2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 387
Qorry Hilmiyah Harahap ◽  
Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
Amir Mahmud Harahap

Abstrak Padang sidimpuan terkenal dengan kota salak, akan tetapi pada masa-masa tertentu harga salak menjadi sangat murah. Mengatasi hal tersebut muncul ketika kehidupan petani salak yang semakin sulit dalam menghadapi musim panen raya tiba sementara harga salak anjlok dan salak yang kulitnya terkelupas sehingga kondisi salak bagus terbuang percuma (istilah petani setempat salak “pamilian“) dari kondisi inilah muncul ide pembuatan makan dan minuman dari olahan buah salak. Selama ini, Kelompok Usaha Mandiri di Desa Aek Nabara ingin mengembangkan usaha kopi biji salak namun terkendala dalam proses produksi, pengemasan kopi biji salak, pemasaran serta laporan pembukuan kelompok usaha. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk membantu Kelompok Usaha Mandiri dalam proses produksi kopi biji salak, pengemasan produk, pemasaran serta laporan pembukuan sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan Kelompok Usaha Mandiri. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan metode pelatihan dan praktek penggunaan alat penggiling biji salak, praktek pengemasan produk, pelatihan pemasaran dan praktek pembuatan laporan keuangan. Hasil yang dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah Kelompok Usaha Mandiri mampu memproduksi kopi biji salah, pengemasan produk, pemasaran kopi biji salak dan laporan pembukuan Kelompok Usaha Mandiri. Kata kunci : Kopi Biji Salak, Alat Penggiling Biji Salak, Kelompok Usaha Mandiri, Desa Aek Nabara, Padangsidimpuan Abstract Padang sidimpuan famous for the city of barking, but at certain times the price of barking becomes very cheap. Overcome this occurs when the life of salak farmers who increasingly difficult in the face of harvest season arrive while the price of salak plummeted and barked peeled skin so that good salak conditions wasted (the term local farmer salak "pamilian") from this condition came the idea of making food and drink of processed fruit bark. During this time, the Independent Business Group in Aek Nabara Village wants to develop the business of salak seed coffee but is constrained in the production process, packing of salak seed coffee, marketing and bookkeeping report of business group. This activity aims to assist the Independent Business Group in the production process of salak seed coffee, product packaging, marketing and bookkeeping report so as to increase the income of Independent Business Group. Community service activities are carried out with the method of training and the practice of using the seed grinder tool, the practice of product packaging, marketing training and financial reporting practice. The results achieved from this community service activity are Independent Business Group able to produce wrong coffee beans, product packaging, marketing of salak seed coffee and report bookkeeping of Independent Business Group. Keywords: Salak Seed Coffee, Salak Seed Mill, Independent Business Group, Aek Nabara Village, Padangsidimpuan

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 637
Faqih Rofii ◽  
Fachrudin Hunaini ◽  
Ngudi Tjahjono

Abstrak Meningkatnya jumlah penghobi burung, berdampak terhadap peningkatan permintaan sangkar burung. Salah satu tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kelompok usaha pembuatan sangkar burung yang berada di Desa Toyomarto, Singosari Malang. Permasalahan produksi yang dapat diidentifikasi adalah terbatasnya peralatan proses produksi yang digunakan, disebabkan masih manualnya peralatan kerja pada proses pembelahan kayu, pembelahan bambu menjadi jeruji dan penyerutan jeruji agar menjadi halus. Prioritas permasalahan yang diselesaikan adalah perancangan dan pembuatan meja pemotong dan pembelah kayu menggunakan penggerak motor listrik, perancangan dan pembuatan alat serut dan penghalus bambu untuk jeruji sangkar menggunakan penggerak motor listrik serta peningkatan kemampuan tenaga kerja dalam pengoperasian peralatan tersebut. Adapun metode pelaksanaannya adalah merancang, merealisasikan, menguji dan mendemonstrasikan alat, serta melatih dan mendampingi pemakaian alat. Hasil yang dicapai dari pembuatan alat pembelah kayu dan penghalus bambu ini adalah kayu yang dibelah lebih lurus dan halus, dapat mengatur ketebalan kayu yang dibelah, dan proses pembelahan dan penghalusan menjadi lebih cepat.Kata kunci: Sangkar burung, Pembelah kayu, Penyerut bambu, Motor listrik Abstract The increasing number of bird hobbyists, has an impact on increasing demand for bird cages. One of the goals of this community service activity is to increase productivity of bird cage making business group in Toyomarto Village, Singosari Malang. Production issues that can be identified are the limited equipment used production process, caused still manual work equipment on the process of cleavage of wood, cleavage of bamboo into the bars and grate shrinkage to be smooth. The priority issues that are solved are the design and manufacture of wood cutting and splitting tables using electric motor propulsion, design and manufacture of cutting tools and bamboo polishes for cage bars using electric motors as well as increasing the ability of labor in the operation of the equipment. The method of implementation is to design, realize, test and demonstrate tools, and train and assist the use of tools. The results obtained from the manufacture of wooden and bamboo splitting tools are wood split more straight and smooth, can adjust the thickness of the split wood, and the process of splitting and refining becomes faster.Keywords: Bird cages, Cleavage of wood, Cleavage of bamboo, Electrical Motor

