertensi yang tinggal di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Beji Kota Depok, berjumlah 8 orang meliputi kategori lansia/non lansia dan laki-laki/perempuan. Wawancara dilakukan di rumah informan pada minggu pertama dan kedua Juni 2007. Rekaman wawancara dibuat transkrip dan dianalisis dengan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sikap patuh dan tidak patuh dalam berobat bisa muncul saling bergantian. Seluruh informan, selain mengkonsumsi obat modern, ternyata juga minum obat tradisional dari beragam tumbuhan obat dengan beragam cara membuatnya. Faktor motivasi berperan penting dalam kepatuhan minum obat. Motivasi positif memiliki efek terhadap kepatuhan minum obat yang lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan motivasi negatif. Sikap caring anggota keluarga juga berperan penting dalam kepatuhan minum obat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan agar tenaga medis dan paramedis memotivasi anggota keluarga penderita hipertensi sebagai motivator minum obat, melakukan studi khasiat obat tradisional yang mencakup kandungan zat aktif obat dancara pembuatan yang tepat serta efek interaksi pemakaian secara bersama-sama obat antihipertensi modern dan tradisional, dan melanjutkan program Askeskin/Jamkesmas untuk mencegah terjadinya unmet need obat antihipertensi pada orang miskin.Kata kunci : Hipertensi, kepatuhan minum obat, obat modern, obat tradisional.AbstractHypertension is a degenerative disease suffered by many people and the trends was raised as the increased of people age. In the future this disease will be a serious health problem due to the increase of life expectancy. There is an effective method to cope the hypertension by taking anti-hypertensive medicine but the regularity of its consumption depends on the compliance. The study objective was to elaborate the influence of socio-economic and cultural factors toward compliance. The research design was qualitative study and the data was gathered by indepth interview. Informen were hypertensive persons who reside in the working area of Beji Health Center, the City of Depok, consist of 8 persons including aged/non aged and male/female. The interview was conductedat the informant house on the first and second of June 2007. Then the transcript of the interview analyzed used the content analysis. Study result showed that the compliance (i.e. complied or not complied) was substitutable. All informen consumed the modern and traditional medicine simultaneously. The traditional one was made from various plants and the way he/she produced it was vary too. We discover the importance of motivation to the compliance. Positive motivation have stronger effect to the compliance as compared to the negative one. Also, family member caring was crucial to the compliance. Depends on the analyses there are some recommendation i.e. any medical and paramedical should suggest the family member of hypertensive patient to be a motivator, conducteda research to comprehend the benefit of traditional medicine including the active substance and the method of produced it effectively and the interaction effects of the use of modern and traditional antihypertensive medicine simultaneously, and to avoid the unmet need to the modern antihypertensivemedicine of the poor the government should continued the health insurance program for the poor (Askeskin/Jamkesmas).Key words : Hypertension, compliance, modern medicine, traditional medicine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 634-641
Pacha Malyadri

Purpose of the study: The study tried to evaluate two issues which are socio-economic conditions of tribal women and the impact of welfare schemes financing by banks for income generation among tribal women. Methodology: This empirical research adopted a quantitative method by distributing a schedule to 120 tribal women located in a rural-based Khammam district of Telangana state. The data analyzed by using the one-way ANOVA, mean, regression analysis and standard deviation (S.D.) with the assistance of Statistical Package for Social Sciences to determining the impact of income generation schemes on socio-economic conditions. Main Findings: This study found that incomes are improved phenomenally after availing welfare schemes targeted at tribal women. However, the tribal women are needed to facilitate awareness of various schemes on circulation by the Government. The known income generation schemes were impacted positively among few tribal women and they have expressed satisfaction as there was significant empowerment in their livelihoods. Applications of this study: The findings of the study are useful for the government in implementing income generation activities to strengthen tribal women economically, socially and politically. It would be relevant to apply solutions for the problems encountering by tribal women. Novelty/Originality of this study: The impact of income generation schemes has been addressed categorically concerning empowerment. Therefore a determined plan of implementation of further action can significantly empower the tribal women in all respects.

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