scholarly journals Aspirasi Pendidikan Siswa Kecamatan Cisauk

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-21
Helsa Surya ◽  
Rani Rishanty ◽  
Leonarda Anggia ◽  
Juanita Putrianawati ◽  
Hadyan Dhiozandi ◽  

Although the Indonesia's constitution guarantees that every child has access to basic education, which was strengthened by the National Education System Acts (Legislation number 20 in 2003), there are still plenty of Indonesian children who do not have the luxury to enjoy education. Whether it was due to remote location with lacking facilities, poverty, or cultural factor, plenty of obstacle for children to enroll in 9 years basic education. This creates a cyclical pattern of poverty within the society. This paper intends to describe educational aspiration of primary school children in a village within the District of Cisauk, Banten Province, Indonesia. 81 students of grade 4 to 6 and 8 teachers in the school were selected as participants of the study. Data from interviews and FGD reveal that despite the relatively close distance to Jakarta as the capital of Indonesia, the village still lacks of education facilities for children to enroll and the social economic of the village provide a big stumbling block for children to enroll in education. Hence the students’ aspiration to get into secondary school is relatively low. The paper will also describe a social intervention program conducted by students of Master in Professional Psychology Program, aimed at the children, to broaden the children’ horizon that provide impetus for them to continue their education to the next level, as high as can be.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 174
Khafidhatul Khasanah ◽  
Wiwik Wijayanti

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep dan strategi implementasi pendidikan berbasis budaya Dinas Pendidikan Dasar Kabupaten Bantul, dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan jenis fenomenologi. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis interaktif dari Miles & Huberman, yang meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian adalah, pertama: Konsep pendidikan berbasis budaya adalah seluruh pengelolaan dan penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan sistem pendidikan nasional dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai luhur budaya dan menjadikan kearifan lokal sebagai raw input,  media, sekaligus orientasi pendidikan dalam rangka menggali nilai-nilai luhur budaya yang telah hidup dan tumbuh secara turun temurun untuk diaktualisasikan kembali dalam pendidikan.  Kedua: Strategi implementasi pendidikan berbasis budaya Dinas Pendidikan Dasar Kabupaten Bantul terdiri atas: (a) merumuskan rencana program, (b) melibatkan stakeholders dalam proses penyusunan rencana implementasi, (c) menetapkan rencana strategis dan operasional, (d) menyusun strategi implementasi untuk Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, (e) melakukan sosialisasi, (f) meningkatkan kapasitas sumber daya manusia, dan (g) mempersiapkan sarana prasarana untuk menunjang implementasi pendidikan berbasis budaya.Kata kunci: strategi implementasi, pendidikan berbasis budaya IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY OF CULTURE-BASED EDUCATION IN BANTUL DISTRICT PRIMARY EDUCATION OFFICEAbstractThis study aims to determine the concept and implementation strategy based education culture Bantul District Department of Basic Education, with a qualitative approach and type of phenomenology. The research data was collected by using in-depth interviews and documentation study. Data analysis technique used is the technique of interactive analysis of Miles & Huberman, which includes data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. This study shows two findings. First: The concept of education-based culture is the whole management and delivery of education implemented by the national education system to uphold the noble values of culture and make local wisdom as raw input, media, as well as the orientation of education in order to explore the noble values of the culture that has lived and grown for generations to be rebuild in education. Second: implementation strategy based education culture Basic Education Department Bantul consists of: (a) formulate plans based education programs of culture, (b) involve stakeholders in the process of drafting an implementation plan based education culture, (c) establish strategic and operational plans, (d ) strategize the implementation of culture-based education for the Education Unit, (e) to disseminate culture-based education, (f) increasing the capacity of human resources, and (g) prepare the infrastructure to support the implementation of culture-based education.Keywords: implementation strategy, culture-based education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
M. Rosul Asmawi