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
I Iswahyudi ◽  
M Muslimah ◽  
A Abdurrachman

ABSTRAKTujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pelatihan produksi bersih dan manajemen usaha kepada kelompok usaha garam rakyat di Desa (Gampong) Kuala Idi Cut Kecamatan Darul Aman Kabupaten Aceh Timur. Prosedur pelaksanaan kegiatan teridiri dari; koordinasi kegiatan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan. Kelompok masyarakat yang menjadi mitra pada kegiatan ini adalah Kelompok Putik Meulu.  Kelompok tersebut merupakan salah satu kelompok usaha garam rakyat, dengan anggota kelompok terdiri dari inong balee (janda) yang kehidupan ekonominya serba kekurangan. Kelompok ini telah menjalankan usahanya sejak tahun 2000 dan mampu memproduksi garam setiap hari sekitar 200 kilogram dari lima dapur dengan aset sekitar Rp 23.500.000. Hasil yang didapatkan, dengan adanya pelatihan produksi bersih garam dan berbagai macam manajemen pengelolaan usaha mampu merubah pola pikir mitra terkait dengan proses produksi garam. Dimana dapur garam dibuat permanen, diberi pagar keliling sehingga terhindar dari hewan yang masuk ke dapur garam. Dari aspek produksi, rata-rata produksi garam meningkat menjadi 90 kg/hari. Selain itu, garam yang dihasilkan juga berwarna putih dan bebas dari kotoran. Kesimpulan, dengan adanya pelatihan produksi bersih garam dan berbagai macam manajemen pengelolaan usaha diharapkan dapat membuka pola pikir petani garam mitra untuk menggunakan teknologi yang maju agar produktivitas garamnya meningkat.Kata kunci: garam rakyat, manajemen usaha, produksi bersih garam ABSTRACTThe purpose of this service activity is to provide training in clean production and business management to the people's salt business group in Kuala Idi Cut Village, Darul Aman Sub-District, East Aceh District. The procedure for implementing activities consists of; coordination of activities, socialization, training, and mentoring. The community group that is a partner in this activity is the Putik Meulu Group. The group is one of the people's salt business groups, with group members consisting of inong balee (widows) whose economic life is completely deprived. This group has been running its business since 2000 and is able to produce around 200 kilograms of salt every day from five kitchens with assets of around Rp 23,500,000. The results obtained, with training in clean salt production and various kinds of business management, are able to change the mindset of partners related to the salt production process. Where the salt kitchen is made permanent, it is given a fence around so as to avoid animals entering the salt kitchen. From the production aspect, the average salt production increased to 90 kg/day. In addition, the resulting salt is also white and free from impurities. In conclusion, with training in salt clean production and various kinds of business management, it is hoped that it will open the mindset of partner salt farmers to use advanced technology to increase their salt productivity.Keywords: people's salt, business management, clean salt production

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Gina Harventy ◽  
Achmad Syaiful Hidayat Anwar

