scholarly journals Upaya Guru PAI dalam Pembentukan Akhlaqul Karimah di Sekolah Dasar

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Nuraini Nuraini ◽  
Rahmi Wiza

This study aims to determine the morals of students at the UNP Laboratory Development Elementary School, to find out the efforts of Religion teachers in providing examples, guidance, historical stories, encouragement, and fostering students' conscience and to know the supporting and inhibiting factors for teachers in shaping students' morality. This type of research is qualitative with descriptive method, because the research describes, tells, and interprets a situation or event as it is. The results of this study were that students still spoke in high-pitched voices, running around in front of the office, and their hair was still long. Efforts made by Religion teachers are a) Providing an example with Tahfiz, b) Encouraging performing Dzuhur prayers in congregation, c) Equipping common sense with knowledge through historical stories, d) Advising parents to get along with good people, e) Encouraging to leave the nature of lazy. The driving factors in the formation of akhlaq karimah are parents, student motivation, and the community. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors in the formation of akhlaqul karimah are socio-economic conditions and education level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-90
Hani Sholihah

Abstrak: Memperoleh pendidikan merupakan salah satu hak anak. Pada masa pandemi Covid-19, proses pembelajaran di sekolah dilakukan secara daring (online). Dalam proses ini, terjadi beberapa kasus kekerasan terhadap anak. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemenuhan hak-hak pendidikan anak dan bagaimana perlindungan anak dari tindak kekerasan pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dalam perspektif Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak, khususnya pasal 50 dan 54. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah  metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara penyebaran angket melalui google form, yang disebarkan via whatsapp. Subjek yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah orang tua siswa Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kota dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya dengan mengambil 227 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemenuhan hak-hak anak dalam bidang pendidikan pada masa pandemi Covid-19, pada jenjang pendidikan SD/MI di Kota dan Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, sangat baik dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata yang termasuk kategori sangat tinggi. Namun, perlindungan anak dari tindakan kekerasan, baik fisik maupun psikis, belum sepenuhnya terpenuhi. Meskipun dengan jumlah kasus yang tidak terkategori tinggi, tindakan kekerasan terhadap anak dalam bentuk apapun, merupakan sesuatu yang tidak dibenarkan dan harus dicegah.    Abstract: Obtaining education is one of the rights of children. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the learning process in schools was carried out online. In this process, several cases of violence against children occurred. Therefore, this study aims to find out how to fulfill children's education rights and how to protect children from violence during the Covid-19 pandemic in the perspective of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, particularly articles 50 and 54. The method used is used in this research is a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires via a google form, which was distributed via WhatsApp. The subjects used in this study were the parents of students of the Elementary School / Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Kota and Tasikmalaya Regency by taking 227 respondents. The results showed that the fulfillment of children's rights in the education sector during the Covid-19 pandemic, at the SD / MI education level in the City and District of Tasikmalaya, was very good with the acquisition of an average score which was in the very high category. However, child protection from acts of violence, both physical and psychological, has not been fully fulfilled. Even with the number of cases that are not categorized as high, acts of violence against children in any form are something that is not justified and must be prevented.    

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nadziroh Nadziroh ◽  
Chairiyah Chairiyah ◽  
Wachid Pratomo

This study aims to determine the implementation of honesty values as a form of anti-corruption education in SD Negeri 01 Tengklik Karanganyar. The results showed that in Tengklik 01 Public Elementary School had carried out honesty values as a form of anti-corruption education. The anti-corruption values taught in Tengklik 01 Public Elementary School include the value of honesty, the value of discipline, the value of openness, and the value of responsibility. Inhibiting factors or constraints are: (1) lack of awareness of students, (2) there are still habits of corruptive behavior. There are several ways that can be used to overcome obstacles and efforts made in Anti-Corruption Education, namely: (1) exemplary, (2) habituation, (3) giving strict sanctions. (4) competitions and resource persons (5) increasing devotion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-25
Renir Hidayat ◽  
Badaruddin Badaruddin ◽  
Warjio Warjio ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini

This research is to find out the efforts of the sub-district government itself in improving its services within the framework of meeting the needs of its citizens. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method that is a study by using data obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the study found that the obstacles in implementing Aceh Tamiang District Regulations Number 14 Year 2016, namely in carrying out the transfer of some of the Regent's authority to the District Head through the District Integrated Administration Services that have not been maximally provided to the community, can be seen from the PATEN assessment conducted by the Regency Government towards the District Government. This has several inhibiting factors, namely the lack of qualified human resources, the availability of inadequate budgets and is described from Hamdi's theory, namely from the productivity dimension, the Linearity Dimension, and the Efficiency Dimension. As well as having factors that influence, among others, Policy Sustansi, Implementing Task Behavior, Work Network Interaction, Target Group Participation, and Resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 310-320
Vanessa Putri Maghfira