The implementation of educational program for all through distance learning is expected to match with the condition of Indonesia’s geography, demography, and culture that vary from one place to another. In terms of the implementation of the nine-year basic education compulsion program, Indonesia has carried out various programs, such as Package A (equal to elementary school) and Package B (equal to open junior high school) programs in many parts of provinces in Indonesia. This ‘open junior high school’ model has even been adopted as ‘open Islamic junior high school’ in other provinces. At the level of tertiary education, there is open university, as stated in the Act on National Education System No. 20 of 2003

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Daniel Mohammad Rosyid ◽  
Masroro Lilik Ekowanti

 If the social phenomenon is a reflection of nature's thought, our culture and value system, then the multidimensional crisis afflicting our society today requires us to re-examine our educational philosophy and practice at least the past 40 years.  We suffer all the bad influences of industrialization as part of the colonial process, precisely because we adopt the most advanced instrument, namely, mass schooling system with an obsession for quality-based standard as the magic spell. In this digital era, the effort of liberating society from the colonial, pioneer of independence as a condition of the proclamation of independence was a reform of the national education system. We should be scheduled deschooling society. This agenda includes the following: the paradigmatic shift from the school system to learning webs based Self Organized Learning Environment (SOLE); mass schooling to individualized, customized learning; of relevance to quality; of technical competence to the independence of the soul or creativity. This reform was way back on the three pillars of education philosophy of Ki Hajar Dewantara: family, community, and College. New demands upon the role of the teacher in the 21st century is changing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 87 ◽  
pp. 00089
Tatiana Shushara ◽  
Alexandr Alexandrov ◽  
Nataliya Delvig

The social development process taking place in Russian Federation, the development of new democratic society and its integration into the world and European cultural and educational space have led to an active innovational increase of pedagogical concept and experience, the example of which is represented by private education. The situation in the sphere of education development, determined by directive public administration rejection, the latest configurations of social and educational interaction construction determined the necessity to study the private secondary educational institutions foundation process within the educational reform and its integration into the national education system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-173
Edgar A. Burns ◽  
Bahar Manouchehri

This study of the rise and fall of nature schools across Iran in 2014–2019 shows the environmental and educational context of modernization during and before the Iranian Islamic Republic commenced in 1979. The account provides the historical and cultural context for understanding the nature school movement. Ecologist Hossein Vahabzadeh’s environmental entrepreneurship establishing nature schools strategically fitted these to institutional patterns of Iranian society. The later change of heart by the government, delicensing nature schools, curtailed an environmental education success story. Key discursive threads in Iranian culture, society and governance moulded the rise and course of the nature schools education initiative. Multiple intersecting causes identified continue in environmental education developments in the national education system. This outline of the social and cultural shaping of nature schools provides a basis for future scholarship to tell a fuller account. It identifies the nature school movement’s complexity, seeing beyond simple terms of good, bad or failed.

Yassin MEKLACH ◽  
Abderrahmane MERZOUKI

The secondary school performance of Ghomara’s students (coastal area of Chefchaouen province, Rif Mountain, Morocco) is deeply influenced by the cultivation of cannabis practiced by many Ghomarian families. To highlight this relationship, a field study was conducted with students, their parents, and other stakeholders through the adoption of a quantitative and qualitative sociological approach. It then appears that most of the students, especially boys, from cannabis families had annual averages assessment marks (AAM) less than 10/20. These marks do not allow them to continue their schooling. In addition, other factors are added to aggravate the already precarious situation, such as the need for manpower to carry out family farming activities, the social reluctance towards education, the inadequacy of education system to the labour market and the mistrust of the local population to the reforms of the national education system recently proposed by the government.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Lalina Coulange ◽  
Kari Stunell ◽  
Grégory Train