This community service activity aims to provide training and assistance in the preparation of financial reports at the Putri Asisiyah Orphanage in Malang City. Putri Aisyiyah Orphanage is one of the Amal Usaha Muhammadiyah (AUM) in Malang. The training and assistance in the preparation of financial reports are related to the problems faced by the orphanage manager, namely the activity of recording and reporting on orphanages that have not been carried out in an orderly manner and in accordance with reporting standards. Putri Aisiyah Orphanage has a business unit that has experienced significant development until now, so it is necessary to record and prepare good financial reports for the orphanage. So that administrators can evaluate the performance of operational activities of the orphanage and catering business units. The method of implementing the service program consists of socializing the importance of preparing financial reporting, training and assistance in the preparation of financial reports. The results of this service activity, the management and financial administration section of the Putri Aisiyah Orphanage have the skills (expertise) in making / compiling excel-based computerized financial reports and this service program has achieved the output of computational computational financial reporting work excel at the Putri Aisiyah Orphanage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Soemaryono Soemaryono ◽  
Rudi Pratono ◽  
Ismangil Ismangil

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sumber daya manusia, dengan memberikan pembinaan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam laporan keuangan dengan standar akuntansi. Sasaran pengabdian masyarakat adalah siswa SMK Kartini Surabaya yang berdomisili di wilayah Surabaya. Diharapkan mahasiswa setelah mengikuti kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dapat memahami konsep dasar akuntansi, prinsip akuntansi, persamaan akuntansi dan mampu Menyusun laporan keuangan dengan pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan (PSAK). Metode pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan materi pengetahuan teoritis dan praktik. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah siswa dapat memahami konsep dasar akuntansi, prinsip akuntansi, persamaan akuntansi dan mampu Menyusun laporan keuangan dengan pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan. Laporan keuangan perusahaan jasa, perusahaan dagang, dan perusahaan manufaktur.Kata Kunci: Konsep, Laporan Keuangan Persamaan Akuntansi, Prinsip AkuntansiThe purpose of this community service is to improve human resource skills, by providing knowledge and skills development in financial reporting with accounting standards. The target are students of SMK Kartini Surabaya who are domiciled in Surabaya area. It’s expected the students after participating in this community service activity can be understand the basic concept of accounting, accounting principles, accounting equations and able to prepare financial statements with the statement of financial accounting standards (PSAK). The methods of community service by providing knowledge material theoretical and practical. The results by students service activities are they can understand the basic concept of accounting, accounting principles, accounting equations and able to prepare financial statements with the statement of financial accounting standards. The Financial statements of service companies, trading companies, and manufacture companies.Keywords: Accounting Equations, Accounting Principle, Concept, Financial Statements

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-108
Achmad Chafidz ◽  
Ajeng Yulianti Dwi Lestari

Batik Tulis is one of traditional Indonesian culture that must be preserved. UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” is one of Batik Tulis or Cap industries that uses natural dyes for coloring the Batik. This UKM is located in Desa Kebon, Bayat, Klaten. As a traditional UKM, of course there are many problems that must be solved. This community service activity aims to identify the existing problems and provide solutions or ideas to further develop UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” especiallly in terms of the production process of Batik Tulis. Additionally, also to introduce natural dye extraction process technology for better coloring results the Batik Tulis. This service community was carried out by interview, direct observation, and presentation/counseling methods. From this community service activity, the members of UKM Batik Tulis “Kebon Indah” have obtained new knowledge about the natural dye extraction process technology. Additionally, several recommendations to solve the current problems have been conveyed to the UKM, such as: pretreatment of raw natural coloring sources and application of natural dye extraction process technology on the production process of the Batik Tulis.

2018 ◽  
Ahmad Sururi

The purpose of this community service activity is to provide training on village government administration and village financial reporting governance in improving the capacity of village government apparatus. It is hoped that through these activities it will promote accountable and transparent village governance and give birth to village cadres who have good knowledge, attitude and skills. While the activity method used is Participatory Learning And Action. This activity is conducted by emphasizing on lecture, discussion, brainstorming conducted interactively with group members and continued with action or real activity that relevant with material of society empowerment. The results of community service activities run in accordance with predetermined plans, the community has a response and enthusiasm for training and created changes in knowledge, attitudes and skills.