The purpose of this study is to find out effectiveness of policy Law No.1 of 2014 on the Arrangement of Modern Minimarket in Semarang City and to know the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the policy. The research method used in this research is using descriptive method percentage. The result of the research shows that policy of Law No.1 of 2014 about setup of Modern Minimarket arrangement in Semarang City is not yet effective with target that has been set. Supporting factors in this policy is the minimarket workforce comes from the local orkforce and the distance between the minimarket and traditional market already 500m. while the inhibiting factor in this policy there are still many minimarkets operating that are not in accordance with the rules that have been set. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas kebijakan UU No.1 tahun 2014 tentang Pengaturan Pasar Minimarket Modern di Kota Semarang dan untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat kebijakan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan UU No.1 tahun 2014 tentang pengaturan pengaturan Minimarket Modern di Kota Semarang belum efektif dengan target yang telah ditetapkan. Faktor pendukung dalam kebijakan ini adalah tenaga kerja minimarket berasal dari orkforce lokal dan jarak antara minimarket dan pasar tradisional sudah 500 m. sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam kebijakan ini masih ada banyak minimarket yang beroperasi yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan.

Fauzatul Ma’rufah Rohmanurmeta

<span class="fontstyle0">At the elementary school level, sains learning still monotonous and<br />uninteresting because elementary school system with classroom teachers to make<br />the teachers have difficulty in using the right strategy. Teachers are required to<br />achieve the target material that is quite a lot and should be comleted in each<br />semester.This situation resulted in the lack of attention of student in the process of<br />learning activities so that a low student motivation. Under these conditions, the<br />purpose of this research is to improve students motivation through quantum<br />teaching method of learning process in the fourth grade students of SDN 02 Wates<br />Distric jenangan, Ponorogo.This research is a classroom action research (PTK),<br />which consists of the first cycle and the second cycle. The study subjects were<br />students of class 4 SDN 02 Wates wich consist 11 students. Collecting data in this<br />study using a questionnaire to determine students motivation, and the observation<br />sheet in the form of check list to determine the activity of students. Before held<br />research student motivation is low. Then after research showed that motivation of<br />students of cycle 1 45,5% and cycle II 82% increased 36,5%. Interpretation of<br />student learning to learning in sycle 1 is 36% and cycle II increased to 82%.<br />Student activity in I cycle was 27,3% and in the II cycle increased to 81,8%. The<br />result showed that the use of quantum teaching methods can improve students<br />motivation in learning sains SDN 02 wates.<br /><br /></span>

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Rahma Maulida

This research was conducted at International Elementary School Bunga Matahari,Banda Aceh for its homogeneity, both tribes, nations and religions. This diversity is interesting to have a further study in order to know the process of tolerance guiding in multicultural education. The results of the study show that there are some tasāmuh (tolerance) attitudes in multicultural education as mutual helps, mutual respects, mutual communications, mutual care, not to blame others, not to be selfish and inclusive. The tolerance attitudes which have been conducting at International Elementary School Bunga Matahari,Banda Aceh is in accord with the Islamic education system, but in the teaching of religious education for non-Muslims, not in accordance with the perspective of Islamic the education, the learning process is still discriminatory. The leading factors in supporting the tolerance implementation in multicultural education at National Elementary Bunga Matahari, Banda Aceh are dialogue, egalitarianism, impartiality, the 1945 Constitution, Article 29, 2nd paragraph, multicultural education which contains the values of pluralism and tolerance attitudes towards diversity. The inhibiting factors in developing tolerance attitudes are exclusiveness, learning model which tends to be dogmatic, religion is directed into not free variable, the solution of developing tolerance is that the educational implementation should be oriented on the value that will provide pressure point on how students see, understand, and face the diversity of life in multicultural education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Fatkhul Arifin ◽  
Tri Anjani Ashari ◽  
Fauzan Fauzan