PurposeIn March 2020, with only two working days’notice the French national education system went online due to the coronavirus pandemic. This study explores the relationship between the move to distance learning, the teaching practices employed and the socio-economic context of the learners in French schools during this period. We ask how far the changes in teaching practices during the coronavirus crisis were influenced by the social context of teaching. And to what extent this context influenced the focus of the pedagogical continuity those teachers set up.Design/methodology/approachA review of the literature situates the study within the field of mathematics teaching practices. The study was carried out through a multidimensional analysis using multiple correspondences of the responses of 368 French secondary school mathematics teachers to an online questionnaire.FindingsWe found that the unprepared move to distance learning impeded the employment of dialogic practices. The socio-economic situation of the teaching was identified as a determining factor in the teachers' different interpretations of the term pedagogical continuity. Whilst those working in more deprived areas tended towards practices which focused on maintaining pupils' links with school, consolidation of knowledge and providing social/affective support, those teaching a more privileged public favoured tools and practices which allowed them to focus on the disciplinary content of their teaching.Practical implicationsThe challenge of maintaining dialogic activities – teacher education to combat inequalities.Originality/valueA quantitative study of mathematics teachers providing pedagogical continuity through distance learning for the duration of the crisis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 38-55
Muhammad Warif

Abstrak Guru merupakan seseorang yang tugasnya mengajar, membimbing dan mengarahkan anak untuk belajar. Guru adalah merupakan suatu jabatan khusus dalam dunia pendidikan, dia termasuk salah satu sumber belajar yang utama karena dari sanalah siswa/peserta didik memperoleh bimbingan, pengajaran dan pelatihan. Profesionalisme seorang guru di peroleh lewat pendidikan khusus keguruan atau latihan dan pengalaman. Kemudian menurut  Undang-Undang  Sistem  Pendidikan  Nasional  Guru adalah  tenaga  kependidikan  yang  berkualifikasi  sebagai  guru,  dosen,  konselor,  pamong praja, widyaiswara, tutor, instruktur, serta berpartisipasi dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan. Sejalan dengan itu guru menurut Undang-Undang tentang guru ditegaskan bahwa :Guru adalah pendidik prefesional dengan tugas utama mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi siswa pada pendidikan anak usia dini jalur pendidikan formal, pendidikan dasar, dan pendidikan menengah.(Undang-Undang RI,  2003;2).Profil guru ideal adalah sosok yang mengabdikan diri berdasarkan panggilan jiwa, panggilan hati nurani, bukan karena tuntutan uang belaka tidak membatasi tugas dan tanggung jawabnya tidak sebatas dinding sekolah.Masyarakat juga jangan hanya menuntut pengabdian guru, tetapi kesejahteraan guru pun perlu diperhatikan. Guru dengan kemuliaannya dalam menjalankan tugas tidak mengenal lelah, hujan dan panas bukan rintangan bagi guru yang penuh dedikasi dan loyalitas untuk turun ke sekolah agar dapat bersatu jiwa dalam perpisahan raga dengan siswa. Raga guru dan siswa boleh berpisah, tapi jiwa keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan (dwitunggal). Oleh karena itu dalam benak guru hanya ada satu kiat bagaimana mendidik siswa agar menjadi manusia dewasa susila yang cakap dan berguna bagi agama, nusa dan bangsa di masa yang akan datang.(Djam’an dkk, 2007).Kompetensi kepribadian adalah kompetensi yang berkaitan dengan tingkah laku pribadi guru itu sendiri yang kelak harus memiliki nilai-nilai luhur sehingga terpantul dalam perilaku sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Guru, Peserta Didik, Malas, Belajar   Abstract                The teacher is someone whose job is teaching, guiding and directing children to learn. The teacher is a special position in the world of education, he is one of the main learning resources because from there students / students receive guidance, teaching and training. The professionalism of a teacher is obtained through special teacher training or training and experience. Then according to the National Education System Law Teachers are qualified teaching staff as teachers, lecturers, counselors, civil service, widyaiswara, tutors, instructors, and participate in organizing education. In line with that the teacher according to the Law on Teachers emphasized that: The teacher is a professional educator with the main task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, evaluating, and evaluating students in early childhood education, formal education, basic education, and secondary education. (Republic of Indonesia Law, 2003; 2). The ideal teacher profile is a person who devotes himself based on the calling of the soul, the call of conscience, not because the demands of money alone do not limit his duties and responsibilities are not limited to the walls of the school. teacher, but the welfare of the teacher also needs attention. Teachers with their glory in carrying out tasks that are tireless, rainy and hot are not a hindrance for teachers who are full of dedication and loyalty to go to school to be able to unite their souls in physical separation with students. The body of the teacher and students may separate, but the souls of the two cannot be separated (duvies). Therefore, in the minds of teachers there is only one tip on how to educate students to become capable adult human beings who are capable and useful for religion, religion and nation in the future (Djam'an et al., 2007). Personality competency is a competency related to the teacher's own personal behavior which later must have noble values so that reflected in everyday behavior. Keywords: Strategy, Teacher, Students, Lazy, Learning