Ni Putu Jesika Novianti ◽  
Luh Putu Mahyuni

Songan Village, Kintamani District is a village that has local potential, namely the large number of tilapia fish cultivators. However, the cultivators have been selling their harvest in the form of raw fish only. The relatively cheap price of raw fish cannot provide significant benefits to tilapia fish cultivators, so that innovation is needed to add the value by further processing it. Seeing this situation, it is necessary to hold training in processing tilapia fish into ready-to-eat food such as fish floss and in product packaging, in order to increase the selling value of tilapia fish. Making fish floss does not require a large cost, so it is easy to be applied by tilapia fish cultivators. Meanwhile, the selling value is relatively better than the selling value of raw fish. Problems in the field in this community service activity were explored through observation and interview methods. After the problems were identified, training preparations and socialization were carried out, then training on making fish floss and their packaging were conducted. This activity is succeeded in providing an understanding of the importance of increasing the added value of fish production by processing it into fish floss, providing skills in making floss and packaging. Subsequent service activities can be directed at efforts to assist the community in obtaining P-IRT permits, assisting sales through social media, and accompanying the next production innovation process, among others by trying various other flavours apart from those tested in current community service activities. Desa Songan, Kecamatan Kintamani merupakan desa yang memiliki potensi lokal yaitu banyaknya pembudidaya ikan mujair dan oleh pembudidaya hanya dimanfaatkan dengan cara menjual hasil panennya berupa ikan mentah saja. Harganya yang relatif murah kurang bisa memberikan keuntungan yang signifikan terhadap pembudidaya ikan mujair, sehingga dibutuhkan inovasi untuk mengolahnya lebih lanjut. Melihat situasi semacam ini, maka perlu diadakan pelatihan pengolahan ikan mujair menjadi makanan siap saji seperti abon ikan dan pengemasan produk  agar dapat meningkatkan nilai jual ikan mujair. Pembuatan abon ikan ini tidak memerlukan biaya yang besar, sehingga mudah untuk diaplikasikan oleh pembudidaya ikan mujair. Sementara nilai jualnya relatif lebih baik daripada nilai jual ikan mentah. Permasalahan di lapangan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini digali melalui metode observasi dan wawancara. Setelah permasalahan berhasil diidentifikasi, dilakukan persiapan pelatihan dan sosialisasi, kemudian dilakukan pelatihan pembuatan abon ikan beserta pengemasannya. Kegiatan ini berhasil memberikan pemahaman akan pentingnya meningkatkan nilai tambah produksi ikan melalui pengolahannya menjadi abon ikan, memberikan keterampilan pembuatan abon ikan dan pengemasannya. Kegiatan pengabdian selanjutnya dapat diarahkan pada upaya mendampingi masyarakat dalam pengurusan ijin P-IRT, membantu penjualan melalui media sosial, dan mendampingi proses inovasi produksi berikutnya, antara lain dengan mencoba berbagai varian rasa lainnya selain yang diuji coba pada kegiatan pengabdian saat ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-28
Frangky Selamat ◽  
Chairy Chairy ◽  
Hetty Karunia Tunjungsari

ABSTRAK Krisis ekonomi yang dipicu oleh penyebaran virus SARS-Cov2 belum juga dapat dikendalikan. Kondisi ini telah menciptakan banyak masalah bagi pelaku UKM di Indonesia. Melemahnya daya beli konsumen dikuti dengan perubahan pola konsumsi masyarakat mendatangkan sejumlah masalah. Sektor kuliner menjadi salah satu yang terdampak berat. Usaha stik tempoyak yang merupakan hasil kreasi dari seorang ibu rumah tangga di Jambi yang ingin menciptakan oleh-oleh penganan ringan khas Jambi turut merasakan dampak tersebut. Berkurangnya jumlah kunjungan wisatawan ke Jambi dan pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat memaksa UKM ini untuk mengubah cara pemasaran. Cara luring dengan kemasan produk yang sederhana tidak dapat dipertahankan. Kegiatan PKM ini dilakukan untuk membantu UKM binaan agar dapat bertahan sekaligus melakukan inovasi pengembangan produk. Kemasan produk yang menarik dapat dimanfaatkan untuk aktivitas pemasaran daring, yang  diperkirakan akan semakin intens pemanfaatannya sekalipun pandemi telah berakhir.     Kata Kunci: Kemasan Produk, UKM, Pemasaran     ABSTRACT The economic crisis triggered by the spread of the SARS-Cov2 virus has yet to be controlled. This condition has created many problems for SME entrepreneurs in Indonesia. The weakening of consumer purchasing power followed by changes in public consumption patterns has created a number of problems. The culinary sector is one of the hardest hit. The tempoyak stick business, which was the creation of a housewife in Jambi who wanted to create a typical Jambi snack, also felt the impact. The reduced number of tourist visits to Jambi and restrictions on community activities forced these SMEs to change their marketing methods. The simple way of offline with product packaging is untenable. This community service activity is carried out to help fostered SMEs to survive while at the same time making product development innovations. Attractive product packaging can be used for online marketing activities, which are expected to be more intense even though the pandemic has ended.   Keywords: Product Packaging, SME, Marketing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Kadek Adi Wibawa ◽  
Ni Made Devi Mayanti