This study aims to determine the influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on the overall mathematics learning in several scientific journals at the basic education level "at the basic education level. The method used is meta-analysis, namely a descriptive narrative review or systematic review by analyzing the results. The results of research that have been published nationally relating to the influence of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on elementary school students' mathematics learning The sample in this study is a random sampling technique with a total of thirteen journal articles that have been published nationally in Indonesia with a span of years. 2014-2020 at the basic education level which discusses the writing of experiments on the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in elementary school students' Mathematics learning. The instrument used is a coding data sheet that summarizes the data. and journal information. Based on the analysis of the overall effect value, the average value of the influence is 0.416, which means that it is in the large effect category. The findings of the analysis also show that the problem-based learning model has an influence on Mathematics learning in basic education. This shows the conclusion that the-pl problem based learning model is more effective in learning mathematics compared to the conventional learning model in this study

Margareta O Sumilat ◽  
Sarah Tombokan

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the performance of elementary school teachers in Manado City was in accordance with the expectations of the parents. To answer the objectives of this study, researchers conducted research based on the quantitative descriptive method with Importantnce Performance Analysis (IPA) method analysis. The results of the research conducted show that based on the results of the calculation of the average performance appraisal (performance) performance of elementary school teachers in Manado City is below the average rating of expectations (Importance): 2.67 <4.21 and the performance of each variable of service quality. The results of the respondent's assessment score (suitability level) are below 100% (65.7% <100%) which means that it is not satisfactory. The interpretation of the Cartesian diagram can be explained as follows: aspects or attributes that affect teacher performance satisfaction, namely aspects of work quality (1) and aspects of communication. Otherwise. Aspects that are good and in accordance with what the community expects and their performance needs to be maintained (quadrant B) and the result is only one indicator, namely ability (4). In other words, there are achievements made by teachers, in this case, according to the parents, is the teacher's ability to carry out teaching. From the results of the research and data analysis, it can be concluded that based on the analysis of the results of the study, it can be concluded that the overall indicator of the performance level of teachers in elementary schools in Manado City based on processing and data analysis falls into the Low category which must be improved implementation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-35
Asmiyati Asmiyati

Abstract The research aims to improve the competence of teachers PAI SD in Piyungan Bantul Regency in drawing up scientific approach based RPP. This Research Action Research shaped the school (School Action Research) collaboration between researchers and teachers. This research uses descriptive method with engineering workshop to see improvement happening from cycle to cycle the results showed that coaching through the workshop can enhance teacher competencies PAI SD in district Piyungan Bantul Regency in preparation of the RPP by using scientific approach. Increased value and competence that occurs after the execution of the workshop teachers PAI elementary school in kecamatan Piyungan Bantul Regency was amounting to 43 points. This can be seen from the results of the calculation of the increase in the average value of a participant on one cycle only gets 69 points or 2.3 later increased to 112 or 3.7 indicating is in compliance with the criteria and expectations of researchers.   Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi guru PAI SD di Kecamatan Piyungan Kabupaten Bantul dalam menyusun RPP berbasis pendekatan saintifik. Penelitian ini berbentuk Penelitian Tindakan Sekolah (School Action Research) hasil kerjasama antara peneliti dan guru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik workshop untuk melihat peningkatan yang terjadi dari siklus ke siklus Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahwa pembinaan melalui workshop dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru PAI SD di kecamatan Piyungan Kabupaten Bantul dalam penyusunan RPP dengan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik. Peningkatan nilai dan kompetensi yang terjadi setelah pelaksanaan workshop guru PAI SD di kecamatan Piyungan kabupaten Bantul adalah sebesar 43 poin. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari hasil perhitungan kenaikan rata-rata nilai peserta yang pada siklus satu hanya mendapatkan 69 poin atau 2,3 kemudian meningkat menjadi 112 atau 3,7 yang mengindikasikan sudah sesuai dengan kriteria dan harapan peneliti.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Amin ◽  
Mahyudin Ritonga ◽  
Wedy Nasrul

The purpose of this research is to know the pattern of coaching the students' characters as well as supporting and inhibiting factors that are faced by the teacher of Islamic religious education in the state Elementary School 16 V Koto Timur District Padang Pariaman. In accordance with these objectives, this study uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. Research data sources include Islamic education teachers, school principals and classroom teachers, while in collecting researcher data using observations, interviews and documentation studies, data reduction data analysis techniques, data classification, data presentation and withdrawal conclusions. From the results of the research is known that first, the pattern of the character coaching students conducted by Islamic religious education teachers in elementary school 16 Koto Timur District Padang Pariaman is integrating character values in religious subjects and ethics, secondly, the supporting factors that make up character coaching through PAI are full-head support, the teacher collaboration with class teachers, the availability of school facilities, while the three inhibiting factors faced by PAI teachers are a lack of attention from parents , different learners' characteristics.

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