Moch. Yusuf Efendi

Indonesia's education system is still not able to fully answer the needs and global challenges for the future. The program of equity and improvement of education quality is a prominent problem in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the number of people at the age of primary education not included in the national education system is still very high. The education environment in Indonesia is still faced with a variety of internal problems that are fundamental and complex. In addition, the Indonesian people still face a number of problems from the basic education to higher education. The quality of education in Indonesia is still far from being expected. It is different from Finland. The government and people realize that a strong commitment to build and develop a national education system is a key determinant of the success of the state to maintain its survival as a small, resource-limited nation living in extreme and less friendly conditions. The development of the nation and nation stands on the pillars of innovation-based education and research and is fully supported by all components of the nation. This paper is expected to be an inspiration for readers to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.The method used is to use a comparative method with a literature review in which the literature related to the topics of the problem is collected, grouped, analyzed and formulated to obtain the differences that are then selected for development into the education curriculum in Indonesia. From the comparative methodology, there are several findings and can be applied in the curriculum of primary schools in Indonesia such as the education system, the implemented curriculum, and the teaching innovation and teachers.

Muhamad Nur ◽  
Khasan Effendy ◽  
M. Aries Djaenuri ◽  
Sampara Lukman

Abstrak Penyelenggaraan pemerintahan diperlukan sebuah jalannya manajemen pemerintahan yang maksimal guna dicapainya penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik (good governance) untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan merupakan tuntutan konstitusi pada Pembukaan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Alenia keempat. Pasal 31 Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 mengamatkan bahwa Pendidikan merupakan hak setiap warganegara dan pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah menjamin terselenggaranya sistem pendidikan nasional sesuai Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalis pengaruh implementasi kebijakan pengawasan, kompetensi aparatur, dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pengawasan bidang pendidikan dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan kuesioner terbuka dan tertutup. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara implementasi kebijakan pengawasan, kompetensi aparatur dan budaya birokrasi terhadap kinerja pengawasan bidang pendidikan dasar baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Kata Kunci: Pengawasan, Kompetensi Aparatur, Budaya Organiasi, Kinerja Pengawasan. Abstract The administration of government requires a way of maximizing government management in order to achieve good governance in order to realize the welfare of the people and constitute demands of the constitution at the Preamble of the fourth Alenia 1945 Constitution. Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution states that Education is the right of every citizen and the government and regional government guarantees the implementation of the national education system in accordance with Law Number 20 of 2003. This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of the implementation of supervisory policies, apparatus competencies, and culture organization of supervision performance in the field of basic education. The method used in this research is quantitative with open and closed questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the causality relationship partially or simultaneously between the Implementation of Supervision Policy, Apparatus Competency and Bureaucratic Culture to the Supervision Performance of the Basic Education Sector is entirely positive and significant. Keywords: Oversight, Apparatus Competency, Organizational Culture, Oversight Performance.

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