Abstract. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic requires people to comply with health protocols established by the government, such as wearing masks, social distancing, traveling outside the house only when there is an interest, and diligently washing their hands properly and using soap. The Covid-19 pandemic has economic, social and political implications not only for big countries but almost all countries in the world. Indonesia is one of the countries affected especially on the economic side. Indonesia which is dominated by Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) needs to pay special attention to this sector because the contribution of UMKM to the National economy is quite large. The target of this community service is an UMKM that is engaged in the production of sewing women's kebaya and formal clothes. Based on the results of direct observations, there were problems faced by UMKM, namely the problem of lack of product promotion media and the absence of financial records at UMKM. Activities carried out include assisting the online promotion process by utilizing social media and e-commerce, creating logos and product packaging innovations, and making financial records for UMKM. In its implementation, activities are carried out online and offline. This community service activity is expected to help UMKM in the economic sector due to the impact caused by Covid-19.Key Words: The impact of Covid-19, UMKM, online promotions, and product innovationAbstrak. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 mewajibkan masyarakat mematuhi protokol kesehatan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, seperti memakai masker, menjaga jarak atau social distancing, bepergian keluar rumah hanya saat ada kepentingan, dan rajin mencuci tangan dengan benar dan menggunakan sabun. Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan implikasi ekonomi, sosial, dan politik tidak saja pada negara-negara besar akan tetapi hampir seluruh negara di dunia. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang terdampak terutama pada sisi ekonomi. Indonesia yang didominasi oleh Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) perlu memberikan perhatian khusus terhadap sektor ini karena kontribusi UMKM terhadap perekonomian Nasional yang cukup besar. Sasaran pengabdian pada masyarakat ini merupakan sebuah UMKM yang bergerak dibidang produksi menjahit kebaya wanita dan pakaian formal. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang  dilakukan secara langsung, ditemukan permasalahan yang dihadapi UMKM ini, yaitu masalah kurangnya media promosi produk dan tidak adanya catatan keuangan pada UMKM. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah membantu proses promosi secara online dengan memanfaatkan media sosial dan e-commerce, pembuatan logo dan inovasi kemasan produk, serta pembuatan catatan keuangan untuk UMKM. Dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan dilakukan secara online dan offline. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini diharapkan dapat membantu UMKM dalam bidang ekonomi akibat dampak yang disebabkan oleh Covid-19.Kata kunci: Dampak Covid-19, UMKM, promosi online, dan inovasi produk

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Fidia Fibriana ◽  
Miranita Khusniati ◽  
Ni Luh Tirtasari

The Women Farmer Group in Semarang was established in 2013, and it has been developing small businesses in the processing of local fresh milk into various snack products. However, the selling value has not reached the optimum results since it faces a problem in packaging quality. Therefore, as one of the goals of Tridarma of Indonesian higher education which have directed the university to care about problems in society, an accompaniment to the business was carried out for improving the quality of product packaging. There were three activities conducted, i.e.a, training; re-designing; and monitoring. The results of the community service showed that the program was highly effective to enhance the understanding of Women Farmer Group members on the importance of product packaging as a strategy of marketing proved by the results of the average posttest score at 80.55. Product testing to consumers shows that the new packaging could increase consumer buying interest in comparison to the old one. Also, with the new packaging, the non-preservative snacks could have a longer storability compared to the old packaging. In this community service activity, an empowerment model can be obtained and can be further developed.

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